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<sup>1/12/2006 18:29</sup>
<table border="0" bgcolor="black"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="white"><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=yearbook&team_id=192618&displaymessage=Welcome%20to%20see%20our%20yearbook."><h2>The path of the Pasifists</h2></a></th></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk" align="center"><td><h2>Our philosophy</h2> We might not be fluffy or nice-looking but our
hearts would be made of pure gold,
if we actually had one.

We will never make a block or a blitz to hurt.

We might have to try to get the ball,
but we aren't try to hurt you
but if you make it by yourself or
the crowd hurts you,
while you are crowd surfing like a R&R star,
there is nothing we can do but to share empathy.

If you want a hug, then just type:
and we'll give your player a group hug.

<b>We have a mission:</b>
to show everyone that we care.

Now we try to win a games vs every race,
to show that even a pacifist can win

One of our players is already on <A href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=stats&op=top10&status=active&division=5&race=16">TOP 10</a>
holding 1st place on top passers among khemrians.

!care made a larson <a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1369873">vs. Maharak Dead Boys</a>

Longest "0 cas game" streak: = 8 games

Teamlogo changed. Its lovelier now <3

[19:18] Kremei> ¬¬khemri are never pasifists
[19:18] habeli> Prove it...
[19:18] Kremei> no</td><td><h2>Black list</h2>

<b>Lick me</b>:
badly hurt a nurgling by blocking, dpl POW but still...
<b>I'm like a warm overcoat on a cold Fall night</b>:
-badly hurt a Chaos Warrior by blocking, dpl bothdown -> RR -> dpl pushback/pow
<b>Cake Maker</b>:
tried to strip ball from pro elf thrower but rolled dopl db and made mng
<b>Hugging Teddy</b>:
blocked elf blitzer and rolled block pow pro failed so he choosed pow and badly hurt him.
good that apoth helped him.
<b>Lick me</b>:
Killed a Helf linewoman, luckily the apoth saved him
And BHd +st linewoman in the same game
AND BHd 3rd linewoman before the game ended
<b>Play me</b>:
Sprained delf lino's groin, apoth didn't want to heal him
<b>Lick me</b>:
Killed a beastman of nurgle in when he blitzed off to get a TD
<b>Lick me</b>:
BHd one of the <i>Tiny explosions</i>
<b>Dump me</b>
Killed a fellow Khemrian, luckily he regenerated
<b>Hugging Teddy</b>:
Killed a linerat, we are glad that apo saved him
<b>Lick me</b>:
BHd Human blitzer from <i>World of Wonderful Races</i>
<b>Cake Maker</b>
Powed Delf thrower and BHd him
<b>Forget me</b>
Bhd two and Killed one Squig herder from <i>Baumschul Blodgers</i>
What can make such a nice skeleton to snap and
hurt <u>THREE</u> innocent souls in one game?
What ever it is, we hope it never returns.
for killing a skeleton, good that he regged
for RIPing a zombie, good that he regenerated
<b>Rub me</b>
badly hurt a slave
Badly hurt a beastman of nurgle while rushing for a TD
<b>Forget me</b>
Nigled a WD while trying to get to WE's half, luckily apo worked
<b>Hugging Teddy</b>:
Gave -av to a elf lino, he was glad when he saw apo saving him
<b>A shoulder to lean on</b>
For nigling a zon from lustrian team called <i>Cython</i>
good that apoth worked again
<b>A shoulder to lean on</b>
For niggling an Ogre Gorger, luckily he was saved by apoth
<b>A shoulder to lean on</b>
For decreasing a thralling's armor value,
apoth help him to keep his gear on
<b>Hugging Teddy</b>
For hurting a thralling
<b>Enlight me</b>
caused a MNG for a skink of Gods of madness<hr><hr>
<h2>Match Reports</h2><A href=" http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=report&id=916236">Blut Dregg in the Jar <i>vs</i> Pasifists</a>
<A href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1174919">Winter of our discontent<i> vs </i> Pasifists</a>
<A href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1369873">Maharak Dead Boys<i> vs </i> Pasifists</a>
<A href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1420502">Feed the Vampire<i> vs </i> Pasifists</a></td><td>
<h2>List of races</h2>
we haven't met those <b>bolded</b> ones yet

