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_______________________________________________________________________________ BLEKINGE BULLS _______________________________________________________________________________ Team colors: Black and turkosgreen Symbol: Bulls head Owner: Anganatyr Head Coach: Anganatyr Assistant Coach: sir Orckiller Home Stadium: Green Leaf Stadium Sponsor: Real Reikland Stout and Foulcon Beer Players: Wood elves Team Motto: -"You just see a green shadow before our touchdown!" Cheerleaders: The Defenders of Nature Team Mascot: Benjamin Bagger (Halfling) Team Scald: Esethiel Apothecary: Elfhamish Team Wizard: Althren the wise ________________________________________________________________________________ Blekinge Bulls competitions Table top local leagues: Rödeby Cup I (winner) Katakomb Masters I (winner) Rödeby Cup II (winner) Rödeby Championship II (came to semifinal) Katakomb Masters II (winner) Rödeby Cup III (winner) Edekling Bowl I (Tournament break off) Katakomb Masters III (winner) Edekling´s 7´s Bowl I (winner) Baby Bowl I (winner) Katakomb Masters IV (winner) Murmaid Cup (out after the first game) Katakomb Masters VII (winner) Katakomb Masters VIII (winner) Legaby Open I (winner) Edekling Bowl II (winner) Katakomb Masters IX (didn´t even came to play-off´s) Killer Bowl IV (winner) FUMBBL: FUMBBL CUP XVI Secret League Road to the NAF Championship 2018 (came out nr 11 in Group A with 42 teams, in Group B was 44 teams) Result: 3-1-2 ,7 points (+6) Crown of Sand IX: Qualifer VII BAR Brawl X - Hi Old World Rookie Rumble #30 Europen Online 2018 Svenska LÖBBL IX FUMBBL CUP XVII Svenska LÖBBL X Svenska Ligan: Vinterkuppen X Svenska Ligan: Vinterförlorarna X Svenska Ligan LV: Allsvenskan Svenska LÖBBL XI Warpstone Open XIV: Qualifier V NAF Speed Rush 2019 SnowBowl IFTP Ulthuan Invitational XV Qualifier: Amethyst Lantern Svenska LÖBBL XII Svenska Ligan LVI: Allsvenskan Crown Of Sand X: Qualifier VIII Svenska LÖBBL XIII Grotty Little Tournament XV: Old Teams Qualifier 1 Svenska LÖBBL XIV FUMBBL CUP XVIII Svenska LÖBBL XV SweBBA-ligan, säsong 1 Waterbowl double Elimination 2020 Warpstone Open XV: Qualifier VI Svenska LÖBBL XVI SweBBA-ligan, säsong 2 Svenska Ligan LIX: Allsvenskan Tilean Team Cup Online 2020 Ulthuan Invitational XVI Qualifier: Golden Latern Dungeonbowl Dust-Up Svenska LÖBBL XVII Svenska Ligan LX: Division 1 Svenska LÖBBL XVIII Svenska LÖBBL XIX Ogre-hio Open Charity Tourney Svenska LÖBBL XX Eur'Open Online 2020 The Good, Bad, Fair and Ugly 2021 SNUBBL - Säsong 1 Table top tournaments: Price Tag VI 2019 (Copenhagen) NAF World Cup IV 2019 (Dornbirn) ________________________________________________________________________________ Players that died for the team (R.I.P): Nr: 2 K. Appletree (Treeman Blocker) Nr: 2 "The Green Hood" (Wardancer) Nr: 9 B. Svensson (Lineman) Nr. 4 A. Svensson (Lineman) Nr. 3 Green Ghost (Wardancer) Nr. 18 George Coldorc (Journeyman Lineman) Nr. 16 Green Danger (Lineman) Nr. 10 N. Surehand (Catcher) Nr: 13 Green Shadow (Lineman) Nr. 18 Leroy Deepwing (Journeyman Lineman) Nr. 19 Duane Silentfire (Journeyman Lineman) Nr. 6 K. Fastfoot (Lineman) Nr. 90 Jordell Freshbreeze (Starplayer) Nr. 18 Howard Vilestream (Journeyman Lineman) Nr. 6 Eldoriel (Lineman) Nr. 12 Halamar (Lineman) Nr. 90 Willow Rosenbark (Starplayer) Nr. 5 R. Fastfoot (Lineman) Nr. 8 Legolas (Thrower) Nr. 14 J. Goldfinger (Catcher) Nr. 3 Green Ninja (Wardancer) Nr. 90 Eldril Sidewinder (Starplayer) Nr. 90 Zara the Slayer (Starplayer) Nr. 11 Golden Hands (Catcher) Nr. 3 Green Ninja (Wardancer) Nr. 20 Aaron Dirtyshield (Journeyman Lineman) Nr. 3 Starleaf (Wardancer) Nr. 12 Elrandoril (Lineman) Nr. 9 Arildor (Lineman) Nr. 15 Q. Hardhand (Thrower) Nr. 6 Elladan (Lineman) Nr. 9 Cathdrien (Lineman) Nr. 9 Mithrantalas (Lineman) Nr. 11 Avelorn (Lineman) Nr. 15 Valen Swift (Thrower) Nr. 14 Sticky Fingers (Catcher) Nr. 12 Tilde de Foula (Linewoman) Nr. 14 Magic Hands (Catcher) Nr. 6 Arnariel (Linewoman) Nr. 90 Zolcath the Zoat (Starplayer) Nr. 5 Lorion (Lineman) Nr. 8 Sinduald (Lineman) Nr. 16 Ithil (Lineman) Nr. 7 Wailadain (Lineman) Nr. 10 Magic Fingers (Catcher) Nr. 2 Da Green Mamba (Wardancer) Nr. 8 Elirion (Lineman) Nr. 16 Shä-Sång XX (Lineman) Nr. 12 Celothian (Lineman) Nr. 19 Ian Trueshield (Journeyman Lineman) Nr. 18 William Bluesnake (Journeyman Lineman) (not complet) ________________________________________________________________________________ History This is the first team I ever made for table top Blood Bowl and now it´s my first FUMBBL team. Blekinge Bulls was created in 1988 or 1989. On FUMBBL the team was created in 2015. In the beginning it was an elves team, but when the rules changed it turned in to a wood elf team. The team lives in the big Blekinge forest (also called the Kard forest) in their wood elf village in the trees. The village name is Gondirin and it´s located in the swedish fantasy world Ereb Altor. The Blekinge forest is famous for it´s many big clans of minotaurs, this is were the Bulls in Blekinge Bulls came in. During the Dungeon Bowl league "Katakomb Masters" the team played as a Rainbow wizard team. In a match during "Rödeby Cup III" the wardancer sir Orckiller got serious injured (MA-1) and therefore he was turned into a assistant coach. ![]() The village of Gondirin. After Blekinge Bulls first game on FUMBBL the coach Gozer_the_Gozerian wrote as follow on the match report: -“Coach Gozer made stupid mistakes aplenty in the dying moments of the game, and it possibly cost him the match. The only reason he even got the tie was due to some luck when the elves tripped and turned the ball over in the 2nd half. Then the Baggers were able to blitz the final kickoff, giving them a chance to claim the victory, which they summarily blew. Thanks for the fun game, you deserved the win in this one.” Thank you for the kind words Gozer_the_Gozerian. In the teams second game on Fumbbl one of the wardancers (nr. 3, Green Ghost) was killed by "Throw a rock" during the kick off in turn 8, 1st half. The opponent was downtown sneakers (goblin team) with the coach Iuinos. In the fourth game coach CarlosRofi conceded when the first half ended. At that time Blekinge Bulls had done 3-0 in touchdowns. The opponent was Rat´s Horns (skaven team). After 9 games the team had 5/4/0. The tenth game was in FUMBBL CUP XVI against the blackbox team prinzipielles Nurgeln (Nurgle) with the coach fertfert. During this game the starplayer Morg´n´Thorg played with the elves. Blekinge Bulls lost 0-1 and was out of the cup after the first game. Other teams/coaches that lost the first match in the cup; Nadorins with coach Kfoged, Left My Heart In San Francisco with coach Zed and VMD´s in The Box with coach BillBrasky. There was 257 teams in the FUMBBL CUP XVI. In game 15 nr. 10 N. Surehand was sadly killed by the team BringMeToDeath (Shambling Undead) and are now playing as nr. 3 (zombie) in that team. After 7 games N. Surehand had made 1 cas/2 spp and he was retired from BringMeToDeath. During