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Dökkálfar Dreki
P [L] Black Ark (CIBBL)


Head Coach:

Black Ark

Team Colours:

Dökkálfar Dreki
Many years ago, the Corsair Aeghir landed his boat 'Dreki' on the island of Skomer. Befitting of a true Corsair, he took it for his own and took the best and most wilful of the women, Ran, as his wife.

In time, she gave him 9 daughters and as they grew they became strong, fierce and able, and together they crewed the 'Dreki' and continued to raid.

In the tradition of the original Black Ark Corsairs, they also passed the time at sea throwing a football across the deck, and as soon as Aeghir heard of the riches on offer from the Cabalvision League he set sail for the nearest port with a stadium and signed up.


Following the tragic deaths of Aeghir and Ran on the pitch, Kraken Helm Mimir seized control, appointing himself captain of the Dreki, and also of the Blood Bowl team. Under his reign of terror results on the pitch started to improve, but under a shroud of mystery and evil. Of the original crew, only 3 sisters remain on the team.
The new Team Song: https://youtu.be/d8BDXWyy_eA

Mimir himself was killed in Year 8 Summer, after leading the Dreki to successive divisional wins in Autumn and Spring. Himminglaeva took on the captaincy.
CIBBL Year 8 - Spring - Great Ocean - WINNERS

CIBBL Year 7 - Autumn - Clay Division - WINNERS*

CIBBL Year 9 - Spring - Great Ocean - WINNERS

*Division tied, decided by coin toss

CIBBL Season 1 - Year 6 - Summer
Dreki moored up and the players disembarked to begin their Blood Bowl careers. Initial results were generally bad due to a combination of ineptitude, poor coaching and bad luck, but by the end of the season had chalked up 2 wins.

CIBBL Season 2 - Year 6 - Autumn
The Dreki once more set sail around the Old World to play in the Leather division. A generally successful season resulted in a 2nd place finish, but sadly at the cost of sisters Dröfn and Kolga, both too severely injured to play Blood Bowl again, and also of Aeghir's wife Ran who was killed during a loss to the Amazons.

CIBBL Season 3 - Year 7 - Winter
Winter was a season of massive change aboard the Dreki. A loss to Half Elves also cost the lives of Blodughadda and, tragically, of captain Aeghir. Mimir appointed himself captain and led the team to victories against the Daemons of Tzeentch and the Giants.

CIBBL Season 4 - Year 7 - Spring
Mimir occasionally showed up to play as in practice Himminglaeva led the team through their first regional competition. Good wins against the Sea Eagles and Norscan Curse were tempered by a catastrophic loss to the Black Flags. A tie against Queen Amphione's Revenge ensured a 2nd place finish in the division and celebrations. Dufa's death mean that only 3 of Aeghir and Rans daughters now remain in the crew.

CIBBL Season 5 - Year 7 - Summer
The least said about Summer the better. The Great Ocean was invaded by savages from the Dark Lands. Highlights were a win against the Ogres and Himminglaeva managing 6 completions in a single game.

CIBBL Season 6 - Year 7 - Autumn
The crew of the Dreki came roaring back in Autumn, winning 4, tying 1 and only losing 2 to tie the division lead with the Mountains of Mourn Tyrants. Dreki were awarded the division victory by coin toss.

CIBBL Season 7 - Year 8 - Spring
Mimir and Himminglaeva, differences set aside, had plotted how to beat all their other Ocean rivals and take the division. Wins against Norscan Curse, the Sea Eagles and Queen Amphinome's Revenge put them in pole position and a tie against the Predators of the Deep secured the crown. Frøya emerged this season as one of the best players of the league.

CIBBL Season 8 - Year 8 - Summer
Invitational tournaments were organised, with Vima Taktu inviting the Dreki to join his career celebration. It proved a watershed for the Dreki, as while they won won, drew two, lost one they also lost several key players. Mimir and Frøya were both killed in this campaign.

CIBBL Season 9 - Year 8 - Autumn
The Dreki rose to the heady heights of the Bronze division in this year's prestige-based tournament. Alas! They flew to close to the sun and were burned. They took one win from 6 games and finished bottom.

CIBBL Season 10 - Year 8 - Winter
Friendly season was a chance to take stock, taking 3 wins from 4 and losing no players, the crew was ready for Spring.

