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H'aarkons Howlers
Retired [X] Necromantic

<i><b>H'aarkons Howlers; A team destined to strike fear into Blood Bowl Leagues world-wide? Well, probably not. Led by Team Coach Iscariot, famous for the "four hundred fish" incident of 2486, the team's track record is nothing to write home about. Their practice games are lousy, and their team co-ordination is so awful it's suspected their wasn't enough brains to go around when Menorath & Z'argoth were created. That's right folks, H'aarkons Holwers are another vicious undead team, raised by Iscariot himself (As no living team would have him as their coach!) to play the noble and glorious sport as only they can; Badly! Menorath, the jewel in the crown of Mr. Hyde Park, is the centre of the defence line, throwing his considerable weight around wherever it is nessecery. With the death of Lee'oth, he has risen to pre-eminence in the eyes of Iscariot; Their one remaining hope of becoming a successful Blood Bowl team.</b></i>


Match One: The Compact Crusaders.
You'd laugh at them if it wasn't for their three teamates towering over even the tallest ogre. That's right, with three big angry Treemen standing in their midst, the Compact Crusaders marched to a 2-0 victory over the Howlers, scoring in both the first and second half with reletive ease. It is suspected, however, that the halfing cheif is adding more than just carrots to his pre-match soup, and although investigations have been started, the result still stands:

<b>Compact Crusaders - 2
H'aarkons Howlers - 0</b>

Match Two - Smashed Out Their Heads
A freshman team of humans, straight from the university dorms and onto the pitch, they brought something with them that the Howlers simply lacked; Talent. The first half saw some quality plays being made, aided by the fact that S.O.T.H had brought 25,000 drunk groupies with them. Ineptitude ran riot throughout Iscariots team, and in the first half alone two touchdowns were made, burying the Howlers ... BURYING the Howlers! Ha! Ok, I'll stop. The second half was much better for the Howlers; No, they still didn't score but they managed to maim and kill one of the opposition. However, one of the groupies happened to be doing a Med course, and unfortunately for the Howlers patched him up before the mid-game snack started. Another touchdown later and S.O.T.H cemented their victory over the Howlers. Or maybe that should be Cemeteried! No? Ok, my mistake ...

<b>Smashed Out Their Heads - 3
H'aarkons Howlers - 0</b>

Match Three - Sundai Sirens
Out of the jungles and onto the Blood Bowl pitch, the Sirens, captain'd by their Star Blitzer Sama, dealt the most crushing defeat of the Howlers to date. Totally decimating the undead line, Sama dealt all five opposing touchdowns to the Howlers none, which funnily enough is their overal score for the season. With Z'argoth and Krushknov, two key players in the Howlers line, taken out in the first half, they simply couldn't mark the pitch against the swift and deadly amazons, whose undefeated streak continues to grow and grow. he second half was no different, with Lee'oth being the only player on the ball - LITERALLY! The Howlers saw no other action as the crowd cheered on their favourite scantily clad women to victory. It seems that the Howlers need a influx of star potential soon, or they'll be destined to rest in peace.

<b>Sundai Sirens - 5
H'aarkons Howlers - 0</b>

Match Four - Watch Out! Falling Flings!
Determined to exact some revenge for their previous defeat, Iscariot challenged this halfling team to a vicious game of our favourite sport. Unfortunately, it seems even with their new recruit, Aghul the Ghoul, the Howlers have learnt nothing from their last game against the short and stumpy, and again they were crushed beneath the mighty boots of the Halfling star player, Mr. Blonde. The 60,000 gate led to a profitable match none-the-less, and Iscariot is positively looking forward to a chance to spend all those gold crowns.

<b>Watch Out! Falling Flings! - 2
H'aarkons Howlers - 0</b>

Match Five - Rouge et Orc
As they were leaving the pitch, the Howlers were challenged to a friendly by a group of Orcs. Never one to turn away a chance to make a quick buck, Iscariot readily accepted, but not before drugging the biggest Black Orc Blocker he had ever seen, taking him out of the match. Unfortunately, Menorath's crushed hand meant he didn't take part either, and a reasonably fair game too place; Reasonably due to the fact that the fans of the Orc team beat the living snot out of the ref before the match, and so fouls ran riot against the Howlers. Not that it mattered of course, their constant lack of skill meant they were out-classed and defeated in a crushing 3-0 loss. However, star of the match Lee'oth very nearly scored. Nearly. One day ... Maybe.

<b>Rouge et Orc - 3
H'aarkons Howlers - 0</b>

Match Six - Tyranna Orcanautz
THEY SCORE! The Howlers actually score! Lee'oth the Werewolf, long foretold to be the H'aarkon's Star Player, finally tore through the opposition and scored his first touchdown, putting the Howlers in the lead for the first time in their career; A lead that was to be held until the final turnover of the second half, where their opposition, the vicious Orcs, finally broke through the shambling defence of the Howlers and scored, bringing the exciting game to a 1-1 draw, which Iscariot was more than happy with! With Menorath missing the next game however, Iscariot is looking to hold onto his teams new found spirit. SPIRIT! HA! no? Ah well...

