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Location: Quantuckee
Nickname: T_T
Stadium: The Big Bucket
Surface: Greasy laminate

Colors: Blue and Gold (with Red combs)
Rivals: Khorntucky Fried Chicken


In a southeast region of the Chaos Wastes known as Quantuckee, was once found the tribe known as the Zinger Krushers. The tribe were devout in their worship of Tchar (Tzeentch), however engaged in an ongoing war with the neighbouring Golden Arches Tribe (led by a fearsome white-faced, red-haired daemon named McKhornald). The war was not going well, with the Zinger Krushers losing ground, lives, and worst of all, market share.

In desperation, Cluckin’ Bell – the tribe’s shaman – adorned his traditional red and white striped robes and ceremonial bucket hat, and walked alone into the Wastes, hoping to curry favour with Tchar. He sacrificed the last of the tribe’s food – a scrawny chicken – in a fire, pleading for their salvation. As he waited, he repeatedly struck a tambourine with a drumstick, while chanting the sacred litany of secret herbs & spices over and over. As the chicken charred in the coals, his empty stomach grumbled in protest, yet nothing happened. At last, the shaman could resist temptation no longer, gave into his weakness and bit into the scorched carcass, in the process burning and blistering his tongue.

At once, the winds of change howled, cerulean flames flared up, a tremendous thunderclap sounded across the Wastes and the smoke coiled into the form of a dread visage. The shaman cowered in fear and, not knowing what to say, quaveringly offered the tribe’s traditional greeting of “Hello Sir/Madam, welcome to Quantuckee, how may I help you?”. Tchar’s avatar began to speak, however to his horror, Cluckin’ Bell realised that he had been deafened by the clap and could hear nothing except the beating of his own black heart.

Long moments passed, and the smoke continued to speak as the shaman cringed, too terrified to voice that he could hear nothing. The smoke’s long-winded (and frankly boring) monologue at last ended with the threat “Blasphemer, never again dare to offend your god with any more of these paltry foul nuggets!”. Unfortunately the shaman’s hearing only partially cleared at the last, to hear the words “Any more of these poultry fowl nuggets?”. With that the winds blew the dissipating smoke into his face, leaving the shaman staring in confusion, his tongue burning, and tears streaming from his eyes.

Cluckin’ Bell returned to the Zinger Crushers camp where he tried to explain what had happened with his tender, blistered tongue. The tribe were bewildered by his watery expression and his ridiculous mispronunciation of ‘C’s and ‘S’s (which came out as ‘Tc’s and ‘Ts’s). However, believing him to have been touched by divinity, the tribe decided to rebrand and were reborn as the Tcharcoal_Tchickens (T_T for short). They abandoned their camp and the war against McKhornald, discarded their traditional red and white stripes for blue and red flames, their bucket hats for rooster combed helmets, and adopted the mangled communication style as their own.

The Tchickens then began travelling to seek out various chicken products to sacrifice in the name of Tchar. Upon each discovery, they would celebrate with a chicken dance, emitting rooster calls, clucking sounds, and other gibberings that could only be daemonic in origin. A worthy scholar once tried to decipher these ramblings, however could only make out a phrase that sounded like “finger lickin’ good”. This ridiculous uttering clearly makes no sense and only provides further evidence of the tribes’ warped descent into utter madness and depravity.

Tchar, amused at the tribe’s inane and pointless obsession, “rewarded” the unworthy shaman by changing him into the being now known as Turduckenax the Enigma. He has died many times over as punishment for offending his god; yet however many times he dies, he is reborn again – as a phoenix rises from the ashes, a nugget is reconstituted from offcuts and roadkill, or a bout of reflux recurs after a particularly greasy meal.

Blood Bowl provided the Tchickens with the perfect vessel and cover for their objective, allowing them to travel throughout the Old World, where they can undertake their insane poultry obsession. To this day, the Tchickens seek glory on the Blood Bowl field, to fulfil their pointless quest of earning moar monies in order to purchase and sacrifice chicken products to their avian god...




Wait, what?
Wilkinson Sword XIII Final: Winners (?!) to Snark Men
We hold the swert!!! 🗡


Greasiest team?

