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Winners of Bar Brawl Mid XXX and LXIX

Former home of Gdamn Bully, greatest Black Orc ever in the box, most block thrown all-time for an orc player
Former home of Averell, oldest orc player of all time in the box, n°4 top star list and 3rd in most blocks
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
Guard, Block, Stand Firm, Dodge
  40 0 1 0 12 5 52/ 210k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 80k
Black Orc Blocker
4 5 2 9
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, +ST
  97 0 1 0 53 10 159/ 210k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9
Block, Guard
  14 0 0 0 2 5 29/ 120k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9   2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 80k
6 3 3 9
  3 0 1 0 0 1 8/ 110k
7 3 3 9
+MA, Sure Hands, Dodge, Guard, Stand Firm
  33 2 19 0 0 5 84/ 200k
5 3 3 9
  18 0 0 0 3 0 6/ 80k
6 3 3 9
Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle
  21 2 3 0 3 5 42/ 140k
5 3 3 9   31 0 1 0 1 0 5/ 50k
5 3 3 9
Dirty Player
  29 0 1 0 0 1 8/ 70k
5 3 3 9   6 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 50k
5 3 3 9   12 0 0 0 1 0 2/ 50k
13 players  
Coach: lautrehamon Re-Rolls (120k): 2  
Race: Orc Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 1710k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 50k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1710k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:251 (109/55/87) |TD Diff:37 (314 - 277) |Cas Diff:309 (448/219/111 - 276/135/58)
Last Opponent: [UwU] Grandfather This!!!

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Steel HalflingsHalfling980k131/1/060k1 - 2980k131/0/040k19k
Fat RascalsOgre1050k70/1/020k0 - 21040k152/0/070k15k
Vamps of Blood and LustVampire1100k151/2/070k2 - 01100k71/1/040k18k
MnggSkaven1060k130/0/230k1 - 01050k71/0/070k21k
Green GoopGoblin1190k154/0/030k1 - 11180k100/1/020k14k
K.F.TzeenchChaos Renegade1240k151/0/060k2 - 11280k111/0/040k22k
Les ValinorsHigh Elf1340k162/0/170k2 - 21220k130/0/060k26k
verts montiloisOrc1430k50/0/020k0 - 11280k141/1/020k23k
Bribe the BoxOrc1350k152/1/030k2 - 11350k100/0/040k20k
St. Kitts Thunder ClapsChaos Dwarf1480k71/0/020k0 - 21470k172/1/070k25k
Mercatale MerendeChaos Renegade1300k150/1/180k2 - 11360k101/0/010k21k
One Must FrogSlann1510k143/1/020k1 - 21520k141/0/080k27k
BB Trophy Old BoysTomb Kings1520k163/1/030k1 - 11520k80/0/090k27k
Black B0rksOrc1550k101/0/080k1 - 11610k153/0/020k27k
Xhlatek's GuardiansLizardmen1560k81/1/020k1 - 11540k80/0/080k31k
Of Mice and RatsSkaven1590k303/5/250k2 - 11580k111/0/030k30k
Unfair and UnsquareOrc1660k162/1/180k1 - 01600k101/0/120k40k
Endimon SteppelandersChaos Chosen1690k171/0/040k3 - 01690k113/0/050k36k
Desert TrophyTomb Kings1710k191/0/4130k1 - 01760k21/0/00k30k
MeatsChaos Dwarf1870k91/1/020k0 - 12040k111/0/080k35k
Bat TrophyVampire1900k101/0/050k1 - 31930k150/0/070k42k