CIBBL Season 11 - Year 9 - Spring
The Dreki roared into Spring, with wins against the Black Flags, Amphione's Revenge and the Sea Elves to secure the Great Ocean title again.

CIBBL Season 12 - Year 9 - Summer
Representing Blagga's Flyin Cirkus, Dreki were happy to be on the winning side for once. We lost Hefring to retirement this season.


The eldest daughter of Aeghir, and ship's captain, Himminglaeva's arcing passes rarely miss their target. As new team captain, she plans to mould the team into her vision of passing perfection.

Aeghir's youngest daughter and first mate to Himminglaeva, Bölge excels at all aspects of Blood Bowl; running, dodging, passing, catching or hitting.

The quiet elf of the crew, Torstein is as dogged as his name suggests.

Scylayas Blackvane took the name 'Haltija' when he donned the Kraken Helm and took to the Blood Bowl pitch. Mimir's successor is the backbone of the team, holding the line and hitting hard.

Past Players
The original Ship and Team Captain, Aeghir's was murdered in a loss to the Waystone Outcasts.

Aeghir's first wife was killed by a horrible Amazon blitzer

Violent tyrant Mimir took control of the Dreki after Aeghir's death, and was himself killed by a tiger.

Aeghir's second wife, Frøya was the main reciever in the Dreki's passing plays. We still grieve for Frøya.

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Pa Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Kraken Helm
6 3 2+ 5+ 9+
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles
  16 0 0 0 1 1 6/16 120k
7 3 1+ 1+ 8+
+AG, Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Cannoneer, +PA, Leap
n 73 98 17 0 1 6 Legend
7 3 2+ 2+ 8+
Dodge, Block
n 35 11 1 0 0 1 19/31 120k
7 3 2+ 3+ 8+
Juggernaut, Nerves Of Steel
Dodge, Guard, Block, Side Step
n, n 53 0 10 0 7 4 63/76 180k
Black Ark Corsair
7 3 2+ 4+ 8+
+MA, Dodge, Block
  12 0 3 0 1 5 31/51 130k
Kraken Helm
6 3 2+ 5+ 9+
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles
  2 0 0 0 1 1 6/16 130k
Black Ark Corsair
7 3 2+ 4+ 8+   5 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
Black Ark Corsair
7 3 1+ 5+ 8+
Block, +AG, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle
-pa, n, m 72 4 13 0 33 3 123/126 200k
Kraken Helm
6 3 2+ 5+ 8+
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles
Dodge, Block, Side Step
-av 49 1 1 0 7 5 41/51 160k
Kraken Helm
6 3 2+ 5+ 9+
Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles
Dodge, Block, Tackle, Side Step
n 35 0 1 0 12 6 56/76 180k
Black Ark Corsair
6 4 2+ 4+ 8+
Dodge, +ST, Wrestle
-ma 27 0 3 1 7 4 41/51 160k
Black Ark Corsair
7 3 3+ 4+ 7+
Sneaky Git
-av, -ag 22 0 1 0 0 1 7/16 90k
Black Ark Corsair
7 3 2+ 4+ 8+   2 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
12 players (+1 player missing next game)
Coach: CrookfangRob Re-Rolls (120k): 4  
Race: Black Ark (CIBBL) Dedicated Fans: 3  
Current Team Value: 1920k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 135k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 2120k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:76 (32/12/32) |TD Diff:-1 (92 - 93) |Cas Diff:-51 (80/40/15 - 93/68/25)
Last Opponent: Dark Room Delights

