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* * * Did you know? The player with the strongest arm is Cherrystone Hotpack with 5758 yards passed.
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Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
Block, Dodge, Guard, Break Tackle, Grab
  45 0 1 0 13 11 84/176 230k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9
Block, Mighty Blow
  26 0 0 0 3 4 26/31 120k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9   4 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 80k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 1 9
Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle
-ag 66 0 0 0 19 3 53/76 160k
6 3 4 9
Tackle, +AG, Mighty Blow, Guard
  45 3 4 0 12 5 64/76 180k
5 3 3 8
Pass, Sure Hands
Block, Dodge, Fend, Accurate, Tackle
  75 22 31 1 7 4 151/176 180k
6 3 3 9
Tackle, Mighty Blow
  20 0 1 0 6 1 20/31 120k
6 3 3 9
Tackle, Guard
  28 1 1 0 2 3 23/31 120k
Black Orc Blocker
4 4 2 9
Block, Guard
  12 0 0 0 2 4 24/31 120k
6 3 3 9
Dodge, Tackle, Sure Hands
  21 1 1 0 9 2 32/51 150k
5 3 3 9   4 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
6 2 3 7
Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
  39 0 1 0 0 0 3/6 40k
5 3 3 9   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
13 players  
Coach: Guidonius Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Orc Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 1920k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 190k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1920k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:223 (36/38/149) |TD Diff:-244 (131 - 375) |Cas Diff:136 (296/154/55 - 237/94/38)
Last Opponent: Chiswick! Fresh Horses!!!

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
VikkingsNorse1000k70/1/030k0 - 31000k181/1/020k14k
ScandinavieNorse990k103/0/020k1 - 11000k80/0/080k20k
Deep Silent CompleteDark Elf1060k50/0/020k0 - 31060k170/0/040k18k
Reggae RatsSkaven1080k164/0/030k1 - 21160k110/0/070k20k
BazajaunakOrc1120k60/0/060k0 - 11130k101/0/070k19k
[R] BYU CougarsHigh Elf1230k110/0/030k2 - 31400k160/0/060k17k
Pitch InvadorsHuman1250k131/1/040k1 - 11250k90/0/030k22k
Star acChaos Dwarf1260k101/0/050k1 - 21190k110/0/060k21k
Lothlórien LongearsWood Elf1260k122/0/150k0 - 41310k180/0/050k23k
Pointy-eared PrincelingsElven Union1350k171/2/070k2 - 21340k171/0/030k16k
Pyromaniacs BochumChaos Renegade1380k163/1/160k1 - 01530k101/1/060k24k
zannepetuleNecromantic Horror1440k141/1/130k1 - 01480k60/0/040k27k
on y go les gigots!Human1470k120/2/050k1 - 11630k111/0/050k24k
Lupi JqattawkNecromantic Horror1490k90/2/030k0 - 21490k151/1/060k29k
RatsquadSkaven1400k152/1/020k1 - 11490k80/0/020k24k
SlowandrottenNurgle1570k91/1/020k0 - 11680k100/1/050k22k
Bob the black dogChaos Chosen1450k81/0/040k0 - 21650k173/0/040k27k
Sakarian VulturesTomb Kings1550k90/2/030k0 - 11560k80/0/080k35k
Nain KaotikChaos Dwarf1570k160/3/230k0 - 11490k80/0/030k27k
Desperate HousefliesNurgle1580k141/1/1100k1 - 01780k00/0/00k28k
Calm KaozGoblin1610k162/2/050k1 - 11420k122/1/060k23k
Not waving but drowningNecromantic Horror1640k132/2/140k0 - 31700k160/1/070k36k