the game Blekinge Bulls was really bashed with: Nr.6 K. Fastfoot MNG Nr.7 B. Bootó -AV Nr.9 B. Svensson DEAD (RIP) Nr.10 N. Surehand DEAD (RIP) N. Surehand as a zombie. Then I wanted the team to meet the different races in Secret League, so I created a Blekinge Bulls for that. After 17 games nr. 7 B. Bootó was retired. He had -AV, Niggling Injury, -AG, -AV, -MA. I love my players to much. In game 24 the team meet the famous Verminton Tailgunners (Skaven) and their coach Inforthepain. To take part in Road to the NAF Championship 2018 I created a Blekinge Bulls for that purpose. The team came out nr 11 in Group A with 42 teams, in Group B was 44 teams. Result: 3-1-2 ,7 points (+6). In game 25 the team meet the famous Left My Heart In San Francisco (Halfling) and their coach Zed. In game 26 Blekinge Bulls meet the coach sann0638 (NAF president) and his team WBLOS Wonders (elven union). In game 27 Blekinge Bulls took part in Crown Of Sand IX: Qualifier VII. The team meet Bad Luck Sux (wood elf) and their coach The_Murker from Canada. For the first time on FUMBBL Zara the Slayer played for the team. Blekinge Bulls lost the game with 0-2 because I played like crap. ![]() In game 28 Blekinge Bulls played in BAR Brawl X - Hi were the wood elfs meet Coca Loca BBL (high elf) and their coach mrt1212 from United States. We lost the game with 0-2 and was out of the brawl. During the match Jordell Freshbreeze (starplayer) played for the team and was killed. Then the Blekinge Bulls version for Secret League took part in Old World Rookie Rumble #30. The first game was against the Estalia team Irrana Inquisitors and their coach Nightbreed (United Kingdom), ending with 1-2 loss in overtime. The next tournament for Blekinge Bulls was Europen Online 2018. The team played in the squad Too Fast, Too Fabulous together with the two swedish coaches havaji and Grumplekins. The first game was against Strider84 and his Wood Elf team Team Woodhound. Too Fast, Too Fabulous ended in place 44 of 46. ![]() At the same time Blekinge Bulls played in Svenska LÖBBL IX. In this league the team meet the race Simyian for the first time. Here is a diss song from KnalleRatz (skaven) coach Kros4n (it´s in swedish), the game ended 1-1. Thank you Kros4n. During the league Blekinge Bulls played aganist Bretonnians for the first time on FUMBBL. It was aganist the team Lords of Crabs and the coach soky56. Blekinge Bulls made it to Pig Bowl play off´s, but was out after the first match. In game 32 Blekinge Bulls enter the Fumbbl Cup XVII. Then it was time for Svenska LÖBBL X. Here is a diss song from Mighty Crusaders of Nässjö (Orc) coach BlueberrySlayer (it´s in swedish). Thank you BlueberrySlayer. Then Blekinge Bulls joined Svenska Ligan: Vinterkuppen X. The first game was against Kära Örebroare (Necromantic Horror) and the really good coach Dragons. I was a 4+ pass (with reroll) from winning the game in turn 7 of 2nd half, but missed the pass and lost 1-2 in overtime. In turn 7 of 2nd half nr. 3 Ronnie Peterson (flesh golem) killed nr. 7 B. Bootó (woodelf lineman) and now he is playing for Kära Örebroare as a zombie. B. Bootó as a zombie. Because the wood elves lost the match they came to Svenska Ligan: Vinterförlorarna X. In the jumbofinal they meet Astrids Orker (Ork) and their good coach Bone. The game was even, but in overtime the elves manage to do the winning touchdown and became winner of Svenska Ligan: Vinterförlorarna X. In game 36 the Bulls meet the famous Elfheim Eagles (High Elf) and