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When the king of Midland heard about Blood Bowl he decided that was where his country would compete for true glory and grandeur. He appointed the task of forming a Blood Bowl team to Griffith, commander of Midlands most successful and feared army, The Band of the Hawk. Griffith built the team from the ranks of his army and from the various mysterious beings that he or his friends had come across during their travels. Now they stand ready to take on any foe on the Blood Bowl field. Extra News Bulletin: Berserks has won all of their 10 first games Scoring 21 touchdowns and allowing 3. Game 1 vs. Shakers 2 - 0 A glorious first win against this chaos dwarf team. It started out bad with Zodd being mnged the first turn of the game and a lineman being knocked out, but from there on things improved. Highlight of the game was GATT’s interception and pass to Casca that made 1-0 a possibility at the end of the first half. In the second half Casca scored again and the 2-0 lead was morally devastating for the chaos dwarves. After that the game turned into a bash feast in the middle.. but luckily no one got seriously hurt. Game 2 vs. Black Marsh Lizards 3 - 1 Another win. The Lizardmen were seriously outnumbered throughout the game and my players blocking didn't help the situation for them. Major setback was that they killed Gatts on their first block of the game, the other piece of bad news was that Griffith aged on his first skill roll. I am sure he is faking it. Game 3 vs. Halloweentown 2 - 0 Third win in a row, and the Berserks are on a roll. We finally got ourselves an apothecary after this game, and another catcher as well. Zodd and caska broke their arms and will be missing the next game.. a game that will be quite troublesome for us. Serpicio got stand firm, morale is still high even though everyone is missing Gatts Game 4 vs. Darkside Chillers II 1 - 0 Dark elfs again. This time they ended up killing their own witch elf on their first blitz. The turn after that they gave up the game. Corcas got AG+ on his first SPP roll and we got enough money to enlist Gatts again. A good game for us but a catastrophe for our opponents. We’re now in the lead of faction Q after 4 straight wins. Game 5 vs. Pulp Faction 3 - 0 Once again we’re up against dark elves, third time in the row. And once again we show them how real men play Blood Bowl. The audience seem to be slightly fed up with watching Berserks humiliate dark elfs though, the fan factor went down.. after five wins it has decreased twice and increased once. The audiences here are too demanding. Judeau and Skull Knight rolled SPP rolls, Judeau aged into -ag and got kick while skull knight took guard. Griffith had been complaining about his niggling injury so we got ourselves a new version of him from the stock with the winnings from the game. 5 straight wins and we are still in the top of faction Q. Game 6 vs. Girlys for a naight 2 - 0 Great win versus our arch nemesis the amazons. Our closest game so far the amazons refused to go down and this game was won mainly due to a great defensive play by Gatts. The audience liked what they get to see and the fan factor is back up to 9. Gatts got Mighty Blow and Pippin rolled doubles for Guard. go team. Oh yeah, we’re still at the top of faction Q. Game 7 vs. Terror squad 2 - 1 First game against Chaos. Started out as most games do with Gatts being killed, this time by a worthy opponent though. Minotaur with RSC. The apothecary could help him but he wasn't as lucky later in the game when a beastman gave him a niggle. Time for Gatts mk 3. Played really bad in the first half when I was desperate to foul his minotaur off the field and gave up an early TD. Managed to equalize the score late in the half and in the second half the Norse showed some real spirit, stopping the chaos drive and scoring in the last turn of the second half. 7th straight win and it seems not even chaos and rsc minotaurs can stop the Norse machine. Schirke got +MA and puck got a normal skill, probably dirty player. Game 8 vs. We Dont Know 1 - 0 We received and really put the boot down on the opposition in the first 2 turns. Ko'd a werewolf on a foul turn 1 and Niggled the other on a block turn 2. That was all that was needed to make the opposition reconsider and concede the game. 8th game, 8th victory and first victory in faction 3b. Zodd got his first 7spp and learned block. Corcas learned sure hands and we re-recruited Gatts again. Game 9 vs. Hospital Ward 2 -1 I really thought this would be the end of the berserks' winning streak. But at the end of the first half and start of the second we sent most of the skaven team to the various pits in their dugout. Since the score was tied 1-1 from the first half and we severely outnumbered the skaven in the second half it was just about securing one touchdown late in the second half to get the win. Feel kind of bad about Jinxed during the second half, but in love and faction games anything goes. Rickert scored once and rolled a double getting him guard. Game 10 vs. Head of Tezla 3-0 This game pretty much every armour roll we made resulted in an injury of some kind, at least in the second half. The first half was more evenly matched but we managed to stop the Werewolf-drive and our new blitzer scored a TD. The second half was brutal and at the end only 6 players remained on field from the opposing team. End result 3-0. and the winning streak is now 10 games long. Skull knight learned Mighty Blow, and Gaston had to leave the team due to a damaged back, something tells me he will be back(!) though. Game 11 vs. Hospital Ward 2 -1 Our first game in faction 2a, and it was almost identical to our last game with the Hospital Ward, except no fouling