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New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 5 2 8
Frenzy, Horns, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal
Claw, Guard, Break Tackle, Disturbing Presence, +AV, Tentacles
-av, n 65 0 0 0 67 9 Legend
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 7
-av 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Beastman Runner
6 3 4 8
+AG, Block, Strip Ball
  19 1 7 0 2 3 41/ 140k
Beastman Runner
6 3 2 8
-ag 14 0 0 0 2 2 14/ 80k
Chosen Blocker
5 5 3 9
Side Step, +ST, Dodge, Block, Guard
  97 1 8 0 12 7 84/ 250k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
Block, Sneaky Git
  13 0 0 0 1 3 17/ 110k
Beastman Runner
6 3 2 9
Tackle, Mighty Blow, +AV, Claw, Dodge
-ag, n, n 120 1 2 0 36 7 114/ 180k
Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
m 11 0 1 0 0 1 8/ 80k
Journeyman Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Beastman Runner
6 3 3 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
7 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: tank_sheff Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Chaos Chosen Fan Factor: 5  
Current Team Value: 1630k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 90k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 1710k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:128 (17/23/88) |TD Diff:-139 (67 - 206) |Cas Diff:24 (180/94/47 - 159/106/32)
Last Opponent: Evil Amateurs

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Sekamina RydersChaos Dwarf1000k50/0/060k0 - 21080k110/0/050k23k
HellDwarvesChaos Dwarf1000k91/1/080k0 - 1990k80/0/050k13k
Cloaca TeamSkaven1080k222/2/150k2 - 1980k100/0/060k17k
87th BrigadeWood Elf1190k122/0/180k0 - 01180k60/0/050k23k
Real QuestumHigh Elf1220k81/0/080k0 - 31200k140/0/060k21k
Anonyme UntoteShambling Undead1240k91/0/140k0 - 11250k80/0/070k21k
WolfOfMainStreetNecromantic Horror1260k121/2/020k0 - 31350k161/0/060k24k
Under the SurfaceUnderworld Denizens1280k112/1/070k0 - 01470k111/2/030k22k
Damed VikingsNorse1240k112/1/060k0 - 21370k151/1/050k26k
CafuddamuChaos Dwarf1400k100/0/070k1 - 01530k51/1/00k24k
Legion of WarChaos Dwarf1350k60/0/020k0 - 21390k172/2/080k33k
Realm´of´ChaosNurgle1400k151/2/060k1 - 21510k152/0/060k30k
Femmine ScarlatteAmazon1500k51/0/010k0 - 21320k131/0/050k30k
KO DwarvesChaos Dwarf1470k122/1/120k0 - 11450k101/0/050k31k
Black Orcan OrcsOrc1590k121/1/040k1 - 11590k121/1/050k26k
Orcus PorkusOrc1500k162/1/250k0 - 31720k200/2/080k29k
Brutal ChacalDark Elf1540k111/1/010k0 - 31770k150/0/040k25k
Dem Nor'easters, dereNorse1540k111/1/040k0 - 21570k131/0/180k24k
Sixtie TeamAmazon1470k133/1/130k0 - 21370k130/1/080k32k
Medium Size EnterprizeVampire1480k172/0/090k1 - 01850k30/0/10k32k
Meet the Feebles Variety HourWood Elf1550k120/0/130k1 - 41810k303/2/080k32k
Lonely Lizards Lizardmen1430k132/1/160k0 - 21480k130/1/070k36k
Whats with all the R'sDwarf1440k91/0/050k0 - 31680k243/1/160k24k
Aaarg RankedShambling Undead1550k143/0/120k0 - 31500k181/1/050k24k
Ahknotan Tomb Kings1470k164/1/050k1 - 01490k122/1/040k30k
Zozze insideAmazon1450k123/0/030k0 - 21410k152/0/060k32k
Pohleez Brootull It TOrc1680k112/0/220k0 - 21680k150/2/040k31k
