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<center><MARQUEE WIDTH=450><FONT color="crimson"><B>My first team to enter the Black Box, and my first chaos ever. Go Satyrs!</B></FONT></MARQUEE><BR></center> <center><BIG><B>Blow the horn! The hunt is about to begin!</B></BIG></center> <center><div><span><input type="button" value="Show team history" style='width:250px;font-size:12px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Show team history') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide team history'; } else {this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Show team history';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:400px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <P ALIGN="left"><b>November 2008</b><br>The Dark Satyrs has a rather odd history, long and short at the same time. I started the team more than two years ago (late 2006 I think), spurred more by the iconography of the Beastman than the view of chaos as a killer team.<br><br>My idea from the start was, as it often is (and sadly this leads me to restrict myself despite the fact that I don't have skill enough to really warrent restrictions... go figure...), to do something a bit different and to try to make a team of more ball handling than bashing. This turned into the idea of a horns-only chaos team, with just a mass of Beastmen around one towering Minotaur - again, more a striking image than an idea of how they would handle the game. As I started to realise how vulnerable I would become by these restrictions I decided that I would include Warriors of chaos as well, but that I would favour horns as their first mutation.<br><br>It was around here that I realised I was about to create yet another team without having much time to play the ones I had already, and I decided that I would not submit the team until I had gotten all my other [R]-teams beyond at least 10 games, preferably 20. Many months of too much work later I still haven't got the time to play as much as I would like to, and to top it all off a new division is born. As I have always felt that getting a game in [R] was rather boring (either I had to be very picky with my games or I had to submit to the misuse of others, neither a good deal to me) I was intrigued and lured by , and so I decided to move the old and yet unborn Satyrs over to the shiny new -division. Now I don't know what to do about the horns, or if they have any chances at all, but then again it's more exciting this way.<br><br>They will have to start using Warriors at some point, but how to handle them? Horns or no horns? It's not as if it's a choice, but still...</P></div><br /></span></center> <center><div><span><input type="button" value="Show team diary" style='width:250px;font-size:12px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Show team diary') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide team diary'; } else {this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Show team diary';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:400px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5"><TR><TD><P ALIGN="left"><FONT color="black"><B>Games 1-15</B><BR>As a novice chaos coach I must say it has been interesting to follow this team through their first 15 games. At this point their track record is 4/3/8, which is, I guess, okay.<br><br>I knew that they would struggle initially and struggle they have, though not quite in the way that I expected. The fact that they have been loosing most matches was something I counted on, but it's become apparent that the Satyrs are having something of a problem breaking armour and getting casualties (on the opposition). So far they have only won CAS in four games, once against High Elves and Norse, but also against Khemri and Dwarfs - which adds to the surreality of the whole thing. Oddly enough it's not really a problem with CAS as such, it's a problem with BH. After 15 games they are tied with their opponents in SI and Kills, but are eight behind in BH!<br><br>They have, however, won four of their last six games (the only wins so far by the way, the first coming in game 10) so maybe I'm starting to get the hang of how to use them. In time I think (well, hope) that they will start turning their CAS-flow around as well.<BR></P></TD></TR><TR><TD><P ALIGN="left"><FONT color="black"><B>Games 16-30</B><br>Another 15 games under the belt seems to have given the team some more stability and the track record for these games is a - for me - quite nice 6/2/7 (total 10/5/15). Basically 50-50, and I must be happy with that. Some of the players have also started to shine, and we've been fortunate to receive a rather liberal sprinkle of stat-increases. By game 30 the team has had no less than six +AG and three +MA. We have also got three double so far, so I must say the star player rolls have been quite nice so far.<br><br>Not everything has been roses however and we still struggle quite a lot with getting CAS. By game 30 the CAS difference for the team is -20 (-6-/4/-10). Compared to how it was after 15 games we've managed to get a few more BHs than before - actually slightly more than our opponents, 19 sv 17 - but we trail for SI, 11 vs 15 with 5 being permanent injuries. The real downer is Kills though as we only managed one single kill in 15 games while taking 11, 5 of which were perms. The seven who have been killed or forced to retire are sadly some of the better or more expensive players on the squad: two Warriors, our Block Guard Minotaur and four Beastmen of which three had stat-increases and doubles (+AG, Claw +AG and +AG +MA). So although these 15 games have seen a slight increase in the teams performance the team has been culled quite heavily, and it looks as though the first few games after game 30 will be a struggle for the Satyrs.<br><br>When I write this we have played two more games which sadly has added another -10 (5/4/1) to our CAS difference, and I must admit that I'm feeling somewhat dispirited about my chances to turn this around any time soon since my abilities as a chaos coach are still far from adequate. Much will be up to the dice if the Satyrs will be able to halt their currant free-fall. In any case it is clear that I am going to have to do my best to get more out of my blocking, and to block as much as possible.</P></TD></TR></TABLE> </div><br /></span></center> <CENTER><B>Team colours</B><TABLE WIDTH="300" HIGHT="200" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="20"><TR><TD WIDTH="100" HIGHT="200" VALIGN="top" BGCOLOR="crimson"> </TD><TD WIDTH="100" HIGHT="200" VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"> </TD><TD WIDTH="100" HIGHT="200" VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="black"></CENTER> </TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3" BGCOLOR="crimson"><TR><TH COLSPAN="8"><center><b>- Games played so far -</b></center></TH></TR><TR><TH ROWSPAN="2"><center><b>Race</b></center></TH><TH COLSPAN="3"><center><b>Games</TH><TH COLSPAN="2"><center><b>CAS</b></center></TH><TH COLSPAN="2"><center><b>TD</b></center></TH></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="center"><B>Win</B></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><B>Tie</B></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><B>Loss</B></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><B>For</B></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><B>Against</B></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><B>For</B></TD><TD ALIGN="center"><B>Against</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Chaos</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>8</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>13</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>7</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>7</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Orcs</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>5</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>17</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>13</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">High