Below World DeniersUnderworld Denizens1540k174/0/030k1 - 11470k111/0/050k29k
Evergreen de Barback 2Orc1710k182/2/170k1 - 01690k81/0/050k29k
Black SnowChaos Dwarf1740k102/0/030k0 - 11610k121/1/060k25k
Badland ZaggazOrc1710k121/1/070k1 - 21760k130/1/060k25k
Pink Eye PugilistsChaos Renegade1640k212/3/040k2 - 11770k80/0/070k30k
Bob the black dogChaos Chosen1860k120/0/050k2 - 21830k212/3/060k34k
Blekinge BullsWood Elf1580k122/0/150k1 - 11890k80/0/060k28k
Noble Philobowlers 2High Elf1910k111/0/040k1 - 31930k150/0/070k27k
FEZOrc1910k153/0/050k1 - 11890k101/0/050k33k
Bob the black dogChaos Chosen1900k141/1/170k1 - 01840k132/2/030k25k
Alien UndeadvorShambling Undead1910k131/0/130k1 - 01940k111/2/040k26k
Team TickleMonsterChaos Chosen1810k130/4/010k0 - 12110k161/2/140k32k
Johnny's lizardsLizardmen1800k101/0/010k1 - 22080k110/0/080k32k
White Walker TShambling Undead1980k112/0/130k0 - 21620k111/0/070k26k
dark lothlorienDark Elf1980k131/0/060k2 - 11950k101/0/030k23k
Rotter of BarnsleyNurgle2010k90/0/060k1 - 12000k182/3/050k26k
Slim Chance BrigadeElven Union1820k120/0/040k2 - 42420k210/0/080k32k
Sneaky Denso SardsSkaven2010k141/1/140k1 - 21620k151/0/060k31k
Middenheim Meat GrindersHuman2000k121/1/040k1 - 21640k110/0/050k28k
Death Disease and Bad BreathNurgle2010k173/0/150k1 - 22010k224/0/140k28k
A Leap Too FarSlann1970k51/0/030k0 - 32010k222/2/070k33k
Holesburg IronersOrc1620k112/1/060k0 - 21970k150/0/140k23k
Born To Live ForeverWood Elf1990k70/1/010k0 - 32000k160/0/040k22k
BYU Cougars~High Elf2020k222/4/020k2 - 31830k200/1/060k29k
CubicSkaven1960k81/0/060k0 - 21970k181/1/040k31k
[R]Leaping KamikazeSlann2040k171/1/150k2 - 12000k90/0/020k29k
Prowling VulcansChaos Chosen2110k132/1/120k0 - 22090k120/0/080k33k
MeetYourMakerOrc2110k101/0/060k1 - 12120k110/0/040k22k
CubicSkaven2120k254/2/010k2 - 32130k181/0/060k32k
Innos RageChaos Dwarf2170k101/0/060k1 - 11910k101/0/070k33k
MeetYourMakerOrc2200k90/0/240k0 - 32380k161/0/070k26k
Eastwood LopetaHuman2220k111/0/040k1 - 31910k150/0/040k32k
Middenheim Meat GrindersHuman2240k50/0/030k0 - 21680k131/0/040k30k
Whats in a NameOrc2240k50/0/060k0 - 12180k101/0/080k34k
dark lothlorienDark Elf2130k122/2/010k1 - 32340k202/0/080k32k
Los señaladosChaos Chosen2150k91/2/150k0 - 22370k172/1/060k33k
Flapping our wingsChaos Chosen2100k50/0/020k0 - 21970k152/1/040k29k
Acción SocialChaos Dwarf2150k71/0/030k0 - 22140k173/0/150k28k
They Pay My BillsWood Elf2050k90/1/140k0 - 42020k242/0/050k34k
CubicSkaven2050k70/0/120k0 - 62330k344/1/040k30k
Los señaladosChaos Chosen1920k92/0/050k0 - 12320k153/1/060k37k
MeetYourMaker-OrcsOrc1940k162/1/0120k1 - 01690k00/0/00k25k
CompostajeShambling Undead1970k50/0/010k0 - 22010k172/1/130k41k
Ghibuto MaskSkaven1790k102/0/020k0 - 31990k162/0/060k36k
BYU Cougars~High Elf1980k72/0/060k0 - 32120k180/0/060k20k
Breaking All MouldsChaos Chosen1980k101/1/040k0 - 22480k171/1/080k30k
TurniermumienTomb Kings1980k92/1/160k0 - 31830k160/1/180k27k
Les 7 Nains du JardinDwarf1780k90/0/050k1 - 22060k152/1/040k20k
MeetYourMakerOrc1960k71/0/060k0 - 12270k122/0/080k30k
Breaking All MouldsChaos Chosen1960k91/0/110k0 - 22490k130/0/070k25k
Gromphs ChampionsOrc1980k113/0/070k0 - 01750k71/0/040k26k
