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* * * Did you know? The most casualties in a single match is 21.
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Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Chosen Blocker
5 4 3 9
  5 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 120k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Claw, Guard
  44 1 6 0 25 3 84/176 160k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow
  23 0 5 0 5 2 35/51 120k
Chosen Blocker
5 4 3 9
Mighty Blow, Block, Claw
  10 0 2 0 4 4 34/51 160k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Block, Sure Hands, Kick-Off Return, Big Hand
  43 5 10 0 3 3 56/76 140k
Chosen Blocker
5 4 3 9 m 4 0 1 0 1 0 5/6 100k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Block, Mighty Blow, Claw, Diving Tackle, Dodge
  56 1 6 0 25 5 94/176 180k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  1 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 60k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  24 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
Chosen Blocker
5 4 3 9   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 100k
Beastman Runner
5 3 3 8
Block, Mighty Blow, Claw
-ma 34 1 6 0 9 2 47/51 120k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Dirty Player
  34 1 1 0 1 0 6/16 80k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  6 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  12 1 1 0 1 0 6/16 80k
13 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: jorj Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Chaos Chosen Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 1750k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 0k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1850k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:218 (96/55/67) |TD Diff:25 (263 - 238) |Cas Diff:362 (454/264/122 - 286/139/53)
Last Opponent: Coca Loca BBL

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
BGF DwarfDwarf1000k132/2/060k0 - 01000k92/0/050k17k
Bashbone NightcrawlersShambling Undead1060k50/0/040k0 - 2990k173/0/260k16k
Man-Eating ManateesAmazon1080k113/0/010k0 - 11000k174/0/070k11k
palatrevesOrc1100k202/1/020k3 - 01090k50/0/030k10k
Cheatin' beatsOrc1140k171/1/030k2 - 01120k50/0/020k26k
Fightertown USAChaos Dwarf1230k152/1/050k2 - 01260k123/0/040k24k
Heroes of HateDark Elf1260k120/0/080k2 - 01260k81/0/030k16k
Kill, Kill and KillChaos Renegade1380k150/2/060k2 - 01360k142/2/060k27k
Wash, Lather, Rinse, RepeatChaos Dwarf1290k50/0/180k0 - 01230k91/1/030k28k
Girls just wanna have fun !Amazon1330k172/1/150k1 - 01320k60/0/040k27k
Borkland RaidersOrc1440k92/0/060k0 - 11450k163/1/070k33k
KemPunksTomb Kings1410k90/1/180k0 - 01450k132/2/020k28k
Da Popes Of MopeLizardmen1510k222/3/060k3 - 01430k92/0/030k25k
WMD's in The BoxChaos Chosen1680k111/0/070k1 - 11910k184/1/060k32k
Darkland ShortstoppersChaos Dwarf1610k91/1/130k0 - 11640k100/1/080k21k
Eternal Champions of the BoxNecromantic Horror1640k50/0/040k0 - 31640k223/1/080k31k
Legion of AzgorthChaos Dwarf1660k173/1/270k2 - 11660k80/0/060k26k
WMD's in The BoxChaos Chosen1680k153/1/130k2 - 11670k121/0/120k37k
Rottincul MastersChaos Dwarf1610k80/1/030k0 - 11610k183/2/060k30k