les rats de la charenteSkaven1850k152/1/150k2 - 21850k131/0/050k38k
Happy Mummy DayTomb Kings1760k151/1/120k1 - 21790k152/0/070k34k
Da's MeaniesChaos Chosen1840k182/2/070k3 - 01830k143/1/020k25k
Darkness Fighters IIDark Elf1750k164/1/030k1 - 11720k90/0/070k27k
ChaosixxChaos Chosen1900k110/0/050k2 - 02010k70/0/050k26k
Not So Mighty MagicChaos Chosen1930k50/0/050k0 - 21850k172/1/060k35k
Knogle BandenTomb Kings1840k102/0/050k1 - 11760k80/0/020k29k
ChaosixxChaos Chosen1800k161/1/150k2 - 12010k130/1/170k29k
Happy Mummy DayTomb Kings1680k50/0/170k0 - 21700k152/0/050k31k
BB Small MenDwarf1950k162/0/170k1 - 21840k193/0/160k32k
ChaosixxChaos Chosen1820k132/0/050k1 - 12150k131/0/150k29k
BB Small MenDwarf1820k51/0/040k0 - 11950k183/2/170k33k
Szégyen és GyalázatDwarf1580k51/0/050k0 - 11720k121/1/060k35k
SalamandermenLizardmen1690k154/1/110k0 - 21710k151/1/060k25k
Grim Moor Gators (BT)Necromantic Horror1650k131/1/080k1 - 11900k140/2/130k25k
Inglorious DarkiesDark Elf1630k154/0/060k2 - 01550k90/0/130k28k
amazonerasAmazon1860k172/2/150k2 - 11910k151/1/040k27k
Travelling ClinicDwarf1790k101/1/040k1 - 11790k80/0/070k31k
Colonnie SkavenSkaven1890k233/2/170k2 - 11860k100/0/150k36k
In a BoxTomb Kings1920k141/1/160k1 - 22010k151/1/070k37k
Blackbox Trophy MinersDwarf1840k90/0/030k1 - 11830k143/0/050k39k
In a BoxTomb Kings1940k70/1/040k0 - 01950k133/1/060k32k
Wandering FeathersHigh Elf1930k195/2/060k2 - 12350k90/0/050k32k
Discworld AcademicalsDwarf1990k100/1/020k1 - 21860k110/0/070k39k
Happy Mummy DayTomb Kings2000k173/1/280k0 - 01970k91/0/160k25k
Undo some wrongsDwarf2070k71/0/020k0 - 12060k121/0/130k29k
Elfheim Eagles 123High Elf1980k152/1/160k2 - 32020k181/0/080k22k
Invincible SoldiersShambling Undead1980k184/1/060k1 - 01980k50/0/070k24k
ranerosSlann2090k193/0/050k3 - 02080k71/0/060k27k
Ruette AsylumWood Elf2120k234/3/040k1 - 32140k160/0/030k27k
Undo some wrongsDwarf2140k151/0/160k2 - 02060k151/4/060k32k
Tilean's OgreOgre1600k225/1/070k2 - 11560k141/2/050k30k
WaifsElven Union1970k112/2/050k0 - 31940k182/0/050k25k
Chiens NoirsOrc2160k193/1/070k2 - 02170k71/0/020k37k
Reavers Go BoxOrc2230k172/1/080k2 - 02120k50/0/050k31k
Filthy clanOrc2240k224/0/130k2 - 12100k80/0/050k36k
Smashington GreenskinsOrc2260k112/3/030k0 - 12110k133/0/070k38k
Puget Sound Pounders BBLDwarf2280k71/0/060k0 - 22380k172/0/050k26k
Puget Sound Pounders BBLDwarf2350k181/2/060k3 - 02390k72/0/050k26k
Puget Sound Pounders BBLDwarf2390k81/0/020k0 - 12410k123/0/030k31k
Broken BallsChaos Chosen2380k203/2/080k2 - 12340k90/0/030k26k
Puget Sound Pounders BBLDwarf2450k50/0/020k0 - 22600k173/0/050k28k
Smashington GreenskinsOrc2220k194/0/040k2 - 12170k110/0/010k33k
Tough OnesDwarf2230k81/0/020k0 - 12110k140/1/270k33k
Loud stepsChaos Chosen1960k100/2/040k1 - 21890k141/0/070k30k
Drakkar league2Necromantic Horror1880k71/0/060k0 - 21780k151/2/080k25k
ImpossibilistsShambling Undead1790k142/1/070k1 - 11760k141/1/170k28k
Wasteland VandalsChaos Renegade1990k152/0/170k2 - 01750k91/1/070k35k
