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These are high elves that never were allowed to be themselves.
Were never taught how to swear, nor learning how to swim or brag about themselves.
Let alone how to treat women unproperly... to be a real PIRATE!
(yes, I already dislike them myself)
All they got was boring poetry and sugarsweet music...

So - In the name of DisSocial UnBehaviour and Radical Arrogance -
- they decided to flee to the great sea and vanish. Not to be heard of again.

Now - 753 years later...
tHeY aRe bAcK ! ! !

The first highelven bloodbowling PIRATES ever to be seen! ...
And as drunk as any dwarf or troll!
At a pitch near you. Or a theatre. Or in a bar.
Or... you get it. Stop reading! Baschtardsch!

Oh, and its my first and only team so far that was renamed by an admin.

Runner ups in Lustrian Challenge V Group 1 Playoff.

--- Fumbbl Cup XII, 2nd game vs human team TIA Returns ---
My elves recieve. Get the ref.
I try to foul his dp off the field, but after some turns my dp is fouled by his instead. That dp steals the show in first half. 10 blocks and 3 fouls generates 6 elves out after 5 turns. And my ag-strip-leaper dies, apo kills as well. I score atleast in turn 8, but Riot and an easy 2 turn score to 1-1 for the humans vs my 5 elves. Everything went the humans way this half, and when that happens its not much to do. PacoSillas played it very nicely as well.
So not much hope what so ever for 2nd half.
And it continued. By turn 2 or 3 of 2nd half I had one (1) player prone and clicked my way through to turn 8. The kickoff for my 4 elves was another bribe. Ended the game with two bribes... totally awful. Thankful that I was in a good mood the whole game atleast.

--- WoC IV: Champion Of Tzeentch ---
Lost in the first round vs PC´s dorfs. Rolled snakes several times in game-deciding places and that pretty much ruined my chances. Managed somehow to get to OT, and even stole the ball though PC recieved. But snaked without rr when I was going to protect the ball and the win. Good fun and weird fun.

--- Black Cup III ---
Lost in the first game vs lepazuris nurgle. Killed his superstar pestigor on the first block, 127 spp, claw-mb-po-tackle-bl.

--- WoC II ---
Champion Of Slaanesh Qualifier. Lost against Rafadavila´s dump-off Elves in the semifinal. It was a nightmare, from start to turn 16. the NoS-players didnt fail a single thing basically, except a double snake early, but I snaked as well when I dodged for the ball. Somehow I managed to score in the end...

--- CoS III ---
First game of CoS III, qualifier II vs Malmir´s woodies.
I had all the luck, from start to end. Says it all. Malmir had nothing, not the wiz, not the dodges, not the dice on my ballcarrier, nor the hitpower. Ten-tummed-Thommion Jr´s son killed two woodies. A hard early pressure on the ball payed off, but very risky vs two extrafast extraagile wardancers (stats 10357 and 9357). My two mb-tl´s did 50% (19/38) of the blocks. I didnt think it was possible to win vs Malmir with 3-0. As in impossible.

2nd round vs Svens highelves Cynwall Sidesteppers
I was so sure I was doomed after first half. I did the idiotic thing to give the ball to the move10 catcher with wrestle... And after an odd lag that "stunned" my ballholder Svens got an easy shot on the ball and did a beautiful punt towards my endzone that was rewarded with a failed pickup from my side and 0-1. Then I did a two-turner with the help of an ag5-leaper. Svens had to face three elves with ss on los, but with quicksnap and some great coaching he managed to be pushed two squares and did 2-1 and recieved in 2nd half. 10 vs 10 in players if I dont recall wrong. An aggressive defence from my side and still being careful enough to look out for Svens´ st5mbtl-monster and others that tried to run for my endzone made Svens a bit shaky I hope, especially when my daunt-mb-tl managed to stun that stat-freak. Svens tried to break free and carry the ball on one side of my half. Luckily I have fast players and managed to get an easy 2 dice on the ballholder, mng and a lucky bounce, which gave my superstar thrower a gfi without rr and a 3+ pass to a catcher in the endzone. 2-2 in turn 14. I was sure svens would score on me after that, especially since he was allowed to give the ball to anyone from a lousy scatter. But, the stat-freak who got the ball didnt manage to bring my player down with 6 dice, failed the dodge and needed two gfi to be safe. And fell on the last and gave me a great scatter. My dp passed to my move10-catcher who managed to rush it in the endzone in turn 16. Odd game. My hope was to get to ot, never could I imagine that it would end at full time in my favour. Svens deserved the win here, did some great plays and used his agile elves way more wisely than me.

