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Season 14 - The inaugural season for the new dwarf franchise is a steady if unspectacular one. Terrible offence frustrates but solid defence means they finish the season unbeaten. They get through the first round of the cup but lose to a bigger team (Bone Gods). Due to some bribery and corruption, teams are dropped from the league allowing them promotion without having to face the playoffs that their third place finish demanded.

Season 15 - Who Are You Calling Chubba start fast in the second season including an awesome victory against Bone Gods to gain revenge for their cup knockout from the previous season. They are on track for a perfect season but are finally beaten by Decadence Inc, also costing them the title. Second place though is confirmed and they are promoted to the premiership. Their cup run was ended by Crimson Butterfly in a tense match in overtime. The dwarves are looking for revenge.

Season 16 - A mixed season. In the league there is some good strong stuff coupled with a couple of games which were nothing short of abominations. Needing a win to clinch the title, the dwarfs conspire to have one of the worst games I've ever seen and manage to lose to Ruff an Low Thrills. In the cup they are victorious with excellent performances until the final where they struggle and just about get over the line in overtime.

Season 17 - Everything starts well and then a misclick on a skull followed by a game of unbelievable misfortune conspire to rob us of the league. Yuck. Terrible misfortune in the cup to match. Horrible.

Season 18 - Despite never really hitting top gear the franchise rumbles to its first league title. In the cup they smash it up to complete the double.

Season 19 - Strong form in the league is enough but the chance of a perfect season is ruined by the pesky one turners of Infectious Diseases collecting a draw. The cup is a sedentary affair but the job is done with minimal fuss.

Season 20 - The perfect season is in their grasp and then going for the win leaves the frogs stealing the title from under our noses. Disaster! This is followed by some misfortune in the cup final against the same opponents.

Season 21 - Win the league comfortable. Bad luck in the cup. Step down to let someone else win and stop hearing the moaning from other coaches.

Trophy Cabinet

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  4 0 3 0 2 2 23/31 120k
6 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
  2 0 1 0 0 1 8/16 100k
4 4 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
+ST, Mighty Blow, Guard, Diving Tackle, Break Tackle
  65 0 1 0 25 5 78/176 210k
4 4 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, +ST, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Break Tackle
  73 0 0 0 32 5 89/176 200k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Kick
  73 0 0 0 21 4 62/76 150k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  30 0 0 0 0 4 20/31 110k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Dauntless
  72 0 0 0 19 3 53/76 150k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Diving Tackle
  62 0 0 0 27 2 64/76 160k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
  43 0 0 0 5 5 35/51 130k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Dodge, Stand Firm, Mighty Blow
  56 0 1 1 7 9 64/76 160k
5 5 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, Guard, +ST, +ST, +MA
n 72 0 2 0 41 2 98/176 240k
5 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Tackle
  31 2 13 0 10 2 71/76 160k
6 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
Block, Tackle, Dodge, Kick-Off Return, Pass
  55 2 25 0 2 0 81/176 190k
4 7 1 10
Break Tackle, Dirty Player, Juggernaut, Loner, Mighty Blow, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm
Guard, Grab
  49 0 0 0 8 0 16/31 200k
Troll Slayer
5 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm
  22 0 0 0 1 7 37/51 150k
15 players  
Coach: Harad Re-Rolls (100k): 5  
Race: Dwarf Fan Factor: 12  
Current Team Value: 2850k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 1860k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2850k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:73 (51/8/14) |TD Diff:48 (105 - 57) |Cas Diff:206 (135/103/43 - 45/25/5)
Last Opponent: One time jumpers

