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Will Bates

Head Coach:

Norse Dwarf

Team Colours:

Clan Microdorf

Will Bates was a sucessful buisnessdorf (dorf is dwarf in north-dwarvish) and the founder of Microdorf (a company that sells crystal balls all through the old world).
He decided that he wanted to become "King of the North-Dorfs".

After listening to the clan chiefs of the dorfs, they all agreed that if he
wants to be their king he had to win the poplular Norsca league with a team of dorfs.

Although he was a half breed himself (his mother was a troll and his father a dorf) No dorfs ever wanted to join his team by their own accord.
He managed to buy enough slaves, all of them female. This was just a minor problem, because they all had beards so no one would notice, actually he was himself a girl without anyone noticing for years, so at least he hopes no one will notice, since he dont want to become the Queen of the North-Dorfs.

The team somehow became very popular, since they were not only great at
cheerleading but also in punishing anyone who disagreed with their cheerleading!
Also free beer in every match (sponsored by microdorf) made them very popular among all dorfs.

Team History and Records.

Season 1:
A formality caused Microdorf to miss out the first season, as they first signed for the Norsca Womens league by mistake, no matches played.

Season 2:
The season was good, with two bonus kills.
Microdorf got lucky in a couple of the matches, with 4-1-0,allowing them to claim the Sea of Chaos Banner!

Season 2 Knockout rounds:
Got knocked out in the semis by professional elfs, though they were bribed by some envious Dorfs to win the match.
But we hold no Grudges against them, yet at least..

Season 3
The season was mediocre, most annoying that we didnt get any kills! We ended up in the middle of the chaos sea group, our dream to win it all seem far far away now! Luckily the team only gets better and better, but opponents are sure to catch up with us sooner or later.

Season 4
A boring season with 1 bonus kill. We failed to win against the notorious necromancer, and got a humiliating 3-0 loss vs the lizards. Will Bates was furious now as the dream of winning never seem to become reality, so we will drink to forget this season, and try again and again until it happens!!

Season 5
A really good season, with new record 4 kills before knockout rounds.
We got off to a bad start in the first match against the high elves, 2-1 loss and we thought this season was over, but we won rest of the 4 matches, allowing us to snatch the Sea of Chaos banner!

Season 5 Knockout rounds
Microdorf managed to win the championship! And the casuality cup!
In the championship we just managed to advance to the casuality cup by winning by lottery, Will bates had forseen that through, in his crystal ball, that the mascot goat would pick the carrot and not the banana in overtime. In the casuality cup final we managed to knock out a few important opponents early, but the game was on again when they came back, still the first half was great and the second half very good for us, luck when we needed it, and finally we can take the win back home to the North!
This victory also means that Will Bates now will be Que.. sorry.. King of the North-Dorfs! Though he has forgotten to read the contract properly, with microscopic sentences it says he has to win the title one more time to keep the King of the North-Dorfs title for life.

Season 6:
A great season, we keep the good rollin going from the awesome 5th season! Although some permanent injuries done by haflings of all races, nasty little buggers! Anyway, so far a great season 4 wins, 1 draw, and 1 kill, thus claiming the Sea of Chaos banner one more time!

Season 6: Knockout rounds
The Microdorfs went all the way to win the final, but lost in the casuality cup.
All luck ran out in the cup, as the dorfs were smashed around by the Khemri, killing Beinfriðr in the process! A traumatic experience for everyone, will the dorfs ever get back from this? So close but yet so far away!

Major team banners
Season 2 Season 5Season6

Minor team banners
Season 5Season 6

DORFHUNT - Eyes for an eye, teeths for a tooth!
Time: Season 3, Match 3 vs Skavens.
Suspects: Glart Smashrip Jr. And his accomplice Azock the Backstabber.
Victim: Gullfríðr
Murder Weapon: Warpstone and a skaven boot.
Case: Currently open, avaiting punishment.

First it looked like Glart Smashrip Jr. did the deed, by using his mutated claw to slam a hammering blow to Gullfríðr's neck, although after watching the past in microdorfs new crystal ball model, it showed that Glart Smashrip Jr actually wasnt in the game! It was just a warpstone trick, instead Gullfríðr tripped and was fouled by Azock the Backstabber, who seemed to assist the ghost Glart Smashrip Jr.
After proper identification of the culprit Azock the Backstabber of the skaven team, we declare a dorfhunt on that rat, wanted dead or two permanent injuries.