vapourlecomplotHigh Elf1510k152/0/180k2 - 11540k161/0/210k35k
Rain WildElven Union1600k213/1/160k1 - 21530k151/0/030k36k
Killogg's Khorne FlakesChaos Chosen1610k172/3/070k0 - 01610k50/0/040k27k
Humains du BarthasHuman1640k123/0/060k0 - 31650k264/1/030k31k
ARRow BluesElven Union1620k184/1/060k1 - 21560k120/0/020k30k
Straight Outta' ComptonChaos Dwarf1760k151/0/050k1 - 21740k193/2/060k26k
Trail of Broken Treaties BBLChaos Renegade1490k141/0/270k1 - 01510k51/0/060k29k
Moes Tavern in the BoxChaos Dwarf1800k211/4/260k2 - 11820k111/0/030k27k
madmatt`s13$Chaos Dwarf1860k93/0/030k0 - 21880k150/2/080k27k
Box ProfessionalsHigh Elf1600k234/1/230k2 - 11410k81/0/040k28k
Deutschland ClownsLizardmen1960k120/2/160k0 - 11990k121/0/170k33k
enanerosDwarf1890k122/0/030k1 - 21900k152/0/070k20k
Splash Bash and ThrashChaos Chosen1880k283/1/360k3 - 01920k91/1/010k29k
Smashington GreenskinsOrc1860k132/0/030k1 - 11830k100/1/080k35k
Chaos is Back againChaos Chosen1910k113/1/050k0 - 21910k172/1/070k23k
ForgottenVillainsShambling Undead1930k141/1/170k2 - 11940k111/0/030k28k
Beard TrippingDwarf2120k81/0/160k0 - 22120k183/0/060k32k
10tacle ExperimentNurgle2140k110/2/160k0 - 22080k194/0/070k31k
Cannon's FodderNurgle2140k112/1/040k0 - 22140k212/2/130k29k
Black[B]ox UndeadShambling Undead1900k101/1/040k0 - 21860k173/0/050k31k
Anciant GodsTomb Kings2130k163/3/140k0 - 12130k101/1/080k25k
Short ChangedDwarf2150k110/2/070k1 - 12140k100/1/070k24k
madmatt`s13$Chaos Dwarf2100k173/0/060k2 - 12100k100/1/160k32k
cherServiteurSVampire2110k182/3/020k1 - 22350k141/0/050k30k
Creatures of KoreaWood Elf2030k212/1/260k2 - 11840k100/0/040k36k
Snoots and Trotters BBLOrc2040k172/2/040k1 - 12290k90/0/030k30k
Heavy Load Road ToadsSlann2030k254/1/160k2 - 12010k90/0/020k35k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2030k205/0/130k1 - 02560k60/0/020k29k
Tri Dino BlocksLizardmen1860k161/4/150k1 - 11880k122/0/030k31k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2150k163/2/040k1 - 42530k200/0/080k39k
Angry SamoanssDwarf2160k232/4/070k2 - 12170k100/0/160k22k
Rust and gloomChaos Dwarf2090k182/2/160k1 - 22040k110/0/040k29k
prinzipielles NurgelnNurgle2110k120/1/110k1 - 22160k191/3/040k28k
Boudin Noir Butchers BBLDark Elf1770k233/2/020k2 - 21810k160/0/270k30k
Sargantio'SLizardmen1940k151/1/120k1 - 11510k122/1/080k35k
ShowoffTomb Kings1790k193/0/160k2 - 01650k70/1/010k25k
Stinky LizzzardsLizardmen2000k101/0/030k1 - 31990k181/1/080k28k
Oaken SoulsWood Elf1820k232/2/230k2 - 01820k50/0/040k26k
Noxious ObnoxiousNurgle1990k121/1/050k1 - 21860k223/2/060k32k
Surf!!Chaos Chosen1820k222/1/250k2 - 11700k111/0/020k27k
Stinky LizzzardsLizardmen2050k91/0/070k0 - 21860k152/0/070k34k
Birka BlockersNorse2050k111/2/060k1 - 12070k100/0/070k30k
Mauling MinersChaos Dwarf2040k294/2/170k3 - 02030k131/2/150k34k
Hammerite HeavenNorse1740k171/3/030k1 - 11670k152/1/050k32k
Four Sprung'd Orc TechniqueOrc2070k247/1/020k1 - 11870k174/0/080k29k
Galapagos IslandersLizardmen2060k327/1/160k3 - 12080k122/0/030k28k
BlockAgainDwarf2090k214/1/180k2 - 11900k122/1/050k31k
Methadon ProjektNecromantic Horror2070k181/0/360k1 - 11870k110/1/060k31k
Zufbar HammerersDwarf2080k110/0/140k1 - 12100k121/1/030k25k
Methadon ProjektNecromantic Horror2070k211/4/140k2 - 01930k142/1/270k33k
