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Morgenstern Wranglers
P [L] Chaos Renegade

Who are they? Ex-circus performers and members, turned bloodthirsty Blood Bowlers.

This team was formed when the Morgenstern Circus filed for bankruptcy. Everyone at the circus, despite their many virtues, realized that the fans, frankly, couldn't care less for simple unbloody spectacle, when the glories of Blood Bowl existed. This led to the forming of the Wranglers as a Blood Bowl team, under Coach Klazam, one of the few patrons of the Circus when they still existed.

Leading the team are three captains; the savvy Kibbleth, a Dark Elf who fled his old community after being suspected of murder (TOTALLY UNFOUNDED!); the muscular Skitter, who is a freakishly strong Skaven who used to be the center of the Strongratman attraction at the Circus; and the handy William, a Human, who with his spare arms acquired after an accident with warpstone, was uniquely suited to being the Ringmaster with the unenviable task of wrangling the massive Minotaur, Nat'ru'wal, at the circus. Rounding out the rest of the original players is the the bearded lady Troll, Ku'w'al, and Jarakeld, who was a Human bouncer. The rest of the squad is made up of Blood Bowl aspirants joining up later, although they are trained in the Circus ways, just in case the Morgenstern Circus should ever be resurrected.
Casualty TypesPlayers (Red are Mercs)
Minus Strength
Minus Movement
Minus Agility
Minus Armor
Niggling Injury
Miss Next Game

Remarkable players downed:

Drew "Dr Jones" De La Rocha – Dead 239 SPP Legend - Killed by Nat'ru'wal
Fungus the Loon - Broken Collarbone (-ST) Star Player - Crushed himself trying to take out Thomas
New Fish - Dead 184 SPP Legend - Chainsawed by Ugroth Bolgrot
Portrait#PlayerPositionSPPsReasonNotable StatsFast Facts
3H't'lol'iOgre21DeadCas: 8 B: 80Original Player, shocker of a death
8BlatRenegade Goblin18EatenRush: 44 MVP: 3Original Player, always failed at everything until eaten
6JoseHuman Lineman12DeadMVP: 2Learning how to dodge knives, but a tragic accident sadly happened
7JarakeldHuman Lineman11Broken Ankle (-MA)Cas: 3 B: 70Original Player, Broke his ankle early, but kept playing, until finally he had to retire.
4GeorgeHuman Lineman2DeadCas: 1Nothing Noteworthy
13NunezHuman Lineman2DeadBlocks: 14 Cas: 1Original Player
13LarryHuman Lineman2Broken Ankle (-MA)Cas: 1 B: 10Nothing expectional
4JanusHuman Lineman0Fractured Skull (-AV)Blocks: 2Original Player
3OliverHuman Lineman0DeadFouls: 1Original Player
17Julius ClearwingHuman Lineman0DeadGames: 1An aspirant who gave his life before joining the team.
9BarrinHuman Lineman0Smashed Ankle (-MA)Blocks: 17Original Player
6LeeHuman Lineman0DeadBlocks: 20 R: 6 Games:10Original Player
4NicholasHuman Lineman0DeadFouls: 3Nothing noteworthy
(Sorted by SPP from highest to lowest in no particular order)

Nat'ru'wal putting Drew, a legend, to sleep for the final time.

Skitter, the Strongratman
Kibbleth, the Dark Elf Acrobat
Nat'ru'wal, the Monstrous Minotaur
Honors earned:

Early Retirement: Kill a legend.

Trophies earned:

None yet.

Miscellaneous Loot in Trophy Case

Nothing fancy yet.

Tournaments participated into and placing and record:

Inaugural Eagle Bowl: Tied for second place, with a record of 3 wins and 1 draw
Thunderdome: SOON TO COME!