Wilkinson Sword X Final: Runners up to Anaxogoras' Diaper Service
Wilkinson Sword XII Final: Runners up to Wydrioth Wild Hunters
Sucker Cup XI Final: Runners up to Johnny Geode and the Rockslide

Past Players

Those whose goose has been cooked 🍗:

Turduckenax the Enigma




The Feather-Weight









The Parson's Nose


Turduckenax the Enigma

The Bantam Menace

Hot Wing




The Flocker



Southern Fry




Pot Pie

Los Pollos Hermano

*** Did you know...

The Tchickens are also known as the Tchokers (see team records)

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Pa Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
4 5 6+ 6+ 10+
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Pro, Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate
Prehensile Tail, Claws
-ag, n 18 0 0 0 4 1 5/24 150k
Tzeentch Warrior
5 4 3+ 4+ 10+
Extra Arms, Hypnotic Gaze
Block, Mighty Blow, Claws, Guard
n, n 46 1 2 0 17 5 19/32 200k
Tzeentch Warrior
5 4 3+ 4+ 9+
Extra Arms, Hypnotic Gaze
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Claws
-av 48 0 4 0 16 4 18/32 200k
Tzeentch Warrior
5 4 3+ 4+ 10+
Extra Arms, Hypnotic Gaze
Block, Guard
n 14 1 4 0 1 1 6/24 160k
7 4 3+ 3+ 9+
Big Hand, Extra Arms, Horns
Block, Dodge, +MA, Two Heads, +ST
n 47 1 28 0 4 2 9/50 260k
6 3 3+ 3+ 9+
Big Hand, Extra Arms, Horns
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Pro
n 49 0 9 0 17 3 11/50 180k
6 3 3+ 3+ 9+
Big Hand, Extra Arms, Horns
  10 0 4 0 0 0 6/20 100k
6 3 3+ 3+ 9+
Big Hand, Extra Arms, Horns
Wrestle, Tackle, Guard
n 47 1 9 0 3 0 8/28 140k
6 1 3+ 6+ 7+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
-pa 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/18 30k
6 1 3+ 6+ 7+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
Sneaky Git, Dirty Player
  49 0 0 0 0 5 3/24 80k
5 1 3+ 5+ 6+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
Side Step, Diving Tackle
-av, n, n, -ma 44 0 2 0 0 4 11/24 60k
6 1 3+ 5+ 7+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
  6 0 0 0 0 1 1/20 40k
6 1 3+ 5+ 7+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/18 30k
6 1 3+ 5+ 7+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/18 30k
6 1 3+ 5+ 7+
Dodge, Foul Appearance, Right Stuff, Stunty, Titchy
m 12 0 0 0 0 0 0/18 30k
14 players (+1 player missing next game) Favoured of Tzeentch
Coach: The_Squigadier Re-Rolls (140k): 3  
Race: Tzeentch Dedicated Fans: 6  
Current Team Value: 1920k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 145k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1950k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:50 (31/10/9) |TD Diff:39 (75 - 36) |Cas Diff:-13 (55/55/11 - 81/45/8)
Last Opponent: Snark Men