this time. First half was a battle, with ´him scoring rather early and me scoring after some luck in the last turn. Second half starts with me koing his entire LOS and soon thereafter killing two players( apothecary heals one) After that I try to stall him and almost pays dearly for it, he fails the 1 turn touchdown to even the game and I take it again by 2-1. Stupid of me to give him the opportunity to 1 turn td, luckily he didn't take it. Judeau left us thanks to a niggle and was reincarnated as a thrower since our original thrower thanks to gaining stir + on his skill roll won't be throwing many passes in the rest of his career. Game 12 vs. Infected Abominations 0 - 2 Our first loss, basically the result of very bad coaching of me in the first half when I was lucky, and rather bad rolls for me in the second half when I needed to be lucky.. nothing much to say about this one, a good team and a good coach and our handicaps didn't help us as they should have. Game 13 vs. Green Corps 1 - 0 First game against orcs. The Green Corps were severely hurt even before the game and when I got virus as a handicap it was pretty much a sealed deal. After an early Berserks score our fans got the ref on the following kick-off, deciding to avenge Gatts who was fouled of the field the turn before, the Berserks Dirty Player stepped up to the stir 5 blackorc and kicked him in the head, one dead Blackorc later the Green Corps conceded. Feel sorry about the Corps who lost their best Black Orc. Game 14 vs. Mu guapos no semos 2 - 1 Second game against Nurgle and it was an interesting game, I controlled the first half ending in my minotaurs score in the 7th turn. But due to some mistakes I couldn't stop my opponent to score in his remaining turns. In the second half I started breaking armour and this lead to a situation where I finally could pry the ball loose from the fingers of his blodger, and doing so reducing him to 1 beastman on the pitch. Then I tried to run circles around the rotters with my remaining norsemen while putting some catchers up field. In the 8th turn Caska could finally score the winning touchdown. Go team!! 3 star player rolls, nothing spectacular on them. Three guards and a niggle, on Zodd of all players. Game 15 vs. Planet Express Delivery Crew 3 - 1 First half was a blood bath with 2 deaths 2 niggles and I think 4 badly hurts inflicted, most on Planet Express. Even so first half ended 1-1 in heavy rain. Second half was an orgy in bad dice for my opponent.. less blood this half however. In the end the Berserks could walk away with a comfortable 3-1 victory. 2 Skill rolls, dodge to schierke and Guard to Isidro. Lady Farnese died tragically on the field and after much agonizing I decided to retire Zodd. Game 16 vs. Eevil Edshrinkaz Express 1-3 Despite their brave efforts the highly acclaimed orcs of Eevil Edshrinkaz Express, the berserks were no match for the powerfull orcs. For a while during the first half it looked as if the Berserks would be able to cause an uproar, but in the end they were a couple of sizes too small. Schierke score the only TD for the Berserks. Second loss ever for the berserks, who still feel proud of their game. Gatts learned Stand Firm. Game 17 vs. Go Cops 2 - 0 Chaos dwarves, a whole lot of guard and a whole lot of av 9. Handicaps were so so, bu as the berserks played to day they wouldn't have needed any handicaps at all. The defense in the first half was fglawless.. disrupting Go Cops attack almost immediatly and lounging into a fierce counterattack. Scoring in the 7th turn. The second half the norse offense was almost on par with the defense from before, resulting in a score in the 4th turn. In the last part of the game we managed to hold of the dwarves last frantic dash for a td, loosing Lady Farnese in the process, but getting lots of spp, and the undying love of our fans. No SPP rolls though. Game 18 vs. Silvanitas 1 - 1 First game in faction 1 and my first tie. First half the opponent only placed three elfs hoping that i'd score really quick.. i didn't, and my fans got the ref so it was a difficult half for the elfs that did show u,, but thanks to crappy playing i still allowed him to equalize the score in the last turn. The other half was more fun, he started witht he ball and tried to stall me, while I put his thrower under pressure far too late. In the end however he pushed his luck on the stall a little too long and i got the chance to take the ball from him. I managed to knock down the thrower and made a dash for the goal.. and ended up flat on my face ater a 1 reroll 1 on a questionable gfi. Happy news is that casdka got another movement increase. Game 19 vs. Ambassadors of Light 2-1 Another elf game, this time a win. 2-1 after a prety even game that was decided by the many injuries i managed to inflict by my blocking. Caska and schierke are developing really nicely. Team is looking good, only question is what to do with all the money. Game 20 vs. Y-men 1 - 3 Man, F1 is rough, no easy games. This must have been the best dwarven team i've ever plkayed. It didn't help matters that they started the game with a pitch invasiuon that elft me with 7 guys on the field. The entire first haf was misserable and the dwarves won it 2-1. Second half wasn't any better.. but i almost managed to score when isidro dodged into 3 tackle zones, picked up the ball.. and just barely fumbled the pass to a free Caska. Game 21 vs. A.U. Blazers 1 - 2 The berserk now has a streak of two consecutive losses. One good thing about this game, I managed a one turner. Go me. A couple of bad things about this game. Second half, not one imortant dice roll went my way, Isidro died and the apotechary failed to heal him. Schierke was niggled and retired and Corcas was MNGed. And