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* * * Did you know? The player with the strongest arm is Cherrystone Hotpack with 5758 yards passed.
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4 Vermintiders
Retired [X2] Skryre Slaves

<table bgcolor="beige" border width="75%"><TH bgcolor="grey" colspan=4>4 Vermintiders</TH></TR><tr></td>

<tr><th colspan=4 bgcolor="grey">Team Information</th></tr><tr><td colspan=4>

The most amazing touchdown ever made in this group:

</url> http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=693577 <url>

<tr><th bgcolor="grey">Stat Increases</th><th bgcolor="grey">Doubles</th><th bgcolor="grey">Injuries</th><th bgcolor="grey">Aging</th></tr><tr><td>Skritt Klawful (+ST, +MA) [RETIRED]</td><td>Frizzttizz (pass) [DEAD]</td><td>IIIII</td><td>Skritt Klawful (niggle at 76, 125 & 175) [RETIRED]</td><tr><td>Ratza (+ST)</td><td>Skew Witherpaw (prehensile tail)</td><td>IIIII</td><td>Skew Witherpaw (niggle at 125)</td><tr><td>GGGGG</td><td>Sneetch Headtaker (tentacles)</td><td>IIIII</td><td>Ratza (niggle at 76)</td><tr><th bgcolor="grey" Colspan=4>Past Star Players</TH></TR><tr><td colspan=4>Skritt Klawful (50 games, 201 SPPs, +ST, +MA, Block/tackle/guard/piling on/sure hands, n, n, n, 13 completions, 12 touchdowns, 41 casulties, 14 MVPs) [RETIRED]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=4>KKKKK</td></tr><tr><th bgcolor="grey">Biggest Win</th><th bgcolor="grey">Biggest Defeat</th><th bgcolor="grey">Top Touchdown Scorer</th><th bgcolor="grey">Most Violent Player</th></tr><tr><td>3-0</td><td>0-6</td><td>Skew Witherpaw (21)</td><td>Skritt Klawful [RETIRED] (41)</a></td></tr><tr>

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
4 3 1 10
Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
Block, Tackle, Guard, Piling On, Sure Hands, Pro, Prehensile Tail
n 56 17 21 0 31 11 Legend
4 3 1 10
Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
Tentacles, Block, Tackle
  6 2 5 1 3 2 35/ 190k
6 2 3 6
Dodge, Guard, Stunty
Diving Tackle, Diving Catch, Sure Feet, +ST, Side Step, Catch
n 51 9 18 0 2 12 Legend
5 2 3 6
Accurate, Hail Mary Pass, Secret Weapon, Stunty
m 2 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 60k
Poisoned Wind Globadier
5 2 3 6
Bombardier, Dodge, Foul Appearance, Secret Weapon
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
4 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: BrotherMarius Re-Rolls (120k): 6  
Race: Skryre Slaves Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 30k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1295k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:56 (17/6/33) |TD Diff:-79 (59 - 138) |Cas Diff:34 (43/26/10 - 27/13/5)
Last Opponent: 4 Peokkos