Almonte AttackOrc1540k160/2/050k2 - 21560k162/0/130k25k
Fc CopsOrc1670k91/0/020k1 - 21680k182/1/060k31k
Army of CarbonacidsWood Elf1520k100/0/060k1 - 31580k160/0/050k25k
Rio 2016Human1660k21/0/00k0 - 11940k192/1/390k26k
Gobbo´s Goblin1340k71/0/040k0 - 21300k151/2/040k22k
Tzeentch's GamechangersChaos Renegade1490k121/1/130k0 - 21460k214/0/070k22k
Sand SharksTomb Kings1570k121/1/050k1 - 01530k71/0/020k26k
Werrith and the WeaponsmithsDwarf1600k111/2/020k0 - 21660k151/0/170k25k
Ahknotan Tomb Kings1510k90/2/010k0 - 11500k143/0/040k28k
Shaggat TeamChaos Dwarf1510k133/1/030k0 - 11530k121/0/150k30k
Lonely Lizards Lizardmen1510k133/1/010k0 - 11600k80/0/040k31k
Disciples of the Blood PathVampire1550k90/1/060k0 - 41960k220/1/160k25k
2Spooky4You Shambling Undead1530k90/0/070k1 - 11540k100/1/080k29k
Zlatlan JuggernautsLizardmen1540k111/0/040k1 - 21370k111/0/030k21k
Two Fluffy DogsNecromantic Horror1670k100/2/060k0 - 31680k232/2/070k33k
Wonderful WanderersHigh Elf1490k130/2/060k1 - 11470k110/0/050k23k
Bemerkenswerte BärteDwarf1690k50/0/020k0 - 21680k203/0/180k21k
Elfacci InfamoniDark Elf1610k80/0/150k0 - 21680k131/0/070k21k
GriffonLizardmen1610k192/3/120k0 - 11400k110/0/170k28k
No Ball GamesSkaven1630k161/0/130k1 - 31690k180/1/070k27k
Anti-BorgSkaven1630k173/0/060k2 - 11570k101/0/030k29k
Lonely Lizards Lizardmen1700k143/0/060k0 - 21670k120/0/070k31k
RaktashanOrc1770k80/0/030k1 - 11840k162/0/170k24k
Two Fluffy DogsNecromantic Horror1730k60/0/050k0 - 41940k232/1/060k25k
Black Orcan OrcsOrc1570k80/1/010k0 - 31550k202/1/060k28k
OH the PAIN !Tomb Kings1670k183/1/180k1 - 11600k172/2/050k28k
Salt Lake WreckersShambling Undead1740k233/2/150k1 - 21760k160/1/060k24k
Hellbound SkirmishersChaos Renegade1710k191/1/310k1 - 21780k141/0/040k22k
We Rattle Your CagesSkaven1830k70/0/120k0 - 51800k231/0/050k27k
Hunting RidersHigh Elf1720k143/0/060k1 - 11770k90/0/020k26k
common cold (hearted)Nurgle1790k211/3/030k2 - 01600k70/1/050k23k
Kitty and the GirlsNurgle1770k193/2/020k1 - 21770k131/0/070k22k
Shaggat TeamChaos Dwarf1770k10/0/00k0 - 11680k232/3/1120k28k
Stickz and BonezNecromantic Horror1470k111/0/010k1 - 21430k193/0/080k27k
SkeletimeShambling Undead1560k60/0/030k0 - 11560k170/4/060k28k
Big Pharma FCHuman1370k140/1/160k1 - 21440k183/0/030k28k
PlunderworldUnderworld Denizens1610k164/0/070k1 - 11590k121/1/080k28k
Cooler than CoolNorse1460k153/0/010k1 - 21460k162/0/040k24k
New Mexico's FinestSkaven1670k101/1/060k0 - 21760k141/0/070k30k
Stickz and BonezNecromantic Horror1700k71/0/050k0 - 21660k171/2/080k26k
amore verdeOrc1320k71/0/010k0 - 21470k151/0/140k29k
Sapling CinemaDwarf1680k90/0/020k1 - 21730k170/2/150k29k
Blood-and-plunderOrc1370k161/1/240k1 - 11420k121/1/020k19k
British Irish LionsHuman1710k112/0/050k0 - 21870k203/1/070k32k
CasaverdeNurgle1570k121/0/150k1 - 11470k121/0/150k21k
'Umies StompersOrc1740k101/0/040k1 - 21590k180/1/150k17k
BarbbosDwarf1770k150/3/170k0 - 11750k100/0/060k29k
TicsChaos Dwarf1800k202/1/160k2 - 01780k50/0/050k28k
Aporcalypse NowOrc1850k186/0/050k0 - 11760k121/1/060k33k
Hobos with Chainsaws Nurgle1850k50/0/040k0 - 31770k214/0/050k27k
Boshmasters BBCOrc1910k112/1/030k0 - 11800k162/2/080k25k