Chaos Dwarf
Chaos Halfling
Chaos Pact
Dark Elf
Eshin Adepts
Goblin Cheaters
High Elf
Nurgle's Rotters
Old World
Skryre Slaves
Squig Herders
Wood Elf</td></tr>
<table border="1" bgcolor="Black"><tr><th colspan="6" align="center" bgcolor="white"><h2>Longest winning streak</h2></th></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><b>Team</b></td><td><b>cas for</b></td><td><b>Score</b></td><td><b>cas against</b></td><td><b>Opponent</b></td><td><b>Race</td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td>Pasifists</td><td>0/0/0</td><td><b>2 - 1</b></td><td>0/0/0</td><td>Pump Up Das Bier</td><td><b>Snotling</b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td>Pasifists</td><td>0/0/0</td><td><b>2 - 0</b></td><td>3/0/1</td><td>Legends of Lustria</td><td><b>Lustria</b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td>Pasifists</td><td>0/0/0</td><td><b>3 - 1</b></td><td>1/0/0</td><td>wilde weiber</td><td><b>Amazon</b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td>Pasifists</td><td>0/0/1</td><td><b>2 - 1</b></td><td>1/2/1</td><td>Nurgle's Dreamer</td><td><b>Nurgle's Rotters</b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td>Pasifists</td><td>2/0/0</td><td><b>5 - 2</b></td><td>0/1/0</td><td>Tiny Explosions</td><td><b>Goblin</b></td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="6" align="center" bgcolor="white"><h2>Hall of fame</h2></th></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>#</b></td><td><b>Act</b></td><td><b>Amount</b></td><td><b>Status</b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmthrower2.gif"></td><td>Cake maker</td><td>2</td><td>Oldest</td><td>69 games</td><td>n</td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmthrower2b.gif"></td>
<td>Cake maker</td><td>2</td><td>Most completed passes</td><td>70 Cp</td><td>n</td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"> <td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmblitzer1.gif"><td>!care</td><td>6</td><td>Most touchdowns</td><td>17 Td</td><td>Healthy</td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmskeleton1b.gif"><td>Tickle me</td><td>10 </td><td>Most interseptions</td><td>4 It</td><td>RIP</td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmskeleton1.gif"><td>Lick me</td><td>14</td><td>Most casualties</td><td>8 Cs</td><td>n</td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmskeleton1b.gif"><td>Lick me</td><td>14</td><td>Most MVP-prizes</td><td>12 vp</td><td>n</td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmthrower2.gif"><td>Cake maker</td><td>2</td><td>Most starplayerpoints</td><td>103 sp</td><td>n</td></tr><tr><th colspan="6" align="center" bgcolor="white"><h2>Mummies</h2></th></tr><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmmummy1.gif"></td><td>Hugging Teddy</td><td>4</td><td>Most completed passes</td><td>6 Cp</td><td>-av, n</td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmmummy2b.gif"></td><td>!hug</td><td>5</td><td>Most Interseptions</td><td>1 It</td><td>RIP</td></tr><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td><img src="http://nickkelsch.com/bloodbowl/icons%5Ckmmummy1.gif"></td><td>A shoulder to lean on</td><td>16</td><td>Most Touchdowns</td><td>4 td</td><td>Healthy</td></tr></table>
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Anointed Thrower
6 3 2 7
Pass, Regeneration, Sure Hands
Hail Mary Pass
  11 4 0 0 0 1 9/16 90k
Anointed Thrower
7 3 2 7
Pass, Regeneration, Sure Hands
+MA, Accurate, Strip Ball, Safe Throw, Pass Block
n 82 71 3 0 2 4 104/176 180k
Skeleton Lineman
5 3 2 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
Catch, Pass Block, Shadowing
  36 1 6 3 5 1 40/51 110k
Tomb Guardian
4 5 2 8
Decay, Regeneration
Pro, +AG, Pass Block, Break Tackle
-av, n 82 6 2 1 8 8 70/76 220k
Skeleton Lineman
5 3 3 6
Regeneration, Thick Skull
+AG, Sure Hands, Pro, Kick, Block
-av 44 24 4 0 0 9 81/176 160k
Anointed Blitzer
6 3 2 8
Block, Regeneration
Break Tackle, Strip Ball, Shadowing, Pass Block
  43 2 18 1 2 2 72/76 170k
Skeleton Lineman
5 3 2 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
  22 1 1 0 2 1 13/16 60k
Skeleton Lineman
5 2 2 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
-st 18 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 60k
Skeleton Lineman
5 3 1 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
Diving Tackle, Pass Block
-ag 27 1 3 1 1 1 19/31 90k
Anointed Blitzer
6 3 2 8
Block, Regeneration
Break Tackle, Strip Ball
  8 0 6 0 0 0 18/31 130k
Skeleton Lineman
5 3 2 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
Shadowing, Pass Block
  19 1 0 0 0 3 16/31 80k
Skeleton Lineman
6 5 2 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
+ST, +ST, Block, +MA, Shadowing
n 81 1 5 0 8 13 97/176 210k
Skeleton Lineman
5 3 2 7
Regeneration, Thick Skull
Strip Ball, Diving Tackle
  36 1 0 0 1 3 18/31 90k
Tomb Guardian
4 5 1 9
Decay, Regeneration
Break Tackle, Pass Block
  16 0 4 0 3 2 28/31 150k
14 players  
Coach: Habeli Re-Rolls (140k): 6  
Race: Tomb Kings Fan Factor: 10  
Current Team Value: 2330k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 90k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2330k Apothecary: No  

