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Once upon the time, a bit too far the laplandian coast... A dragon head was sailing over the water making strange sounds.

- "Tain de Brouillard, J'y vois que dalle... Olaf va me chercher a manger G faim !"
- "Heu chef puis-je me per..."
- "Ta gueule Olaf va me chercher un steack"
- *glurps*

A huge roar emerge from the lower bridge, followed by a scream of terror and a fat Schrounpch!

- "Chef! Chef! Ya Olaf qui vient de servir de repas a la derniere vache du bateau..."
- "Putain Johran je t'avais dis qu'il fallait pas leur filer de viande après minuit"
- "Depuis que hagbard a manger le chat, on l'avais dresser a chasser les rats. Depuis Chef elle est devenu complement schyzophrene et la elle me suis du regard , j'aime pas ca du tout"
- " T'en fait pas elle va pas te bouloter avant quelques heures vu qu'elle doit commencer par digerer olaf ... Sinon ca fait combien de temps qu'on est parti de notre banquise natale pour rechercher le royaume des dieux?"
- "Onze Barrils de grog Chef!... il reste plus que la moitié d'un tonneau. Tout l'equipage a les yeux rivés dessus en affutant ses couteaux. On va plus tenir tres longtemps"
- "Ok fo absolument faire quelques chose... Hissez la grand Voile !!!!"

The reminding crew put on the great sail. Just at this time a huge thunder storm suddently breaks the fog and strong wind began to burst. Getting stronger and stonger the wind turns the storm into a hurricane blasting the small boat away... the sailors were litteraly floating in the air and driven in the land far far away.

The wind stopped and the wreckrage crew just land on a nice green field with little landing airbags, known also as halflings. In front of them a huge team of Chaos beast and warriors a bit upsetted the disturbance of their diet half meal.

Still recovering from the emotion and still a bit groggy...
- "On est mort, chef?"
- "Ouvre les yeux Johran... Tu vois il ya du monde pour nous acclamer, de belles vaches bien tendres et justeuse, des Barrils de Grog a profusion, et meme des gars sur ki passer ses nerfs a grand coup de latte dans la face... c les vertes prairies de Valhalla"

A scream of joy and rage burst from every crew member's throat "Chhhhhaaaarrrgggggeeerrr!!!", while they were quickly covering the few meters separating them from their preys...

That's how they first land on a blood bowl field believing they went directly to valhalla, and they are still fanatic believers.

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 5 1 8
Always Hungry, Big Guy, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate, Wild Animal
Guard, Multiple Block
-ag, n, m 19 0 0 0 12 1 29/31 150k
6 3 3 7
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
Guard, Tackle
  20 0 2 0 6 1 23/31 130k
6 3 3 7
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 90k
6 3 3 7
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
Guard, Mighty Blow
n 19 0 0 0 6 1 17/31 130k
7 4 3 7
Block, Catch
+ST, Dodge, +MA
  19 0 11 0 2 2 47/51 170k
6 4 2 6
Block, Catch
-ag, -av 17 0 1 0 1 1 10/16 120k
6 3 3 7
Block, Pass
Dodge, Sure Hands, Accurate
  20 15 3 0 1 2 36/51 140k
6 3 3 7
  12 1 0 0 1 2 13/16 70k
6 3 3 7
  20 0 1 0 0 2 13/16 80k
6 2 3 7
-st 19 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 70k
6 3 3 7
  12 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 50k
6 3 3 7
Block, Pass
  7 2 0 0 0 0 2/6 70k
6 3 3 7
Block, Frenzy, Jump Up
Guard, Tackle
  15 0 0 0 0 4 20/31 130k
6 3 3 7
  15 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
6 3 3 7
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
14 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: Slywalker Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Norse Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 30k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1680k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:20 (7/5/8) |TD Diff:-6 (20 - 26) |Cas Diff:-15 (25/9/6 - 29/18/8)
Last Opponent: El canto del orco

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Bobo Ashanti OrderDwarf1000k121/0/0120k1 - 01000k00/0/00k52k
Black Beast BetrayersChaos Dwarf1140k110/0/040k2 - 11100k111/0/040k59k
Space LordsChaos1210k162/0/070k1 - 11210k162/2/040k67k
Silver FistsHigh Elf1310k112/0/070k1 - 01290k70/0/040k61k
Bergsburg BlizzardsHuman1420k174/1/060k0 - 11450k132/0/080k62k
DSM-IVrChaos Dwarf1510k100/0/010k1 - 11440k191/2/150k58k
Fat FightersOgre1460k224/0/130k2 - 21480k190/4/020k54k
ClaphatsNorse1480k91/1/050k0 - 21230k202/1/150k73k
Return Of GoodFellasHuman1480k110/0/120k1 - 11460k152/1/040k56k
Pleasure and Pain VIChaos1520k211/1/040k3 - 21490k140/1/070k63k
RagingGoblin's FuryChaos1610k00/0/00k0 - 11720k123/1/080k80k
Tasty!Undead1600k162/1/070k2 - 11410k132/0/180k66k
Gravedigger Blood GangNecromantic1700k212/2/030k2 - 11700k120/1/120k73k
PapsHuman1720k101/0/050k1 - 21820k140/1/070k75k
Goofy HatsChaos Dwarf1780k60/0/020k0 - 21690k131/0/040k65k
OutsyderzHuman1740k200/2/370k2 - 11830k204/1/140k78k
Royal Guard of DenerockOrc1860k91/1/010k0 - 01590k132/1/140k78k
Severd HeadzOrc1750k81/0/020k0 - 11850k172/1/110k51k
Valentino's BravesElf1780k121/0/130k0 - 41810k221/0/050k84k
El canto del orcoOrc1840k132/0/030k1 - 21930k224/1/140k78k