<b>Tyranna Orcanautz - 1
H'aarkons Howlers - 1</b>

Match Seven - New England Patriotz
AND AGAIN! Lee'oth proves his worth by again dodging past the defence of this versatile human team, and ravaging all who stood in his way. Many expects predict him to soon be a hunted wolf, as he personally seems to be carrying the Howlers to ... Well, still losing if we're being honest, but scoring is definitly a step in the wight direction ... WIGHT DIRECTION! HA! Oh come on, one of these has godda be worth a smile at least! On a sadder note, Krushknov, Lee'oth's partner in crime, was mercilessly killed on the field today, when two opposing blitzers crased into him at high speeds, breaking his neck upon impact. Whilst his loss was devestating, it did mean that Iscariot suddenly had a wealth of spare parts for putting his team back together, so all is not lost. When asked to comment, Iscariot said these words;
<i>"Krushknov was a wolf of honour ... of dignity ... ok, so he wasn't, but boy could he bite hard! He'll be sorely missed here at Mr. Hyde Park, but in a way, he'll always be apart of us. A lung here, a liver there, you know ..."</i>

<b>New England Patriotz - 2
H'aarkons Howlers - 1</b>

Match Eight - Forever Friends
Unlike their fuzzy and cuddly namesake, the Forever Friends were actually a group of bloodthirsty beastmen and chaos warriors from the northern wastes ... Which was a shock to Iscariot to say the least, who was expecting Wood Elves with a name like that. Still, the Howlers bravely took to the field. However, a slightly crazed balefire glowed behind their eyes ... Well, sockets anyway. In a quite frightening game they obliterated the opposition in the first half, knocking out five players and Lee'oth gained his own personal kill when he dragged down the mighty Minotaur of the team! Seth II killed another beastman himself, which Iscariot quickly raised into a 'fresh' team player. With this devestating battle raging on the field, the Howlers first victory seemed to be at hand. However, the Chaos gods had another plans, and even on the line Lee'oth found himself weakened and dropped the ball, allowing a quick play by the Forever Friends to end the game with another loss to the Howlers. However, their vicious performance hopefully heralds big changes and new determination within the team.

<b>Forever Friends - 1
H'aarkon Howlers - 0</b>

Match Nine - Scorched Skulls
VICTORY! At last H'aarkons Howlers leave the field of sports winners! Lee'oth and the ghoul twins Ali'Moch & Ahgul all scored in the fast paced match against their first Khemrian opponents. Not to say it was a walk in the park at all; the Scorched Skulls four mummies proceeded to obliterate any and all things before them, including Ali'Moch himself, who suffered a broken neck as a result of their punishment. However, he is determined not to let this injury affect his performance on the pitch, but whether or not he can stand by those words is another matter. Their first victory in the bag, Iscariot is full of hope for his premier team.

<b>H'aarkon Howlers - 3
Scorced Skulls - 0</b>

Match Ten - Skar
It is with heavy heart that Iscariot reported that, despite all his powers, he was unable to save Lee'oth from death. Mercy was not evident at Mr. Hyde Park today as the chaos team surrounded him against the fence, and beat him to a bloody pulp. No pity was shown and with his death, the entire side felt dejected and drawn out. His death almost meant the death of the club itself, after a raving shout during the second half from Iscariot devolved into his own self-pity. However, Menorath pulled the team back from it's own depsair, repeatedly knocking down Brick the Troll, and his one-man show brought a glimmer of hope to the Howlers. With the loss of their star player, Menorath has stepped up to the plate, and is determined to prove that the Howlers can survive.

<b>Skar - 4
H'aarkon Howlers - 0</b>
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
8 3 3 8
Catch, Claw, Frenzy
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 120k
8 3 3 8
Catch, Claw, Frenzy
  5 0 1 0 2 1 12/ 140k
Flesh Golem
4 4 1 9
Regenerate, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
Block, Guard
-ag 11 0 0 0 2 3 19/ 160k
Flesh Golem
4 4 2 9
Regenerate, Stand Firm, Thick Skull
n 12 0 0 0 2 1 9/ 140k
6 3 3 8
Block, Regenerate
  13 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 90k
6 3 3 8
Block, Regenerate
  13 0 0 0 3 1 11/ 110k
4 3 2 8
  13 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 30k
7 3 2 7
Dirty Player
-ag 7 0 1 0 0 1 8/ 90k
7 3 3 7
  10 1 1 0 0 2 14/ 90k
4 3 2 8
  12 0 0 0 2 0 4/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  13 0 0 0 2 1 9/ 50k
4 3 2 8
  11 0 0 0 1 0 2/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  8 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  6 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
14 players  
Coach: Iscariot Re-Rolls (140k): 2  
Race: Necromantic Fan Factor: 5  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 90k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 1350k Apothecary: No  

Games Played:13 (1/1/11) |TD Diff:-25 (6 - 31) |Cas Diff:-3 (10/9/3 - 12/9/4)
Last Opponent: bone renchers