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<b>* Be good sports - crush all BB-Sissies *</b> Here to learn? Don't bother to challenge us if not. <b>We don't want to play experienced coaches nor those not willing to learn.</b> We won't challenge anyone. The -Team is a basher team. See my other [A] teams for "softer options". You shouldn't dodge bashers in general if you want to learn however. Make sure you get a fair matchup and play them along with everything else. We won't mind playing against a better team if you want a "soft approach" to bashers. If the difference in team strength is surreal however we might still reject an absurd game. <form name="Menu1"><p><select name="Link" size="1"> <option value="">[A]Human: Holiday Party</option> <option value="">[A]Pro Elves: [A]rt of War</option> </select><input type="button" value="Los" onClick="window.location=document.Menu1.Link.options[document.Menu1.Link.options.selectedIndex].value;"></p></form> <b>Want to learn Bloodbowl? I recommend learning BB "like in a tourney"</b> That especially excludes the option to dodge opponents (races or "DP-teams" or anything). First basics- then the daring stuff. It won't help playing "nice and friendly" games only to be utterly crushed in R afterwards. Of course you should not take every challenge anytime. For a start some easy matchups are nice to learn the basics. Maybe spectate a Ranked/Blackbox game or two. Don't take [A] too seriously anyway- try out! <b>You got a lot of tabletop experience?</b> It's the same game- just play some games in A to know the client (and help real beginners) then start R or B. <b>For starters</b> just play. Then read. The help section is quite good. While doing so learn to distinguish how "brutal" and "agile" teams really are. To be able to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a team by it's roster (~a page like this) is essential (especially in Ranked). <b>Golden Rule: Save things first!</b> Do stuff in order of security. Every turn. Of course important tasks are done earlier, too. Therefor it is up to you to balance security and importance. Get used to "save things first" though and start each turn by movements that don't carry any risk of failure. <div><span><input type="button" value="Stuff to learn" style='width:150px;font-size:12px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Stuff to learn') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide Stuff'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Stuff to learn';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:800px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <b>- The rules:</b> first things first. You can learn them by playing but reading the <a href="">Living Rulebook</a> really helps! I myself reread stuff every now and then. I got some stuff and links for myself in a blog. A good way to note stuff if you ask me. Just modify one and the same if you will- don't make new "note to self" blogs all the time plz- it's a blog after all. <b>- Strategy:</b> Learn the basics first by trying basher teams and agile teams so you'll know what you enjoy best. I am more attracted to bashers. If you choose bashers learn: fouling (how and when and what to do against), stalling (score not as soon as possible but late to prevent the opponent from scoring in that half again) and positioning (learn to see assisting players / possible pushes / etc. at a glance and learn to see what the opponent could do next from his position- Elves always surprise!). Use a "cage" being a basic strategy suiting most bashers. Means: position four guys on the corners of your ballcarrier to secure him. Like the 5 on a die. As you get better you should use a loose cage for being more flexible. Try out building a wall too- not protecting yours but blocking off his players. Both- wall and cage- meet up at the ideal point you might say. Pure cage is a good start though. Defense is everything. Although you might just want to "get those annoying humans/elves/..." - don't rush! Best way is not to get at them but let them come. There is just one lure to attract them: The Ball.<div><span> <b>- Mindset:</b> Don't get angry or annoyed! Stay focused and even more important: Have Fun! That's hard sometimes if your players die and the opponent got a Blitz again. In my experience getting angry and annoyed makes you lose (fun and game). Be good sports! A good coach is able to take serious losses in a stride and rather uses his energy to find a way to win.