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* * * Did you know? The best blocker is Taku the Second with 551 casualties.
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Sent on a mission by Marsupilamec, the great Slann of Tlaxtlan, the squad was sent on a mission to retrieve the long lost Plaque "50 Grades of Slay", which is rumoured to contain 50 spells to slay, encapture and banish the dreaded Chaos Daemons. Mired in a protracted battle with everlasting Chaos forces, the wise old Slann knew this Plaque's spells might be the only way to save Tlaxtlan from being overrun. The Slann enchanted the squad so that they could never find their way home unless they had found the Plaque

Ever since having received their orders the squad has been out in the Old World searching for their prize. AFter decades of searching only a handful of the squad survived, they had come to realize the plaque is in use as a prize for the winner of the annual Blood Bowl Tournament called the "Fumbbl Cup".

Now lacking the manpower to simply attack and take the Plaque by force, the squad decided to learn the game of Blood Bowl and win the tournament. In order to learn the game they decided to engage in as many games as they could get, and would enter the Fumbbl Cup every year to attempt to win the prize!

edit: Semi-finalists in Fumbbl cup 2020. They were so close to going home!
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 6 1 9
Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull
Block, Guard, Dodge, +ST, Break Tackle
-ag 73 0 0 0 27 7 89/176 290k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Break Tackle, Tackle, Dodge, Guard
  77 0 0 0 17 9 79/176 190k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Break Tackle, Tackle
  58 0 1 0 25 8 93/176 180k
Saurus Blocker
6 5 1 9
Block, Frenzy, Break Tackle, +ST, Juggernaut
  50 1 0 0 14 11 84/176 210k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Break Tackle
  77 0 0 0 36 6 102/176 180k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Break Tackle, Dodge, Block, Tackle, Guard
  76 0 4 0 8 10 78/176 190k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Kick
  64 0 0 0 25 8 90/176 180k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
Side Step
  9 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 80k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  20 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
Skink Runner
8 2 4 7
Dodge, Stunty
Side Step, +AG, Sure Feet, Sprint, Diving Tackle
  40 1 21 0 1 3 81/176 180k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
Sure Hands, Sure Feet, Side Step, Diving Tackle
  31 3 13 0 0 3 57/76 150k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  11 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
13 players  
Coach: Joost Re-Rolls (120k): 4  
Race: Lizardmen Fan Factor: 10  
Current Team Value: 2410k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 200k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2410k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:78 (42/14/22) |TD Diff:31 (114 - 83) |Cas Diff:-20 (99/53/21 - 150/33/10)
Last Opponent: Wandering Feathers