Stinky EvilNurgle2130k120/2/050k1 - 22160k236/0/170k27k
Undo some wrongsDwarf2140k50/0/060k0 - 12120k122/0/070k35k
Lupus NecrotusNecromantic Horror2200k80/1/020k1 - 22030k192/2/060k32k
Travelling ClinicDwarf1840k90/0/150k1 - 22170k172/1/160k32k
[BT1] Khemril KhempireTomb Kings1900k142/1/120k1 - 11910k183/1/130k28k
Bloated FCNurgle1820k120/1/120k1 - 01770k92/0/050k24k
Fist of the unicornHuman1830k91/0/040k1 - 11790k101/0/060k31k
Gift Of The GabNurgle1920k191/2/250k1 - 22030k141/3/070k25k
TaalgidsElven Union1550k151/2/070k2 - 11550k80/0/070k28k
L'erba del vicino 2Wood Elf1730k122/1/010k1 - 21700k140/0/080k28k
[B]Dark Wind Fire And SteelNecromantic Horror1720k112/0/060k1 - 21700k171/1/160k27k
Rage of the North StarNorse1510k213/1/270k2 - 11540k80/0/030k32k
One Must FrogSlann1690k130/2/030k1 - 31720k160/1/050k29k
Numas Puff Adders (BT)Tomb Kings1670k130/1/170k2 - 01690k111/1/120k35k
Tango et CashNecromantic Horror1720k162/2/140k0 - 21730k193/2/070k37k
undergloberosUnderworld Denizens1580k225/0/130k2 - 01540k60/0/010k33k
One Must FrogSlann1800k204/1/230k1 - 41730k170/0/040k33k
Dirty RevengeChaos Dwarf1790k50/0/060k0 - 11790k102/0/030k35k
Bloated FCNurgle1800k191/1/250k2 - 11780k120/2/020k27k
undergloberosUnderworld Denizens1780k111/0/080k1 - 01780k90/2/020k24k
undergloberosUnderworld Denizens1830k162/0/060k2 - 01770k81/0/040k30k
La Famiglia RossoShambling Undead1850k275/3/170k2 - 11820k123/0/060k34k
Shrooming BeastsNecromantic Horror2030k184/1/060k1 - 11560k162/2/030k25k
Egor and The PackOrc1950k121/1/080k1 - 01970k50/0/020k28k
Luckville DodgersWood Elf2080k70/0/060k0 - 12490k100/0/070k33k
[B]lack Box RevelationWood Elf2040k141/1/250k0 - 32040k190/1/160k31k
Black Boxed ClawsChaos Dwarf1890k243/0/030k3 - 01800k131/1/140k26k
Silent WindsWood Elf1990k154/0/140k1 - 21900k180/0/160k37k
Happy Mummy DayTomb Kings2050k254/1/160k2 - 12070k121/1/050k28k
vampirerosVampire1980k153/0/180k1 - 01970k101/0/160k29k
Back²Necromantic Horror1950k204/0/060k2 - 01920k80/1/020k27k
caoserosChaos Chosen1980k121/2/040k1 - 01920k80/0/170k23k
Tournament ChampionsElven Union1610k173/1/070k2 - 11620k121/0/050k33k
Back²Necromantic Horror1920k131/1/060k1 - 01930k101/1/020k27k
Smörgåsbord BCHigh Elf1940k152/0/050k2 - 21950k161/0/030k30k
Happy Mummy DayTomb Kings1970k213/2/170k2 - 12070k122/0/060k22k
Humaneros verdiblancosHuman1980k181/2/170k2 - 12050k130/1/010k26k
Darkmine LugersDwarf1810k191/3/080k2 - 11830k91/0/010k37k
Bellmans ApostlarHuman2030k182/2/080k2 - 12020k91/1/020k34k
Tentacles, Tails and Talons Chaos Chosen1950k233/2/020k2 - 22310k191/0/170k37k
New Chaos FriendsChaos Chosen2010k172/0/250k2 - 11980k223/3/050k41k
Bill's Butchershop Ballers Vampire1710k161/0/260k2 - 12090k90/0/030k34k
Clan SmokealotDwarf1990k192/1/040k2 - 02000k50/0/020k43k
Médecins Sans FrontièresNurgle2000k113/0/020k0 - 22310k193/0/180k39k
BT2-DoudoujumpSlann1890k194/0/060k2 - 11890k110/1/040k33k