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Bronze Ushabti of AsaphKa-Sabar (CIBBL)1000k40/0/060k0 - 2970k140/2/060k1k
Queen Amphinome's RevengeNautican (CIBBL)980k120/0/120k1 - 31050k191/2/020k0k
Arachnarok's Forest BreedsForest Goblin (CIBBL)1010k101/0/030k1 - 21060k121/0/070k2k
PtrusxllG Paradox of EnigmasDaemons of Tzeentch (CIBBL)1070k191/0/150k3 - 01090k81/1/070k2k
Sandstorm of SettraDust Goblin (CIBBL)1130k152/0/020k1 - 21240k100/0/050k1k
Towering Titans of TartaroxGiant (CIBBL)1150k151/0/170k2 - 01230k80/1/030k1k
Axhakkum's Furious RageDaemons of Khorne (CIBBL)1160k120/0/180k1 - 11090k152/1/150k1k
Bronze Ushabti of AsaphKa-Sabar (CIBBL)1260k130/0/060k2 - 11450k152/1/020k0k
Kara NightingalesAmazon (CIBBL)1310k111/0/050k1 - 21270k120/0/150k1k
Savage Outback RangersLumbria (CIBBL)1310k194/0/070k2 - 01570k60/1/030k2k
Waystone OutcastsHalf-Elf (CIBBL)1300k101/0/010k1 - 21540k212/0/260k1k
PtrusxllG Paradox of EnigmasDaemons of Tzeentch (CIBBL)1220k181/1/070k2 - 11520k130/2/050k1k
Towering Titans of TartaroxGiant (CIBBL)1370k120/0/060k2 - 11410k151/2/150k1k
Oceanborn Sea EaglesSea Elf (CIBBL)1350k90/0/170k1 - 01790k122/0/110k1k
Sartosa Black FlagsPirates of Sartosa (CIBBL)1460k90/0/010k1 - 22100k203/0/260k1k
Norscan CurseUndead Pirates (CIBBL)1430k171/1/070k3 - 11860k203/2/150k1k
Queen Amphinome's RevengeNautican (CIBBL)1330k120/0/080k2 - 21560k203/2/020k1k
Caverngut CheatersGnoblar (CIBBL)1450k91/0/150k0 - 21540k141/0/030k1k
Thunder Peak FrosthornsOgre (CIBBL)1530k222/1/040k2 - 01280k102/1/020k2k
Lu'Khatz Klan CrooksHobgoblin (CIBBL)1520k71/0/050k0 - 11370k103/0/050k0k
Zharrduk HellcannonsBlack Dwarf (CIBBL)1590k91/0/040k0 - 31960k204/3/070k1k
Wolf Lands SlaversHobgoblin Slavers (CIBBL)1490k101/0/040k1 - 21950k184/1/020k1k
Flamemasters of ZhurrChaos Dwarf (CIBBL)1580k90/0/020k1 - 11590k153/0/160k0k
Pride of LybarasLybaras (CIBBL)1590k181/0/040k3 - 01560k71/0/130k1k
Terminal HarmonyMalal (CIBBL)1630k50/0/050k0 - 21730k112/0/070k1k
Stones ForgersNorse Dwarf (CIBBL)1670k152/0/080k1 - 01960k41/0/030k1k
Library of IndraSimyin (CIBBL)1710k171/2/040k2 - 12250k113/0/060k1k
Rot Mansion CouriersDaemons of Nurgle (CIBBL)1740k182/0/120k2 - 11920k111/1/040k1k
Lost Lycans Of LumbriaWere (CIBBL)1770k90/0/020k1 - 21880k171/1/160k1k
Mountains of Mourn TyrantsOgre Kingdom (CIBBL)1730k142/0/140k1 - 11980k112/1/030k0k
Dark Room DelightsSlaanesh (CIBBL)1710k60/0/030k0 - 31620k202/0/050k1k
Khorne's DoombringersChaos (CIBBL)1850k90/0/040k1 - 21780k192/1/050k1k
Waystone OutcastsHalf-Elf (CIBBL)1820k172/1/050k2 - 11870k160/2/020k1k
Queen Amphinome's RevengeNautican (CIBBL)1780k162/0/050k2 - 11800k90/1/120k0k
Sartosa Black FlagsPirates of Sartosa (CIBBL)1830k101/0/050k1 - 21980k130/1/160k1k
Norscan CurseUndead Pirates (CIBBL)1750k151/0/060k2 - 11810k112/0/040k1k
Oceanborn Sea EaglesSea Elf (CIBBL)1830k172/0/090k2 - 11810k111/1/040k2k