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Bloodlust BrigadeDaemons of Khorne950k131/2/185k1 - 0970k101/1/175k15k
Stumpwood LeafblowersForest Halfling820k110/0/065k2 - 01310k111/1/045k9k
Anaxogoras' Diaper ServiceDaemons of Tzeentch950k132/0/185k1 - 01200k60/1/075k15k
Escort Mission NPC'sIronbreaker1080k100/0/085k2 - 0960k82/0/065k13k
Passing TearsIsha1240k70/0/065k1 - 01150k121/1/055k11k
Snakes On This PlainLybaras1240k141/1/085k2 - 01020k81/1/065k13k
Glam CrabsSlaanesh1270k171/1/0100k3 - 01370k40/0/070k14k
Snark MenSons of Stromfels1350k111/2/180k1 - 11240k90/1/080k14k
Vauxhall SistersAvelorn1210k110/1/195k1 - 1930k111/3/095k17k
Blackwater All-EliteDaemons of Slaanesh1280k50/0/085k0 - 11280k70/0/095k17k
Cheeze Eating Blender MonkeezClan Moulder1300k202/2/090k3 - 01810k82/0/060k12k
Ginger Thunder!Slayer1440k110/2/075k1 - 11590k112/0/075k13k
Kingston FlyersEngineers1430k100/0/0115k2 - 11410k111/1/0105k19k
Half-CoolHalf-Orc1490k160/3/0105k2 - 1800k101/0/095k17k
DSR team BClan Eshin1520k162/1/085k2 - 11710k90/0/075k13k
Bloodlust BrigadeDaemons of Khorne1720k70/1/080k1 - 21480k243/4/090k14k
Diavoli BBCTilea1630k132/1/075k1 - 01310k81/1/065k13k
Mоurkаin KingsStrigoi1530k120/1/090k2 - 11410k132/1/080k14k
Anaxogoras' Diaper ServiceDaemons of Tzeentch1780k161/1/0100k2 - 21740k245/2/0100k16k
Anaxogoras' Diaper ServiceDaemons of Tzeentch1500k112/0/085k1 - 11760k154/0/085k15k
Slaaneshi Thunder!Slaanesh1800k131/0/070k2 - 11700k112/0/060k10k
Snark MenSons of Stromfels1810k102/1/060k0 - 21260k222/1/280k12k
Yama KingsNorthern Nippon1630k40/0/045k0 - 1990k174/1/055k9k
Johnny Geode and the RockslideElemental - Earth1660k70/0/060k1 - 11220k111/1/060k10k
Living in an Ethereal world!Ethereal1790k131/1/160k1 - 11220k172/3/060k10k
Wydrioth Wild HuntersIsha1470k110/1/180k1 - 01850k82/0/070k14k
[OSBBL] MoistElemental - Water1830k122/2/055k0 - 21230k142/0/075k11k
None More BlockBlack Dwarf1670k121/0/070k2 - 01360k71/0/050k10k
Highgate HellcatsAvelorn1870k130/0/075k3 - 01250k91/0/045k9k
Lustrian LeathermenSnakemen1890k80/2/050k0 - 11030k91/1/060k10k
Kick AzzDaemons of Khorne1870k70/0/070k1 - 01310k103/0/060k12k
Half Elf Half BiscuitHalf-Elf1870k203/1/170k2 - 11160k193/2/060k10k
Anaxogoras' Diaper ServiceDaemons of Tzeentch1570k132/1/065k1 - 11870k111/1/065k11k
Blood ShantiesUndead Pirates1810k40/0/085k0 - 21640k142/1/0105k17k
Sodor UnitedEngineers1860k70/0/065k1 - 01290k162/3/155k11k
Blood ShantiesUndead Pirates1750k151/1/090k2 - 11690k121/1/080k14k
Wydrioth Wild HuntersIsha1700k112/0/080k1 - 21890k110/0/090k14k
Stumpwood LeafblowersForest Halfling1860k366/3/185k4 - 01180k112/1/045k9k
Anaxogoras' Diaper ServiceDaemons of Tzeentch1710k202/2/080k3 - 01970k154/0/150k10k
Kick AzzDaemons of Khorne1900k201/2/290k2 - 11490k152/2/080k14k
Johnny Geode and the RockslideElemental - Earth1880k61/0/065k0 - 31540k193/0/095k13k
Bitterwood BushwackersForest Goblin1780k253/3/075k3 - 0760k61/0/045k9k
Scratch Lane DispersersClan Pestilens1820k182/2/070k2 - 01200k102/1/050k10k
None More BlockBlack Dwarf1540k90/1/065k1 - 11500k160/2/265k11k
Slaaneshi Thunder!Slaanesh1790k184/1/075k2 - 11860k121/1/065k11k
Peregrine's PoltergeistsEthereal1760k141/1/090k2 - 01220k102/1/070k14k
Cypress Hill GoblinsHill Goblin1950k111/1/065k1 - 11060k91/0/065k11k
I Got 99 GrudgesSlayer1950k252/5/085k3 - 01660k91/1/055k11k
Dark Lands Outreach ProgramHobgoblin Slavers2000k150/4/080k1 - 01620k112/2/070k14k
Snark MenSons of Stromfels1860k182/1/180k2 - 01780k122/1/160k12k