Semifinal vs the defending champions!!!
Oh my, luckily I didnt think too much about that!
Pregame: I bought a wiz. Gave away a babe. Totally worth it.
A good, tight, fun game with a hard, social and powerful chat. I did first TD in turn 6 after I nailed one of his extra-scary monsters very early. Then I saw a hole in the defence on turn 7, wizzed which got the ballcarrier off the pitch I think, but I failed with the ag5-pass to a fast catcher. Luckily a warrior without block hit and with 0 rrs that was a turnover, giving me a shot on the protecting beast and pushed him away. Ag5 to the rescue, handoff and 2-0 at halftime. JimmyFantastic put all on one card in the second half, tried to lock me in, but I managed some 3+ dodges and got 2 dice and ballcarrier and 3-4 elves managed to outrun the nurgles and 3-0. 3-1 came in turn 16. But the most amazing thing happend AFTER the game, since if you remember our former teamname were Bluuudy Baschtardz or something similar. But a rich sheikh bought us directly after the game, named us Bluuudy Bees but then CIA came and "bought" us again so now we are Bluuudy Braggers! We are slightly shocked, but no harm done and it was all done in perfect harmony. Respect to the admins for that! Bluuudy Braggers kicked the defending team out, will be a fun quali-final whatever happens. ;-D

The Quali-final
After winning over former champs of CoS Griefers another nurgleteam with almost exactly the same build showed up.
Three specific mistakes made me loose the game.
The first was a badly used wiz, which fizzed. But it was the time when I decided to use it which was terribly wrong. And I got punished by nuffle for not knowing better. ;-D
The other was that I didnt count when going for the ott at turn 16. The thrower would had done the job without using a rr but I overestimated DistPres, a rr which was needed when my oneturner fell on the goalline, so close of winning the game and the quali.
The third I just realised was that I should had gone for Nurglets ballholder with my mb-blitzes, I had several options but choose his hitters. That was stupid since I have a great ballstealer.
Both teams did 2 cas. lol.
On the other hand, I had three (3!) elves sent off, where two of them was with a bribe from kickoffs. SO I guess that evened out the cas-difference that is so common when playing clawpombers.
My daunt-mb-catcher did 17 blocks...! Has to be some kind of record for me.

My main Box-major tournament team.

Crappy stats vs cds, ogres(!) and vamps so far!
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 3 4 8
Fend, Wrestle
  15 2 4 0 1 2 26/31 110k
7 3 4 8
Tackle, Dodge, Side Step, Guard
  64 4 3 0 11 5 60/76 190k
6 3 4 8
  12 1 0 0 1 2 13/16 90k
6 3 4 8   4 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
6 3 4 8   3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
7 3 4 8
Dodge, Fend, Side Step
  17 3 4 0 4 2 33/51 160k
5 3 5 8
+AG, Block
-ma 36 7 1 0 0 3 25/31 130k
6 3 4 8   1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
6 3 4 8
Pass, Safe Throw
Sure Hands, Accurate, Dodge, Block, Leader
  71 86 3 1 6 5 134/176 190k
10 3 4 7
+MA, +MA, Dodge, Wrestle, Sprint
n 58 10 34 0 0 8 152/176 210k
8 3 4 7
Guard, Dodge
  7 1 5 0 0 0 16/31 140k
9 3 4 7
+MA, Dodge
  5 0 3 0 0 3 24/31 140k
12 players  
Coach: Dhaktokh Re-Rolls (100k): 3  
Race: High Elf Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 1860k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 100k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1860k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:72 (40/15/17) |TD Diff:58 (138 - 80) |Cas Diff:-49 (61/46/22 - 103/56/19)
Last Opponent: Dirty Potato

