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* * * Did you know? The fouliest player is Bruce Wayne XVII with 2010 fouls.
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<b>SSP total lost : 951 in 76 played Games, and still counting...</b><br><br><table cellspacing=&#8221;1&#8221; border=&#8221;0&#8221; cellpadding=&#8221;2&#8221;><tr bgcolor=&#8221;#232d51&#8221;><td colspan="1" align="center"><font size="2" color="#ffffff"><b>How far we can go?</b></font></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="left"><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=540685">Final Season 3</a><br><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=588192">Playoff´s Season 6</a><br><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=611747">Final Season 7</a><br><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=668136">Playoff Season 10</a><br><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=group&op=view&at=1&group=1689&show=14632">Final Saison 26</a><br></td></tr></table>

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
9 2 4 7
Catch, Dodge
Block, Side Step, +ST
-st 16 4 10 1 0 1 41/51 180k
9 2 4 7
Catch, Dodge
Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Sure Feet
  13 3 11 1 0 3 53/76 170k
7 3 5 7
Block, Dodge, Leap
Tackle, +AG, Jump Up
-ma 6 1 9 0 0 1 33/51 210k
8 3 4 6
Block, Dodge, Leap
Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Sure Hands, Pass Block, Catch
-av 53 28 25 0 10 16 Legend
4 players  
Coach: Hellraiser Re-Rolls (100k): 4  
Race: Wood Elf Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 60k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1160k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:83 (34/12/37) |TD Diff:14 (217 - 203) |Cas Diff:-46 (17/15/13 - 38/30/23)
Last Opponent: Viermol Null ess Null

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
4 da friendsElf510k180/1/050k3 - 4640k190/0/040k23k
h-teamElf600k141/1/040k1 - 4650k200/1/080k38k
4 da friendsElf670k200/1/040k3 - 4870k230/1/050k36k
h-teamElf720k151/0/060k2 - 1850k11/0/050k58k
Pallid FourDark Elf820k110/0/050k1 - 3760k160/0/070k48k
4 da friendsElf820k111/0/080k1 - 11010k100/0/040k35k
Pallid FourDark Elf880k241/0/060k4 - 3980k150/0/050k56k
4 da friendsElf880k240/1/0100k4 - 11290k90/0/060k36k
4 ChaosChaos980k70/0/1100k0 - 31530k201/1/160k56k
Bremen VierSkaven940k90/0/070k1 - 2920k131/0/0110k64k
Pallid FourDark Elf970k151/1/060k2 - 21240k171/1/140k65k
4 ChaosChaos1070k90/0/060k2 - 31120k190/0/160k56k
Rattle Snake RatsSkaven1000k140/1/060k2 - 6840k331/1/250k50k
Brave New WorldWood Elf880k70/0/070k2 - 5920k260/0/050k54k
4 da friendsElf930k121/0/070k1 - 11120k110/0/080k42k
Word of DeathChaos1030k180/0/080k4 - 1720k111/0/050k42k
Pallid FourDark Elf1070k210/0/090k5 - 01680k100/1/110k59k
SchnittchenSkaven970k160/0/050k3 - 1660k110/1/050k42k
Rattle Snake RatsSkaven1070k100/0/170k1 - 41220k210/1/040k45k
Bremen VierSkaven1120k60/0/030k0 - 71250k311/0/050k46k
4 ChaosChaos1060k100/0/040k1 - 21240k161/0/040k46k
KackN00bsChaos Dwarf1120k90/0/080k1 - 31220k160/0/060k61k
Bremen VierSkaven1180k180/0/1110k3 - 21070k150/0/050k81k
KackN00bsChaos Dwarf1280k140/0/050k2 - 11340k101/0/080k62k
4 HamburgWood Elf1340k201/0/140k3 - 2720k160/0/070k22k
RoyalRumbblElf1430k140/0/020k2 - 2760k130/0/050k35k
Pallid FourDark Elf1490k210/0/040k4 - 21640k101/1/0-10k58k
