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1:st Game vs Darkanje's Necros "Blitz Duesterwald". I got the ref both halfs of the game and the score was 2-1, A fine win by the team. Lorn the Wise suffered the only injury on the team but it was a SI so he lost AV and won´t be playing match nr 2. Because of the injury I invested the money earned in an Apothecary, with 10000 to spare. =)

2:nd game vs Nurgles totter, no ref in this game so i was alot harder. The fact that half the team seemed to have forgotten thier armour did´nt help much either. A 2-0 loss was an ok result under the surcomstances. Got 90000 for the game and a new Trollslayer was bought. One SI that the Apo got rid of, good investment =) Game 3 should be a bit easier...

3:rd game vs Crom-God's Necros, Bad bubu beads ended as planned in a 2-0 victory. SI on one of his Werewolfs and a dead Zombie was the price he had to pay for facing the Runesmith's. Killed 2 Zombies but one managed to regenerate. Increased FF and 50000 in winnings, I´m happy =)

4:th game vs Undead, one of his fierce Mummys were missing the game and the other one was niggled so I took a chance. No mummys entered the field as we start and I rejoice. Then the unfotrtunate happend that turned this game in to a draw. BLITZ! One Ghoul on the ball and it was 1-0 Undead. We pressed on and made 1-1 and that became the end result. A new Blitzer joined the team and we welcome Bjaerg onboard. A fun game vs a team that had a bit to high TR for these guys but with a n on a mummy and a handicap I thought what the heck. The handicap was Bad press and we both sighed. =)

5:th game vs Flings that stole all but 1 rr first period and all the second =(
Must say the flings played a good match respect to the coach hairyscaryman. He got away with the win and only 2 SI, pretty good with flings. The game ended after I scored my only TD another one with a LB All TD's made by the team has been made by a LB =) Fun game all in all and increased FF to boot. Only 30000 in price but then again we lost...

6:th Game vs Lizards started up good but then the dices raped me a bit in the first period it ended 0-0. 2:nd half is when it gets interesting. The lizards start with the ball and go for a quick TD, I pin them down nice and tight, or so I thought... One of the little sneaky skinks run through a bunch of tacklezones with tackle... to score! Well, well the dwarfs thought, We need to kill them big lizards. And so Bealthor killes one Saurus that the apo mends.
After that Borkith killes another Saurus! Last turn miracle is needed, Bjaerg the new blitzer needs to make a catch and a go for it... He tries but can not make the catch. The game ends 1-0 a match ruined by the dice. 20000 and decreased FF, plenty of Meed needed to get the boys ready for the next bout.

7:th game vs Woodies. Game starts, Woodies score. As usual... Dwarfs get the ball and bash their way to a turn 8 TD(by a LB). Second half begins with the woodies getting a blitz! Rathor gets a hold of the ball and we start the advance. A tight fight followed but when Bjorn killed an Elf(that the apo saved) After that on turn 15 Bjaerg walked in the ball for the winning TD! This win brought new life to the team and also increased FF and 40000. Bjaerg got +ST for making the winning TD and getting VP(for being the first non LB to score for the team), a fitting reward =)

8:th game vs a bunch of stupid ogres, or so I was fooled to belive... After getting 2 handicaps(bone head and salts) I thought this might just work. Started out pretty much as expected and by turn 13 after one SI that the apo took care of and the tragic death of my Runner "Rathor the Runesmith" the score was 1-1 and I had settled for the draw when a gobbo goes flying and makes a TD! Why did´nt I think of that? So as you can all understand this loss is 100% due to a poor coach. Well, Well. Was a fun game in all. =)

9:th game against Vendreth's Necros ´Raised to win`. The game starts and right away the undead Blitz! The dwarfs tried to put some fear into the dead but with litle success, or so they thought... As the Necros retaliate they get caught between a rock and a hard place. And his team could do nothing right so Bjaerg ran off with the ball for the TD. As we kick the ball the Necros are trembling, Because of their fear we get an extra re-roll. The Flesh golems bash down 2 Longbeards but their "Star" the werewolf Staraflur Still can´t get it together. The dwarfs press on and push the other WV off the pitch, and advance on the ball. As time runs out the dwarfs take the first half 1-0 and the crowd goes wild. Turn 8 The Necros tried the only option left to get a dwarf of the pitch, Foul. But that did not succeed either. Second half, The runesmiths know they can not fail so they get another re-roll. The Necros set off, on the left side and the not very mobile dwarfs try to catch up. But with the speed of the Ghouls was to fast... 1-1... Turn 3 And the dwarfs recieving, Due to the impotance and the urge the dwarfs feel they recieve another re-roll But still can not pick up the ball. The necros Finally get their strikes right and improves their position, The dwarfs fight back but can still not pick up the ball. Finally in turn 5 The ball is picked up and it´s not to late... Free on the left field... But the Necros are ALOT faster then the dwarfs... As the last turn is coming up it is not looking great for the dwarfs to score, but nothing is impossible! Bjaerg the Longshanks succeeds! The TD is a fact and the dwarfs get a well deserved win 2-1. Grimthor the Giantslayer gets the MVP Award but sadly no skills. 40000 is more then enough to recruit a new Runesmith, Rolvarth the Runesmith joines the team and is welcomed with a barrel of Meed!
(After the 9:th game Lorn the Wise decides that he would be a greater asset to the team as an assistant coach. After all, he was more wise then a brawler...)