</b></span></div></span></div> <div><span><input type="button" value="on fouling" style='width:150px;font-size:12px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'on fouling') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide fouling'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'on fouling';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:800px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <b>Fouling</b> Quite an important option in BloodBowl. Fouling is no less but the most reliable way to get selected players of the pitch. Unfortunately extensive fouling will get your players off, too. Most teams should use tactical fouls to remove the opponents key players or to make even more reliable casualties by fouling the weakest (lowest AV / no regeneration). If you want to bash make sure to foul first and last- but not twice in a row unless you can afford your DP being send off. Then there is what I want to call "Strategic fouling"- although no one else grants it the honor of calling it thus. What I mean is fouling possibly each turn and everyone in reach. To reduce the opponents numbers and cut his blossoms. To finally win by numbers. Though I am yet again the only one to claim it: strategic fouling is not easy. We'll focus on tactical fouling here though the same principles hold true for strategic fouling. Fouling has two drawbacks: Effort and players send off. A good foul is assisted by three or more players in addition to the DP. Take one assist per AV above 6 and it will do. Now you'll find it hard to expend that many players- that's what I meant by effort. Everybody could simply foul a lot: true. A "good fouler" however does so without withdrawing too many players from other tasks. He doesn't foul desperately with a lonely DP (unless he really is desperate). That kind of fouls just gets your players send off without even hurting anyone. To foul effortlessly is possible by positioning and good Blitzes. You try to get the targeted player close to yours or their intended destination instead of running towards him. Tactical fouling is done best with one or two DPs. It is important to foul first in each half to maximize fouls as well as to minimize the opponents fouls. It is kind of a "free foul" for being the only foul without an eye on anyone. You aren't likely to get caught <i>and</i> you don't give your oppo an extra chance to foul without an eye on him. One DP shouldn't foul with an eye on him in the first half- unless he got that really juicy extremely important key player lying right between him and his gang. In that case it is worth to have him send off. Two DPs can foul more of course. They can foul in the first half till one got spotted. That way you'll have one for the second half. Actually the first half is better for fouls since early casualties cause more trouble for the opponent throughout the game. Since you got a "free foul" without the ref looking in the second half I'd still encourage "saving up" a DP. <b>Protection against fouling</b> The best obviously is not to let the opponent get your players down- hardly a standard though. It works for your key players if the opponent can't reach them. Another option to add is not fouling yourself. The ref watches him and sends off the DPs. You should do that if both teams fouling is advantageous for your opponent. A standard measure if he has a DP and you don't. Also if he has cheap/tough/expendable players while yours are expensive and vulnerable it is wiser not to foul. Usually it doesn't hold true for all his players though. Undead for instance has lots of cheap tough Zombies not worth fouling. Most other players regenerate too. Hence fouling all the time vs Undead might be unwise. Undead has Ghuls though and they are good targets for fouling. Please mind: The only issue here is the ref watching the opponent. If he doesn't: No need to hold back! At the beginning of each half the ref doesn't watch anyone and being the first to foul is a good thing. Finally the real standard for bashers: positioning. Even if your players are knocked down they can't be fouled properly if either your players surround them (more or less) or they are so far off that he can't move his players (or his slow zombie DP) towards them. That is not necessarily so very far away: Maybe he needs to speed up and can't even afford to move a step in your direction. Against a single DP it might be easier to stop him from moving by placing players next to him. Those players should of course either not be worth fouling or hard to knock down. Usually any ordinary player is hard to knock down and foul however if he isn't next to any other player but the DP. The DP blocking can't foul and a Blitz to free the DP is quite an effort. Some DPs unlike Zombies can dodge of course ;-) At last there is another option: foul his DP out. If he only got one it makes sense- three are usually too much of a bother. <b>Multiple DPs and Strategical Fouling</b> While one DP poses a serious threat six DPs do not pose six times that threat. DP is a skill used only for fouls. You can foul only once per turn with no more but one DP at a time. Usually 4+ DPs are just a waste of skills. Fouling is important- yet strategic fouling usually is not. It can be effective when done well. Some races should try- most races however don't need to bother. Foul as you like and don't keep it a secret if you like to foul a lot (people might get mad: let them know in advance). Know however that fouls in the last turns ("T16-Fouls") usually don't give you any advantage and are considered unnecessary violence and kind of rude. You want to build a team too mate. Don't have more than two DPs unless you really experience a lack of DPs in your games. Get one more in that case and take your time to see whether you really need more. Actually one DP can do it all - if he's fast enough to cover the action area. Then again he might be sent off. A "lack of DPs" doesn't mean not having a DP handy: having five DPs bound by the opponent isn't a "lack of