Walla-blins of Goblitan Chaos Dwarf2010k92/1/040k0 - 22060k110/0/050k33k
CubicSkaven2010k143/1/060k0 - 42120k273/2/050k31k
FeH2Orc1890k80/0/050k1 - 31940k202/1/050k22k
Quetzls Jungle FightersLizardmen1910k91/1/050k0 - 11970k101/1/080k28k
CubicSkaven1770k174/1/140k0 - 41920k232/0/080k32k
Born Again MonstersNecromantic Horror1810k50/0/060k0 - 31890k222/0/250k34k
Les Guerriers InvulnérablesChaos Chosen1710k81/0/030k0 - 12210k162/1/150k29k
Karak Eight FreaksUnderworld Denizens1510k92/0/010k0 - 21640k162/0/050k34k
Born To Live ForeverWood Elf1600k163/1/070k1 - 12130k132/0/040k26k
Not waving but drowningNecromantic Horror1770k141/1/130k1 - 31780k161/0/060k33k
Black Heart Bisons 2Chaos Renegade1760k132/1/130k0 - 21500k131/0/060k23k
Doomy DiggersChaos Dwarf1810k131/1/040k1 - 01890k72/0/070k26k
Nurgle WaspNurgle1820k120/2/060k1 - 02040k50/0/020k22k
Quetzls Jungle FightersLizardmen1900k60/0/050k0 - 31900k213/0/050k31k
BierzOrk'sOrc1930k71/0/040k0 - 22550k170/2/150k37k
RRR WoodysWood Elf1770k192/2/070k2 - 11740k100/0/040k34k
Baumschnitzer ''14Wood Elf1920k81/0/020k0 - 22240k171/0/070k33k
BierzOrk'sOrc1950k91/0/140k0 - 22270k141/0/070k29k
lesdurakuirsOrc1940k60/0/040k0 - 31820k171/0/080k27k
Grin Bay Soul SnackersVampire1960k131/2/160k0 - 32590k160/0/060k30k
Sherlock ShortsNurgle1980k00/0/00k0 - 12350k191/2/0120k28k
Clandestinos de OrcbruckOrc1610k80/0/030k1 - 22090k152/1/090k27k
Karak Eight FreaksUnderworld Denizens1410k122/0/130k0 - 31690k212/0/180k27k
Clifton DifferentChaos Chosen1590k90/0/060k1 - 21550k131/0/070k27k
VenezuelaNecromantic Horror1410k50/0/050k0 - 21480k131/0/020k28k
StepdownNorse1520k192/1/170k2 - 11980k164/0/050k34k
CompostajeShambling Undead1560k184/1/020k1 - 11890k80/0/040k38k
Pinky BlindersGoblin1590k175/1/040k0 - 21430k110/0/050k28k
Barnsley LizardsLizardmen1660k133/0/120k0 - 11490k80/0/030k30k
Quetzls Jungle FightersLizardmen1680k91/1/050k0 - 22110k131/0/070k34k
RRR WoodysWood Elf1710k153/1/130k0 - 21600k161/0/070k26k
LoA PickersVampire1540k111/2/020k0 - 32330k233/0/080k25k
Sapling CinemaDwarf1710k50/0/030k0 - 11760k101/0/070k31k
stadefleuretteHuman1730k92/0/050k0 - 31800k233/1/070k31k
Saturday Wight Fever IINecromantic Horror1630k70/1/040k0 - 31490k181/0/070k21k
Quetzls Jungle FightersLizardmen1650k50/0/020k0 - 11730k80/0/080k32k
Special Team OrcOrc1670k92/0/010k0 - 12120k90/0/050k24k
Dark all stars 3Dark Elf1670k120/2/010k1 - 32150k170/0/070k25k
BierzOrk'sOrc1690k81/0/040k0 - 22460k172/0/160k22k
stadefleuretteHuman1670k123/0/050k1 - 11930k111/0/040k26k
Pale Rider From HellShambling Undead1680k71/0/040k0 - 11720k142/1/050k25k
Tozzi e RozziChaos Dwarf1660k171/2/070k2 - 11670k110/1/030k19k
Acción SocialChaos Dwarf1740k112/1/030k0 - 12280k141/2/070k28k
Corre Come Una LucertolaLizardmen1600k72/0/030k0 - 21640k213/0/270k24k
Hedeby VikingsNorse1540k173/0/070k2 - 11590k101/0/020k25k
Deepwater DevilsHuman1690k91/0/160k0 - 41730k190/0/050k28k
[R] First Count's FollowersVampire1620k71/0/030k0 - 11700k132/0/070k30k
Souless SlayersShambling Undead1650k140/2/110k1 - 31750k244/1/060k31k
Barnsley ChorfChaos Dwarf1530k71/0/020k0 - 31550k264/0/280k31k
PicatrixNecromantic Horror1550k111/0/020k1 - 11600k131/1/080k32k