I lost. Horribly! Badly! The good things in the post game was small comfort. Fan factor increased and Lady Farnesse III got AG+ on the level. Game 22 vs. Quincy 2 - 1 The Berserks are back to winning their games again. Really close game that was saved when the ball bounced my way in some key situations. In the end Farnese could make a break for it with the winning TD. No players permanently injured on either team, and that's for the best really since the winnings were awfull. Game 23 vs. Pferdestärke 1 -2 Chaosdwarves, all to strong to begin with. This time with the added touch of Hthark the unstoppable. Even so, first half i pretty much owned. Ok, he fouled my minotaur of the pitch and gave him a -ag. But apart from that, i scored a fairly late touchdown and gave the chaosdwarves 4 rounds to equalize. at the beginning of their last tirn of first half the ball is lying in 3 of my tackle zones. After two blocks the ball is clear. A hobgoblin dodges to the ball, picks it up, dodges away, dodges again throws a long pass to hathark.. who catches it.. all without a single reroll. Game over! Or so i thought. Second half starts with a blitz for me. I push down deep into his half with my blodger and ties up any player he has with tackle. Why bother? A hobgoblin pows her. but he can't get many players to the ball so i soon get it again and places it in a fairly solid cage, i think. But along comes Hthark. Smack. My drive finally ends when Corcous, who tries to blitz the hobgoblin that has managed to snatch the ball, uses a reroll on a 2+ dodge and then fails on the gfi nescesary to reach the hobo. Sick, sick sick. I deserved atleast a tie out of this game. Game 24 vs. Shadowpanters 1 - 1 Quite dull game against dark elfs. First half they spent knocking my players over the sidelines and scored the eigth turn. Second half i returned the favour with fouls and crowdpushes. 4 levels after the game. Dodge to schierke, Gaston got an ag increase, like all my linemen seem to get and corcas learned pass block. Serpicio also got a spp roll, but unfortunatly he aged, will keep him around until i can afford to replace him. Fan factor increased, is now 15. Griffith got seriously injured and will be missing the next game. Game 25 vs. Star Orcs 2 0 - 2 The Berserks are considering to abandon their accept any challenge attitude after this mockery of a game. Orcs are decidedly stronger than norse in all aspects and it didn't help that these orcs were some 60tr above us and was friendly with the dice throughout the entire game. A humiliating loss, that earned us 6spp a decrease in ff, two mng, and 10k. Joy. No more orcs for me this round. Game 26 vs Eevil Edshrinkaz Express 1-2 Orcs, TS way above me, blitzes against, a ton of cas against, some random spp that won't amount to anything, 10k winnings, ff went down. The two crappiest game in a row i've ever played. Replacing Serpicio is now a thing of the distant future. Game 27 vs. Purple Shades 2 - 3 Anothre loss, but it feels like we'r moving in the right direction now. Descent winnings, FF didn't go down. 2 levels, and even though they weren't anything special noone aged. Maybe We'll start winning again next game. Game 28 vs. Pferdestärke 1 -2 Yes, it's another loss. This tiem the chaosdwarves of exrtrordinary bashiness. Kills skullknight, and retires griffith and Serpicio some more. My last game against that team, accept any challenge policy or no. Strong arm to Judeau. Game 29-31 Loss Loss Loss The darkest period in Berserk history Game 32 vs. Punch Out 2 - 2 The season ended ina fairly positive way. 2-2 and the only downside was that Skull knight was killed. Fan factor goees up and enough winnings to get a new blitzer. The stay in f2 will eb a short one. |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up Guard, Stand Firm |
n, m | 25 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 30/31 | 140k
(0)k |
2 |
5 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up |
-ma, m | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 90k
(0)k |
3 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up Stand Firm |
  | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7/16 | 120k
(50)k |
4 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up |
  | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 90k
(30)k |
6 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Pass Accurate, Strong Arm |
  | 22 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 20/31 | 120k
(75)k |
7 |
8 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Catch Dodge, +MA, +MA, Tackle |
  | 32 | 2 | 12 | 0 | 2 | 6 | 72/76 | 170k
(150)k |
8 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Catch Dodge |
  | 11 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10/16 | 90k
(50)k |
10 |
6 | 3 | 4 | 7 | Block +AG, Tackle |
  | 17 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 21/31 | 110k
(95)k |
11 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Guard, Dauntless |
  | 33 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 16/31 | 110k
(85)k |
12 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Guard |
  | 33 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 11/16 | 80k
(60)k |
14 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Tackle, Dirty Player, Kick |
  | 33 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 35/51 | 110k
(128)k |
16 |
5 | 5 | 1 | 8 | Always Hungry, Big Guy, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate, Wild Animal Block |
-ag | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 9/16 | 140k
(110)k |
10 players (+2 players missing next game) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 33 (17/3/13) | | | TD Diff: | 6 (52 - 46) | | | Cas Diff: | 6 (36/32/13 - 38/24/13) |
Last Opponent: Wild Orcs United |