their coach Valen Swift. The wood elves got a real beating and lost with 2-6. In 2nd half, turn 6 nr. 8 Legolas (Thrower) was killed by Prince Moranion (Starplayer). Also nr. 13 Fanafriel (Lineman) got a smashed hip (-MA) and nr. 14 J. Goldfinger (Catcher) got a damaged back (Ni). This is Blekinge Bulls biggest loss in the team history so far. And then I count all the teams table top games too. Elfheim Eagles Then it was time for the team to enter Svenska Ligan LV: Allsvenskan. The first match was against Kära Örebroare (Necromantic Horror) and the really good coach Dragons. The game ended in a draw with 1-1. N. Surehand (Wood Elf Catcher) was killed during the game and now play as a zombie for Kära Örebroare. This is the second player that team steal from Blekinge Bulls. Once more the team joined Svenska LÖBBL: Season XI. During the först match against KaosPatrullen (Chaos Pact) and their coach Nohistor J. Greenbeard (Treeman) was sadly killed. Rest in Peace! ![]() The team joined Warpstone Open XIV: Qualifier V and the first game was against Colours of my Life (Wood Elf) and the coach doclystria from Germany. The match ended in a loss 0-2 for the Bulls. Then the Bulls entered NAF Speed Rush 2019 with only one minute turns. The first game was against coach MrCushtie from Singapore and his Skaven team Speedy Tiny Nightmares that ended in a 2-0 win for the Wood Elves. The second game was against coach Candlejack from Germany and his Amazon team NAFerinas that ended in a 1-2 loss. After that is was time for some practise in SnowBowl IFTP. In game 42 the elves enterd Ulthuan Invitational XV Qualifier: Amethyst Lantern. In the first game we where up against Lizardssons (Lizardmen) and there coach Bloofeast that the Bulls lost by 0-1. During the game Nr. 11 Golden Hands (Catcher) was killed. Then it was time for Svenska LÖBBL XII. Once again the Bulls entered Svenska Ligan LVII: Allsvenskan. Then it was once more time to visit the charred and blackened crack in the desert to compete in Crown Of Sand X: Qualifier VIII. The Bulls followed the flaming beacon in the sky that the Tomb lords of Khemri sent up with their magic. The first fight was against Woodhead Wanderers (wood Elves) and their coach Rawlf and it was game 48 for the Bulls. The opponents TV was 2370 and the elves was 1910, so both starplayer Eldril Sidewinder and starplayer Jordell Freshbreeze played for the team. The Bulls lost because of crapy dices and that Rawlf played very well. Of 68 single D6´s was 19 of them a 1. Blekinge Bulls first legend was Nr. 2 Da Green Fear (Wardancer). She made 14 completions, 40 touchdowns, 16 casualties, 2 MVP and 47 games to get there. And not even one single injury. A real legend player. For the first time Blekinge Bulls joined Grotty Little Tournament XV: Old Teams Qualifier 1. Game 54 was the first match in the tournament. The Bulls have started to have trouble getting a second good wardancer back and it´s eating a lot of money:
After a long time it was finally time for a local Table Top league for the Bulls. It was the Killer Bowl IV that the wood elves haven´t played in before. The league went well and the Bulls came out with the victory in the final against Lords of the Underground (Necromantic). Then it was time for Svenska LÖBBL XIV. After that there was a trip to Denmark for a Table Top tournament by the name Price Tag VI 2019. Then it was time for the Bulls to enter the NAF World Cup IV 2019 in Dornbirn. The first game for the wood elves was played at table 