Games Played:84 (24/11/49) |TD Diff:-60 (103 - 163) |Cas Diff:-144 (27/20/12 - 98/71/34)
Last Opponent: Superlagartijas

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
We Can FlyHalfling1000k110/1/060k1 - 21080k171/2/060k53k
Albion WaspsNorse1080k90/0/030k1 - 21000k201/1/350k51k
Nuclear LabratsSkaven1100k60/0/150k0 - 61240k341/2/070k52k
SkunkDolphinsLizardmen1150k70/1/030k0 - 11090k101/0/090k58k
Korhedron's ReaversDark Elf1190k60/0/050k0 - 31330k191/1/070k51k
Dullass CowgirlsAlbion Fae1170k110/1/030k1 - 01000k111/0/150k32k
DasChaosRegiertChaos Pact1230k90/0/080k0 - 41480k222/0/040k68k
Three BiggiesChaos Pact1310k210/0/020k4 - 0720k71/0/070k33k
Ordo InfernusChaos Pact1380k90/0/020k1 - 11660k161/1/250k56k
JaatajatSkaven1340k130/2/040k1 - 52060k322/1/120k87k
Bavarian monasteriesNurglings1300k71/0/040k0 - 11110k121/1/090k55k
Guardians of MidwinterWood Elf1270k80/0/030k0 - 31160k180/0/070k39k
Pure Race (U)Human1310k110/0/070k1 - 21390k191/1/240k49k
Ogre_KingdomOgre1280k50/0/040k0 - 21230k171/1/160k27k
Fr0zeNOgre1290k50/0/050k0 - 01270k131/2/140k47k
Earths Final StandHuman1280k70/0/060k0 - 11280k102/1/040k50k
Bavarian monasteriesNurglings1350k182/0/120k2 - 11150k151/1/160k38k
Gruumshs Crusher BoyzOrc1380k80/0/040k0 - 31570k192/0/020k47k
DefinderOld World1440k160/0/050k2 - 31550k200/1/060k52k
Why Rest In PeaceUndead1490k50/1/060k0 - 31340k160/1/030k50k
Narices y bigotesSkaven1550k90/0/060k1 - 41570k240/1/050k44k
ShawsChaos Dwarf1630k110/0/020k1 - 11410k100/1/040k42k
Flying AcornsWood Elf1600k100/0/00k1 - 31630k190/0/010k33k
Mighty QuoWood Elf1620k121/0/080k2 - 01260k70/0/160k61k
Eastern Finland All StarsOld World1720k140/0/040k2 - 11160k132/1/060k51k
Men shall rule youHuman1800k70/0/010k0 - 11920k141/1/130k38k
Shady ShadowsChaos1820k122/0/040k0 - 41660k272/1/040k53k
Blut Dregg in the JarOrc1820k120/0/040k1 - 22150k162/0/060k72k
Men shall rule youHuman1880k80/0/00k0 - 31920k252/4/020k36k
Smoke 'em if you Got 'emHigh Elf1890k60/0/010k0 - 32020k181/0/010k41k
Psychopathic SpecialistsDark Elf1900k90/0/020k0 - 21490k181/1/050k35k
Gentle HellhoundsDark Elf1870k110/0/030k1 - 41660k251/0/030k40k
Gods GuardianOld World1920k110/0/030k1 - 21360k162/1/030k49k
Scratch -N- SniffSkaven1960k140/0/050k2 - 11400k110/0/060k53k
Fallen CherubsChaos2020k60/0/00k0 - 32050k232/2/050k49k
JaatajatSkaven1870k132/0/020k1 - 32140k292/3/010k58k
Arboschs TreechoppersDwarf1900k90/0/020k1 - 21820k171/0/140k52k
Raiders AllstarsHuman1690k70/0/060k0 - 51800k250/1/030k68k
Da MutilatorzDark Elf1760k101/0/020k1 - 11450k121/1/010k37k
Da MutilatorzDark Elf1790k80/0/010k0 - 31720k220/1/030k49k
Stich slimy clanSkaven1810k210/1/130k2 - 31660k282/2/150k34k
Proud to be proElf1890k140/1/00k2 - 01110k80/0/130k38k