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Los croakers de LustriaLizardmen980k121/0/170k1 - 0990k101/1/020k15k
Victory NoxChaos Renegade970k70/1/060k0 - 0970k91/1/060k11k
[BBT2] NorseNorse980k122/0/060k1 - 0980k71/0/040k24k
Needle and a threadHalfling1170k193/1/060k2 - 11190k121/1/030k26k
RudiChaos Dwarf1130k101/0/010k1 - 21180k193/1/050k22k
[BBT2] HumanHuman1260k101/1/050k0 - 31270k191/0/160k27k
We put the PRO in teamElven Union1260k130/0/160k2 - 11230k121/0/010k24k
Rumpmasarna BKDark Elf1320k110/0/140k1 - 11360k141/1/060k16k
Rashamèsh W.E.V. JaguarisWood Elf1300k151/1/050k2 - 21320k172/0/050k18k
Nuln Royal EngineersHuman1400k80/0/020k1 - 11380k122/1/030k23k
Bantsville FangsVampire1360k122/0/060k1 - 01400k80/1/040k23k
[BBT2] NorseNorse1400k122/0/040k1 - 11350k122/0/080k26k
New Kids TurboGoblin1480k131/0/050k2 - 11450k123/0/070k31k
ContagiososNurgle1550k71/0/030k0 - 21640k150/3/080k26k
Banco Dei PugniChaos Renegade1200k140/1/260k1 - 21170k213/2/070k22k
Norfolk n chanceChaos Chosen1400k50/0/040k0 - 21440k151/0/150k22k
[BBT2] NiCe FrogsSlann1380k100/1/020k1 - 11430k163/0/030k29k
ImpossibilistsShambling Undead1410k151/0/130k2 - 01520k81/0/050k35k
Eggspolding KittensAmazon1460k122/0/060k1 - 11460k141/3/060k31k
[BBOX] New in the boxNecromantic Horror1290k71/0/030k0 - 21250k194/0/060k27k
[Bx] Nekro-BullasNecromantic Horror1470k151/0/170k2 - 01540k102/0/050k26k
Canary DwarfsDwarf1540k131/0/050k2 - 01540k61/0/020k27k
Black Wizards of the BoxDark Elf1580k173/0/070k2 - 11580k100/0/020k29k
Unstructured gangOrc1610k71/0/060k0 - 11640k132/0/070k34k
Lizzies from HellLizardmen1610k101/0/020k1 - 11520k164/0/040k36k
Well Cultured GentlemenOrc1540k122/0/020k1 - 11570k131/1/030k32k
[BT2] Neverending Shambling Undead1530k120/0/070k2 - 11540k152/0/150k33k
pactoplacaChaos Renegade1550k170/1/180k1 - 01420k21/0/00k22k
Desert Dream TeamTomb Kings1590k152/0/080k2 - 11590k173/1/110k26k
dulkesTomb Kings1600k112/1/070k0 - 01520k134/0/060k29k
fais po chaudNorse1610k180/2/140k2 - 21590k152/1/020k37k
The_Acolytes(A Toecutter Gang)Chaos Chosen1480k142/1/070k1 - 01770k92/0/040k30k
Cathim CooksHalfling1700k190/2/180k1 - 01410k21/0/00k27k
Sokth's ScorpionsTomb Kings1750k171/2/020k2 - 11740k101/0/020k36k
Sorrow Scythes Dark Elf1780k122/0/050k1 - 01780k50/0/020k32k
Orin's frontlineChaos Dwarf1800k182/0/060k3 - 11890k123/0/040k31k
PainT it OMBreTomb Kings1820k191/1/230k2 - 01870k90/1/170k38k
BBT3 Ribbit Ribbit!!!Slann1750k192/1/170k2 - 01650k73/0/050k32k
Blood Dolls SocietyVampire1890k172/0/170k2 - 31990k233/0/070k32k
Trophy MithryliaDwarf1890k81/0/020k0 - 31910k234/0/030k32k
[B] A Horrific CollectionNecromantic Horror1880k161/0/080k3 - 01680k112/0/150k31k
MarveliciousDark Elf1920k142/1/010k1 - 21990k141/0/030k31k
Geroros MorosNurgle1960k193/1/070k2 - 01980k72/0/040k43k
Nurgle's ReapersNurgle1960k90/2/070k0 - 21930k193/1/060k35k
BBT CR Je07Chaos Renegade1930k91/1/060k0 - 21940k140/1/060k25k
Bulbous GronknautsNurgle1930k172/1/060k2 - 02020k50/1/040k25k
Residencial MirreyesHigh Elf2020k50/0/040k0 - 11990k110/1/050k35k
Hirpus TribeNecromantic Horror2040k191/3/070k2 - 11970k122/0/040k33k
A Control TeamNurgle2140k121/1/040k1 - 12210k110/1/070k40k
Rotten NecroticsNecromantic Horror2070k71/0/060k0 - 11960k142/1/150k27k
10tacle ExperimentNurgle2080k90/0/020k1 - 22150k132/1/050k27k
Chump town RerollsOgre2060k223/1/080k3 - 01890k135/0/010k26k
Khmeri seasonTomb Kings2200k131/0/060k2 - 01950k144/0/150k27k
Raging Crazy VerminSkaven2210k202/1/070k3 - 02040k122/1/060k34k
BBT3 Umbral StalkersDark Elf2140k242/1/060k4 - 42000k325/0/040k36k
LutéciensOrc2320k141/1/180k1 - 11980k110/1/020k29k
Orc ColorsOrc2150k131/0/030k2 - 02140k113/0/050k32k
Nazghuls TeamChaos Chosen2340k271/3/140k4 - 11860k175/0/040k31k
Quarantena TeamDwarf2250k141/2/060k1 - 02050k93/0/030k29k
Who farted!Nurgle2410k150/1/260k1 - 22290k153/0/080k39k
Storming ShardsNurgle2430k171/2/050k2 - 12350k163/1/120k32k
Lean Mean Kill MachineChaos Dwarf2320k120/1/120k1 - 22370k172/1/030k31k
Greenies of VirginiaOrc2290k110/0/070k2 - 12300k102/0/030k29k
Hell's PavementLizardmen2380k213/2/030k2 - 32400k224/0/060k42k
Vi Orkar InteOrc2370k131/0/070k2 - 02110k71/0/050k35k
Torcs'masherOrc2390k140/0/020k3 - 21880k182/1/040k38k
Woodhead WanderersWood Elf2210k243/2/160k3 - 22370k162/0/030k28k
Jurassic JuggernautsLizardmen2440k234/2/020k2 - 12200k80/0/060k34k
K''Chain Che'MalleLizardmen2360k172/1/030k2 - 02530k92/0/060k38k
Gezwirbelte Bärte Chaos Dwarf2350k162/2/040k1 - 22340k174/0/050k33k
le petit peuple du maraisLizardmen2420k193/1/060k2 - 01680k60/0/030k35k
ElfukaiWood Elf2450k173/0/030k2 - 11900k162/1/040k36k
GalagaDark Elf2470k92/0/170k0 - 31870k222/0/050k36k
GrimboniannsOrc2390k130/0/060k2 - 12270k110/1/030k31k
Zharr Zharr BinksChaos Dwarf2540k151/2/010k1 - 22140k154/0/070k40k
Wood Work WarriorsWood Elf2340k110/0/080k2 - 01630k60/0/040k30k
Lizzy PrideLizardmen2380k235/1/040k2 - 12140k174/0/170k33k
Wandering FeathersHigh Elf2420k80/0/060k1 - 22570k191/0/070k29k