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<table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor=black width=750 height=20 bgcolor=black><td colspan=2><center><font size=+1 face=times color=white><b>TEAM'S BLOG</b></font></td></table> <table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor=black width=750 height=250 bgcolor=white><td colspan=2><center><font size=+1 face=times color=Black><b>27/02/11: Midterm Exams</b></font></td><tr><td colspan=2><font size=2 face=times color=black><center><b><font size=+1>Perfect equilibrium</font></b></center></p><p align=justify>After 76 games and approximatively 20 in the new format, the team is back to an average record with 26 wins, 26 losses and 24 draws. This good record is not a direct consequence of the new rules but they sure had a role in this. But let's start by answering the question we had at the LRB6 swithc:</br><i>Will there be more race diversity ?</i></br>Let's say YES ! We play mainly bashy teams but some unusual teams are playing around TV 1600 and we see less and less dwarves.</br><i>How the zons will behave with useless dirty players ?</i></br>Dirty players have proved useless indeed but the other teams are in the same position which makes it easier to keep more than 9 players throughout most of the games. For a team like us, this is an improvement. However, our bash record has taken a serious kick.</br><i>Can we survive in this new environment ?</i></br>So far Yes.</br><i>How high TR can be reached ?</i></br>Not too high but mainly by choice. Piling on is not a problem as long as it is not couple with tackle. Past 1800 TV this combo is everywhere and ruins the team very fast.</br><i>How long can we keep Loretta without putting the team in danger ?</i></br>She took her first missed game and was close to death once. But with the minor impact of spp hugging in the TV calculation, it is easier to keep her active surrounded with rookies without getting a payback for this team management.</br>All in all, the new rules favors us with a easier way of regulating the TV of the team without cutting of stars' heads. We manage to play with 2 stars and some experienced players and play at a TV where tackle is not a common choice. Coupled with clawed teams that take down dwarves, we have less mortal enemies running around the box.</tr></table> <table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor=black width=750 height=250 bgcolor=white><td colspan=2><center><font size=+1 face=times color=Black><b>22/01/11: The LRB6 switch</b></font></td><tr><td colspan=2><font size=2 face=times color=black><center><b><font size=+1>Adaptation or death</font></b></center></p><p align=justify>The Uxel zons have seen the Blackbox division slowly dying with LRB4 and could not achieve the 100 games milestone before the complete stop of activities. Now that the division is active again, the time has come to put back the protection shields and go on the field with the same mentality as before.</br>A lot of questions come to mind:</br>Will there be more race diversity ?</br>How the zons will behave with useless dirty players ?</br>Can we survive in this new environment ?</br>How high TR can be reached ?</br>How long can we keep Loretta without putting the team in danger ?</br></br>This will all be answered if the freaking bot finds us a game but still ... please no dwarves :D</tr></table> <table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor=black width=750 height=250 bgcolor=white><td colspan=2><center><font size=+1 face=times color=Black><b>05/06/10: New management !!!</b></font></td><tr><td colspan=2><font size=2 face=times color=black><center><b><font size=+1>The time for changes has come</font></b></center></p><p align=justify>The last results of the team forced our prsident to find new solutions for better results. Surprisingly, coach Cryo stays in place but he had to get rid of two key players: <a href="FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=7258465">Stevina</a> and <a href="FUMBBL.php?page=player&op=view&player_id=7258471">Eddie</a>.</br><b>But this is not the major change of this day.</b></br></br>To attract new fans, the marketing department of the team has been given unlimited budget. The money will be spent in:</br>- a reinforcement of the statistics team which will now keep track of the injuries taken, the killed opponents, the team standings and the progression of the players</br>- a logo designer</br>- a photograph to make the portraits of the newcomers</br>- a complete team of reporters which will bring you some news after every game (game report, presentation of a player, tribute to deads and many other information).<br /> Let's hope this will increase the interest of the fans in our favorite team.</tr></table> <table border cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor=black width=750 height=20 bgcolor=black><td colspan=2><center><font size=+1 face=times color=white><b>STATISTICS</b></font></td></table> <div><span><input type="button" value="Races played" style='width:200px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Races played') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide Races played'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Races played';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:600px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <table bordercolor="#000000" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr valign="top" ><caption ><b>Teams played</b></caption><th>Race</th><th>Games won</th><th>Draws</th><th>Games lost</th></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Dwarves</td><td><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Chaos Dwarves</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Khemris</td><td><img src=><img src=><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Orcs</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Chaos</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Ogres</td><td>-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Undeads</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Nurgles</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Norses</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Humans</td><td></td><td align="center"></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Amazons</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right"></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Dark elves</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Wood elves</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Pro elves</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>High elves</td><td><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"></td><td align="right"></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Necromantics</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Lizardmen</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Underworld</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Goblins</td><td>-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Halflings</td>-<td></td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Slanns</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"></td><td align="right"></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Skavens</td><td></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Vampires</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"></td><td align="right"></td></tr><!