Les Z'Iguanes de St LouisLizardmen1560k111/0/080k1 - 11420k162/1/130k25k
Ka-a's ReturnTomb Kings1580k60/0/030k0 - 21730k110/0/080k24k
stadefleuretteHuman1520k113/0/060k0 - 32100k222/0/140k33k
Kaos FalconChaos Chosen1660k101/1/120k0 - 11360k144/0/090k21k
Bombay Berserkers Human1680k140/3/110k0 - 41760k211/0/080k26k
Jacksonville JaguWAAAAGHSOrc1640k71/0/050k0 - 31700k161/0/050k27k
OrchiBianchiOrc1670k122/1/020k0 - 21960k131/0/070k26k
Splatsmashers of GunkChaos Renegade1680k123/0/010k0 - 22250k131/0/080k28k
Ichabob and WilhelmNecromantic Horror1700k81/0/040k0 - 21370k150/2/080k21k
Quetzls Jungle FightersLizardmen1730k142/0/150k1 - 32520k140/0/080k25k
Bible prophets of the ChaosChaos Chosen1730k60/0/060k0 - 11750k80/0/060k22k
Conscience Team VILizardmen1750k71/0/050k0 - 21820k131/0/080k32k
MeetYourMaker - DEDark Elf1770k173/3/030k0 - 22230k191/0/030k38k
Rotgut's Others Nurgle1770k121/1/050k1 - 22180k172/1/070k20k
Quetzls Jungle FightersLizardmen1710k92/0/060k0 - 42570k180/0/070k29k
Curse of CairoTomb Kings1730k50/0/020k0 - 11820k163/1/070k31k
SelKarDark Elf1540k00/0/00k0 - 12060k130/0/040k31k
CompostajeShambling Undead1530k100/1/130k0 - 12100k121/1/080k28k
Pod Casters HellChaos Chosen1570k101/0/050k1 - 01470k141/2/120k16k
L'île des SaintsWood Elf1430k101/0/040k1 - 21940k140/0/150k28k
British Irish CoffeeHuman1520k50/0/030k0 - 22630k151/1/070k25k
Sword Coast Conquerers IIAmazon1620k182/3/070k1 - 11640k101/0/070k27k
Team TickleMonsterChaos Chosen1630k163/1/060k1 - 12300k192/3/050k30k
Quetzl Jungle FightersLizardmen1310k122/1/060k0 - 21930k130/1/080k32k
Sin City IIIWood Elf1720k172/0/150k2 - 11790k101/0/070k26k
Earth of SummerOrc1730k91/1/040k0 - 32460k181/1/070k23k
NainducsIIChaos Dwarf1590k80/1/030k0 - 21800k172/1/080k30k
Tiny Bronze CodpiecesDwarf1680k71/0/040k0 - 01680k184/0/270k26k
Denizens of DreamNecromantic Horror1380k91/1/050k0 - 11440k100/1/070k23k
LuridissimiNurgle1270k81/0/050k0 - 11130k152/1/150k16k
Orc's WarchiefsOrc1340k152/1/060k1 - 02040k112/1/020k24k
Darkier than DarkDark Elf1490k90/1/120k0 - 11560k110/1/070k31k
Total playingElven Union1410k195/1/050k2 - 11510k100/0/040k24k
Energiziares KlannDark Elf1600k182/2/140k2 - 11720k90/0/070k25k
Annoyingly Green Armada IVOrc1650k60/0/050k0 - 11870k121/0/060k37k
Royal PrancersHigh Elf1640k131/2/020k1 - 21820k120/0/060k27k
90'sHuman1670k120/1/020k1 - 32020k201/1/080k28k
topazzix2Skaven1700k121/1/030k1 - 11580k111/0/070k35k
woodland fawnsWood Elf1720k50/0/020k0 - 31840k171/0/050k30k
Alien UndeadvorShambling Undead1720k172/2/070k2 - 01670k60/0/070k26k
GrippersNecromantic Horror1750k122/0/060k1 - 11620k80/0/030k33k
Chiswick! Fresh Horses!!!Orc1780k101/0/020k1 - 21810k172/1/050k28k
Thunderstruk RealityChaos Dwarf1790k60/0/060k0 - 31770k182/0/040k24k
Marty's BeastsOrc1800k50/0/050k0 - 21790k173/0/060k28k
ProvaUndeadShambling Undead1700k101/0/020k1 - 11760k100/1/060k27k
Chiswick! Fresh Horses!!!Orc1730k102/0/040k1 - 02110k130/0/060k36k
HaudrufffOrc1840k90/0/050k1 - 11680k122/0/070k27k
Tiny Little Elves In DisguiseOrc1850k71/0/050k0 - 11990k130/1/060k33k
UahahahahOrc1880k71/0/060k0 - 11610k101/0/040k30k
