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Welcome to Ranked!

We're the good kind of rook-hunters, a team that new teams can actually play, so I don't have to keep retiring and restarting in order to play low-value Ranked.

Development: My TV stayed at about 1.1M for the first 98 games or so, and I avoided damage skills, but then I started to experiment with hanging out at different sweet spots with different philosophies. Chaos Pact are so versatile, why pin yourself down to one style of play?

See that Goblin? Yeah, Kryten gave me this idea. The Goblin automatically retires on permanent injury. If you kill or retire him, the new one is named "Welcome, (your name)!" and you will live on forever on our team bio. Obviously, I don't plan to Apoth my Goblin; should I do so, the Apoth can't save him from retirement.
* The first Goblin was named Thanks, Kryten! He played in 22 games, earned 6 SPP, and was killed by jskey's Brainaholics Anonymous.
* The second Goblin was named Welcome, jskey! He played in 24 games, earned 18 SPP, and was killed by dashergeaux's DFW Deadites.
* The third Goblin was named Welcome, dashergeaux! He played in 2 games, earned 2 SPP, and was killed by ix77's Hunter Killerz.
* The fourth Goblin was named Welcome, ix77! He played in 9 games, earned 13 SPP, and was killed by Troubadourken's Famous!
* The fifth Goblin was named Welcome, Troubadourken! He played in 3 games, earned 0 SPP, and was killed by HandyKaufman's Mercury Drinkers.
* The sixth Goblin was named Welcome, HandyKaufman! He played in 2 games, earned 0 SPP, and was maimed by RocketMan's Baboom Baby.
* The seventh Goblin was named Welcome, RocketMan! He played in 9 games, earned 2 SPP, and was killed by El_toalla's Katrazak Bad-Dum.
* The eighth Goblin was named Welcome, El_toalla! He played in 1 game, earned 0 SPP, and was killed by a rock thrown by a fan of mdd31's Girls Girls Girls Girls.
* The ninth Goblin was named Welcome, mdd31! He played in 16 games, earned 16 SPP, and was killed by Pirigin's Denize Titans.
* The tenth Goblin is named Welcome, Pirigin!

One more thing, and this is directed at noob coaches (this team draws a lot of them, for obvious reasons). Don't concede. This game has a tendency to produce, shall we say, character-building moments. Take advantage of them! Let Blood Bowl make you a stronger person! Fight hard, fight to the end, and if you must lose (and sometimes you must), you might as well lose like a winner.

Oh, and...

Welcome to Ranked!
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Leader, Block
  30 1 0 0 1 3 18/31 90k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Horns
  33 1 2 0 22 3 66/76 130k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
  12 0 0 0 2 1 9/16 70k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 4 8
+AG, Dodge, Block
  14 2 5 0 2 4 41/51 140k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
  5 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 70k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 4 4 8
+AG, Block, +ST, Sure Hands
  25 2 15 0 3 1 58/76 180k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Block, Guard
  19 0 1 0 4 1 16/31 90k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Dirty Player
  14 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 70k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow
  36 2 1 0 9 4 43/51 110k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   10 1 0 0 0 0 1/6 50k
Renegade Goblin
6 2 3 7
Animosity, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
m 3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
12 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: JackassRampant Re-Rolls (140k): 3  
Race: Chaos Renegade Fan Factor: 13  
Current Team Value: 1490k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 70k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1530k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:109 (72/15/22) |TD Diff:77 (154 - 77) |Cas Diff:109 (129/72/48 - 87/38/15)
Last Opponent: Bearsnewnorsies