Stuck MojosGoblin1770k244/2/280k1 - 11810k101/0/020k33k
Bellmans ApostlarHuman2020k222/2/260k2 - 12090k90/0/060k38k
Steel Golems - ColdNorse2070k182/2/070k2 - 21860k171/2/030k29k
elferosHigh Elf1930k141/0/060k2 - 01910k60/0/020k35k
Try test DEDark Elf2140k110/0/070k1 - 22050k192/1/060k30k
Bloated FCNurgle1980k111/0/050k1 - 22150k163/0/070k33k
In Dwarf We trustDwarf2200k120/0/010k2 - 32330k261/3/170k32k
ImpossibilistsShambling Undead1810k235/1/060k2 - 01850k80/0/140k33k
Gork'z KruncherzOrc1780k100/1/050k1 - 11790k111/0/090k33k
Bolonia Club BandChaos Dwarf1920k223/1/060k2 - 02210k94/1/070k33k
Psychopathic TendenciesChaos Renegade1890k141/0/050k2 - 01860k70/0/120k32k
Forgerons du Mont VentouxDwarf1930k192/0/080k3 - 01990k111/2/040k26k
More Dead WeightShambling Undead1890k80/0/140k0 - 11900k101/0/040k33k
Geaux to HellChaos Chosen1950k192/1/180k2 - 11720k141/0/230k27k
One Thousand Dances With DeathWood Elf1930k161/2/020k2 - 31690k160/0/040k27k
Welcome to the Black BoxChaos Chosen2070k151/1/070k2 - 12110k132/0/070k35k
Angry SamoanssDwarf2090k143/0/170k1 - 12110k111/0/030k33k
MathematiciensNurgle2100k142/1/170k1 - 02110k70/0/030k26k
Permiteme que insistaWood Elf2100k142/1/070k1 - 42020k211/1/050k33k
Redwood Sons of AnarchyHuman1870k192/1/080k2 - 21800k110/0/020k27k
Cursed DarkDark Elf2150k82/1/050k0 - 32230k181/0/070k32k
Don't PoMb Me BroNurgle2140k122/0/060k1 - 12350k131/1/070k32k
Avengers of GrudgesDwarf1960k131/1/150k1 - 11960k122/0/030k30k
Long Haul TruckingNurgle2240k133/1/070k0 - 22380k192/0/140k31k
Salamandrijas IILizardmen2200k173/1/040k1 - 22030k131/0/070k32k
enanerosDwarf2220k202/2/160k2 - 02190k71/0/030k32k
Welcome to the Black BoxChaos Chosen2250k202/2/150k2 - 02270k90/2/020k29k
Bunny SlopeChaos Chosen2060k81/0/020k0 - 02050k71/0/080k31k
ForgottenVillainsShambling Undead2200k264/5/060k2 - 12200k101/0/010k30k
UkonaiviiiWood Elf2230k70/0/250k0 - 32230k180/2/070k37k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf1880k132/1/050k2 - 32180k201/0/120k26k
KhornetelmenChaos Chosen2330k112/0/130k0 - 02320k152/1/140k24k
[BT2] Solar ClownsLizardmen2080k153/0/020k1 - 12050k132/0/030k25k
[BT2] Solar ClownsLizardmen2240k162/2/120k1 - 22210k111/0/050k32k
Nurgle BBNurgle2260k90/0/040k1 - 12210k161/2/130k30k
Box Trophy High ElvesHigh Elf2110k80/0/010k1 - 22100k172/0/180k30k
Khorne KhatersChaos Chosen1920k172/0/130k2 - 01910k92/0/030k22k
Nurgle BombNurgle1950k70/1/060k0 - 21960k193/1/170k32k
Thundering Elf MadmenElven Union1690k121/0/060k2 - 11700k90/0/040k28k
Stuck MojosGoblin1850k212/3/170k2 - 11860k122/0/010k32k
[BB] Sex PustolsNurgle1890k140/2/130k1 - 11880k141/3/070k27k
Manzoo's MisfitsNecromantic Horror1570k191/3/070k2 - 11540k151/1/110k30k
ModernistsShambling Undead1800k91/0/140k0 - 11790k120/2/070k35k
Orkish ElevenOrc1870k51/1/050k0 - 11740k80/0/060k30k
One Thousand Dances With DeathWood Elf1990k130/1/060k2 - 11380k90/0/020k36k
Whalelf BallersHigh Elf1940k193/0/160k2 - 11880k90/0/060k35k