Rattle Snake RatsSkaven1420k111/0/080k1 - 31630k190/0/170k73k
Ärger hoch VierChaos Dwarf1520k270/0/050k7 - 1950k100/0/170k50k
Tierpension Vier PfotenSkaven1620k291/0/050k6 - 1860k111/0/060k55k
KackN00bsChaos Dwarf1680k120/0/020k2 - 31420k182/1/030k58k
Pallid FourDark Elf1720k150/1/030k2 - 11720k111/0/070k71k
Rattle Snake RatsSkaven1750k90/0/060k1 - 41540k271/1/240k72k
Brave New WorldWood Elf1600k270/0/130k5 - 31450k191/0/080k72k
4 da friendsElf1660k212/0/150k3 - 21310k150/1/070k62k
Pallid FourDark Elf1760k190/0/070k4 - 01910k121/1/010k62k
Rattle Snake RatsSkaven1260k20/1/060k0 - 61680k291/1/040k75k
4 ZylinderNecromantic1300k140/0/130k2 - 21020k152/0/040k69k
4 FaithElf1330k180/0/150k3 - 41090k220/1/060k48k
4 times the painElf1410k160/0/060k3 - 21120k150/0/040k58k
Pallid FourDark Elf1510k220/0/250k4 - 02020k71/0/00k75k
Bremen VierSkaven1450k60/0/050k0 - 51190k240/0/0110k92k
Apokalyptische ReiterNecromantic1500k170/0/080k3 - 21230k150/1/170k78k
Dark side of KermitDark Elf1620k90/0/050k2 - 51420k240/1/040k59k
4 MusketiereHuman1640k100/1/030k1 - 3940k212/1/060k70k
Oh Boy... we are too fewUndead1510k110/1/010k1 - 21190k120/0/060k59k
Operation Survive!Halfling1530k360/0/220k7 - 0860k71/0/090k60k
4 EvangelistenDark Elf1620k241/0/070k5 - 1960k100/0/060k52k
4caElf1750k291/0/070k6 - 1700k100/1/050k58k
3 MC's and 1 DJWood Elf1880k210/0/030k5 - 0940k110/1/170k48k
Chaos ComboSkaven1860k200/1/140k4 - 3820k110/0/0100k71k
4 FaithElf1910k120/0/040k2 - 41450k190/0/090k77k
Hitchhiker'sChaos Dwarf1990k310/0/040k7 - 1790k110/1/070k51k
4 me!Undead2080k260/0/010k5 - 21100k130/0/030k58k
Oh Boy... we are too fewUndead2110k50/0/010k0 - 41390k222/0/070k68k
4 for 1Skaven1740k190/0/050k3 - 11400k111/0/080k82k
4 ZylinderNecromantic1830k211/1/070k4 - 01790k50/0/010k70k
4 EvangelistenDark Elf1940k90/0/040k1 - 41400k263/0/060k84k
Apokalyptische ReiterNecromantic1990k210/0/030k4 - 21530k130/1/040k84k
Dark side of KermitDark Elf2060k120/0/030k2 - 31440k150/0/040k67k
3 MC's and 1 DJWood Elf2110k171/0/050k2 - 21390k120/0/030k72k
Hitchhiker'sChaos Dwarf2210k110/0/030k2 - 21400k131/0/040k62k
Chaos ComboSkaven1940k100/0/030k1 - 61060k270/0/190k93k
4 FaithElf1600k110/0/060k1 - 41290k240/1/050k80k
4 FaithElf1610k180/0/040k2 - 41360k220/1/050k70k
4 for 1Skaven1640k60/1/030k1 - 31460k191/0/070k66k
Hitchhiker'sChaos Dwarf1300k110/0/030k2 - 21680k152/0/060k61k
4LiveChaos Dwarf1210k171/0/070k3 - 31620k160/0/150k67k
Creeping DegenerationNecromantic1260k251/0/070k5 - 11150k120/1/240k61k
Vier gegen WillyChaos Dwarf1280k100/0/030k1 - 31180k160/0/1100k64k
Les 4 IncrediblesNecromantic1290k160/0/070k3 - 31070k201/0/140k66k
4 ElementeDark Elf1200k150/0/060k2 - 31710k150/0/050k65k
Four the LadysDark Elf1290k120/0/030k2 - 21130k150/0/180k65k
Funtastic4Wood Elf1340k100/1/030k1 - 21660k161/0/040k74k
Viermol Null ess NullGoblin1340k280/0/030k7 - 01330k70/0/160k31k
Funtastic4Wood Elf1380k90/0/070k1 - 31510k200/0/150k56k
4 RingeDark Elf1280k80/0/070k1 - 2900k140/1/060k55k
Four Tea TwoDark Elf1360k140/0/060k3 - 31680k190/0/120k55k
Les 4 IncrediblesNecromantic1420k210/1/080k4 - 11020k80/0/070k60k
4LiveChaos Dwarf1420k110/0/070k2 - 31880k201/1/150k63k
4LiveChaos Dwarf1500k140/0/070k3 - 21970k130/1/040k68k
Go four itNecromantic1500k90/0/030k2 - 31460k181/1/090k80k
Viermol Null ess NullGoblin1460k100/0/050k3 - 1980k100/1/080k29k