10:th game... vs Necros Killed a fleshgolem and a Zombie and niggled a Werewolf... That's about it, no touchdowns no nothing. A loss 0-2, not much to say. No luck, no chance... 50000... Wich with the money saved from before was enough for another Runner, Galthor the Runesmith signed up.

11:h game vs Elfs!!!!!!!! Brave little poinyears, we beat them ofcourse. 2-1 after a not half as bloody a game as one could imagine... AV7 and me with a bunch of MB, the pointyears were only lucky on the injury rolls though... They failed at almost everything they could fail at, except the TD that was a rather lucky affair...(bad tactic I would say, failing every dice... But then again the same thing happend to me the game before;) ) The new runner showed some spunk and made a cas and a TD. Borkith the Deadly was the only one gaining a skill after his TD and MVP award. He was so happy he rolled double, SF it is. 60000 gained from the 99000 strong crowd. And Increased FF too boot ;)

12:th game vs Elfs, strong and brutal elfs.(Inspired by the E.L.F group)
I thought Nice, a good Elf bashing! =) And started of with a Blitz. Stole the ball and scored.(While bashing at the Elfs like Crazy) First half End 1-0 Dwarfs and all dwarfs rejoice. Elfs make a SI(-MA) during the first half but the apo fixed it. Second half and the dwarfs with the ball, the crowd rushes the pitch and a load of players stunned, fine I think. Less work for me... A few turns in it happens, the thing that should never happen! My +ST Blitzer gets fouled and dies! The Dwarfs hungry for revenge bash out all but 2 Elfs and gets one of there blitzers killed! Revenge is sweet! Dwarfs score and he game ends 2-0. With a crowd of 113000(!) the payout should be grand, 100000 for the dwarfs and A new blitzer can be bought. FF goes up aswell. 3 skills from this slugfest. So alot of good news and some bad.

For game 13 the dwarfs was entered into a Pro smack and drew Orcs, the orcs had the loon on their rooster. The loon made things tough for the dwarfs in the first half, but the loon caused a turnover at last and that ment no TD for the orcs in first half. Second half and dwarfs with the ball, a decisive push and 1-0. After that it was all about defending, and that they did! no FF change and for the money earned I hired a star for the next game.

Game 14 vs Rats that brought star player and wizard. Ended 3-1 for the rats and that´s all I have to say about that game... To summorise the smack: The dwarfs did ok, got a few skills and some money. No major injuries thx to the apo.

15:th Game vs Woodelves that started out by the dwarfs kicking a tricky kick. The elves do what elves do, miss the pass... Not once but twice! And the dwarfs could focus on what dwarfs do best, bash! Aggron made the TD in turn 8 just to minimize the number of ko rolls.
The second half the elves are kicking and the bashing can commence! And the first BH of the game comes after the dwarfs ONLY having made 6 KO´d in the first half, but a dwarf gets BH not an Elf! And then an other one? The ball was recovered, and the treeman KO´d(!)... Finally the dwarfes gets a SI (-AV) on one of the elves, and shortly after that SI another elf falls wictim of the mighty dwarfs. Has Wooden House, one of there linemen dies and ofcourse he was the one to get the MVP award. Gotta love when that happens! After that dwarfs march in the ball. Last turn for the Elves, get a passpoint? No, the dwarfs blitz! (...and btw the elves again fail to pick up the ball...)
No change to FF and ONLY 40K for the trouble, but a few new skills. +ST on Farko the Mighty, Earning his name and Mighty blow for Lorn the Feared who got the MVP.

16:th game vs Fashion victim, a team the dwarfs laughed at and challanged. Then they saw the roster... A kemri team... I had to step in and calm them down, ´they only have 3 Mummys`. The Runesmith mumbled something and everyone rejoiced. As the game comences the dwarfs are pumped up and ready to bash, the khemri team wins the toss and choose to make the first drive. Suits us fine says the smith. The Mummys bash on our SF but can´t move them. We get their whole team surrounded and start bashing. The ball gets to the smith and when all is calmer he hands of the ball to Aggron the Keeper who scored an easy TD on turn 8. Second Half and our drive, hard breaking thru the khemrian armour and the one time we did the skeleton regenerates... MAJOR trouble to pick up the ball cost us the 2-0 win. But then again, a 1-0 win is still a win... Farko the Mighty got the MVP award so there was no new skills due to this game. 60k winnings and no change to the FF. One more RR was what this game ment to the runesmith´s and as much as Gimthir fumbled the ball it seems like a good investment.