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Look Ma, ElvesWood Elf1000k121/0/080k1 - 0990k00/0/00k9k
Mighty Penny ThrowersHigh Elf1010k71/0/030k0 - 01000k70/1/080k18k
Bub GrinzskeenOrc970k70/1/060k0 - 11000k101/0/030k17k
DancerstoDiscordantSystemElven Union1070k150/1/060k2 - 0990k50/0/030k9k
Rat DynastySkaven1070k192/0/050k2 - 01100k71/0/060k23k
Applecore2520Vampire1120k151/0/0100k1 - 01040k21/0/00k18k
GMO Research CorpChaos Dwarf1040k221/3/070k3 - 01040k70/1/020k22k
Enanos chanosDwarf1070k50/0/020k0 - 11180k141/1/150k22k
Enraged BrutesNecromantic Horror1090k181/1/260k2 - 01090k50/0/060k17k
Keef's ChiefsOrc1050k50/0/040k0 - 11090k142/0/150k26k
Blood and AleSkaven990k183/0/150k1 - 01000k00/0/00k16k
Ru 2Orc1040k160/1/170k1 - 01000k00/0/00k21k
Fantasy LostNorse1070k182/3/070k1 - 01030k50/0/040k27k
Slumcity RatsSkaven1070k100/0/0110k1 - 01000k00/0/00k18k
Da 'Ard GitzOrc1100k183/0/050k2 - 31080k222/2/060k27k
tomb doomTomb Kings1020k122/0/060k1 - 01180k60/0/060k22k
Position TacticianDark Elf1100k110/1/240k0 - 21090k140/0/050k24k
Nagashizzar ZephyrNecromantic Horror1090k81/0/070k0 - 21030k173/0/070k31k
KrakachaosChaos Chosen1080k171/2/050k2 - 01110k71/0/050k24k
Gash Kadrak ScourgesChaos Dwarf1060k151/1/040k2 - 01090k70/1/020k19k
AtheistsDark Elf1100k120/2/080k1 - 11040k90/0/060k24k
Dracula TeabagsVampire1090k111/1/160k1 - 01170k81/0/050k22k
Killer KollerDark Elf1100k70/0/160k0 - 11000k122/0/040k31k
Infectious SpikesSkaven1100k151/0/060k2 - 11190k111/0/030k25k
Clan Scurvy PiratsSkaven1110k211/1/180k2 - 31070k170/0/060k29k
LatinloversDark Elf1120k132/0/050k1 - 21120k130/1/050k23k
Hades_hordeShambling Undead1180k201/1/230k2 - 01200k71/0/050k26k
Necromancers MistakesShambling Undead1110k121/1/060k1 - 21190k171/2/060k21k
Fabulous FoulersChaos Chosen1080k172/0/080k2 - 11150k110/1/020k23k
Sixth Florentine RoketsShambling Undead1040k130/0/170k2 - 01120k102/0/050k28k
Badly Buried BroncosShambling Undead1110k80/0/040k1 - 11150k162/1/060k34k
Fazhionetty BoyzOrc1090k110/0/040k2 - 01000k50/0/020k21k
[R]edemption SeekersChaos Renegade1120k110/0/070k2 - 01040k81/0/040k23k
Bite Worse Than BarkGoblin1120k122/0/030k1 - 11160k100/1/060k28k
Amazonian AcrobatsAmazon1050k100/1/040k1 - 01060k81/0/020k24k
Brainaholics AnonymousShambling Undead1080k141/0/170k2 - 01000k112/0/160k27k
Anaereth DefendersElven Union1060k142/1/070k1 - 11070k151/1/020k28k
GranotaSlann1050k193/2/050k2 - 11000k101/0/030k26k
Eshin'sSkaven1080k141/2/090k1 - 11080k110/1/020k27k
Barnsley GiantsOgre1110k192/2/030k2 - 21060k131/0/040k26k
Seattle C DwarvesChaos Dwarf1070k194/0/080k2 - 01010k142/2/030k23k
Grub GrubOrc1090k60/0/030k0 - 11000k101/0/050k18k
Little beardDwarf1080k132/0/080k1 - 11080k131/1/050k20k
Frog SmackedSlann1110k173/0/040k2 - 01050k50/0/060k26k
Death CrowsDark Elf1090k101/1/060k1 - 01000k60/0/050k24k
HeketSlann1090k121/1/180k1 - 21000k140/0/130k26k
MyologicsElven Union1090k131/1/070k2 - 11100k132/0/020k24k
Dead 27Shambling Undead1100k151/0/270k2 - 1990k142/1/010k16k
Lothern SkylordsHigh Elf1100k172/1/140k2 - 01000k60/0/010k25k
Broadway Boogie WoogieDark Elf1050k162/2/040k1 - 01040k50/0/020k28k
Faces of Bruce CampbellSkaven1070k101/0/080k1 - 21080k152/0/020k22k
Auryl World CupDark Elf1060k173/0/170k2 - 11090k80/0/010k19k
Abysmal Knights Shambling Undead1090k50/0/040k0 - 01140k111/2/040k18k
Stone Skulls of the northDwarf1080k120/0/050k2 - 0960k50/0/020k22k
aioh´Dwarf1090k151/0/090k2 - 01050k91/1/010k22k
