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As the Altdorf Arsenik team went bankrupt, the players haven't got their pay and got no training at all. Then on day came Lucifer von Ankerstadt, a no-good nobleman from the country, and bought Altdorf Arsenik's home arena. With it, it seems, he managed to get some of the old players into his contract. The rest he found in taverns around the arena. So now Lucifer has a full team, though made up of old players with just a little too much of a belly, of drunken townsmen, of stable boys and other no-goods. He even employed the thrower's wife just to get a full team. Of course, no one believes in this scheme, but Lucifer doesn't care. He always wanted his own Blood Bowl team, and hey, he got it cheap!

Well, Lucifer's crankiness with his money showed off! In the first game blitzer Heinrich Ecke and lineman Adolf Brümer, both old players from Altdorf Arsenik, got hurt! They couldn't keep up with the younger players of 'Armor Plated Thugs'. Heinrich got a niggling injury and Adolf cracked up really bad (-AV). On the good side was the unexpected performances of Anna Wiemann, the newly hired wife of the thrower (Günther Wiemann). She scored two TD:s and secured the game (for a total of 3-2).

For the second game, Altdorf Allianz were more sure of themselves. They started with an attack on the elves as soon as the ref had blowed the whistle and kept it up for a long time. TD after TD were scored, and elves were carried off the field with bandages and on stretchers. As previously, their amateur status showed off in the last portions of the game. The players are not yet fit too play a full game and in 8/2 Ashjorn Wildnight could make a TD for the elves, after the ball had been thrown and carried over the whole field by elves who easily dodged and smashed the tired human amateurs. Yet that was only a small comfort for them, as Altdorf Allianz walked off with 4-1 in their favour. Coach Lucifer was so pleased that they managed to persuade him (with a lot of alcohol) to get them an apothecary for future games.

The third game was an embarrasing and sad story. Anna, reliable as alway, did a quick TD but from then on everything got out of hand. The opposition, chaos warriors and beastmen with illegal claws (and even razor sharp ones!) brought the Allianz to its knees. The players got so bashed up (4 BH, 3 SI, 1 RIP) that the new apothecary, Friedrich Himmel, hadn't even time to see to them all. In the havoc the best blitzer, Jürgen Schwartz, got a nasty cut and died in Friedrich's arms. The players scattered after the game, and they all went home in morning and bandages. Will Lucifer ever succeed in rallying them for another game?

Well, Lucifer got them on the field again for the fourth game, but it took a lot. Not until he had payed a rough evening in a rather rugged tavern for the whole team and persuaded the exotic dancers (how does he do it?) to show up as cheerleaders, did they agree to enter the arena once more. So Lucifer can get them on field, but can he ever get them to be other than amateurs? I think not, since they (once again!) played a great game but fell through in the second half. The simply don't have the stamina and willpower that the other teams seem to have. Therefore, a safe 2-0 and a blitz suddenly became 2-2 and the Skaven team 'Snurrels United' went off the field in triumph. Lucifer simply have to train them harder and make them stay away from the drinking. That is, if he can...

The fifth game was played later the same day. The cheerleaders/exotic dancers had left and the team wanted another shot, after the embarrasing ending of the last game. Lucifer managed to find another skaven team ('Flying Four'), far better trained and coached that Lucifer's no-goods. Nevertheless, the game was on and if the Allianz can't endure a second half normally, guess what happened trying on an second game! The whole thing was embarrasing, with players tripping and damaging all over the place. Lucifer couldn't see _any_ successful dodge during the whole game, and not a single player came back from the knocked-out corner. Lucifer left before the ref ended the game; some fans said they heard him mutter about wanting an ogre for the team...

The sixth game was a long and hard fight against the dark elf team 'Darkside of Sledge'. Lucifer's promise of an ogre kept the team going, even when player after player were sent out of the field in pain. There was a lot of crowdpushing and the Allianz suffered badly from it. Anyhow, the players were on their toes up to the last rounds of the game, when un unfortunate mistake gave the dark elves the opportunity to score 3-3, the final result. Disappointed once again, the players dragged themselves home with aching bodies and Lucifer's promise of an ogre still echoing in their heads.

With the seventh game came the team's first ogre ever! What the players didn't know, was that the ogre in question hadn't played Blood Bowl in three years (and when he did, for Altdorf Arsenik, he wasn't good at all). Consequently he failed to really help the team and, in a way that's already becoming a habit to them, they fell through in the second half. The opposition got the ball and stalled at the TD-line for a 2-1 win. Mörser, the new ogre, won the crowd's love when the ball bounced into his arms in the first half and he just stood there looking at it, wondering if it was eatable. Soon enough, he was bashed down and lost the ball - until the next game Lucifer have to teach him not to keep the ball for himself...