DPs" but bad positioning. More DPs don't help here. There are two reasons to add further DPs: 1) you manage to do a lot of fouls and your DPs are often all send off. 2) you can't manage to foul a lot without huge effort since your DP is too slow to cover the area. In general DPs should have an average of multiple fouls per game to be considered well used. Not any fouls: good fouls with enough assistance. If you ever find yourself having had more DPs than fouls in a game: Block (or even Kick) might have been a better skill choice. How many fouls can you do? All the noobs and sissies will tell you: "fouling a lot is easy"- blatant ignorance. Fouling 16 times is about the hardest thing to do effectively- yet not a certain game-winner. Of course every retarded idiot could be able to find the right button to click for fouling and do so every turn. That however is just stupid- not what I mean by Strategic fouling. First of all you have to be able to foul with little effort (see above). Otherwise doing it all the time leaves you neglecting everything else and you loose. Just try that- one good foul is better than eight weak ones. If you can't manage to do a lot of good fouls with little effort: just leave it. That's nothing you can "force" by having more DPs. If you try massive fouling you have to realize that fouling becomes increasingly difficult. That's because you'll find yourself fouling with an eye on you. The Ref does not only send your DPs off and leaves you with less players total (making fouling even harder). Getting spotted is a turnover as well! Hence you shouldn't foul with an eye on you before you did all the less risky and more important things. Often you'll find yourself having a turnover before you foul. Few fouls with ref looking are worth doing early in your turn. Safe play is the foulers friend! In any case you'll hardly be able to foul more than three DPs can do- even three are hard to get busy sometimes. Usually you position one DP behind your lines. He sneaks out from the dark to foul and creeps back to the shadows... He is not to be caught in brawling! That's something you can't do with many DPs at once: protecting multiple players (at least keeping them from trouble) is too much of an effort. Another reason not to have "DP-Armies" but one or two well used DPs. If one is caught you can move another in this position of a slightly protected "active fouler". As soon as you are fouling a lot you'll mess with your own numbers. The risk of being send off (+ the risk of any normal injuries your opponent might inflict) needs backup. Have at least 10 players without DP. DPs need substitutes. <b>The Dirtiest of 'em all!</b> A player fouling needs DP. Other than that he just needs to get to the player he wants to foul. Being tough is nice- not being in trouble in the first place is nicer however. You might say an ideal DP got high MA and AG as well as mobility skills/traits like dodge, sure feet, stand firm, leap or sprint. Then again his most important attributes are being cheap and expendable. After all they get spotted soon enough and don't do much but foul anyway. Hence a DP with MA8 and Dodge might be nice but MA6 alone will do. Any kind of linemen usually. Agility though handy is too precious just for a fouling DP unless you play Elves anyway. Some Dwarfs play with DP Runners- the Dwarfs best DP by far but not a beginners choice. You'll probably need them to play ball. A personal favorite is a DP thrower. That's only due to me not relying on a passing game anyway (with bashers that is). I use my (Orc-)thrower to pick up the ball and maybe pass it once to get it secured right behind my LoS. Afterwards he is "unemployed" and may foul. He (orc) has lower AV - thus isn't fit for brawling anyway. He makes good use of mobility skills/traits to be a good thrower (& a good DP). All that makes him a good substitute DP although fielded for his one and only pass. I also do that with my 2nd Human thrower if I got one. Additionally a thrower can easily get enough SPP for a first skill. A 2nd thrower blends in nicely to get a DP fast if I am in urgent need of DPs. A slight waste of TS in any case and not fit to replace the standard of a DP Lineman. <b>My three DP standard</b> Usually I field players suited to give an overall advantage. That includes two (of three) DPs. More DPs are considered a waste since two can do the job and further DPs just hang around- I'd rather have another positional (or a Lineman with other skills like Block/Guard/etc). One (MA5+) DP is active and expendable while the other one is a backup. The backup can have other functions which makes him kind of a joker. He can get "secondary skills" I wouldn't give other players let alone field them. For instance I ain't keen on strip ball or a thrower fielded when kicking- a 2nd DP can have those skills "just in case" although they aren't part of my regular strategy. I'd expect those skills to be mostly wasted. Then again any and all additional skills for a DP are likely to be wasted or to even make him a worse DP (like guard being a brilliant skill but a call for trouble). If one is send off (or hurt) I'll choose my fouls with more care if I got an eye on me. I got one in reserve but try to have two fielded in the 2nd