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
4 Hungry For FoodChaos Halfling800k191/1/070k3 - 0720k70/0/150k55k
4 Hungry For FoodChaos Halfling840k152/1/0110k1 - 0740k71/0/050k62k
4 Hungry For FoodChaos Halfling990k181/1/080k3 - 0800k92/0/0100k75k
4 Hungry For FoodChaos Halfling1120k162/1/050k1 - 0760k50/0/050k70k
4 Hungry For FoodChaos Halfling970k171/0/090k3 - 0820k51/1/070k72k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1030k191/1/070k3 - 11290k80/0/060k60k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1030k50/0/070k0 - 41390k200/1/0100k88k
Darksouled FeyElf1110k142/1/080k1 - 31170k150/0/070k87k
4 Poo FlingersHalfling1130k150/2/060k2 - 0940k71/0/060k77k
4 Smelly menUndead1160k161/1/0100k2 - 0990k60/0/070k81k
4 Rotting For FoodNurgle's Rotters1290k172/0/030k1 - 1970k101/0/0100k72k
4 Poo FlingersHalfling1230k100/0/190k1 - 31010k140/0/090k74k
IhmenelosetHuman1240k71/0/060k0 - 5940k201/0/080k80k
Aapelin haltiatHigh Elf1240k223/1/070k3 - 2830k130/0/090k76k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1300k111/0/060k1 - 11290k80/0/040k71k
Vampire Punk Rockers From HellUndead1300k111/0/040k1 - 2950k140/0/1100k64k
4 Piles of DustVampire1240k120/0/040k2 - 1700k100/0/050k58k
Lustrian FoursomeLustrian1280k101/0/140k0 - 31380k171/0/090k87k
Funky Mutated GitsSkaven1290k90/1/140k0 - 4730k221/0/050k57k
Highland KiwisHigh Elf1300k70/1/050k1 - 22060k110/0/070k87k
Devious FoursomeOld World1310k70/1/020k0 - 51530k231/0/030k60k
Snotties Hit BadSnotling1340k263/3/070k3 - 0710k71/0/050k70k
Innordinarily Large OafsOgre1310k80/0/080k1 - 31080k161/0/060k63k
Gnome QuartetGnome1340k151/1/040k2 - 21140k150/1/160k69k
Gnome QuartetGnome1340k231/3/180k2 - 01110k50/0/080k52k
Gnome QuartetGnome1390k70/0/130k0 - 11020k80/0/090k63k
4 the love of the gameSkaven1400k150/0/050k2 - 01330k90/2/050k79k
Vanity CircleDark Elf1480k00/0/080k0 - 5900k303/0/080k64k
CloverWood Elf1520k50/0/030k0 - 5990k260/0/0110k66k
4 PeokkosGoblin1560k221/0/060k4 - 2780k60/0/050k38k
4 PeokkosGoblin1660k262/1/230k3 - 2780k130/1/060k33k
Youkoso kiminiwa Fairyland!Albion Fae1750k90/0/030k1 - 1850k101/0/090k77k
4 PeokkosGoblin1670k140/1/040k2 - 4740k210/0/040k26k
IronwolfsElf1710k91/2/040k0 - 3800k140/0/060k69k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1770k60/0/020k0 - 61530k240/0/050k63k
Highland KiwisHigh Elf1800k92/0/070k0 - 42200k210/1/040k89k
4 PaulsOld World1770k50/0/070k0 - 61080k300/0/060k83k
Only 4 KhemrisKhemri1670k90/0/020k1 - 11210k142/1/080k51k
Only 4 KhemrisKhemri1660k101/0/050k1 - 11320k100/1/070k64k
Only 4 KhemrisKhemri1660k20/0/050k0 - 21410k110/0/030k57k
4 DaltonsOrc1660k60/0/040k0 - 31050k161/0/080k66k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1670k111/0/230k0 - 21520k173/0/030k63k
4 that SUCKVampire1720k50/0/030k0 - 61210k301/0/090k54k
4 PeokkosGoblin1760k113/0/010k0 - 2870k120/0/090k32k
4 BillsElf1790k71/0/020k0 - 5580k220/0/080k45k
Jub JubVampire1820k50/0/020k0 - 61040k200/0/090k57k
Jub JubVampire1850k51/0/040k0 - 41150k180/0/050k68k
Jub JubVampire1830k141/1/030k1 - 31150k150/0/080k54k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1860k90/0/040k1 - 41700k230/1/240k59k
Four ways to DIELizardmen1810k30/0/030k1 - 31700k161/0/050k46k
4 Sneaky SnakesSkink1330k142/0/050k1 - 2950k130/1/080k49k
Fo(u)r Zombie Smashed PotatoesUndead1370k50/0/040k0 - 3720k200/0/070k59k
Knees Are Our SpecialityDwarf1380k60/0/020k0 - 5990k200/0/060k51k
4 MonstersNurglings1370k190/1/130k3 - 0650k50/0/080k45k
4 MonstersNurglings1450k101/0/050k1 - 0680k102/0/080k51k
4 PeokkosGoblin1530k91/0/020k0 - 51020k271/2/060k41k