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Legendary Lustrians
P [B] Lizardmen

Little Skippy was born in the temple city of Oyxl, or what was left of it anyway.

Each temple city is different, from the Itza with its great temples, to Hexoati with its huge walls and vast armies of saurus. Oyxl was like none of these other cities. In its prime it was one of the largest with huge temples and great pyramids. However all the wealth and power of the temples came at a price. The huge gathering of emotions and magic wielding Slann priets in one area caused demons to become interested in the city. Over a number of years the demons came closer and closer to invading until one night they broke into the world in numbers never before seen. The incursion lead the 90% of Oyxl being destroyed in one day. Now the streets are hauted by demons in every shadow and only the great temple stands in the centre of the ruins of a once great city. All Skinks born here now train to become priests. Only by maintaining a strong religious presence in the city can the temple stay protected from the shadows skulking in the streets below.

At the age of 3 solars Little Skippy began learning what it meant to be a priest of Oyxl. He was taught how to dodge and avoid shadows in the streets and the importance of working together as a team following the examples of the great leaders before him. Skippy did not excel at any of the tasks before him however, he was driven by a need to make his city better. Skippy was a dreamer. In his dreams Skippy saw his once great city rebuilt and reformed and every morning he woke with ideas about how this would happen. Using the great birds they could lift the largest stones or they could enlist a saurus army to clear the shadows forever, however, these ideas just never seemed to work. There was always something preventing his ideas happening and Skippy knew what it was... GOLD.

Although Slann temples are assumed to have large volumes of gold stores the great temple of Oyxl did not. Most of the gold was taken by plundering Pygmys after the demon incursion. For years the priests made do with the bare minimun, a combination of faith and local Iodo fruit farms they survived for generations. Skippy didn't just want to survive he wanted to LIVE!

In 2516 Little Skippy realised the only way to make enough money and save his city was Blood Bowl. After hearing about The Skavenblight Scramblers on CabalVision Skippy figured that if a bunch of sewer rats could win the sport and get the big money so could Lizardmen. Knowing that the Priests would never get involved he turned to the two places he thought would have lizards willing to join his team.

The first place he went was 'The Gilded Priest', although it sounds like a leader of some sort its actually a bar found under the great temple in Oyxl. This is where he found them, 'The Night Dodgers'.

Some skinks are naturally better at dodging than other. I'm Oyxl those skinks that show an innate ability to dodge the demonic shadows of the lower city tend to make careers out of it. These skinks set out just before the Priests leave the temple each day and distract the shadows long enough for the Skink Priests to get home safe. Naturally they call themselves 'The Night Dodgers'. Skippy was good friends with a few of these dodgy fellows so had no trouble convincing a few to join his team. Some of them were just bored of the quiet Shadows and wanted to have a go at dodging against some real opponents who they could actually gloat at when they avoided their blows.

The second place he went was found just outside the city limits deep in the heart of the Lustrian Jungle. Here he found the defence for his team. I group of renegade Saurus led by a Krox called Korax had been living in the jungle outside the city for a number of years raiding lost caravans and local Amazonian camps for food and gold. Luckily Korax wasn't too smart and quickly decided his 'Dragons' should join the team due to Little Skippys suggestion they might get noticed by pretty Temple Princess if they play.

From that moment Skippy's dream became a reality. A combination of the Night Dodgers and Korax's Boys had made a Blood Bowl team. Now all he needed was a team name...

Of course this wasn't hard for Skippy. He knew this team was destined to be the best and become legends so what better name than The Legendary Lustrians.

Current Players
Past Players

CompletionsMartin Cleareagle
TouchdownsDuane Weakhawk
CasualtiesElvag Deathbringer
Most Valuable PlayerDrax The Dwarf Slayer
Korvo The Mighty
Gardor Elf-Eater
Star Player PointsKorvo The Mighty
PassingHuni Shadowweaver
Martin Cleareagle
RushingHuni Shadowweaver
BlocksKorvo The Mighty
FoulsHuni Shadowweaver
Duane Weakhawk

Still Rebuilding (3)

Here are a few of the badges The Legendary Lustrians have earned.

Kill a player because of prehensile tail.

This was achieved by Drengo The Slayer in this game when Windwalker Piliri was killed whilst trying to dodge away. Even sneaky Wood Elves with dodge are not safe!

Some may be missing but we do our best to keep track.




Chaos Dwarf

Chaos Pact

Dark Elf





High Elf














Wood Elf

Total number of games = 21

Little Skippy is a Skink with a dream of hope for the destroyed city of Oyxl. He brought together the Skinks of the Night Dodgers and Korax's Saurus to form the Legendary Lustrians. This team is the only hope Oyxl has to ever getting enough gold to rebuild its great buildings. Without Little Skippy this dream would never even be possible.

On the team's 9th game against the Khemri of Txirlimoris Skippy and Korax were both injured and retired to become team manager and head coach respectively. This match marked a great day for the team. Although many key members were injured the team now had the best manager and coach in Lustria.

At his retirement Skippy was the teams top rusher with 70, despite never scoring a TD or earning any SPP. He was just such a team player he aways handed off the ball to allow a Saurus to score!


The Night Dodges

Little Dapples is Skippy's best friend. They went to Priest School together and formed a bond like no other in the world. Both Skinks rebelled at school and eventually dropped out after only 18 months of study. Despite not wanting to be priests they both had different ideas. Dapples, the dare devil, joined the Night Dodges and spent his days running circles around the city. Although his best friend didn't join this dodgy group they still remained close, meeting up every night in The Gilded Priest for a drink of sugar water.