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 5 2 8
Frenzy, Horns, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal
  5 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 170k
Renegade Dark Elf Lineman
7 3 5 8
+MA, +AG, Dodge, Block
n, n 36 5 17 0 0 3 71/76 180k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Block, Claw
  11 0 1 0 2 2 17/31 90k
Renegade Goblin
7 2 3 7
Animosity, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
Two Heads, +MA
  16 0 2 0 0 2 16/31 90k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Extra Arms, Block, Tackle
  37 4 2 0 4 3 33/51 110k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   4 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 7
Block, Tackle
-av 27 0 0 0 6 2 22/31 90k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 4 8
+AG, Block, Sure Hands, Pass
  27 10 10 0 4 4 68/76 150k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   11 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   22 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
Renegade Orc Lineman
5 3 3 9
Dodge, Block
  9 0 0 0 3 2 16/31 100k
Renegade Skaven Lineman
7 4 3 7
+ST, Claw, Mighty Blow, Block
  36 0 5 0 14 6 73/76 170k
5 5 2 9
Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate
Guard, Block
  10 0 0 0 4 2 18/31 190k
4 5 1 8
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
Guard, Stand Firm, Grab
-av 37 0 0 0 10 3 35/51 170k
14 players  
Coach: Klazam Re-Rolls (140k): 4  
Race: Chaos Renegade Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 2070k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 210k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2070k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:38 (10/8/20) |TD Diff:-21 (39 - 60) |Cas Diff:18 (59/28/15 - 48/23/13)
Last Opponent: Malapropism Mania

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Banana MoonGoblin980k121/0/160k1 - 11000k151/1/160k11k
Link's Dark ComradesDark Elf1040k201/2/180k2 - 11030k101/0/050k9k
Fuzzy Buzzy DuzzyNurgle1150k141/0/070k2 - 01050k80/2/050k8k
American's DreamHuman1030k110/0/050k2 - 01150k82/0/040k15k
Griffon Gate SentinelsHigh Elf1390k102/0/010k0 - 51790k292/0/180k27k
Same Same but DifferentNecromantic Horror1340k121/0/140k1 - 21480k233/2/150k23k
Blackwater Glee ClubChaos Chosen1320k161/1/220k1 - 32820k171/0/070k25k
Chatham Island CrowsDark Elf1400k151/1/030k2 - 21410k130/1/120k25k
DIBBL OldboysNorse1240k70/1/060k0 - 21430k173/1/040k32k
Lost Vague-As RaidersOgre1360k191/3/060k2 - 11000k80/0/040k21k
Bonesfield BakersTomb Kings1560k172/2/030k1 - 11270k110/0/150k22k
Students of the ArcanumSlann1610k122/0/020k1 - 11550k153/0/060k31k
Cult of MonroeAmazon1660k111/1/130k0 - 21620k131/0/070k27k
Da Nob, Da Bomb and Da FungusGoblin1690k144/1/040k0 - 21130k132/0/040k29k
Macabre MorticiansShambling Undead1710k80/0/110k0 - 11820k204/3/170k25k
Gray's AnatomyTomb Kings1490k80/0/050k1 - 32070k224/1/080k29k
North ScarsDaemons of Khorne1670k100/0/170k1 - 2990k130/0/150k19k
Witch Gate WraithsDark Elf1760k213/1/180k2 - 11160k90/0/060k24k
Dick Tracy's Detective AgencyHuman1860k110/1/070k1 - 11500k80/0/040k29k
Witch Gate WraithsDark Elf1850k112/1/010k0 - 21500k121/0/040k28k
Freezy TreesNorse1860k246/2/240k1 - 11980k101/0/080k24k
Ook OokSimyin1910k172/2/160k1 - 12040k120/1/140k26k
Late ShowDark Elf1740k101/0/040k0 - 22880k150/0/050k32k
Banana MoonGoblin1890k163/0/060k1 - 21200k161/1/070k21k
Witch Gate WraithsDark Elf1650k141/1/060k2 - 01750k70/1/060k26k
Freezy TreesNorse1920k152/0/050k2 - 11860k133/0/040k26k
Gray's AnatomyTomb Kings1930k120/2/040k1 - 22130k223/2/160k32k
Gray's AnatomyTomb Kings1760k151/1/040k2 - 12140k122/3/040k35k
Freezy TreesNorse1710k71/0/060k0 - 11920k102/0/130k36k
Blackwater Glee ClubChaos Chosen1910k194/0/140k1 - 21650k170/0/160k37k
Karaz-a-Karak KrakensDwarf1690k120/1/030k1 - 21680k152/0/050k22k
Fremantle LineShambling Undead1730k121/0/170k1 - 11210k102/1/050k25k
Chimera AntsNurgle1860k101/0/020k1 - 21710k131/1/030k31k
NyghtstabbersDark Elf1780k131/3/060k0 - 21800k131/0/080k34k
Students of the ArcanumSlann1970k182/0/060k3 - 21810k161/1/160k25k
Late ShowDark Elf1800k134/0/010k0 - 42740k230/1/150k34k
North Cape CraysHalfling1910k172/1/060k2 - 01070k50/0/020k30k
Malapropism ManiaChaos Dwarf2050k154/0/150k0 - 11930k101/0/040k26k