half if possible. If I don't manage to foul till one got spotted I am either the refs friend or my DPs were a waste. Maybe I am lucky or just not as bloodthirsty as you are. In my experience however it is rare to have both send off even though I try doing good fouls every turn. Having DPs knocked out is a threat if you "only" got three while aiming on extensive fouling. Better keep them from trouble! Finally I have to admit that a last DP is yet to come when all other matters are settled. Four will be completion if nothing else is needed. </b></span></div></span></div> <div><span><input type="button" value="Teams to play" style='width:150px;font-size:12px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Teams to play') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide recommendations'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Teams to play';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:800px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> If you can spare a team I'd recommend <a href="">Hi</a> for the ultimate bashing challenge. Will crush your team most likely. Might be an interesting experience to face the real killing team. Especially if you want to know a "worst case" scenario before playing ranked- not for starters. Another recommendation is <a href="">Learning is fun</a>. Right now at low TR you can certainly play a fair match against them and loose on skill alone ^^ Their coach jimjo is fairly good. Although I don't know him but from few games his bio suggests he is good sports as well. That does not mean he'd play no-DP sissy games- just the contrary! In any case you will find experienced coaches willing to teach you a trick or two in the <a href="">Faculty of Academy Instructors</a></b></span></div></span></div> <b>This Team</b> surely is a basher team. New by now but it will become brutal over time. Just so you know. Note that I don't play in [A] to stomp beginners relentlessly but to help learning. Still: I'll Block and foul as I see fit to win the game. <b>How to win against this team</b> <u>Exploit my weaknesses!</u> My Dwarfs are slow and can be overrun. My Hobos are stupid and fragile yet the only ones with AG3. Bulls are my most important players for being fast and strong. Blitzfoul the fast Bulls and get Hobos into a Brawl. Try to move the action away from my slow Dwarfs. <u>Isolate the Mino!</u> A Mino being a Wild Animal is best either defeated or left alone. If he can't block your players it's fine! Wild Animals can hardly do a thing beside blocking and blitzing. Standing up or moving around is not an option... If you have the chance to get a good shot at him: Get him down & foul him! Maybe hard to knock down- easy to kill though (AV8). <u>Mind Guardians!</u> Sooner or later all my Dwarfs will have guard. Beginners often lose overview in brawls. Forgetting guard on enemy players often leads to unpleasant surprises... <u>Pin the Bulls!</u> Unless they got Break Tackle they are obviously bad at dodging (AG2). If you want to bind them just pin the bulls by putting a player next to them. Mobility is a bulls strength and being pinned cripples bulls. On the other hand it gives me a chance to block. Hence you should do it only if necessary. <u>Basher?</u> If you play bashers (Orks/Dwarfs/Khem...) you might consider crowdfouling my dwarfs. They are the only ones meant for brawling. Resistance will fade without them. <u>Fouler?</u> Don't foul if you don't have a DP but I do. Otherwise foul out the Bulls and the Minotaur. If you just love fouling: foul Hobos next. They are easy to kill even with few players fouling (AV7). You may of course ask for further details in game. <b>* Be good sports - crush all BB-Sissies *</b> |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2/ | 70k
(20)k |
2 |
Bull Centaur
6 | 4 | 2 | 9 | Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull Block |
  | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6/ | 150k
(130)k |
3 |
5 | 5 | 2 | 8 | Always Hungry, Big Guy, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate, Wild Animal Multiple Block |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 8/ | 130k
(125)k |
4 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 |   | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/ | 40k
(30)k |
5 |
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull Guard |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 7/ | 90k
(50)k |
6 |
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 70k
(20)k |
7 |
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5/ | 70k
(20)k |
8 |
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 70k
(20)k |
9 |
Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 | 3 | 2 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull |
  | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 70k
(20)k |
11 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 |   | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 40k
(30)k |
12 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 |   | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 40k
(30)k |
11 players | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 2 (1/0/1) | | | TD Diff: | -1 (3 - 4) | | | Cas Diff: | 4 (3/1/2 - 0/2/0) |
Last Opponent: Chewonfleshers |