Time: Season 5, Match 2 vs Humans
Suspect: Ty, Worshipper to Tyr
Victim: Skallfriðr
Murder Weapon: Unfair tackle
Case: Currently a cold case, avaiting punishment.

Ty, Worshipper of Tyr, killed Skallfriðr while all attention was on the dorf apothecary who just managed to save a near kill on a team member.
The tackle that came after resulted in the death of Skallfriðr, wich was done unfairly, an attack from behind! But since Ty, Worshipper of Tyr now is killed by another team, the blame is now inhertited by Bal, Worshipper to Baldr. Wanted Dead.

Time: Season 5, First knockout round vs Orcs
Suspect: Grashguk Headripper
Victim: Borghilðr
Murder Weapon: His Teeth
Case: Open

Grashguk Headripper smashed through violently tearing up Borghilðr in a wild blitz! That terrible blitz destroyed the potential of the rookie dorf, send to Valhalla before even touching the ball.
This headripper is wanted dead or a permanent injury for attcking the young and untrained in a foul and unjust way. Poor Borghilðr said the be the next Barik Fireblast, but was obviously robbed of her future.

Time: Season 6, Match 1 vs Haflings
Suspects: Leverpostej, Medisterpølse and Morg 'n' Thorg.
Victims: Stormhilðr, Grimfriðr and Gullfriðr
Murder Weapon: Food poisioning
Case: Open

Before the match, Leverpostej and Medisterpølse conspired with Morg 'n' Thorg, to beat up the Microdorf beer deliverance boy, then they poisioned the beer.
Luckily only three dorfs were injured, Stormhilðr and Grimfriðr got serious hangovers that never seem to go away, while Gullfriðr mentioned that her neck pain got worse than usual, but that it wasn't a big problem.
The two haflings and Morg is wanted dead, or 3 permanent injuries to satisfy our intense grudge over such a dispicable act!

Time: Season 6, Casuality Cup
Spespect: Merc Skeleton Lineman 1
Victim: Beinfriðr
Murder Weapon: Its Feet
Case: Open

Beinfriðr was tragically murdered when a whole team surrounded her and buillied her to the ground. Then suddenly the coward Merc Lineman 1 appers and jumps on her head smashing it like and egg on the stone slab. This Merc Skeleton Lineman 1 seems to infiltrate all other teams, so we declare a dorfhunt whenever we see it around! Killing it 2 times should satisfy our bloothirst for now!

Left for Valhalla...

Skallfriðr was sent to Valhalla by Ty, Worshipper to Tyr (humans leading killcount 1-0).
Borghilðr was sent to Valhalla by Grashguk Headripper (orc-dorf killcount 1-1)
Beinfriðr was sent to Valhalla by Merc Skeleton Lineman 1 (Khemri-dorf killcount 1-0)
Sent to Valhalla...

Blodfriðr kills Bjorn Bjornling (halfling) In welcome match
Beinfriðr kills Berserker Knut (underworld goblin) Sea of Chaos season 2
Hjelmgunn kills Caagz den Elake (goblin) Sea of Chaos season 2
Gullfriðr kills Naszuss the Horned One (skaven) Frozen Sea season 4
Blodfriðr kills Merc Lineman 1 (high elf) Sea of Chaos season 5
Gullfriðr kills Camaenion Skilled (wood elf) Sea of Chaos season 5
Blodfriðr kills Mattias Sunborne (norse) Sea of Chaos season 5
Gullfriðr kills Gruff Lester (norse) Sea of Chaos season 5
Blodfriðr kills Hurrargh Oldfang (orc) Knockout rounds season 5
Jernhilðr kills Inbiloquem Morr (elf) Sea of Chaos season 6

To Valhalla!

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Troll Slayer
5 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm
  39 0 1 0 11 3 40/ 150k
Troll Slayer
5 3 3 8
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, Dodge, Juggernaut, Guard, +AG
  39 0 1 0 35 2 83/ 220k
5 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
+MA, Guard, Mighty Blow
  39 0 2 0 7 5 45/ 140k
5 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
+MA, Guard
  39 0 0 0 7 2 24/ 120k
5 4 1 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
+ST, Mighty Blow, +MA, Dodge
-ag, -ag 37 0 0 0 21 3 57/ 200k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
  37 0 0 0 9 4 38/ 130k
6 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, +MA, Mighty Blow, +MA
  37 0 0 0 12 6 54/ 170k
4 3 2 8
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
-av 37 0 3 0 8 3 40/ 130k
6 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
  4 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 80k
6 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, +MA, Guard, Stand Firm
  38 0 14 0 9 0 60/ 170k
6 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Tackle, +MA
  7 0 2 0 0 2 16/ 130k
7 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
+MA, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Pass
  39 4 28 0 3 6 124/ 200k
12 players  
Coach: Nextflux Re-Rolls (100k): 3  
Race: Dwarf Fan Factor: 12  
Current Team Value: 2170k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 1530k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 2170k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:39 (27/4/8) |TD Diff:36 (65 - 29) |Cas Diff:80 (77/43/17 - 42/11/4)
Last Opponent: Durfang Draugr