Gymnasium AcademyOrc1100k80/0/040k1 - 11170k101/0/030k30k
Lichtenberg LeapersSlann1090k130/1/060k2 - 11000k80/0/030k25k
Orejotas!Wood Elf1100k152/1/150k1 - 21070k160/0/070k29k
Stone Skulls of the northDwarf1090k140/0/060k3 - 01170k70/1/040k20k
DFW DeaditesShambling Undead1130k100/1/080k1 - 01100k111/1/120k19k
An Elfed Up TeamWood Elf1050k191/2/170k2 - 1990k132/0/060k27k
Hunter KillerzChaos Chosen1100k80/0/070k1 - 01130k110/2/110k24k
Dandelion DandiesWood Elf1080k171/2/090k2 - 21070k141/0/050k30k
Leprous LeapersSlann1100k131/0/090k2 - 01050k50/0/060k24k
Bravery MissplacedUnderworld Denizens1100k90/0/070k1 - 21100k132/0/050k31k
Stinky Greazy RattzSkaven1090k140/3/050k1 - 31280k241/1/130k27k
Theology and GeometryLizardmen1100k130/1/070k2 - 11130k101/0/050k25k
Salt Lake StabbersDark Elf1100k151/0/180k2 - 11000k90/0/060k24k
Try ChaosChaos Chosen1080k100/0/170k1 - 01120k133/1/040k23k
Neversober VikingsNorse1080k151/0/390k2 - 01030k60/0/030k28k
Soviet SupremsChaos Dwarf1140k180/1/270k2 - 01060k92/0/020k30k
orchidéeOrc1150k80/0/060k1 - 01050k132/1/140k24k
Big RagnoffsOgre1000k121/0/140k1 - 11080k101/1/070k34k
Famous !Wood Elf1050k133/1/030k0 - 4990k231/0/170k31k
Million Dollar Men Human1020k132/0/040k1 - 0980k71/0/020k25k
Dwarf and run Dwarf1060k151/0/080k2 - 01050k121/0/120k31k
Mercury Drinkers Shambling Undead1080k121/0/160k1 - 11080k110/0/150k31k
Kermitted to VictorySlann1110k152/0/090k2 - 21050k130/0/170k24k
Baboom BabyWood Elf1060k213/0/240k2 - 11050k110/1/050k28k
Red Fangs GreenskinsOrc1020k132/0/090k1 - 0980k50/0/010k24k
Bad Moons BearsOrc1050k131/0/090k2 - 0990k50/0/040k27k
Rotting AppleNurgle1060k171/2/180k2 - 01010k92/0/040k34k
IUT de Bloodbowl ElfiqueWood Elf1070k80/0/270k0 - 11090k151/1/050k27k
Underworld Underfoot UnitedUnderworld Denizens1060k202/0/130k3 - 01030k81/0/020k26k
Little WoodrowsWood Elf1060k80/0/070k1 - 0990k123/0/060k21k
Buller Street MaulersHuman1060k130/0/170k2 - 11090k111/0/040k29k
Kyuuketsuki ClubVampire1080k100/1/060k1 - 01110k71/0/030k27k
Katrazak Bad-DumChaos Dwarf1070k50/0/060k0 - 11130k100/0/150k29k
Girls Girls Girls GirlsAmazon1090k182/1/250k2 - 11030k40/0/00k30k
Frog Frog Frog Toad!Slann1060k173/2/080k2 - 01000k111/1/050k29k
Knights of the Rectangle PitchHuman1050k182/1/060k2 - 11160k121/0/010k33k
Tarry-Zone CardinalsDark Elf1070k133/0/190k2 - 01000k71/0/050k21k
Hel's Gate KeepersNorse1070k194/0/170k2 - 11060k122/0/060k31k
Ash Mountain RunnersChaos Dwarf1110k101/0/060k1 - 01100k50/0/060k30k
KumbayaHigh Elf1090k121/1/080k1 - 01100k80/1/060k27k
Lincolnshire Long LegsSlann1090k111/1/080k2 - 01080k50/0/050k28k
FUMBBL Cup RatsSkaven1100k191/3/280k2 - 01000k91/0/030k20k
Horns UpChaos Chosen1080k111/1/080k2 - 0990k50/0/010k27k
Les Minab'sGoblin1140k222/1/150k3 - 01050k90/1/040k31k
Ye Olde OrkiesOrc1150k71/0/050k0 - 21120k131/0/030k31k
Santa little helpers Norse1250k153/0/1100k1 - 01190k00/0/00k31k
Wet LipsAmazon1310k133/0/260k2 - 11260k110/0/060k27k
Corrupted Elves of the WestDark Elf1340k223/3/090k2 - 11260k80/0/010k34k
Beat 'Em up - BattletoadsSlann1390k194/1/050k1 - 01240k91/1/040k28k
Green Eyed Monster MashSlann1450k192/1/170k2 - 11450k131/1/060k38k
Denize TitansUnderworld Denizens1420k131/1/060k1 - 21450k192/0/260k33k
Dead CandysShambling Undead1400k120/2/060k1 - 11260k153/1/070k30k
Tingle BearsChaos Chosen1410k161/1/170k2 - 11410k131/1/010k33k
BearsnewnorsiesNorse1490k152/2/070k1 - 21610k152/0/050k38k