1 at pitch 1. The opponent was I Dodici (Dwarves) with the coach Farina from the Champions of Masters of Tilea. The game ended in 1-1. Here is a stream from the game. Then it was time to rumble in FUMBBL CUP XVIII. The next challange for the team was Svenska LÖBBL XV. ![]() Then it was time for SweBBA-ligan, season 1. ![]() The Bulls once more joined NAF-play. This time it was Waterbowl double Elimination 2020. After that it was time to rumble in Warpstone Open XV: Qualifier VI. The Bulls was beaten in the final of the qualifier. Once more the wood elf team was fighting in Svenska LÖBBL XVI. SweBBA-ligan, säsong 2 was the Bulls next challange. To continue with Svenska Ligan LIX: Allsvenskan. ![]() Then the next challange was Tilean Team Cup Online 2020. After that one follows Ulthuan Invitational XVI Qualifier: Golden Latern. The next rumble for the wood elves was Dungeonbowl Dust-Up, the first NAF Live-tournament online. Then it was ones more time for Svenska LÖBBL XVII. To continue with Svenska LÖBBL XVIII. Where the Bulls won Crap Bowl. After that the woodies took part in Svenska LÖBBL XIX. The Bulls overcome their division and made it to quarter final. The elves then enter Ogre-hio Open Charity Tourney to meet some big buys and some really tiny guys, all for charity. This one is for a little 6 year old girl named – Mia. Her father passed away quite unexpectedly. Leaving mom and Mia alone. All love to Mia and her mom from Blekinge Bulls. The last season for the leauge Svenska LÖBBL XX was a sure thing for the Bulls to take part in. The next fight was in Eur'Open Online 2020. Here the elves played in the squad Snagglepuss representing Sweden. The coachers was Bloodfeast (Khemri), havaji (Lizardmen), Grumplekins (Dwarf) and Anganatyr (Wood Elves). The first tournament with the BB2020 rules was The Good, Bad, Fair and Ugly 2021. Blekinge Bulls played in the squad Les Incompeténts with Bloodfeast (Tomb Kings), havaji (Orc) and Grumplekins (Dwarf). havaji 22249 (The Bad: Orc) Grumplekins 26358 (The Good: Dwarfs) anganatyr 25453 (The Fair: Wood Elves) Bloodfeast 27800 (The Ugly: Tomb Kings) ![]() After that it was time for the new swedish league SNUBBL - Säsong 1 by Scisco. The Bulls ended in third place. Then it was time for a local table top league with the new Dungeon Bowl 2021 rules, the Bulls plays as a College of Life-team. It was "Katakomb Masters X". Blekinge Bulls wins the league! After that it was time for the new swedish league SNUBBL - Säsong 2 by Scisco. The Bulls played in division "Kräm de la Kräm" (division 1). So it was time for the Bulls to try out a new game, Deathball! ![]() The first game in Deathball was vs Redvillage Butchers (Orc) and it was a 1-0 win. ![]() Pass coming up! be continued... ________________________________________________________________________________ Team goals on FUMBBL
________________________________________________________________________________ List of coaches country the team has meet 1. Canada (coach: Gozer_the_Gozerian, team: Cheesy Baggers/Skaven) 2. Poland (coach: Micanser, team: Politoed/Slann) 3. Spain (coach: CarlosRofi, team: Rat´s Horns/Skaven) 4. United Kingdom (coach: bigf, team: Esmeralda´s Apron v.2.0/Halfling) 5. Norway (coach: Slaapaav, team: Wulfenburg Wolves/Human) 6. Germany (coach: fertfert, team: prinzipielles Nurgeln/Nurgle) 7. France (coach:RayMontador, team: Les Vents Pires/Vampire) 8. Netherlands (coach: SkavenLordVinshqueek, team: Lower Altdorf Lakers/Underworld Denizens) 9. Hungary (coach: miasmatalon, team: Pssissoss/Snakemen) 10. Argentina (coach: ramesses, team: Once Momias del Caos BBC/Chaos Chosen) 11. Lithuania (coach: Popcorn, team: Cherry-stone/Orc) 12. United States (coach: motay666, team: San Marcos Suckers/Vampire) 13. New Zealand (coach: Wozzaa, team, Jalapeño Poppers/Halfling) 14. Sweden (coach: Inforthepain, team: Verminton Tailgunners/Skaven) 15. Switzerland (coach: Macabeo, team: Lizardy Road/Lizardman) 16. Italy (coach: buttinho, team: sul tetto del mondo/Wood Elf) 17. Malta (coach: Bugrum, team: [NAFC] Nhassrukem/Dark Elf) 18. Belgium (coach: Zed, team: Left My Heart In San Francisco/Halfling) 19. Finland (coach: Grazy124, team: [SL] Dead Hunt /Von Carstein) 20. Portugal (coach: pedro_fgomes, team: FeH2/Orc) 21. Singapore (coach: MrCushtie, team: Speedy Tiny Nightmares/Skaven) 22. United Arab Emirates (coach: ClayInfinity, team: M'goth Skullkrunchers/Ogre) 23. Denmark (coach:Ludovicious, team: Man-Chu Lone Survivors/Hung) 24. Czech Republic (coach: GromCZ,team: Warsong Steelers/Orc) ________________________________________________________________________________ List of famous coaches the team has meet Inforthepain Buttinho Zed (legend halfling coach) sann0638 (NAF president) Silkoun Strider84 Valen Swift (coach of Elfheim Eagles) doclystria Emphasy Table Top Tank Tripleskull Farina ________________________________________________________________________________ List of famous teams Blekinge Bulls has meet Der Green Tide (Goblin) Verminton Tailgunners (Skaven)....More info... Left My Heart In San Francisco (Halfling) Team Woodhound (Wood Elf) Elfheim Eagles (High Elf) Snotre Dame (Ogre) ________________________________________________________________________________ List of swedish coaches the team has meet 1. Inforthepain (Göteborg) 2. Nohistor (Göteborg) 3. Jake101 (Stockholm) 4. SomFan 5. Kros4n (Borås) 6. Znizzoz 7. RobinKaas (Limmared) 8. soky56 9. BlueberrySlayer 10. oscarmedc 11. Dragons (Örebro) 12. Smidigt 13. Bone (Umeå) 14. DrClaes (Kalmar) 15. kaju-ken (Örebro) 16. MartinSeptim (Visby) 17. Frylen (Jönköping) 18. Melisqus (Göteborg) 19. Morad (Jönköping) 20. goffmogg (Skövde) 21. Bloodfeast (Strömstad) 22. PrivateNiCeGuY (Stockholm) 23. havaji (Örebro) 24. Westrin (Jönköping) 25. Pedda (Berlin) 26. L_Johansson (Lupec) (Stockholm) 27. Masajdo 28. Febus (Karlskrona) 29. Nifel (Thursablot) (Stockholm) 30. Ztormy (Stockholm) 31. Duckwing (Örebro) 32. Grumplekins (Stockholm) 33. Baddan71 (Jönköping) 34. Drexxl (Lysekil) 35. Skullflame (Stockholm) 36. FredAtog (Jönköping) 37. rofugos (Varberg) 38. GrimLavamancer (Ulricehamn) 39. Gonzas1000 (Norrköping) 40. Lard (Örebro) 41. Immanuel (Växjö) 42. Juiblex (Stockholm) 43. Tribble (Ystad) 44. hugoeng (Göteborg) 45. Gastronauticon (Umeå) 46. Marunga 47. SideshowBob (Umeå) 48. Veldare 49. Scisco (Ljungby) 50. Coma (Stockholm) 51. Ikterus (Sundsvall) 52. Froxt 53. Quencherintherye 54. Ozt (Stockholm) 55. ChrixX (Stockholm) ________________________________________________________________________________ List of races the team has meet on FUMBBL _____________________________________________________________________________ List of races the team has meet in Secret League Kurnous Orc Big Úns Valkyrie Sisters of Sigmar Mahrak Giant Norse Dwarf Khainite Assassins Border Princes Albion Engineer Rasetra Skink Araby Slayer Zandri Beastmen Elemental Snotling Lumbria Squig Ethereal Nautican Tilea Bretonnian Fimir Nippon Cathay Forest Goblin Northern Nippon Treeman Khorne Four