Pourritures de NurglesNurgle2000k121/1/150k1 - 02050k70/1/040k33k
Beast Treat FeastNurgle1910k143/1/050k1 - 11890k111/0/030k34k
Delliandra DragonsWood Elf1810k181/2/090k1 - 01770k00/0/00k36k
[B]Dark Wind Fire And SteelNecromantic Horror2150k122/0/040k0 - 42160k388/1/050k35k
Beast Treat FeastNurgle1960k50/0/040k0 - 32050k201/2/070k34k
WoodWose ArboristsWood Elf1790k102/0/160k0 - 21810k130/0/070k27k
ElficidesDwarf2120k120/2/040k1 - 12100k111/0/030k34k
Methadon ProjektNecromantic Horror2110k142/0/170k1 - 12100k194/1/050k28k
Outcasts of Frozen SwampNorse1890k130/1/140k1 - 21880k151/0/070k30k
nigromanteros IINecromantic Horror2110k90/0/020k1 - 22010k130/1/070k34k
Big Trouble in Little CentaursChaos Dwarf2090k194/0/070k2 - 22110k213/2/180k27k
MammaL'orcoOrc1870k142/0/070k2 - 01870k80/0/130k20k
orqueros IIIOrc2110k122/1/070k1 - 12390k131/1/050k39k
Double Snake EyesNurgle1930k92/0/050k0 - 11840k100/1/060k31k
les aigrisDark Elf1750k143/0/130k1 - 11750k100/0/060k26k
Kalevanvik Klashers (BT2)Norse1940k161/0/260k2 - 11900k196/0/040k27k
Nurgling NurgliesNurgle1970k150/2/070k2 - 01880k91/1/030k27k
Momieros 2Tomb Kings1960k100/1/080k1 - 01930k60/1/050k23k
World of WrestlingOgre2040k285/1/030k4 - 11950k182/2/150k29k
Nurglers With AttitudeNurgle1960k122/0/070k1 - 42110k211/1/060k38k
Snu Snu Death SentenceAmazon1770k71/1/030k0 - 11790k100/0/130k27k
A Trippers DiaryChaos Chosen1970k122/0/030k1 - 21970k161/1/030k32k
[BT2] N'Ayn de TroieDwarf1950k213/0/070k3 - 01940k81/0/060k34k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2070k212/2/120k2 - 12820k100/1/050k35k
Boneface CultDark Elf1930k103/0/070k1 - 11910k110/0/060k31k
Coca Loca BBLHigh Elf2090k263/1/060k4 - 02010k142/1/040k31k
A Trippers DiaryChaos Chosen2120k171/2/060k2 - 02090k82/0/040k29k
Bunny SlopeChaos Chosen2200k123/1/070k1 - 12500k101/0/070k33k
A Trippers DiaryChaos Chosen2270k90/1/130k0 - 22400k172/1/070k35k
Camembert Chasers BBLSkaven2060k201/2/160k2 - 21950k141/0/150k39k
Lokomotiv MottiNorse2280k193/2/050k2 - 01320k71/0/050k26k
Counts von CountVampire2310k212/3/040k2 - 02510k102/0/050k33k
That Stinks!Nurgle2310k121/2/030k0 - 22270k151/1/060k35k
Unfortunate Creations BBLChaos Dwarf2180k113/1/020k0 - 12230k111/0/060k34k
[BB2] Khorne's ClawsChaos Chosen2180k142/0/140k1 - 02190k91/1/010k26k
Nurgle's ReapersNurgle2030k222/4/120k1 - 02010k50/0/020k37k
Blackpox FeverNurgle2210k101/0/010k1 - 22210k194/1/070k32k
Pyromaniacs BochumChaos Renegade2060k131/0/260k2 - 12300k132/0/040k32k
Cult of ShadowsChaos Chosen2220k181/2/150k2 - 12680k163/0/040k41k
Tentacles, Tails and Talons Chaos Chosen2280k132/1/050k1 - 22120k151/0/070k33k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf2290k80/0/070k1 - 12300k163/1/070k37k
Anville BladesNurgle2090k122/0/130k1 - 12210k142/1/030k25k
Khaine's ClashersDark Elf2100k91/0/120k0 - 22100k110/0/050k32k
Paris-Sin-GermsNurgle2330k142/0/250k1 - 22110k172/1/150k28k
ProvoRcoOrc2030k184/3/050k1 - 02070k91/0/130k33k