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
BurgundyNorse1000k161/0/050k2 - 11000k110/0/180k71k
Colorfull darkness_DKNurgle1010k190/0/080k4 - 01310k102/0/060k63k
Pwning PeonsOrc1130k111/0/080k1 - 21340k214/0/080k61k
Thief of TimeChaos Chosen1220k170/0/1100k3 - 01440k152/0/170k73k
GreyboxOgre1240k90/0/050k1 - 11420k120/2/170k63k
[B]ig Bad UglyOgre1230k100/0/080k1 - 21300k173/0/070k63k
[B]lack GloveElven Union1330k201/3/070k2 - 21360k171/2/020k53k
VodkazOrc1440k110/1/070k1 - 21340k130/0/160k61k
I Witch You a Merry ChristmasDark Elf1440k202/1/050k2 - 21320k141/0/040k49k
FC FoulersHuman1530k210/0/040k4 - 11490k91/0/060k52k
Menzoberranzan BladesDark Elf1610k193/0/040k2 - 11750k80/0/040k59k
Shame on Gary first ever bonesTomb Kings1660k140/0/240k1 - 21950k130/1/070k32k
Furious HatsChaos Dwarf1650k150/1/070k2 - 11620k151/3/020k29k
Men Of ColourOrc1520k210/1/050k4 - 01600k71/0/050k22k
Random Name Generators v2.0Nurgle1750k130/2/150k0 - 21760k171/2/140k36k
Plague and Decay VNurgle1580k121/0/030k1 - 11550k162/1/150k38k
ParlamenChaos Renegade1590k281/1/060k5 - 01590k101/1/060k27k
Spawns of NurgleNurgle1750k140/1/070k2 - 11780k101/0/060k28k
Not our Foul(t)Necromantic Horror1780k221/1/180k3 - 11670k101/0/010k31k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1860k231/1/140k4 - 11770k111/0/020k24k
Green CherriesLizardmen1870k150/1/080k2 - 01840k91/1/030k35k
'Roid Rage [B]abesChaos Chosen1820k151/0/040k2 - 11830k162/0/220k27k
Slaanesh ColleaguesDark Elf1870k111/1/060k1 - 11770k130/1/050k36k
Ain't we lameAmazon1840k214/1/170k2 - 21940k140/0/030k28k
What If You MissChaos Dwarf1990k152/0/050k1 - 11870k102/1/070k27k
Rattus FugitSkaven1900k212/0/050k3 - 11840k192/1/040k32k
Foul in the BoxChaos Dwarf1950k81/0/020k0 - 11900k141/1/080k34k
Fury of Winter IVNorse1850k90/1/040k0 - 21770k133/0/060k43k
Hunting for a WhinerOrc1990k200/0/260k3 - 01900k80/1/020k33k
Rotting CheesNurgle1920k211/2/080k2 - 01870k112/3/010k33k
AbuseZoneChaos Renegade1910k271/3/050k3 - 01680k101/1/060k33k
Rollers of DeathDwarf2050k192/0/050k2 - 01830k132/2/030k39k
Blatant FoulChaos Chosen1990k150/0/070k2 - 21790k171/1/080k36k
Team SpainWood Elf2210k160/0/060k2 - 11840k111/1/050k36k
White Isle IngressWood Elf2170k100/0/050k1 - 22050k150/2/020k36k
dubiworldUnderworld Denizens1970k191/2/040k2 - 01920k114/0/010k33k
Really Repugnant RottersNurgle2270k170/3/040k1 - 12340k163/0/170k25k
Let me entertain uTomb Kings2190k230/3/060k3 - 12090k101/1/030k30k
Da Smash PaktOrc2090k171/0/180k2 - 11990k82/0/030k35k
ElfukaiWood Elf2410k211/2/060k3 - 02040k60/0/060k31k
A'berath DigladiateElven Union2430k182/0/180k2 - 12370k131/0/150k42k
BileBoxElven Union2310k90/0/020k1 - 31910k232/1/070k38k
Box Gor-rinosNurgle2100k140/0/230k1 - 22040k152/0/020k28k
Beverly BlackwaterChaos Chosen2060k171/1/060k1 - 02170k90/1/050k39k
Hells Belle's Roller GirlsAmazon2100k234/0/180k2 - 01900k71/0/060k30k
Back in [B]lackChaos Dwarf2320k132/0/160k0 - 11880k144/0/070k37k
7 Day WonderWood Elf2310k211/0/270k3 - 02120k70/0/010k39k
Cynwall Sidesteppers [B]High Elf2290k253/1/060k3 - 22230k151/1/040k31k
Griefers Gonna GriefNurgle2110k200/2/170k3 - 12200k164/2/030k32k
Oulun NurgletNurgle2050k132/0/040k1 - 22310k211/1/030k41k
Keine Gnade!Chaos Dwarf2170k80/0/120k0 - 12090k225/1/130k37k
Negative PurpleDwarf2110k100/1/050k1 - 21860k152/1/050k40k
New Order of ChaosChaos Renegade1940k202/1/160k2 - 11510k110/1/070k33k
TIA ReturnsHuman1830k120/0/140k1 - 21870k173/1/160k35k
Sartosa Sea WolvesHuman1820k241/0/080k4 - 01630k183/1/230k26k
D3Tomb Kings1770k130/0/030k2 - 21760k152/1/040k39k
ReGeneration GameNecromantic Horror1670k172/0/060k3 - 21700k170/3/160k39k
KNOTomb Kings1800k160/1/050k2 - 21750k212/3/060k31k
Grrl PowARR!Elven Union1520k181/0/020k2 - 21410k161/1/040k31k
Tribute to CrossdressersAmazon1780k151/1/020k1 - 31670k223/1/060k22k
KNETomb Kings1840k170/1/170k2 - 11910k121/1/030k24k
Hanson's RoughridersLizardmen1730k172/0/050k2 - 01880k72/0/020k32k
CheesedorfsChaos Dwarf1950k141/2/050k2 - 12120k141/0/230k30k
New Vamps on the BloodVampire1670k120/1/050k1 - 21990k171/1/050k39k
SkullhuntersChaos Chosen1550k214/1/070k3 - 11490k80/0/030k29k
Elftown PrivateersElven Union1790k140/0/070k2 - 01680k132/1/050k28k
Nurgle BombNurgle1770k160/0/050k2 - 21740k161/0/180k33k
Rag N BonesTomb Kings1780k90/0/060k1 - 11770k121/1/070k37k
Veni Vidi WaaghOrc1760k132/0/040k1 - 01740k101/1/030k30k
Don't PoMb Me BroNurgle1830k90/0/040k1 - 02320k90/2/020k21k
Câlins du ValdemorChaos Chosen1820k120/0/060k2 - 21810k204/0/150k31k
Dirty PotatoNecromantic Horror1690k140/1/070k2 - 11700k101/0/040k34k