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Norse?! No, we are samurai! Goals of the team: Reach a TR of 300 While maintaining a winning record. First Game 4-0 vs. Frem Rouge's: Of to a splendid start Couragous fought an honorable battle with the much esteemed elfs of Frem Rouge's. God and Buddah truely smiled onto our unworthy sleves as we were granted a 4-0 victory and not one of our ilk fell on the field of battle. Lineman Sadahiko-San was the brightest star of the game and taught himself kick to further the cause of Courageous. 2nd game 4-0 vs. World Cup: Again the divine wind brings us fortune and our opponents certain doom. This game was like an endless summer festival of pleasant surprises for us, fan factor increased, good winnings, no hurt players, 5 skill increases. Skills obtained: Sachio and Sadaharu gained tackle, Fukashi gained Stand Firm, Fumiaki gained Guard and Sachiya delved into his darker self and learned the dishonorable art of dirty playing, all for the good of Courageous. Our thanks to Hammerheim who was a gracious opponent whi managed to smile even in the face of the taunting Kappas who followed his evry move on the field. After the game the Blitzer Fumihiko-san was recruited to the team. 3rd game 3-1 vs Bridgewell Bonecrushers. Large and terrifying ogres that was faced down by Courageous death defying blitzers. A touchdown was scored on us for the very first time, the goblin responsible paid for this insult with his life. Thrower Tabito was responsible for much of the ball handling and his practice earned him the skill Accurate, catcher Kabuto taught himself how to sidestep his enemies. After the game Blitzer Fumihiro joined our ranks. 4th game 2-1 vs Gogo rats. After standing up to brutal ogres, Courageous performance vs this vermin was very dissapointing. Courageous players were piled high in the ko box and in the badly hurt box and it was only by chance in combination with a mighty dash by the lineman Sadahiro. The fans were overjoyed as the remants of the team thanked their ancestors spirit for the lucky win. Catcher Kadoma joined the team after the game. 5th game 1-1 vs Bergsjon Trekkers. Against this force of unsetteled spirits from the nether Courageous started of almost as weakly as against the rats. Their comeback in the second half also reminded their fans of what had been. The difference here was that two of Courageous players, Fumihiro and Okahito, were niggled during the game and commited sepuku as tradition prescribes. Yet another niggle befell Sadahiro as he learnt how to passblock, he'll get one last game to try to restore the honor of his name before he too will be forced to take the sword. No new players cold be afforded after the game. 6th Game 2-2 vs Banzais Our honorable opponent played a very good game and we were lucky to equalize the score on the last turn of the first half. In the second half the roles were reversed as the last turn saw Banzais scoring an important 2-2 TD. The divine wind is ever fickle. 7th Game 2-1 vs Foglie di Fico. Yet another close and interesting game for courageous. The Woodelves scored in the first half anfd managed to keep us from equalizing until pretty late in the second half. Bad weather throughout the game, blizzard, made it hard to keep up with fast and agile woodelves. Afte the equalising TD we decided to gamble evrything on an aggresive push into enemy land right after the kick and this time it was sucsesfull 2-1 scored in the dying seconds of the game. Outstanding man of the match Tabito-san scoring a cas a TD and getting the MVP. 8th Game 3-1 vs Allblacks. Dwarves. Small Strong and everenduring, or so we were told. On the pitch we proved that as long as your sword is honed and your Ki is strong there are no adversary that's equal to you. Courageous players, and foremost among themthe sneaky Sachiyo-san wrecked havoc on the unsuspecting dwarves and managed to kill 2 dwarves, seriously injure 3 and badly hurt another. All in all a good game for us but our thoughts go with the dwarven coach who surely will have to commit sepukku in shame now. Blitzer Fumiki , new addition to the team, was pleased to see his new teammates in high spirits and declared that he'd do his best to make sure that all Courageous games ends up like this. 9th game 2-2 vs X-rats reunited. The rats were crushed udner our feet like so much vermin, but we couldnt stop their fast and agile gutter runners from scioring on us twice before we even managed to take the ball past the LOS. Once we got into a numerical advantage we had no problems to make 2 touchdowns of our own, but there were never really any hopes for a winning td for any team. Second thrower Tadaaki is our 14th player and the rooster looks complete for now. 10th game 1-1 vs Uncle Stinky and Mr. Lumpy. Once again the spirits of the ancestors come to haunt us and once again we only manage to tie them 1-1, and once again it costs us a great deal of players. Brand new thrower Tadaaki makes the pass for our TD and naturally recieves the MVP award. This game was Courageous 10th undefeated game in a row. 11th game 1-0 vs Dark Elven Ladies. The team was excited to finally get to meet some women, but alas the game had just about started when the Darkelfs realized they were needed elsewhere and escaped the field to the dissapointment of the rtaher small crowd. Noone did anything this game so Courageous felt kind of tricked as they got all fired up over nothing. Blitzer Fumio took over the much dreaded no.4 spot on the rooster. 12th game 3-1 vs F Squad. Once again Courageous shows amazing fighting spirit and manages to stop the humans drive early on in the first half. After a short struggle for the ball hey even managed to grab the lead and carry it into the second half. After scoring two additional touchdowns in the second half we got a little sloppy and allowed our opponents to make a touchdown and kill lineman Sadami. His replacment Sadao arrived later the same day so no damage done really. 2 blitzers gained their second skills after the game Fukashi taught himself dauntless and Fumihiko now has access to mighty blow. FF reaches new all time high of 11. 