Predators of the DeepSons of Stromfels (CIBBL)1770k150/2/030k2 - 21570k151/2/030k1k
Wraiths of WoeDryad (CIBBL)1740k141/0/030k2 - 21950k151/1/080k1k
Bhubaneswar RampageKingdoms of Ind (CIBBL)1590k70/0/160k0 - 31970k190/1/370k0k
Towering Titans of TartaroxGiant (CIBBL)1750k273/2/120k3 - 01700k61/0/110k0k
Ynys Morien MabsantwyrFour Nations (CIBBL)1710k142/1/070k1 - 11690k132/0/170k1k
Scions of NeferataLahmian (CIBBL)1610k113/0/060k0 - 21800k213/1/070k1k
Karak Azog OutlawsGoblin (CIBBL)1650k111/0/020k1 - 21650k163/0/060k1k
Kara NightingalesAmazon (CIBBL)1580k121/0/020k1 - 21780k233/2/070k1k
Rotfall Ironworks RocketeersClan Skryre (CIBBL)1630k60/0/060k0 - 11840k122/0/070k1k
Dark Room DelightsSlaanesh (CIBBL)1680k110/1/060k1 - 12050k112/0/060k1k
Wolf Lands SlaversHobgoblin Slavers (CIBBL)1810k130/0/060k2 - 11750k141/2/040k1k
Waystone OutcastsHalf-Elf (CIBBL)1690k101/0/050k1 - 22010k161/1/080k1k
Stirpoint ButchersOgre (CIBBL)1760k223/1/175k2 - 01480k40/0/055k11k
Beasts of Crimson KeepBlood Dragon (CIBBL)1640k181/2/085k2 - 01620k40/0/065k13k
Yennla EternalsIsha (CIBBL)1820k71/0/070k0 - 11760k163/1/080k14k
Vanaheim RangersWere (CIBBL)1840k232/3/070k2 - 11640k100/1/060k10k
Sartosa Black FlagsPirates of Sartosa (CIBBL)1800k171/2/170k1 - 01970k40/0/060k12k
Queen Amphinome's RevengeNautican (CIBBL)1960k121/1/065k1 - 01410k60/1/055k11k
Aethyric HumoursElemental - Air (CIBBL)2030k90/0/080k1 - 21400k161/1/090k14k
Ithilmar InvinciblesSea Elf (CIBBL)1830k100/0/160k1 - 01360k80/1/050k10k
Accomplishers of Phar's WillMahrak (CIBBL)2040k180/3/075k2 - 11910k110/2/065k11k
Hyanda En' I' Kuruni AranWitch Elf (CIBBL)1740k111/0/085k1 - 11690k111/1/085k15k
Hammers of the White WolfCult of Ulric (CIBBL)1800k151/3/060k1 - 11730k151/2/060k10k
Eicheschatten Swan RidersHalfling1850k164/2/055k1 - 01330k120/3/045k9k
Dark Room DelightsSlaanesh (CIBBL)1930k121/1/150k0 - 11950k110/2/060k10k
Accomplishers of Phar's WillMahrak (CIBBL)1860k60/0/060k0 - 11830k111/0/170k12k
Deluge-BearersClan Pestilens (CIBBL)2150k131/2/065k1 - 11690k141/1/165k11k
Horsemen of The Great KurganKurgan (CIBBL)2080k160/1/160k2 - 01550k111/1/140k8k
Tempelhof WolvesNecromantic (CIBBL)1990k212/1/0100k3 - 01710k40/0/070k14k
Karak Azog OutlawsGoblin (CIBBL)1870k122/2/075k0 - 11670k131/4/085k15k
Deluge-BearersClan Pestilens (CIBBL)1520k110/2/055k0 - 31640k170/2/085k11k
Night Shadow MasqueradeKhainite Assassins (CIBBL)1690k81/0/050k0 - 21620k121/0/070k10k
Queen Amphinome's RevengeNautican (CIBBL)1940k153/0/070k1 - 11890k110/2/070k12k
Eye and ArrowAvelorn (CIBBL)1850k141/0/075k2 - 11570k100/0/065k11k
Stones ForgersNorse Dwarf (CIBBL)2140k80/1/055k0 - 22100k141/1/075k11k
Cuexotl Jungle DaggersSkink (CIBBL)2050k266/0/065k2 - 11750k132/0/155k9k
Wraiths of WoeDryad (CIBBL)2060k140/1/090k2 - 12040k131/1/180k14k
Matrons of MaliceSisters of Sigmar (CIBBL)2000k61/0/080k0 - 12160k70/0/090k16k
Dark Room DelightsSlaanesh (CIBBL)2190k60/0/065k0 - 22040k162/0/185k13k