GreDarkSoulsTrib IVDark Elf1650k120/2/070k1 - 11790k90/0/050k25k
Elfi ProfessionistiElven Union1970k153/0/030k1 - 21980k160/2/080k29k
Orthorn OrcsOrc1840k140/3/060k1 - 11830k110/1/080k23k
Zlatlan JuggernautsLizardmen1910k185/0/020k1 - 11650k111/0/050k23k
Death is ForeverShambling Undead2020k131/2/140k0 - 21780k131/1/040k23k
Souless SlayersShambling Undead1960k173/1/030k1 - 21940k151/0/160k31k
Counts von CountVampire1970k113/0/030k0 - 22090k161/1/080k31k
British Irish LionsHuman1770k71/0/050k0 - 11980k111/0/060k30k
TheropodsLizardmen1970k70/1/010k0 - 11920k185/0/060k33k
donny's dwarfsDwarf1960k71/0/020k0 - 12010k152/0/170k27k
AlpisteLizardmen1950k162/2/060k1 - 01660k50/0/070k28k
'Ead 'AshersDwarf1980k173/1/160k0 - 11960k162/1/080k29k
Chaos Monster PackChaos Renegade1920k70/0/160k0 - 11890k142/1/090k27k
Butterfly's Effective IVChaos Chosen1680k112/1/060k0 - 21680k151/3/030k30k
Rooked AgainShambling Undead1700k100/1/060k1 - 11730k141/1/130k23k
Werrith and the WeaponsmithsDwarf1920k152/0/050k2 - 21920k254/1/170k36k
Born To Live ForeverWood Elf1950k182/1/220k1 - 31960k180/0/190k26k
Black DivisionOrc1830k121/1/030k1 - 21860k191/1/030k28k
Les 7 Nains du JardinDwarf1890k50/0/030k0 - 21930k215/0/020k17k
Xahutec XenophobesLizardmen1960k161/1/240k1 - 21780k171/2/030k31k
Enter SandmansDwarf1610k124/0/020k0 - 11820k121/1/060k25k
team hellhoundShambling Undead1960k70/1/040k0 - 31830k222/3/030k23k
pobbosdeadosShambling Undead1670k152/1/040k1 - 11400k131/1/030k24k
Alien UndeadvorShambling Undead1980k121/0/140k1 - 02010k92/0/040k21k
Rio 2016Human1990k215/0/270k2 - 02070k60/0/030k33k
Farsea ShadesElven Union2000k121/1/040k1 - 22030k171/1/060k31k
Cosmic Roulette!Ogre2060k205/1/040k1 - 11960k100/1/030k29k
Deepwater DevilsHuman1910k132/1/120k0 - 41880k312/3/070k34k
Bad CowboysNorse1740k151/4/040k0 - 31860k182/0/040k32k
Lonely Lizards Lizardmen1760k111/2/040k0 - 21760k110/0/080k33k
Blockers OnlyDwarf1850k81/0/050k0 - 11850k202/2/270k24k
Dolor VeneritChaos Chosen1580k132/0/010k1 - 21650k252/2/370k33k
Wichita Wild FlowersTomb Kings1700k162/1/170k1 - 01680k111/2/070k33k
Vor'cha Class ☆Bird Of Prey☆Orc1790k185/1/080k1 - 01720k50/0/020k25k
Chuck CartoonNurgle1800k131/3/030k0 - 11810k162/4/030k30k
Gordos de leyendaDwarf1390k50/0/020k0 - 31390k181/1/080k33k
Deranged DeadShambling Undead1790k120/2/050k1 - 01780k112/1/040k30k
Greetingz from GreenlandOrc1820k92/0/010k0 - 11790k162/2/060k29k
Squadra MaterassoAmazon1640k51/0/020k0 - 21580k265/2/070k31k
Bone Collectors`Shambling Undead1650k171/1/160k2 - 01620k112/0/120k30k
Los ElementosDwarf1900k80/0/070k1 - 01810k91/1/030k30k
Oomphas StomperzOgre1530k141/1/140k1 - 11460k181/3/040k30k
Kitty and the GirlsNurgle1800k180/2/140k2 - 11930k131/2/030k28k
Third Rock Frum The SunHuman1830k162/1/120k1 - 11740k100/1/060k34k
CubicSkaven1820k121/1/050k1 - 11980k101/0/070k32k
Durzudum HammerersDwarf1920k70/0/130k0 - 11920k141/2/060k30k
Uzkulak ThornsChaos Dwarf1830k164/0/160k0 - 31730k161/0/060k28k
That's a Load of RotNurgle1940k50/0/010k0 - 11980k181/4/050k31k
AAaargadonfShambling Undead1780k122/0/130k0 - 01660k153/1/160k29k
Evil AmateursChaos Chosen1680k50/0/020k0 - 41610k285/0/250k28k