Servants of BlackVampire2210k122/0/060k1 - 22180k130/0/070k37k
pesterosNurgle2140k51/0/060k0 - 12110k121/1/060k27k
Cherry-stoneOrc1880k92/0/040k0 - 12060k133/1/020k36k
San Jose_BaggersChaos Chosen2000k265/2/260k2 - 11810k151/0/220k23k
MarveliciousDark Elf1980k161/1/030k2 - 11930k111/0/050k36k
Bantsville Bears 2.0Human1990k194/1/070k2 - 01730k50/0/020k32k
Black WaaaaghOrc2170k102/0/080k1 - 12090k111/0/040k39k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf2190k304/2/260k3 - 02270k90/1/130k28k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf2080k71/0/050k0 - 22270k170/2/070k29k
Casa de PapelSkaven1920k205/2/140k1 - 11920k150/2/040k29k
RusteD WARFareDwarf1960k172/0/160k2 - 01950k70/0/060k33k
Bilbali RaidersOrc2120k50/0/070k0 - 12190k80/0/060k35k
UppsalaWood Elf2110k123/1/030k1 - 12100k111/0/070k29k
Double Snake EyesNurgle2190k163/0/140k1 - 02200k132/2/010k30k
Major MajorityLizardmen2220k93/0/010k0 - 12160k122/1/070k39k
Academia OrkaOrc2220k143/0/130k0 - 11880k122/0/020k34k
Bunny SlopeChaos Chosen2240k140/1/170k2 - 02210k90/0/110k31k
Killer BabyChaos Chosen2170k70/1/050k0 - 22340k151/1/040k37k
Stinky sticky sea sailorNurgle2050k131/1/160k1 - 22040k162/0/070k33k
I HumanHuman2170k121/1/070k1 - 12170k101/0/030k32k
khrisqrach cragwalkerChaos Chosen2260k256/0/170k3 - 02210k162/1/270k30k
Smashington GreenskinsOrc1930k175/0/030k1 - 31930k192/0/050k30k
NurvanaNurgle1960k151/1/070k2 - 12120k162/3/130k37k
Unbalanced KnivesDark Elf1470k101/0/060k1 - 11460k100/1/020k31k
Storming ShardsNurgle1780k152/0/170k2 - 01730k70/1/020k31k
Foul Dawgs UnitedNurgle1910k112/0/110k0 - 11900k132/0/060k31k
Xaos XtraChaos Chosen1950k144/0/040k1 - 11950k130/0/250k29k
Enanos kaotikosChaos Dwarf1790k110/1/080k1 - 11760k81/0/070k29k
Xaos XtraChaos Chosen1930k131/0/030k2 - 11960k132/0/010k27k
Cordilleran WarhawksHigh Elf1960k121/1/040k1 - 01970k60/0/070k31k
[BT4] Omega OrcsOrc1960k172/0/180k2 - 02040k111/2/060k28k
Nurgle's ReapersNurgle1970k172/2/070k1 - 01790k70/0/150k29k
Warpstone MeteorsSkaven1990k202/4/140k1 - 21770k150/2/050k34k
Leghorn leisure lizardLizardmen1670k160/3/150k1 - 01480k50/0/040k32k
Bunny SlopeChaos Chosen2080k80/0/050k1 - 12480k202/2/140k34k
Rock'n'roll woodiesWood Elf1740k172/1/130k2 - 01700k81/0/020k28k
Tzorn Uzkul WarriorsChaos Dwarf2040k153/1/060k1 - 12030k131/1/070k33k
mineur de thorin moriaDwarf1920k121/1/060k1 - 12130k80/0/060k35k
[BT2] The Cratefull DeadTomb Kings1930k120/2/080k1 - 01920k102/1/010k32k
Expired CherriesNurgle1890k100/1/030k1 - 11850k120/2/020k31k
Crassseux et ValeureuxChaos Dwarf1950k283/1/250k2 - 01850k21/0/00k29k
Don't PoMb Me BroNurgle2000k201/2/020k3 - 02080k112/0/120k33k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf1970k192/2/020k2 - 02080k101/1/120k28k
Yaldheim VandalsOrc1670k150/2/160k2 - 11680k101/0/070k39k
Isha's WillowsWood Elf1780k71/2/040k0 - 21820k150/1/150k37k
[UwU] Grandfather This!!!Underworld Denizens1500k266/0/070k3 - 31500k150/0/040k36k