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Legend smack winners
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Chosen Blocker
6 4 3 9
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, +MA, Claw
  91 3 7 0 39 5 127/176 210k
Chosen Blocker
5 4 3 9
  6 0 1 0 0 1 8/16 120k
Beastman Runner
6 3 4 8
+AG, Dodge, Block, Two Heads
  20 6 12 0 1 2 54/76 170k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow
  32 1 1 0 6 5 41/51 120k
Chosen Blocker
4 5 4 9
+ST, +AG, Block, Guard, Sure Hands
-ma 84 33 29 0 6 6 162/176 250k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  11 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 60k
5 5 2 9
Frenzy, Horns, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal
Guard, Claw, +AV, Juggernaut, Juggernaut
  48 0 0 0 35 3 85/176 260k
Chosen Blocker
5 4 3 9
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle
  29 3 6 0 18 1 62/76 180k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Tackle, Block
  26 2 4 0 0 1 19/31 100k
Beastman Runner
5 3 3 8
Wrestle, Guard
-ma 22 2 2 0 2 1 17/31 100k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  17 0 0 0 0 2 10/16 80k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  5 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 80k
12 players  
Coach: PigStar-69 Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Chaos Chosen Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 2070k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 190k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 2070k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:93 (56/14/23) |TD Diff:60 (143 - 83) |Cas Diff:123 (174/107/61 - 123/67/29)
Last Opponent: [PMV] Want You Gone

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Rat'a'touilleSkaven1000k141/2/0130k1 - 01120k00/0/00k56k
NyxNecromantic1160k150/1/190k2 - 01050k132/2/050k55k
Fill The Grid ChaosChaos Chosen1220k152/2/040k0 - 31160k241/1/190k64k
Night StalkazNecromantic1230k170/1/170k2 - 01000k60/0/060k54k
Thriller PrincesNecromantic1340k120/0/040k2 - 01000k50/0/040k52k
Champions Forever!Undead1410k213/0/080k2 - 01480k100/2/070k63k
VCologneVampire1490k102/0/170k0 - 21810k111/1/290k127k
San Futuro FinestNecromantic1460k100/1/050k1 - 01580k81/0/020k73k
Muerte RojaKhemri1520k171/1/0120k1 - 01640k22/0/00k70k
Frente OrcoOrc1670k152/1/0150k1 - 01560k00/0/00k83k
Bunnies and VelvetChaos Dwarf1790k71/0/030k0 - 11760k121/0/040k79k
Bigemans Beer GutsDwarf1820k171/1/040k3 - 02170k92/0/020k89k
Rotting from GreedNurgle1820k122/0/050k1 - 11910k100/0/040k99k
Sleeper in MetropolisNecromantic Horror1900k110/1/050k1 - 12100k90/0/020k80k
Fullmoon HereticsNecromantic Horror1970k183/0/140k2 - 31740k150/0/050k74k
sangria don simonVampire1830k140/0/050k2 - 12090k90/0/030k78k
Frost BitesVampire1910k141/0/170k1 - 02220k60/0/030k88k
Nachtburg AncientsVampire1930k112/1/040k1 - 12300k141/1/070k121k
Chaos PoliticiansChaos Dwarf1970k112/1/050k1 - 12400k102/0/130k80k
Long-tailed LiabilitiesSkaven1910k143/0/020k2 - 01900k51/1/010k64k
Walhalls KomingNorse1870k212/0/030k2 - 11650k121/0/050k58k
No DPs is the way to goTomb Kings1950k172/0/070k2 - 01840k152/3/020k80k
Undead (2003)Undead2070k130/0/090k2 - 01970k50/0/070k131k
Trolloc UTDChaos2180k224/2/030k2 - 02150k60/0/020k96k
Empoli 1921 FCChaos Dwarf2260k183/1/060k2 - 12310k111/1/010k101k
Bog of Eternal StenchUndead2360k231/4/250k3 - 02280k50/0/00k87k
Half CutOrc2460k140/0/250k1 - 02290k152/2/040k69k
Rotten Flesh Is Our EcstasySkaven2540k152/3/060k2 - 22690k131/0/060k131k
Hans RechbertNecromantic Horror2550k101/1/10k1 - 02210k81/1/230k96k
Green Ninja AcademyChaos2440k213/2/240k3 - 22860k201/3/00k104k
Wolfgang and the BoysNecromantic Horror2320k175/1/060k2 - 11880k110/1/220k86k
Del Rio SidewindersHuman2280k181/4/170k2 - 12190k90/0/030k118k