The eighth game finally gave a another win! Mörser, the new ogre, fought desperately not to be sent back to that petty gangster he earlier worked for. He sent two rats out with injuries while the rest of the team for once tried a more reliable and cool playing technique. Despite this unexpected show of self control by Altdorf Allianz, the opponents (Ravenous Ratty Rats) gave a good show. They scored up to 2-2, then their fans incited a riot for several turns, trying to end the game with that result (they had earlier thrown a rock at Hilde von Grübel, the bastards!). But the Allianz got themselves together and Hilde got her revenge by scoring 3-2 in the final round. A good day for the team and more money for Lucifer.

The ninth game gave another victory to the Allianz. It was a hard and even struggle against the chaos team Warp om Absalon. Though the blitzer Heinrich Müde got a nasty injury that'll keep him off the field for a game or two, the team pretty much remained on their feet and Mörser even learned a thing or two about blocking by sending chaos warriors and beastmen out of the field or facewards down in the dirt. After the blitzer Hans Ecke (the hastily recruited brother of the old blitzer Jakob, who had an aching injury that wouldn't go away) scored the winning TD, for 2-1, the team remarkably enough managed not to get tired and stand down, and so they could hold out for the rest of the second half and win the game.

When the tenth game were to be played, the whole team had been on an all-night-out and came late to the arena. Coach Lucifer was ready to concede the game as the players begun to drop in one by one. The ref refused to wait any longer (especially as he was scared of the black orcs of opposing team 'Mad Boys') so he started the game anyway, but the Allianz fans instantly started a riot and held up the game for five turns. When the riot calmed down all players were present, though Dieter Wohman (one of the linemen) still was drunk and had a hard time doing anything during the game. The rest of the first half went away fast, and Anna Wieman went for a TD in the last round, but fumbled when an orc blitzer tried to stop her getting the ball. The second half was slow an uneventful, but the fans got to see a Allianz special when they, as usual, fell through in the last rounds. A 1-0 win turned to 1-1 when the Wiemann couple failed to stop Gonzo (an orc lineman) from blitzing his way through to a TD in the last round.

The eleventh game was a total disaster. Despite an open blitz in the first round and many great opportunities the team failed with pretty much everything. The guilt rests heavily, once again, on thrower and catchers. Over and over again they couldn't pick up, pass or catch the ball. The opponents, the elven team 'Glassbilen', were almost as lousy at handling the ball, but managed (once again after serious mistakes by the thrower-catcher trio of Altdort Allianz) to score one TD for the final result of 0-1. The team went home in anger and shame and that evening there wasn't much harmony in the home of the Wiemann's (where thrower and catcher Günther and Anna reside).

When the Altdorf Allianz fans left the arena after the twelfth game, they couldn't believe what they've just seen. Had their own team, the amateurs of Altdorf outskirts, just won by 5-0?! Well, they had all seen it, so it was probably true - still their memories were too astonishing to trust. Had they really scored TD after TD against the dark elves of the much more professional 'Black Devils'? Sure, the elves lacked a few players due to injuries, but they should be the better team. And had really Dieter Wohmann, that no-good of a lineman and oldie from the days of Altdorf Arsenik, dodged right by a dark elf, shoulder to shoulder, in the last round, then smashed the ball holder to the ground, grabbed the ball in the air and stretched his legs beyond his capacity to get a final TD before the end signal? Well, If all this is true, it sure isn't the Altdorf Allianz we are used to see...

The thirteenth game was another surprise for both team and fans. They outplayed the dark elves of 'NagarothRaiders' and were it not for fumbled catches on the TD-line at the last round of both halves, the end result would have been gigantic. As it now were, the result was 4-1 and still a great victory for the team. Is it possible that coach Lucifer has begun to whip the amateurs out of the players, and are going to make them professional?

Game fourteen was a hard fight. Just as the team were going to score its first TD, the usual throw/catch-fumble occured. The opponents, skaven team 'Raging Rats of Rock n Roll', ceased the opportunity and scored. From then players on both sides were sent off the field in agony as the fight for victory proceeded. Dieter Wohman was killed and several rats were injured. The Allianz fans was so upset over the death of Wohman that they invaded the pit and sent all gutter runners off the field, badly hurt or seriously injured. The Raging Rats fans responded with a riot as soon as they had made 2-1; they tried to stall the game to insure a victory for the remaining six rats. In the last mintues, therefore, there was a hunt for the storm vermin Ray Charles, who held the ball. Just before the ref blew the whistle, Allianz could break free with the ball and score for a final result of 2-2.