Grandier OccasionsChaos Renegade1920k143/0/030k1 - 11470k142/1/040k31k
Bellmans ApostlarHuman1970k60/0/060k0 - 41960k253/3/160k26k
Bisou Bisou Vampire1540k130/1/070k2 - 11560k101/0/020k26k
Son of a NutcrackerHigh Elf1680k142/0/150k1 - 21450k150/0/160k26k
St NurgleNurgle1690k130/2/060k1 - 01700k50/0/050k24k
Prize FightARRsUnderworld Denizens1780k347/2/170k4 - 01620k91/1/050k29k
Sono Pazzi Questi Romani!Human1810k202/1/030k2 - 01510k50/0/010k31k
Slice 'n' DiceOrc1900k201/2/170k2 - 11680k111/0/010k29k
Rot PotNurgle1920k182/2/160k1 - 11970k163/0/130k28k
Appalachia Black GoldChaos Dwarf1930k173/1/160k2 - 01700k81/0/060k29k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf1930k112/1/010k1 - 41930k251/2/080k39k
elferosHigh Elf1660k173/1/050k2 - 11650k131/0/020k25k
POpulations POlizei IIChaos Dwarf2010k194/2/040k2 - 11860k90/0/040k30k
Oaken SoulsWood Elf2010k135/1/030k0 - 21860k141/0/040k38k
Unholy FiendsNecromantic Horror2000k162/1/170k2 - 01670k131/2/150k35k
MD ElfElven Union1830k213/1/060k2 - 01520k101/0/030k22k
Undead Can Dance AloneShambling Undead1820k171/2/170k1 - 11890k101/0/040k34k
$(.men).die()Necromantic Horror1810k91/0/140k0 - 01490k91/0/050k31k
___KognitiveDissonanz___Shambling Undead1820k245/2/170k1 - 11390k172/2/230k30k
-Dragones y Mamonas B0X-Lizardmen1690k192/1/120k2 - 21630k131/0/050k31k
Care Bears for the FluffSkaven1690k224/1/080k3 - 01610k91/0/160k23k
Da Tuff TwitsOrc1740k153/0/060k1 - 11790k121/1/160k33k
penautnosDwarf1560k214/2/030k1 - 01450k132/1/170k32k
Reavers Go BoxOrc1820k132/0/040k1 - 21880k171/1/130k32k
Non-furry AnimalsLizardmen1770k101/0/070k1 - 11750k121/1/030k35k
RashChaos Chosen1780k131/0/220k0 - 11700k100/1/080k31k
Khorne KhatersChaos Chosen1840k122/0/130k0 - 21910k140/0/150k30k
Reavers Go BoxOrc1900k152/0/170k1 - 01880k90/0/220k25k
RashChaos Chosen1910k90/1/020k0 - 21690k192/2/050k32k
Old TownersDwarf1860k122/1/020k0 - 11680k182/3/050k34k
FC NeurodancersDark Elf1690k172/1/160k1 - 11730k100/1/040k29k
Splash Bash and ThrashChaos Chosen1860k193/1/140k1 - 11860k141/1/030k27k
Croûtenards United!Nurgle1930k150/1/030k2 - 21940k151/2/060k34k
Old TownersDwarf1750k222/2/170k2 - 11680k110/1/070k24k
Butcher's BladeChaos Chosen1970k141/0/170k2 - 11770k132/0/150k28k
Reavers Go BoxOrc2060k171/1/160k2 - 11740k91/0/060k28k
Hardcore CRP ExploitersNurgle2070k170/4/030k1 - 22120k193/0/060k37k
Barthacian JaguarsLizardmen2060k196/0/160k2 - 12130k80/0/070k26k
Paris-Sin-GermsNurgle2080k80/1/060k0 - 12060k204/1/170k36k
Pirates of BogwashGoblin1940k164/0/070k1 - 11600k100/1/070k29k
Pirates of BogwashGoblin1920k102/0/030k0 - 21600k114/1/060k31k
Bruellende BoxbasherNurgle1960k70/1/060k0 - 21910k214/1/070k30k
Barthacian JaguarsLizardmen1960k153/0/020k1 - 31950k192/0/070k28k
caoserosChaos Chosen1970k141/3/060k1 - 12010k100/1/040k27k
Inishi KetatoHuman1800k152/1/130k0 - 11990k111/0/080k27k
Anciant GodsTomb Kings2060k191/1/270k2 - 01920k112/1/150k30k
Emerald HaemorrhoidsOrc1910k153/0/040k1 - 11960k192/2/120k28k
__goHome__Chaos Dwarf1870k204/2/060k1 - 02070k111/2/050k28k
Stinky EvilNurgle2000k151/1/140k1 - 12160k163/1/060k32k
Stinky EvilNurgle2070k220/3/260k2 - 01990k93/0/130k27k
Deadites BBCShambling Undead2160k142/1/030k1 - 11600k100/1/030k25k