Angery SkeletalsTomb Kings1880k192/1/160k2 - 01570k71/0/020k21k
Duh Urmma Iz BroekzOrc1890k71/0/010k0 - 21900k172/1/070k22k
Sultanas of SwingHuman1760k151/1/080k2 - 11740k90/1/020k24k
More of grave than gravyShambling Undead1690k162/2/030k1 - 21550k131/0/080k33k
CompostajeShambling Undead1940k101/1/050k0 - 01870k70/0/170k34k
Souless SlayersShambling Undead1860k71/0/020k0 - 31880k161/0/080k26k
Nain KaotikChaos Dwarf1720k121/0/120k1 - 21580k131/0/080k30k
Pyromaniacs BochumChaos Renegade1710k192/1/070k3 - 01900k71/0/050k23k
Pirates of the WestDark Elf1760k161/2/050k1 - 21780k190/1/080k23k
Born To Live ForeverWood Elf1670k133/1/050k0 - 22350k130/0/070k23k
BullballsChaos Dwarf1690k60/0/020k0 - 21710k172/1/120k28k
Cheekago BorcsOrc1630k60/0/020k0 - 11670k122/0/040k29k
Hacienda PublicaChaos Renegade1630k252/5/170k2 - 11660k101/0/040k31k
This Spo[R]ting LifeChaos Renegade1690k91/1/020k0 - 21620k234/0/160k24k
Warpstone WraithsSkaven1670k110/3/020k0 - 31730k150/0/070k27k
Da ToestompazOrc1680k173/0/150k2 - 11900k90/0/030k23k
[R] Barnsley UnitedHuman1640k182/0/120k2 - 11600k163/1/030k26k
know nothing but snowNorse1750k141/0/070k2 - 11860k80/0/070k34k
This Spo[R]ting LifeChaos Renegade1780k153/2/030k0 - 11730k205/1/070k30k
DeadlySmileShambling Undead1600k162/2/070k1 - 11760k80/0/060k34k
Cthulhu and his FriendsHuman1790k213/2/020k2 - 31750k180/1/080k32k
Special TeamzOrc1690k60/0/030k0 - 21790k170/2/170k38k
Bergen-BullsChaos Dwarf1730k234/2/070k2 - 01830k50/0/070k30k
Hit, Hit, PassOrc1830k132/0/050k1 - 11710k101/1/150k28k
UahahahahOrc1610k121/1/040k1 - 01650k111/2/040k27k
Pub PhilosophersNecromantic Horror1700k100/1/050k1 - 01610k101/1/060k26k
JrrT's Dwarfs teamDwarf1800k50/0/030k0 - 11580k80/0/040k31k
Punch OutsOrc1830k112/1/030k0 - 21790k151/1/070k38k
VulcanoesChaos Dwarf1680k60/0/050k0 - 21700k234/1/060k23k
SluskarnaOrc1710k50/0/030k0 - 31830k180/0/270k32k
Hit, Hit, PassOrc1820k90/0/030k1 - 11940k150/2/240k30k
Reptilian BabiesChaos Renegade1510k134/0/020k0 - 11530k100/0/030k32k
R'Orc and RollaOrc1700k71/1/060k0 - 11820k122/0/080k35k
BearsundeadShambling Undead1720k151/0/070k2 - 11820k100/0/070k26k
Cokenhagen OgrrrreOgre1730k254/1/360k2 - 11750k80/0/060k23k
CompostajeShambling Undead1790k183/1/270k0 - 21990k151/0/170k32k
Psycho MafiaHuman1800k193/1/140k1 - 12010k142/0/080k30k
Dead And Dead AgainShambling Undead1820k101/1/050k0 - 21930k161/1/070k23k
TriRacingTeamChaos Dwarf1720k71/0/030k0 - 11780k245/1/290k30k
L'île des SaintsWood Elf1650k141/2/070k1 - 11800k121/0/040k28k
Division 3Chaos Renegade1760k111/1/120k0 - 01740k71/0/050k30k
Celebrated PugilistsOgre1790k123/0/060k0 - 21870k120/0/020k27k
Hell 'O KittenNecromantic Horror1800k80/1/050k0 - 21800k120/0/070k28k
Handmaiden's TaleNurgle1760k60/0/040k0 - 31720k170/1/050k35k
GrrrrobsGoblin1630k204/0/030k2 - 01640k92/1/230k29k
Classy BrawlerzOgre1810k184/0/140k1 - 11750k163/0/120k26k
Ghosts of HangzhouChaos Chosen1740k80/1/040k1 - 11670k110/0/030k26k
O'ggresOgre1850k163/1/150k1 - 11740k101/0/060k36k
BehalfHalfling1840k234/3/060k2 - 21830k120/0/080k33k
Boreks' BrawlersDwarf1850k81/0/050k0 - 21860k170/0/060k28k
Chiswick! Fresh Horses!!!Orc1860k92/0/070k0 - 02080k71/1/040k29k