Game 17 vs A Chaos team with a few claws. The Runesmiths strapped on their armour tight and accepted. The game starts out a bit slow, but after making 2 BH the dwarfs scored. Second half starts out and everything looks fine until Aggron rolls skulls on a 2d block and after re-roll two new skulls. A chaos warrior slips away with the ball and scores. The dwarfs turn to try and with 4 turns to go nothing is impossible. But with the luck the dwarfs had Everything went wrong and the chaos team won the game. Borkith the deadly got the MVP award. -FF and only 60000 prize money. In all a fairly good game, luck was not on the dwarves side. Althor got a new skill but aged also, niggled =(

Game 18, vs Chaos dwarfs. The runesmiths make a dexterity rune for this fight. (and I put it on the wrong Runesmith) The bashing starts and Bjorn the ogreslayer slips round the wall of CD and picks up the ball for a turn 3 TD!
The Chaos dwarfs seem to have offended Nuffle, they have no luck. Finally some luck for the CD as they KILL Althor!(He was niggled so I did not use the apo)
Next gets seriously hurt (-MA) and the apo fails! Atleast the first half ends 1-0 to the dwarfs. The CD kicking in the second half, the dwarfs feel confident. But after a BH on Borkith and finding that the luck has swapped sides their confidence starts to wear of. A hobgoblin gets the ball and runs of for a TD. Dwarfs again with the ball, can they handle the pressure? Looks hard but the dwarfs never trow in the towel! Game ends a draw, not the greatest game but atleast alot of spp.(18)Sadly Thor got the MVP even though he got injured.(-MA) -FF and 60000 winnings made the fight rank as one of the bottom fights. The team lost 2 active players (1d and 1n) but gained a good coach, Grimthor the Giantslayer got niggled and was replaced by Garoth the Giantslayer whom he will train so that he can become as great or even greater then himself.
After the last fight the dwarfs felt like they could win any game with a little luck, so they joined a smack!
Game 19, vs cn98´s Chaos team. The dwarfs won the game due to alot of luck.
Game 20, vs Chaos Dwarfs. The dwarfs won a decisive victory! (or maybe in overtime =) Alot of cas in game 20 but none of them on the mighty dwarfs, now they look forward to the finals against vicious's Orc team. The team looks tough enough but with a little luck a rune and a star the dwarfs should be able to give them a beating. Will the dwarfs take home FUMBBL SMACK Pro CCCXLIII???!??!?!?! We´ll see...

Game 21, Finals in FUMBBL SMACK Pro CCCXLIII and the dwarfs are pumped. Rolvarth has made a Rune, Grim the Ironjaw has joined the team everything according to schedule. Now let´s see what does greenskins have brought. kansos as a team looks well... dangerous even without MB, Do they have wizard? No. Do they have a star? No.
The Game begins and the dwarfs start with the ball just like they wanted.
The bashing should be fierce this game, and as we all imagined the bashing started and did not end until after turn 16. Both teams had fierce armour though so the injurylist were not as long as it could have been. The dwarfs start out by running the ball to the line when a blitzer gets a one dice POW and when he gets up and pushes the orc away he fumbles the ball so the TD went the wrong way. The orcs get a hold of the ball and scores. Second half the dwarfs not so confident anymore take the field and stops the Orcs from scoring but can´t make a TD of their own so defeat it is. The orc team were no strangers to Smacks they had 3 won before wich made this their 4:th win, impressive. The dwarfs will be back wit a working rune and a better team!
60K winnings and no change to the FF. A fun experiance thought the dwarfs, better then last time atleast =)

Game 22, vs Lizardmen 3 new skills frm a tied game must be seen as a fall forward... 40K winnings was not alot but it´ll have to do...

Team skills: 7 Guard, 1 Stand firm, 1 piling on, 6 Mighty blow, 2 Pass, 11 Block, 9 Tackle, 2 Frenzy, 2 Dauntless, 2 Sure Hands and 12 Thick skull
Stat increase: 1 +ST
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  22 0 4 0 3 1 23/31 110k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow
  21 0 1 0 4 2 21/31 110k
4 4 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, +ST
  22 0 3 0 3 2 25/31 140k
Troll Slayer
5 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow
  4 0 0 0 3 0 6/16 110k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  22 0 1 0 1 0 5/6 70k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
  22 0 0 0 3 1 11/16 90k
4 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Stand Firm
  21 0 3 0 3 2 25/31 110k
6 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
  12 4 1 0 1 0 9/16 100k
3 3 2 9
Block, Tackle, Thick Skull
Guard, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut
-ma 21 0 1 0 7 3 32/51 130k
6 3 3 8
Sure Hands, Thick Skull
Pass, Block
  13 8 3 0 0 1 22/31 120k
Troll Slayer
5 3 2 8
Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle
  22 0 1 0 9 3 36/51 150k
5 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 80k
5 3 3 9
Block, Thick Skull
Mighty Blow, Tackle
  10 1 2 0 2 1 16/31 120k
13 players  
Coach: Bengtbure Re-Rolls (100k): 5  
Race: Dwarf Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 1840k (±720) Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 20k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1840k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:22 (11/3/8) |TD Diff:3 (27 - 24) |Cas Diff:18 (24/18/14 - 19/14/5)
Last Opponent: Up To Scale