Nations Pirates of Sartosa Undead Pirate Slaanesh Gnoblar Pygmy Blood Dragon Tzeentch Gnome Savage Orc Lahmian Daemons of Khorne Half-Elf Sea Elf Necrarch Daemons of Nurgle Half-Orc Clan Eshin Strigoi Daemons of Slaanesh Hobgoblin Clan Mors Daemons of Tzeentch Hobgoblin Slavers Clan Moulder Daemons of Malal Kingdom of Ind Clan Pestilens Were Centigor Lybaras Clan Skyre Witch Elf Dryad Numas Zoat ________________________________________________________________________________ J. Greenbeard from Blekinge Bulls surrounded by hordes of orcs from Redvillage Butchers (old picture). ![]() |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Pa | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Loren Forest Treeman
2 | 6 | 5+ | 6+ | 11+ | Loner, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate Block |
-pa | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 2/20 | 160k
(120+40)k |
2 |
8 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | Block, Dodge, Leap Strip Ball, Side Step, Sprint, Jump Up |
  | 14 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 9/32 | 205k
(125+80)k |
3 |
8 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | Block, Dodge, Leap Strip Ball, Tackle |
  | 13 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 3/24 | 165k
(125+40)k |
4 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ |   | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/18 | 70k
(70+0)k |
5 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/18 | 70k
(70+0)k |
6 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/18 | 70k
(70+0)k |
7 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ |   | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/18 | 70k
(70+0)k |
9 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ |   | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4/18 | 70k
(70+0)k |
10 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | Block |
  | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0/20 | 90k
(70+20)k |
14 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ |   | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4/18 | 70k
(70+0)k |
16 |
Wood Elf Lineman
7 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | Kick |
n | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2/20 | 90k
(70+20)k |
11 players | Elven Kingdoms League | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 15 (8/2/5) | | | TD Diff: | 2 (16 - 14) | | | Cas Diff: | -26 (5/8/1 - 15/20/5) |
Last Opponent: Moriquendi marauders |
Opponent | # | Record | TD | Cas | TV | ||||
W/D/L | Avg | Avg | Avg diff | ||||||
Chaos Dwarf | 2 | 0/0/2 | 0.0 | - | 2.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 | - | 0.5 1.5 0.5 | -10k |
Dark Elf | 2 | 2/0/0 | 1.5 | - | 0.0 | 0.5 0.5 0.0 | - | 0.5 2.5 0.0 | 5k |
Dwarf | 1 | 1/0/0 | 2.0 | - | 0.0 | 1.0 0.0 0.0 | - | 2.0 2.0 0.0 | -340k |
Human | 2 | 1/1/0 | 1.0 | - | 0.5 | 0.5 0.0 0.5 | - | 0.5 0.0 0.5 | 55k |
Imperial Nobility | 2 | 0/1/1 | 0.5 | - | 1.5 | 0.0 0.5 0.0 | - | 0.5 1.0 0.0 | -55k |
Necromantic Horror | 1 | 1/0/0 | 2.0 | - | 0.0 | 1.0 0.0 0.0 | - | 0.0 0.0 0.0 | 0k |
Nurgle | 2 | 1/0/1 | 0.5 | - | 1.5 | 0.5 1.5 0.0 | - | 1.5 1.0 0.5 | 10k |
Orc | 1 | 0/0/1 | 1.0 | - | 2.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 | - | 2.0 3.0 1.0 | -80k |
Shambling Undead | 1 | 1/0/0 | 3.0 | - | 1.0 | 0.0 1.0 0.0 | - | 2.0 1.0 1.0 | 10k |
Snotling | 1 | 1/0/0 | 1.0 | - | 0.0 | 0.0 2.0 0.0 | - | 2.0 2.0 0.0 | -90k |
Total | 15 | 8/2/5 | 1.1 | - | 0.9 | 0.3 0.5 0.1 | - | 1.0 1.3 0.3 | -33k |