13th game 2-2 vs Normal Heroes. These rats came into the game with their claws sharpened and murder in their minds. 3 serious injuries and one apothed death while courageos despite their best efforts didn't manage to inflict a single casuality. We managed to end the game on a possitive note with a 2-2 td in the last seconds of the game by catcher Kabuto. Next game will be a tough one. 14th game 4-1 vs Forest Fools. The brave woodelfs faught an uphill battle throught this game, to start it out they could only field 3 persons thanks to a nasty virus that had spread through the team. Their coach made the best of the situation though and even managed to score once despite being heavily outnumbered. Kabuto was so filled with disgust by his teams disgracfull bashing of this significantly weaker opponent so he commited sepukku close to the end of the second half. Lineman Sadao's strength increased and ourr sumo finally learned guard. 2 new linemen joined the team, Sadato and Sahara. 15th game 3-0 vs taged and baged. Another incarnation of the restless dead, khemri this time, unfortunatly for them the deadlings weren't prepared for what a determined group of samuraj can do. Except for lineman Sadaharo's unfortunate demise on a failed dodge evrything went extremly well. 15 games without a loss now. 16th game 1-1 vs Dynabol. We faced our brothers from the north in a very even matchup. They dominated the first half and could walk in a td in their 8th turn despite a frantic defensive by Courageous. In the second half the hard work from the first half payd of as our opponents couldn't field a full team we could however not decimate them enough to risk letting them have another drive. game ends 1-1 with both teams dominating one half. Lineman Sadato scored the TD and made one casuality and was also awarded the MVP. We now have a dirty player again. 17th game 1-2 vs C language. The dreaded greenskins are a real menace to us at these temaratings where they all seem to have learned block. Even so the team managed to force the orcs into some extremly unorclike maneuvers to equalize at the end of the first half. Pick up in tacklezone, dodge, handover go for it. All without a reroll. It cost us dearly though, loads ogf players hurt and ko:d. At the start of the second half almost no players elected to return to the game and we were severly outnumbered. Through a miracle we managed to knock the ball loose once, but in the end it wasnt enough and the orcs could easily walk in a second touchdown in their 16th turn, and thus courageous chalks up the first loss. Blitzer Fumihiko was killed in the game and not enough funds were available to replace him. That's what happens on the field kids. 18th game 1-0 vs von hugenstien. After their werewolfs both get mnged in the first half von hugenstein decided to forfeit the game, maybe too early considering 2 of my guys was koed and i only had 11 available guys to start with. The concession worked wonders for my team though as i really needed the cash to replace the blitzer and get some more linefodder. The lucky new blitzer is named Fumisato and the linefodder is known as Sai. Game 19 to 26 some losses but mostly wins and Gatts decides to enlist courageous in the Warpstone open. Warpstone Open Qualifier 27th Game 4-0 vs the Blood Aristocrats Couldnt have had a better start to the qualifier 4-0, no lasting injuries and good spread of the spp. 28th Game 2-1 vs Cycle de Lyonesse A very strong dark elven team that we managed to beat mostly through lucky armor rolls, but anything goes and we'r on to the semi finals. Game 29 we face of against the battered remains of sk8bcns elf team and manage to secure a classic stall and grind victory Game 30 is Courageous first final and also a game that will cost the team 100pts of ts, loads of players die, even more get horrribly injured but courageous play a terrific game and almost manage to thwart the undeads, in the enbd luthor proves to be too much to handle though. |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
5 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up Mighty Blow |
-ma, m | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 15/16 | 110k
(0)k |
2 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up Stand Firm |
  | 15 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 12/16 | 120k
(50)k |
3 |
7 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up Guard, +MA |
  | 29 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 22/31 | 140k
(110)k |
4 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Frenzy, Jump Up |
  | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 90k
(30)k |
5 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Catch Guard, Dodge |
  | 14 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 17/31 | 120k
(85)k |
9 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Dirty Player |
  | 10 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 11/16 | 70k
(80)k |
10 |
7 | 4 | 3 | 7 | Block +ST, Tackle, +MA |
  | 35 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 9 | 2 | 43/51 | 150k
(165)k |
11 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Tackle, Dirty Player |
  | 17 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 24/31 | 90k
(105)k |
12 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Kick, Dirty Player, Tackle |
  | 46 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 33/51 | 110k
(128)k |
13 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block |
  | 7 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4/6 | 50k
(30)k |
14 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block Strip Ball, Pass Block |
  | 32 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 18/31 | 90k
(75)k |
15 |
6 | 3 | 4 | 7 | Block +AG |
  | 3 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7/16 | 90k
(70)k |
16 |
5 | 5 | 2 | 9 | Big Guy, Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate Guard, Piling On, Block, Break Tackle |
  | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 7 | 61/76 | 210k
(195)k |
12 players (+1 player missing next game) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 48 (28/9/11) | | | TD Diff: | 30 (85 - 55) | | | Cas Diff: | 5 (54/42/20 - 54/40/17) |
Last Opponent: Evil Cavedwellers |