Cowboys, YEEHAWHuman2390k193/0/150k2 - 02190k92/1/030k122k
Silly Stinking SuckersSkaven2480k153/1/030k2 - 02230k81/0/060k92k
Forest FoolsWood Elf2470k81/0/060k1 - 22360k160/0/030k136k
Axlotl AquanautsLizardmen2540k150/2/040k3 - 12020k182/1/150k126k
Karond Kar OverseersDark Elf2540k161/0/040k3 - 02490k81/2/040k145k
DwarksDark Elf2610k171/2/260k2 - 12140k120/1/060k102k
Chaotic SupastarzChaos Chosen2700k162/2/130k1 - 12640k132/3/010k139k
Orkish UndergroundOrc2760k52/3/00k1 - 12360k72/1/010k95k
Shadow AdeptsDark Elf2740k71/0/010k0 - 23100k140/1/00k119k
Foul Play!Chaos Chosen2720k153/1/150k1 - 12860k111/0/10k129k
WordsChaos2810k112/0/360k0 - 23090k233/5/040k161k
Hifflitik's RunnersSkaven2750k184/0/020k2 - 12510k101/0/050k128k
PharaohTomb Kings2660k193/0/140k2 - 02570k91/0/230k83k
Hanna-BarberiansChaos Chosen2740k161/1/240k1 - 12270k100/2/070k129k
Kaoticons in ColourChaos Chosen2830k191/2/010k2 - 12810k145/0/050k126k
Pluie de sangNecromantic2880k304/2/240k2 - 12970k100/1/060k162k
85ersDwarf2920k131/1/00k1 - 12840k140/2/010k127k
StereotypezOrc2960k181/1/030k3 - 02750k81/1/030k140k
Sneaky Gits incChaos Dwarf3030k141/2/010k1 - 22730k218/1/130k142k
Girly PowerAmazon2910k81/1/020k0 - 22590k237/1/120k129k
Stammtisch ZurichDwarf2860k293/2/120k3 - 22390k161/0/250k137k
Voices from the DarkSkaven2630k173/3/070k1 - 22990k142/1/050k173k
Decayed CheeseSkaven2600k153/0/250k0 - 22500k150/1/150k166k
OgrosOgre2670k204/0/110k3 - 02610k50/0/030k108k
EvilsChaos2650k232/2/230k3 - 02950k113/0/010k123k
Elemental ChaosChaos Chosen2730k161/3/060k1 - 22420k130/0/060k146k
Foul Play!Chaos Chosen2780k122/3/30k1 - 22890k244/1/310k124k
Once Were FishermenUndead2360k213/2/230k2 - 11890k182/1/240k104k
Low FewGoblin2120k293/2/560k2 - 01910k70/1/030k83k
Beest StingsNurgle2250k111/0/080k1 - 02320k71/0/030k126k
TxurtAmazon2350k222/1/260k2 - 02320k61/0/040k117k
LolorolololorolololoroloElven Union2460k132/0/120k2 - 12400k121/0/120k120k
VammazzoTomb Kings2500k92/0/010k0 - 12310k166/1/020k119k
Raine's Task ForceChaos Renegade2170k143/0/160k1 - 02270k101/1/010k41k
Dead VictoryShambling Undead2010k160/1/040k2 - 12030k155/0/060k39k
Chaotic TidesChaos Renegade2150k214/1/070k2 - 02070k70/1/050k37k
BonetroopersTomb Kings1990k210/3/080k3 - 01990k92/0/040k41k
Cloverfield Corpse CarriersShambling Undead2270k213/1/070k2 - 02390k133/0/010k36k
Very Mean GirlsAmazon2290k171/2/170k1 - 22230k141/0/030k45k
Bloodgorge MaraudersOrc2080k132/2/080k1 - 12020k140/0/370k41k
Rag and BoneTomb Kings1900k101/0/170k0 - 02040k101/2/060k33k
Loki's Crazed VikingsNorse1890k274/2/190k3 - 02080k80/1/050k28k
Stinky GuysNurgle1880k162/1/060k2 - 12050k153/0/150k36k
Raine's Task ForceChaos Renegade2120k191/3/160k1 - 12120k131/0/040k42k
Snottts suckOgre2110k202/3/030k1 - 21930k141/0/070k30k
Bordeaux 1985Chaos Chosen2100k192/2/040k1 - 22010k133/1/160k32k
Rat VomitorySkaven1770k245/0/050k3 - 11890k122/0/030k40k
Finesse DeluxeWood Elf2040k151/2/150k1 - 02060k122/0/070k36k
Saltimbanquis cabreadosSlann2040k133/1/060k0 - 12060k193/2/170k37k
Dudley NightshadesDark Elf1890k193/2/090k2 - 11860k130/0/060k30k
Menschen, Tiere, SensationenHuman2050k80/1/060k1 - 22240k212/2/070k30k
Orgullo EspartanoChaos Chosen1960k262/4/130k3 - 02010k102/0/030k41k
Flowered Plants of the ForestWood Elf2120k153/1/030k0 - 12210k141/1/050k34k
SkunkyDark Elf1930k101/0/120k1 - 12040k121/0/030k35k
Skavenblight Fury!Skaven2170k253/2/370k2 - 11860k121/2/070k35k
Souless SlayersShambling Undead1980k101/0/020k1 - 21960k203/3/080k35k
Resevoir Dogs IIHuman1750k171/1/340k1 - 31770k160/0/060k28k
Vi[R]usNurgle2100k222/2/170k2 - 12070k162/2/060k30k
Zharr-Naggrund CowboysChaos Dwarf1890k152/0/060k2 - 11880k131/1/030k34k
Knuckles of KhorneChaos Chosen2050k214/0/060k2 - 12000k100/0/070k24k
[PMV] Want You GoneSkaven2130k121/0/110k1 - 21860k131/0/080k32k