The fifteenth game was a rematch against the wood elves of 'Deepwood's Brothers'. Last time the Allianz (in their second game) won by 4-1, but this time it was much a tighter game. Now the elves, among other things, had the catcher Green Moonnight, with capabilities of scoring a TD in a single turn. He started the game by going for the TD-line, but was tripped on his way. However the Allianz players blocked the new ball carriers, the ball always bounced into the hands of another elf. So they got another shot at a TD when Ith'thitz Jotrill, an extremely agile lineman, dodged through the tackle zones of four humans and got away. Fortunately, he tripped trying to go get those extra yards to the TD-line and Altdorf Allianz took the chance and scored 1-0 before the half break. The second half pretty much was held up by a very long riot when the two teams fans squabbled over hard blocking on The Green Moonnight. Fortunately, no players got hurt and the game commenced with a last attack by the Allianz. A failed pass ended up in Mörser's hands and the ogre refused to let go of the ball for the rest of the game, thus sustaining 1-0 as the final score.

For the sixteenth game coach Lucifer had managed to enroll the old thrower of Altdorf Arsenik, Friedrich Hart. In the old days, he was the experienced one while Günther Wiemann acted as second thrower. Now the roles were reversed and as Günther played a great game (and got an MVP for the pass that made his wife Anna score the game's only goal in the last turn of the first half), Friedrich dragged behind and finally got injured. The game pretty much was nothing more than a battle between the now growingly experienced Altdorf Allianz and the chaos team 'Forgotten Fighters'. Mörser showed off by giving the opponent's Minotaur a serious injury and Jürgen Schwabel sent two chaos warrior out on stretchers, otherwise the chaos players won the fighting. But, as you all know, that's not how one wins the game and the Allianz players went home with a reassuring 1-0 victory.

The seventeenth game was played against the undead team 'Smell of Rotten Feet', a really unhealthy bunch of corpses in all shapes and colours. All in all, the Allianz stood up to them really well and even managed to snatch the ball from a frenzied mummy. The tactics, as set out by coach Lucifer before the game, consisted in only pushing the undead around, lulling them into a false sense of security. When the important moment came they should exchange the pushing for hard battering and throwing all into it. This worked several times and the Allianz was successful in capturing the ball from a diverse range of moving corpses. The players could walk home with a 3-1 victory and few injuries - a glorious day indeed. There was even report of several undeads mustering tears from their stenching pieces of meat and bones as they left the arena..
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
8 4 3 8
+MA, Tackle, +ST
n 16 0 3 0 8 2 35/51 190k
7 3 3 8
  17 0 1 0 2 1 12/16 110k
7 3 3 8
  9 0 3 0 1 0 11/16 120k
7 3 3 8
m 5 1 0 0 0 0 1/6 90k
6 3 3 8
Pass, Sure Hands
Accurate, Safe Throw, Strong Arm
  17 30 0 1 1 3 49/51 140k
8 2 3 7
Catch, Dodge
Block, Leap, Side Step
  17 1 14 0 0 1 48/51 130k
8 2 3 7
Catch, Dodge
Block, Side Step, Sure Feet
  17 1 12 0 0 1 42/51 130k
6 3 3 8   16 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 50k
6 3 3 8
  14 0 0 0 1 2 12/16 70k
6 3 3 8
Pass, Sure Hands
  2 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 70k
6 3 3 8
Block, Kick
  17 0 1 0 3 2 19/31 90k
6 3 3 8   3 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 50k
5 5 2 9
Big Guy, Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
  11 0 0 0 5 0 10/16 150k
8 2 3 7
Catch, Dodge
  1 0 1 0 0 0 3/6 70k
Star Player
8 4 4 8
Block, Dodge, Leap, Sprint, Star, Sure Feet
  0 0 0 0 0 0 Peaked
14 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: chaireas Re-Rolls (100k): 4  
Race: Human Fan Factor: 10  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 2  
Treasury: 0k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1920k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:17 (9/4/4) |TD Diff:12 (37 - 25) |Cas Diff:5 (20/10/1 - 10/14/2)
Last Opponent: Smell of Rotten Feet