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
United Norscling GuildHalfling1000k212/2/150k2 - 0900k71/1/040k12k
[NSL] Novchosy OculumChaos Chosen1010k121/1/060k1 - 11070k122/0/070k19k
Naglfari vikingsNecromantic Horror1160k130/1/080k2 - 11380k90/0/030k24k
Frostheim RavagersChaos Renegade1250k210/3/050k4 - 01160k70/0/060k16k
Ginnungagap InvadersUnderworld Denizens1330k162/1/120k1 - 01150k113/0/030k15k
Trollheim TrixtersGoblin1390k307/0/160k3 - 01310k70/1/030k29k
Sjoktraken OilersElven Union1370k141/0/060k2 - 31280k160/0/050k24k
Skeggi DragonfolkLizardmen1440k91/1/030k0 - 0980k91/1/020k16k
Ginnungagap InvadersUnderworld Denizens1380k183/2/030k1 - 21210k132/0/080k29k
Rost RatsSkaven1550k80/0/040k1 - 2960k140/1/050k27k
Mount Barak MaraudersChaos Chosen1420k122/0/080k1 - 01260k81/0/010k19k
VygrVampire1580k254/0/060k4 - 01340k90/0/030k22k
Naglfari vikingsNecromantic Horror1700k70/1/070k0 - 11630k162/2/060k33k
Rost RatsSkaven1590k193/0/160k2 - 11260k121/0/050k33k
Skeggi Yellow EyesLizardmen1740k90/1/030k0 - 31060k140/0/040k25k
VygrVampire1750k212/1/080k3 - 01520k72/0/010k30k
Nidhoggstad FiredrakesHigh Elf1750k171/2/170k1 - 21490k191/0/020k32k
Sacrifices to KhorneHuman1740k233/3/050k2 - 01880k91/0/150k35k
Vinnskor StormWood Elf1680k192/1/150k2 - 11920k132/0/040k29k
Rost RatsSkaven1720k153/1/070k2 - 11350k112/0/060k30k
Sunborn of SarlNorse1790k223/2/260k1 - 02010k112/1/060k31k
Morkfjord Maniac MermaidsOrc1690k171/1/140k2 - 11930k122/0/120k34k
Naglfari vikingsNecromantic Horror1860k162/2/030k2 - 11960k101/0/070k36k
Jim Lahey ExperienceNorse1860k194/0/080k2 - 02380k71/0/050k37k
Kleitborg Fighting CooksHalfling1890k172/1/080k2 - 1970k122/3/040k28k
Ice Tooth MaraudersChaos Chosen1700k182/0/170k2 - 01000k50/0/050k34k
Vinnskor StormWood Elf1990k164/0/080k1 - 01770k60/0/020k38k
Sjoktraken OilersElven Union1990k242/3/160k3 - 11840k100/0/060k35k
Skadistad Harbour SkraelingsGoblin1990k235/1/050k2 - 21090k131/0/040k28k
Sacrifices to KhorneHuman2020k152/0/020k2 - 01810k82/0/050k43k
Graelings PhilosophersOgre2050k235/1/060k2 - 01860k91/1/010k31k
We are WawalagTomb Kings1940k91/1/050k0 - 11410k143/0/130k30k
Rost RatsSkaven2020k191/2/170k2 - 01630k60/0/010k36k
Ice Tooth MaraudersChaos Chosen2050k130/0/150k2 - 11150k82/0/040k26k
Couronne CraziesChaos Renegade2100k121/0/150k1 - 11510k101/0/160k38k
Krovas BoneyardTomb Kings2090k161/3/070k1 - 01730k71/0/050k34k
Creepers in the FrossborgDark Elf2140k212/2/190k2 - 11510k130/0/040k26k
Vinnskor StormWood Elf2150k192/1/120k2 - 02150k101/0/050k41k
Durfang DraugrShambling Undead2180k110/2/120k0 - 12220k111/0/040k35k