Unfortunately he was killed in the teams 2nd game before they had the money to hire a witchdoctor. Skippy was naturally devastated and vows to revenge his death if he ever meets Zeljko the tomb guardian again.

Foby Fastfeet was nicknamed 'Fastfeet' after he completed the Kessle race in 12 seconds. This was 5 seconds faster than any Skink in history. He found his talent most useful in the Night Dodges and saved the Priests many times from danger.

Foby was killed by the mutated Chaos Dwarf Peter Forsberg during his 14th game. This was the game that Skippy first saw the threat of mutated claw players and began to have doubts about the longevity of his team.

Huni Shadowweaver came from a long family of Shadowweavers. They were born to become Night Dodges and it was a family tradition for all Skinks of this heritage to protect the city from the shadows. Despite this Huni's childhood dream was to play Blood Bowl as he was obsessed with becoming the most famous Skink in history. Since he first joined the team he always wanted to prove his worth. He started off as he meant to continue, receiving MVP in the teams' first 2 matches. Furthermore, he did something no other Skink had done before. In his first match Huni killed the Hobgoblin Treoptyr and showed Korax who is the real big hitter on the team.


Korax's Dragons

The Great Korax is the leader of Korax's Dragons. Unlike the other members of the team Korax was not born in Oxyl. Korax was born in the great city of Hexoati many years ago. His genepool was destined to form the huge guarding Kroxigor (The Temple Guard) that defended the Mage Priests of the city.

However Korax did not complete his training and never joined the Temple Guard. Throughout his training the Priests always spoke down to the Kroxigor and Saurus and they were seen as lesser servants. This angered Korax and a great hatred began to build inside towards the Temple Priests. This built up until one day Korax could not take it anymore. A particularly rude Skink Priest told him to stop dragging his tale one day and Korax flipped. It is safe to say that Skink will never cross him again, however Korax was forced into exile.

Korax was not the only one who felt this way and a band of like-minded Saurus joined him in the jungles of Lustria. Korax lived in the jungle for many years and collected followers from many temple cities, but that is a tale for another day.

It is safe to say that the wilds of Lustria changed him over time and this is where Little Skippy met him.

On the team's 9th game against the Khemri of Txirlimoris Skippy and Korax were both injured and retired to become team manager and head coach respectively. This match marked a great day for the team. Although many key members were injured the team now had the best manager and coach in Lustria.

Korvo The Mighty is Korax's right hand Saurus. He is also from Hexoati and was a leader in the city's great Saurus armies. Korvo keeps the Saurus of The Dragons in order and helps maintain order at their camp.

In his first game with the Legendary Lustrians Korvo scored the first touchdown the team ever made. Just to show those Skinks how it is supposed to be done.

Drax The Dwarf Slayer gained his name in the dwarf hold of Barak Varr. One evening in a particularly rowdy seaport bar a Troll Slayer challenged him to an arm wrestle. When Drax won it is fair to say the slayer was not the happiest! The resulting fight was not pretty and Drax now wears the Slayer's hand around his neck as a totem.

Still Rebuilding (6)
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
6 5 1 9
Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull
Stand Firm
  12 0 1 0 2 1 12/16 160k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle
  20 0 2 0 13 3 47/51 140k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Dodge, Break Tackle
  20 0 1 0 5 3 28/31 130k
Saurus Blocker
6 5 1 9
Block, +ST
  21 0 1 0 3 3 24/31 150k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Dodge
  21 0 0 0 3 2 16/31 130k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9   3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 80k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle
-ag 20 0 2 0 12 1 35/51 140k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  1 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 60k
Skink Runner
9 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
+MA, Sure Feet
  16 1 7 0 0 0 22/31 110k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
Side Step, Diving Tackle
  20 0 5 0 2 2 29/31 100k
Journeyman Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 60k
10 players  
Coach: Miceycraft Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Lizardmen Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 1570k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 440k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1570k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:21 (9/5/7) |TD Diff:2 (24 - 22) |Cas Diff:22 (23/17/5 - 9/10/4)
Last Opponent: Fell Purpose
 W/D/LAvgAvgAvg diff
Shambling Undead31/1/10.7-1.00.7   1.0   0.0-0.3   0.7   0.3-27k
Chaos Chosen11/0/02.0-0.00.0   1.0   0.0-1.0   0.0   0.0-50k
Chaos Dwarf42/2/01.5-0.81.5   0.0   0.8-0.3   0.3   0.353k
Dark Elf10/1/01.0-1.01.0   1.0   0.0-0.0   0.0   0.020k
Elven Union20/0/21.0-3.02.0   1.5   0.0-0.5   0.0   0.0165k
Human11/0/02.0-1.01.0   1.0   0.0-0.0   0.0   0.0-100k
Lizardmen11/0/01.0-0.02.0   2.0   0.0-1.0   0.0   0.020k
Necromantic Horror11/0/02.0-0.01.0   1.0   0.0-1.0   0.0   0.040k
Orc10/1/01.0-1.00.0   0.0   0.0-1.0   0.0   0.0-10k
Tomb Kings21/0/10.5-1.00.0   0.5   0.5-0.5   3.0   0.590k
Underworld Denizens10/0/10.0-1.02.0   0.0   1.0-1.0   0.0   0.0-150k
Vampire21/0/11.5-0.50.5   2.0   0.0-0.0   0.0   0.0-5k
Wood Elf10/0/11.0-3.03.0   0.0   0.0-0.0   1.0   1.010k
Total219/5/71.1-1.01.1   0.8   0.2-0.4   0.5   0.220k