Knights of SwampdomNurgle2090k223/4/170k1 - 12110k110/0/130k25k
Khaine's ClashersDark Elf2160k143/0/020k1 - 11980k80/0/080k34k
Handsome cowboysNecromantic Horror2230k223/2/370k1 - 11800k102/0/050k32k
RashChaos Chosen2300k100/1/050k1 - 01820k92/0/050k27k
Stinking little ones VSkaven2330k214/3/050k2 - 11620k121/0/040k29k
Beard TrippingDwarf2360k212/3/260k1 - 02430k112/0/020k30k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2450k223/0/150k3 - 12280k121/0/040k28k
UkonaiviiWood Elf2450k164/1/150k0 - 32380k191/0/070k33k
Zufbar HammerersDwarf2470k110/2/070k1 - 11780k101/1/070k26k
prinzipielles NurgelnNurgle2410k101/2/030k0 - 12280k163/1/050k26k
Angry SamoanssDwarf2270k140/1/1130k1 - 02350k00/0/00k33k
Hessens ClownsLizardmen2500k295/2/070k3 - 42680k233/0/060k29k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2510k203/2/040k2 - 12650k152/0/030k38k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2520k224/1/040k2 - 12570k110/0/010k36k
Opération EspadonLizardmen2520k223/2/080k2 - 22440k120/0/020k37k
Cheese'n'RollSkaven2510k212/3/050k2 - 11430k111/0/010k22k
Fastville SpeedstersSkaven2560k295/3/060k2 - 11920k90/0/030k25k
[JBT] Howling RageNecromantic Horror2560k272/5/170k2 - 12010k122/1/030k32k
Pestilen Plaguebearer'sSkaven2520k151/3/050k0 - 42150k262/1/060k37k
Splash Bash and ThrashChaos Chosen2390k255/2/070k2 - 02350k101/1/020k25k
Opération EspadonLizardmen2500k256/1/160k2 - 02470k122/1/050k31k
Beard TrippingDwarf2470k131/0/020k1 - 12450k225/3/080k43k
cemoikidecideDark Elf2080k131/0/030k1 - 21580k192/1/060k25k
Los señaladosChaos Chosen2440k283/3/270k3 - 02570k90/2/020k32k
Highway to ElvesHigh Elf2470k163/1/060k1 - 01920k102/0/040k35k
New Vamps on the BloodVampire2540k213/4/160k2 - 12230k81/0/070k39k
K''Chain Che'MalleLizardmen2490k235/4/040k2 - 12630k80/0/070k35k
Cult of ShadowsChaos Chosen2560k144/0/050k1 - 23050k151/0/170k42k
Killer BabyChaos Chosen2540k132/3/020k0 - 12490k204/2/030k30k
[BB] Sex PustolsNurgle2350k140/3/130k1 - 12040k151/2/070k36k
khrisqrach cragwalkerChaos Chosen2110k224/1/070k2 - 12290k164/1/030k28k
We ARe in It fOr tHe mOneYOrc2470k151/2/060k1 - 32490k202/2/060k35k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf2270k203/1/060k2 - 12200k141/1/110k32k
Storming ShardsNurgle1790k122/0/060k1 - 11950k163/1/050k32k
Storming ShardsNurgle2020k213/1/260k2 - 11960k142/1/050k32k
Bunny SlopeChaos Chosen2030k81/0/070k1 - 02330k143/1/040k42k
khrisqrach cragwalkerChaos Chosen2100k133/1/020k0 - 22210k233/1/250k28k
Game Over Man, Game Over!Nurgle1810k71/0/070k0 - 21890k224/1/060k30k
Gezwirbelte Bärte Chaos Dwarf1650k71/0/050k0 - 22320k234/3/050k34k
L.A No Women No CryWood Elf1370k123/0/070k1 - 11380k110/0/140k24k
Sons of Anarchy [B]Chaos Renegade1400k131/1/050k2 - 11310k80/0/040k25k
Dreaded DrainersVampire1440k212/2/170k2 - 11530k131/1/030k27k
[BT5] Shoreham ShapeshiftersChaos Renegade1490k80/0/060k1 - 01570k60/0/010k22k
Lucertole1Lizardmen1530k151/1/170k2 - 01620k50/0/030k27k
OcioChaos Dwarf1560k102/0/030k0 - 21550k130/1/070k34k
Halfpint Leviathanz MK IIIChaos Dwarf1570k192/1/0140k2 - 11660k51/0/00k31k
L.S.o.H.P.SNecromantic Horror1720k50/0/070k0 - 21580k133/1/060k30k
L.S.o.H.P.SNecromantic Horror1640k110/0/130k1 - 11620k100/0/160k31k
Inishi KetatoHuman1780k130/1/210k1 - 41760k201/0/060k34k
