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This Team must prove all others, that Rat Ogres suck!
Well they tried for 3 games to setup one, but this were the lost games, this wild animal doesnt fit in an good team :-)
Lucky the beast died in his fourth game

Well after GAme 42 I try again to use a damn RatOgre...
Lets see how many TurnOvers this will be
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Storm Vermin
7 3 3 9
Tackle, Strip Ball, Spikes
  36 0 1 0 9 3 36/ 160k
Storm Vermin
7 3 3 8
Strip Ball
  40 0 2 0 1 0 8/ 110k
7 3 3 7
Pass, Sure Hands
Accurate, Safe Throw, Block
  36 26 0 0 1 3 43/ 130k
6 3 3 7
Pass, Sure Hands
Dump Off, Nerves of Steel, Big Hand, Block, Accurate
-ma, n 52 48 1 0 4 8 99/ 190k
7 3 3 7
Foul Appearance
n 19 0 0 0 2 1 9/ 80k
7 3 3 7
Block, Tackle
  20 1 0 0 0 4 21/ 90k
7 3 4 7
Block, Tackle, +AG, Claw
n, n 52 2 4 0 6 5 51/ 160k
7 3 3 7   4 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 50k
7 3 3 7 n 8 1 0 0 0 0 1/ 50k
Rat Ogre
6 5 2 8
Big Guy, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal
  13 0 0 0 7 0 14/ 160k
Gutter Runner
10 2 4 7
Block, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feet
  25 7 20 0 0 0 67/ 170k
Gutter Runner
9 2 5 7
+AG, Block, Dauntless, Leap
  28 10 11 0 1 2 55/ 190k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Block, Sure Hands
  11 6 5 0 0 1 26/ 120k
Gutter Runner
9 2 5 7
Block, +AG
  15 3 6 0 1 1 28/ 140k
14 players  
Coach: Storxx Re-Rolls (120k): 6  
Race: Skaven Fan Factor: 18  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 7  
Treasury: 40k Cheerleaders: 3  
Team Value: 2490k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:55 (26/15/14) |TD Diff:29 (127 - 98) |Cas Diff:-71 (40/31/7 - 79/48/22)
Last Opponent: Wicked Fangs

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
DuergarChaos Dwarf1000k161/1/040k2 - 21070k171/1/180k65k
Sisterhood of DoomAmazon1020k00/0/00k0 - 11000k100/0/0150k62k
Krondor Great EaglesHuman1010k181/0/050k3 - 01020k91/0/120k36k
HeatSeekersLizardmen1010k190/1/090k3 - 21080k131/0/070k54k
Repressed UncounsiousSkaven1150k181/1/190k2 - 21090k161/0/080k71k
Fanatic BeastsChaos1270k181/1/030k3 - 01270k111/1/140k52k
InfestedSkaven1300k210/1/060k4 - 11190k151/1/080k65k
Organized ChaosChaos Dwarf1400k90/0/050k1 - 01380k155/1/130k71k
AnimalsHuman1420k212/0/040k3 - 01280k60/0/060k46k
Black Vulcan PestilenceChaos Dwarf1510k120/0/040k2 - 21480k131/0/060k59k
Ducks of DoomDark Elf1580k120/0/170k1 - 31770k243/1/070k94k
Weak and Cowardly ElvesWood Elf1660k251/2/080k4 - 21690k212/1/060k77k
Protectors of the LightHuman1800k70/0/060k0 - 21710k152/0/050k78k
Doc Pain's CrewChaos1860k130/0/010k2 - 11860k192/2/050k51k
Black Army RenegadesChaos1730k100/1/020k0 - 21530k141/2/040k47k
Halflings On StereoidsDwarf1770k160/1/050k3 - 11450k163/1/160k55k
Bochum Spiders UnitedDark Elf1620k250/2/040k4 - 11420k161/0/230k63k
AnimalsHuman1520k270/1/040k6 - 11530k170/0/150k64k
Worlds Edge GiantsDwarf1620k131/1/060k2 - 01550k70/0/070k66k
U2Dwarf1710k130/0/040k2 - 11510k121/0/180k83k
Beyond Control IIChaos1780k180/0/040k4 - 01530k91/1/040k109k
Warrior WomansAmazon1860k180/1/040k3 - 31880k294/2/020k61k
Azraiel's RevengeWood Elf1940k161/1/060k2 - 11650k111/0/060k80k
Crusha BrothersOrc1970k152/1/050k2 - 11950k193/2/050k100k
warp FamilySkaven2050k313/1/240k4 - 62240k260/0/060k84k
Hellspawns IIUndead2150k151/0/040k2 - 22000k214/0/140k103k
Baron Sengir's TombUndead2230k140/0/070k2 - 22340k181/2/010k108k
Deepwood DancersWood Elf2270k184/0/130k3 - 42570k250/2/040k75k
Followers Of The CthulhuChaos Chosen2320k191/0/050k3 - 22390k233/1/120k84k
SongbirdsWood Elf2220k161/0/010k2 - 21700k170/2/030k89k
Funbbl CrewOrc2270k180/1/010k3 - 12170k181/3/050k73k
RavenswornDark Elf2310k200/1/110k3 - 21780k222/1/150k99k
Daywalker´sAmazon2260k130/0/030k2 - 21780k180/2/050k73k
Agro's FuryOrc2040k201/0/030k3 - 12000k140/3/030k88k
Mashing MachinesChaos Dwarf2110k130/0/040k2 - 31860k303/3/260k85k
Stora ÖdlorLizardmen2030k180/2/020k3 - 21660k141/0/080k94k
DarkDark Elf2100k243/1/050k3 - 32290k231/0/010k119k
Walmart LooterzOrc2200k90/0/020k1 - 22070k151/2/080k105k
Back To DreadwoodWood Elf2250k60/0/040k0 - 31730k202/0/160k115k
Untoter Marsch gen niederlageUndead1990k150/0/060k3 - 31890k315/1/150k115k
Alpha and OmegaChaos2080k173/1/050k3 - 02120k91/1/050k84k
Gorechild's SquatsChaos Dwarf2180k202/0/050k3 - 12020k102/0/010k94k
Evil UndeadUndead2280k91/0/020k0 - 22040k181/0/260k131k
Salem GlobetrottersUndead2230k171/0/070k3 - 12050k153/0/130k97k
Morgul FellreaversOrc2270k70/1/060k0 - 22120k171/1/080k133k
My 11 ThugzOrc2330k171/1/020k2 - 13060k110/0/00k104k
Elf-headcrackerzDwarf2380k132/1/010k1 - 32120k261/4/150k86k
Orchi ScorreggioniOrc2340k253/0/0100k2 - 01930k31/0/00k87k
Trromaville's FinestChaos2440k150/1/10k2 - 22590k213/1/00k94k
WoodsmenWood Elf2470k302/2/030k4 - 42350k280/1/060k129k
Fragging FroglegsLizardmen2550k100/0/00k1 - 32890k201/0/130k86k
Khornes KindergartnersChaos2510k180/0/030k3 - 32360k201/1/040k74k
Bloody MummersChaos2590k100/0/030k1 - 22560k192/1/130k98k
Elf soldiersWood Elf2590k200/1/010k3 - 33000k160/0/010k105k
Wicked FangsSkaven2640k160/1/00k2 - 21860k152/0/050k96k