Elves</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>8</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>6</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>5</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>6</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Dark Elves</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Nurgle Rotters</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>7</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Khemri</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>9</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>7</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Norse</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Dwarves</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>4</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Wood Elves</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Ogres</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Undead</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Skaven</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>6</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>7</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>5</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Chaos Dwarves</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Chaos Pact</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>5</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white">Amazon</TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>1</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2</B></TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3" BGCOLOR="crimson"><TR><TH COLSPAN="3"><center><b>- Team records -</b></center></TH></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Oldest player</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Ares</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>33 games</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Active</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Top Star</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Agdistis</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>56 SPPs</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Dead</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Top Scorer</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Hephaestus</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>8 TDs</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Active</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Top Passer</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B><A HREF=""><B>Hephaestus</B></A></B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>18 completions</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Active</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Top Interceptor</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Not claimed</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>-</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>-</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Top blocker</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Agdistis</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>11 CAS</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Dead</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Most Valuable Player</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Agdistis</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>6 MVP</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Dead</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Most fouls</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Thanatos</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>39 fouls</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Active</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Most CAS in one game</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><B>Khronos</B></A></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3 CAS</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Retired</B></TD></TR><TR><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center"><B>Most touchdowns in one game</B></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Two contestants</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>2 TD</B></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Active</B></TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH="200" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3" BGCOLOR="crimson"><TR><TH COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><b>- Skills and stats -</b></TH></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="100" VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Skills</B></TD><TD WIDTH="100" VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>21</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Doubles</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>+MA</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>3</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>+AG</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>6</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>+ST</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>0</B></TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Total</B></TD><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>33</B></TD></TR</TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH="400" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3"><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" ><TABLE WIDTH="168" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3" BGCOLOR="crimson"><TR><TH ALIGN="center"><b>- Names pending -</b></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="white"><B>Prometheus (2)</B> <B>Deimos (2)</B> <B>Agdistis (2)</B> <B>Hyperion (2)</B> <B>Khronos (2 - M)</B></TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center" ><TABLE WIDTH="224" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3" BGCOLOR="crimson"><TR><TH COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><b>- Sent across the Styx -</b></TH></TR><TR><TH WIDTH="112"><b>From us</b></TH><TH WIDTH="112"><b>From them</b></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A></TD><TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR="white"><A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A> <A HREF=""><img src=></A></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE> |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow |
  | 33 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 32/51 | 120k
(60+60)k |
3 |
Beastman Runner
5 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Claw |
-ma | 9 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 10/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
4 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Block |
  | 13 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
5 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Horns Block |
-av | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
6 |
Beastman Runner
7 | 3 | 5 | 8 | Horns +MA, +AG, +AG, Block |
  | 32 | 18 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 51/76 | 190k
(60+130)k |
11 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Dirty Player, Block |
  | 32 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 21/31 | 100k
(60+40)k |
12 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 2 | 8 | Horns Block, Guard |
n, -ag | 30 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 23/31 | 100k
(60+40)k |
13 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 100k
(100+0)k |
14 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 |   | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 100k
(100+0)k |
15 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 | Block, Guard |
  | 23 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 23/31 | 140k
(100+40)k |
16 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 |   | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 100k
(100+0)k |
11 players | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 33 (10/6/17) | | | TD Diff: | -10 (33 - 43) | | | Cas Diff: | -32 (26/18/4 - 38/27/15) |
Last Opponent: Tribute to Crossdressers |