Mobile MonstersNurgle1800k120/1/120k1 - 02240k171/1/330k27k
TrasandantiChaos Dwarf1710k172/2/140k2 - 11670k112/0/060k28k
WykolejeniShambling Undead1610k92/1/030k0 - 21430k131/0/030k35k
Guardians of NiðavellirDwarf1620k141/0/080k2 - 11880k161/1/120k34k
Dig through TimeNecromantic Horror1600k131/1/020k1 - 11410k80/0/080k32k
Isha's WillowsWood Elf1630k173/1/170k2 - 21660k120/0/060k41k
Box Khorne's RunnersChaos Chosen1700k121/1/030k1 - 31780k184/0/080k35k
Lothern Lords [bbt2]High Elf1690k185/1/020k2 - 21800k140/1/060k32k
Thunderats CelticsSkaven1700k100/0/080k1 - 01740k00/0/00k31k
Inishi KetatoHuman1800k243/1/060k3 - 01740k50/0/040k34k
Montgomery MutationsChaos Chosen1820k151/0/120k2 - 11980k100/0/050k29k
Montgomery MutationsChaos Chosen1820k192/2/060k2 - 11850k141/2/050k32k
[BBT3] FeHChorfsChaos Dwarf1770k152/3/040k0 - 11690k120/1/250k31k
Freaky Mutant Ratless GobbosUnderworld Denizens1650k264/2/160k2 - 11290k102/0/060k28k
[BT4] Omega TombTomb Kings1700k204/1/180k1 - 11720k162/1/140k25k
Ghosts of West LakeChaos Chosen1750k170/1/190k1 - 01860k00/0/00k30k
No somos de naggarothDark Elf1830k101/0/240k0 - 31780k170/0/070k28k
Dig Dugs RiotDwarf1850k202/0/250k2 - 11550k111/0/030k28k
Double BullChaos Dwarf1880k153/1/160k0 - 01660k71/0/070k34k
Mobile MonstersNurgle1890k132/2/060k0 - 01840k83/0/050k29k
Don't Murder Me Please !High Elf1840k165/1/020k1 - 11480k111/0/030k27k
MeanMachinesOrc1850k162/0/050k2 - 01900k70/1/050k43k
C64 games I playedHuman1900k326/1/060k3 - 01800k50/0/030k33k
[BT3] Grunenwald WoodcutterChaos Renegade1990k152/0/230k2 - 12010k100/0/160k35k
Don't PoMb Me BroNurgle2000k204/2/040k1 - 12040k132/0/040k30k
Destroyers Of BlackBoxNurgle1990k120/2/040k1 - 01890k153/2/030k29k
Montgomery MutationsChaos Chosen1960k122/1/020k1 - 12080k163/0/080k29k
Black HaadzChaos Dwarf2030k173/2/130k0 - 12020k120/3/070k36k
Banjo lolDwarf1590k152/1/070k1 - 01520k81/0/050k22k
Mobile MonstersNurgle2070k163/1/170k1 - 02010k132/1/150k25k
Montgomery MutationsChaos Chosen1890k232/2/160k2 - 11880k121/0/020k34k
BBT5 Chaos DwarfChaos Dwarf2120k211/4/140k1 - 22000k130/1/050k36k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf2010k91/2/020k0 - 12230k162/3/170k32k
NanozzoliChaos Dwarf1640k163/1/050k1 - 01660k70/0/150k38k
NewUW TST20Underworld Denizens1830k244/3/150k1 - 01860k70/1/060k33k
All Star Dwarf CoDwarf1880k142/1/040k1 - 11850k101/0/040k31k
MeanMachinesOrc2000k113/0/140k0 - 01940k71/1/030k41k
GrettosauriLizardmen1850k142/1/050k1 - 11860k121/1/060k25k
Maniac Mansion'sShambling Undead2010k171/0/270k2 - 01730k51/0/040k27k
[BT4] Omega TombTomb Kings1880k142/1/050k1 - 21950k225/0/040k27k
[BT4] Omega OrcsOrc2090k131/0/040k1 - 02120k91/1/030k34k
Horns and ChaosChaos Chosen2140k181/1/170k2 - 11970k151/1/130k37k
[BBT5] Quantum TombTomb Kings1980k181/4/110k1 - 21970k212/2/260k33k
Vienna State BalletWood Elf1590k224/1/270k3 - 01590k70/1/020k26k
Vienna State BalletWood Elf1520k163/1/160k0 - 31500k223/1/060k29k
Grammatical PiraticalOrc1690k131/0/120k1 - 21700k151/2/060k34k
Box Stars of Kal-MarAmazon1450k152/1/030k1 - 11440k80/1/070k34k
RRR OrcOrc1580k110/2/140k0 - 11570k122/0/030k25k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf1720k172/1/150k2 - 11820k130/1/050k24k