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Nurgle Burgle 49ersNurgle970k100/1/030k1 - 21030k120/0/070k15k
0rcHardOrc970k50/0/050k0 - 01910k71/0/040k21k
Better Slann All The RestSlann980k150/2/070k2 - 1960k90/0/030k13k
Nurgle Burgle 49ersNurgle1100k121/1/070k1 - 01070k51/0/130k22k
So-Fist-icated BullChaos Dwarf1100k70/1/080k0 - 01340k91/1/060k20k
Limited CapacityOgre1130k81/0/060k0 - 01060k91/1/050k21k
Masked HarlequinsElven Union1110k142/1/130k1 - 11820k90/0/060k24k
Ruff an' Low ThrillsHalfling1140k213/2/060k2 - 11390k120/2/040k25k
Ruff an' Low ThrillsHalfling1100k234/2/060k2 - 01280k50/0/060k27k
Bone GodsTomb Kings1260k120/2/040k1 - 21750k131/0/030k30k
Masked HarlequinsElven Union1320k183/2/120k1 - 01790k50/0/040k32k
Bone GodsTomb Kings1370k140/1/280k1 - 01780k92/0/020k23k
So-Fist-icated BullChaos Dwarf1400k131/0/070k2 - 01460k60/0/060k32k
Ruff an' Low ThrillsHalfling1440k215/0/070k2 - 11280k80/0/060k31k
0rcHardOrc1570k151/0/150k2 - 11900k100/1/010k32k
Decadence IncChaos Renegade1600k91/1/020k0 - 22280k152/1/040k34k
Nurgle Burgle 49ersNurgle1610k191/3/080k2 - 01400k50/0/040k30k
Hard Strike SpawnersSlann1740k212/3/160k2 - 11290k101/0/010k34k
Crimson ButterflyHuman1760k183/2/010k1 - 21670k192/2/060k36k
Bone GodsTomb Kings1660k141/2/030k1 - 01810k71/0/040k36k
Nuzzling NecrosNecromantic Horror1740k131/1/070k1 - 12010k101/0/050k29k
Decadence IncChaos Renegade1770k111/0/030k1 - 21860k151/1/070k30k
Alderman High VipersVampire1900k172/1/040k2 - 02380k50/0/040k43k
Tell Em About The Hubba, MummyShambling Undead1990k252/4/150k2 - 12030k101/0/050k29k
Ruff an' Low ThrillsHalfling2040k141/1/140k1 - 21310k173/1/070k34k
|HUBBA| BubbaElven Union1950k192/2/040k2 - 11490k90/0/040k35k
Carlisle Chaos Chosen ChasmChaos Chosen2120k162/2/070k1 - 01660k60/0/030k34k
Alderman High VipersVampire2170k272/3/370k2 - 12570k111/0/160k36k
Bone GodsTomb Kings2190k232/3/270k2 - 11990k143/0/040k34k
Life MistakesHigh Elf2190k130/1/080k2 - 11560k111/0/020k35k
Bone GodsTomb Kings2210k162/1/160k1 - 01640k112/0/110k34k
Carlisle Chaos Chosen ChasmChaos Chosen2100k131/0/150k1 - 01820k71/0/010k28k
Decadence IncChaos Renegade2200k151/2/180k1 - 11760k100/1/060k36k
Alderman High VipersVampire2120k212/3/080k2 - 12120k90/0/030k34k
Berserker PrincesHuman2210k91/1/020k0 - 11990k100/1/050k27k
Infectious_DiseasesSkaven2140k183/3/050k1 - 31830k150/0/050k34k
Carlisle Chaos Chosen ChasmChaos Chosen2180k110/3/080k0 - 11970k111/0/070k23k
Berserker PrincesHuman2190k50/0/030k0 - 22310k130/1/070k35k
Life MistakesHigh Elf2120k90/0/060k1 - 01540k60/0/020k37k
Bone GodsTomb Kings2270k221/4/220k1 - 01720k50/0/060k33k
Carlisle Chaos Chosen ChasmChaos Chosen2350k192/0/260k2 - 12020k111/0/030k23k
Decadence IncChaos Renegade2380k193/1/070k2 - 01740k90/2/050k31k
Nuzzling NecrosNecromantic Horror2260k173/0/350k0 - 31920k181/1/050k38k
Infectious_DiseasesSkaven2120k152/0/080k2 - 12110k101/1/060k32k
Tin Can TitansBretonnian2070k234/1/180k2 - 11160k90/0/050k35k
Nuzzling NecrosNecromantic Horror2330k316/3/270k2 - 11940k101/0/020k31k
Sphinx Legion of QuatarShambling Undead2380k243/2/150k2 - 01650k50/0/050k40k
One time jumpersSlann2380k172/2/080k1 - 01590k50/0/010k32k
Whole lot a HUBBADark Elf2340k243/2/060k3 - 01890k90/0/030k32k
Infectious_DiseasesSkaven2560k193/0/130k2 - 22040k120/0/050k36k
Creeping Under Your WorldUnderworld Denizens2620k284/3/170k2 - 01650k70/1/050k31k
One time jumpersSlann2640k160/2/040k1 - 01830k50/0/070k36k
Nuzzling NecrosNecromantic Horror2850k173/0/080k2 - 01660k70/1/050k33k
Rottenburg HubbabubbasNurgle2720k212/2/170k2 - 11460k110/1/040k34k
One time jumpersSlann2790k191/2/140k2 - 11910k90/0/030k37k
Obsidian ScaleLizardmen2860k130/1/060k2 - 01380k60/0/040k34k
Infectious_DiseasesSkaven2880k193/1/070k2 - 12110k111/0/050k35k
Sphinx Legion of QuatarShambling Undead2930k233/0/290k2 - 01800k50/0/050k33k
Whole lot a HUBBADark Elf2930k233/3/050k2 - 11740k100/0/050k38k
Redshirt RunnersElven Union2950k152/0/070k2 - 11630k90/0/020k38k
One time jumpersSlann2990k161/1/250k1 - 31970k150/0/040k36k
Nuzzling NecrosNecromantic Horror3020k232/2/230k2 - 02100k92/1/010k37k
Identified alcoholicsNorse2940k234/1/130k2 - 01730k50/0/050k35k
Rottenburg HubbabubbasNurgle3070k80/0/040k1 - 01810k82/0/040k40k
One time jumpersSlann3090k183/2/030k1 - 22160k140/1/070k41k
One time jumpersSlann2880k233/2/180k2 - 11820k90/0/040k33k
Redshirt RunnersElven Union3080k151/1/060k2 - 11540k100/0/010k35k
Nuzzling NecrosNecromantic Horror3100k234/1/170k2 - 01980k50/0/060k34k
Sphinx Legion of QuatarShambling Undead3100k151/1/080k2 - 01890k70/1/060k37k
Rottenburg HubbabubbasNurgle2870k141/1/130k1 - 11950k152/1/040k41k
Hubba PaktChaos Renegade2810k255/2/080k2 - 01240k111/1/130k22k
T16TurpitudinemChaos Dwarf2860k232/2/280k2 - 01630k50/0/020k33k
One time jumpersSlann3040k91/1/060k0 - 22050k225/0/160k39k