Nagronath NailersDark Elf1770k150/0/030k2 - 01000k91/0/170k36k
Betrayers of NurgleChaos1830k141/0/050k2 - 01360k102/0/050k51k
We Can FlyHalfling1880k60/0/040k0 - 21580k180/1/130k38k
Greased Warp-LightningSkaven1890k90/0/050k1 - 11570k194/0/130k43k
QuendendiliElf1960k101/0/00k1 - 21790k161/0/040k38k
Nice and Family-friendlyChaos1980k110/0/10k1 - 21690k192/1/130k46k
All That She WantsHigh Elf1960k152/0/10k1 - 22020k151/0/050k48k
Winter of our discontentDark Elf1990k131/1/050k1 - 21920k160/0/170k64k
Pump Up Das BierSnotling2000k110/0/020k2 - 11200k80/0/080k43k
Legends of LustriaLustrian2050k120/0/00k2 - 01400k133/0/140k35k
wilde weiberAmazon1800k160/0/040k3 - 11580k101/0/020k53k
Nurgle's DreamerNurgle's Rotters1880k140/0/130k2 - 11610k171/2/150k54k
Tiny ExplosionsGoblin1740k252/0/040k5 - 21730k130/1/050k39k
Kickass KrewKhemri1840k80/0/110k0 - 11170k141/2/080k61k
Nuffle's Pet HatredChaos1850k90/0/050k1 - 51660k374/1/160k55k
OipparNecromantic1890k90/0/060k1 - 21980k161/0/140k89k
Wild West LegendsSkaven1960k100/0/130k1 - 31990k291/3/120k61k
Ug Ug Ug RampageOrc1910k140/0/030k2 - 21990k171/1/010k48k
World of Wonderful RacesOld World1980k161/0/040k2 - 21870k172/0/160k62k
Gobbos of the ApocalypseGoblin Cheaters2050k180/0/010k3 - 21520k192/0/240k61k
Dark RazorsDark Elf1970k121/0/010k1 - 22250k160/2/110k42k
Baumschul BlodgersSquig Herders1980k192/0/150k2 - 11290k172/2/040k54k
Big Bad BollyfoodChaos Chosen2080k131/1/010k1 - 22060k150/2/040k87k
Offering To NufleChaos Halfling2030k250/0/040k4 - 21190k110/0/060k64k
Maharak Dead BoysUndead2130k281/0/240k4 - 32110k263/2/120k74k
Mini ratsSkryre Slaves2240k121/1/020k1 - 01500k70/0/050k62k
Death Death BringersUndead2280k130/0/020k2 - 01060k110/1/060k63k
Delirium TremensNurgle2330k111/0/020k1 - 12110k131/1/030k72k
Rhovanion PathfinderWood Elf2360k171/1/00k3 - 52010k281/1/010k67k
2nd edition Elf'sElf2390k160/1/00k1 - 22370k161/1/040k63k
Feed the VampireVampire2430k60/0/030k0 - 21810k191/2/020k58k
CythonLustrian2360k160/1/020k2 - 42090k212/0/020k69k
ZuzaBarakkaGnome2410k171/1/050k2 - 01170k102/0/060k63k
Machinae SupremacyOrc2500k100/0/010k1 - 12160k174/1/020k73k
Mini - Bashers from BradfordGnoblar2340k170/1/010k3 - 01000k100/1/130k54k
Lithas' BrothersWood Elf2400k140/0/030k2 - 22040k193/0/010k45k
Sleek Slurpy Slavering SlaversStrigoyan2460k221/1/010k3 - 01000k71/0/080k73k
Gods of madnessSkink2530k70/1/00k0 - 21000k221/1/170k53k
Habeli's Last TourEshin Adepts2490k120/1/00k1 - 11000k122/0/060k73k
Gorzligs DanglefangsGoblin2500k130/1/110k2 - 11060k131/1/080k52k
Naggaroth Dark FlashesDark Elf2260k100/0/070k1 - 22390k160/2/060k44k
SuperlagartijasLizardmen2250k60/0/040k0 - 31500k152/1/050k29k