--<br /> --></table></div> <div><span><input type="button" value="Body count" style='width:200px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Body count') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide Body count'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Body count';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:1000px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <table bordercolor="#000000" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr valign="top" ><caption ><b>Body Count (no Apoth saves)</b></caption><th>Race</th><th>Badly hurt</th><th>Seriously injured</th><th>Killed</th></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Dwarves</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Chaos Dwarves</td><td><img src=><img src=""><img src=><img src=><img src=""></br><img src=><img src=><img src=""><img src=""><img src=></br><img src=><img src=""><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=""><img src=><img src=><img src=""></br><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Khemris</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Orcs</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Chaos</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Ogres</td><td>-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Undeads</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Nurgles</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Norses</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Humans</td><td>-</td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Amazons</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Dark elves</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Wood elves</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Pro elves</td><td><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>High elves</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Necromantics</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Lizardmen</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></br><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Underworld</td><td><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Goblins</td><td>-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Halflings</td><td>-</td><td align="center">-</td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Slanns</td><td></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right"><img src=><img src=></td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="odd"><td>Skavens</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --><tr class="even"><td>Vampires</td><td><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=><img src=></td><td align="center"><img src=></td><td align="right">-</td></tr><!--<br /> --></table></div> <div><span><input type="button" value="Injuries taken" style='width:200px;font-size:10px;margin:0px;padding:0px;' onclick="if (this.value == 'Injuries taken') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'Hide Injuries taken'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('span')[1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'Injuries taken';}"></span><span><div class="alt2" style='margin: 0px; width:800px; border: 0px solid;'><span style='display: none;'> <table bordercolor="black" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><caption ><b>Serious injuries taken</b></caption><tr ><td width="20%" align=center></td><td width="5%" align=center>#1</td><td width="5%" align=center>#2</td><td width="5%" align=center>#3</td><td width="5%" align=center>#4</td><td width="5%" align=center>#5</td><td width="5%" align=center>#6</td><td width="5%" align=center>#7</td><td width="5%" align=center>#8</td><td width="5%" align=center>#9</td><td width="5%" align=center>#10</td><td width="5%" align=center>#11</td><td width="5%" align=center>#12</td><td width="5%" align=center>#13</td><td width="5%" align=center>#14</td><td width="5%" align=center>#15</td><td width="5%" align=center>#16</td><td width="5%" align=center>Total</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Concussion</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Broken Ribs</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>3</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>10</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Groin Strain</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>11</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Gouged Eye</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>9</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Broken Jaw</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>3</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Fractured Arm</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>3</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Fractured Leg</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>8</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Smashed Hand</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>6</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Damaged Back</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Smashed Knee</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>3</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>8</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Pinched Nerve</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Smashed Hip</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Smashed Ankle</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>3</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Smashed Collar Bone</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>6</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Broken Neck</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Serious Concussion</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>5</td></tr><tr class="odd"><td width="20%" align=center>Fractured Skull</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>-</td><td width="5%" align=center>1</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td></tr><tr class="even"><td width="20%" align=center>Total</td><td width="5%" align=center>6</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td><td width="5%" align=center>10</td><td width="5%" align=center>10</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td><td width="5%" align=center>2</td><td width="5%" align=center>3</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td><td width="5%" align=center>6</td><td width="5%" align=center>5</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td><td width="5%" align=center>4</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td><td width="5%" align=center>7</td><td width="5%" align=center>96</td></tr></table><br /> </div> 07/02/2010: After 33 games, Uxel zons is the amazon team with highest Team Rating in Blackbox with TR234 07/02/2010: After 33 games, Uxel zons is the strongest amazon team in Blackbox with TS218 13/02/2010: After 36 games, Uxel zons is the most violent amazon team in Blackbox with 18 deads 19/02/2010: After 40 games played, Simone is now the amazon player with the most blocks in the Blackbox 12/02/2011: After 65 games played, The Uxel zons is now the oldest amazon team in Blackbox but far from the one with higher TV 19/02/2011: During game 71, we killed our first legend in the person of <a href=>Blind Guardian</a>, a Chaos Dwarf Blocker with 183 spp 22/04/2011: <b>Loretta is a legend</b> after a great first half in our 99th game (1 TD and 3 cas). She has been a member of the team from the beginning and only missed 2 games due to injuries. She is now trusting the tops of Blackbox amazon players : most games, most SPPs, most blocks, most casualties. Will she be able to show up in general tops now that her apoth rights have been removed ? <a href=>Amazon teams in </a> <a href=>What's up in the box ?</a> <a href=>Amazon individual records in </a> |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 6 | Dodge Guard |
-av | 30 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 8/16 | 80k
(50+30)k |
2 |
Tribal Linewoman
5 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Guard |
-ma, n | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 10/16 | 80k
(50+30)k |
3 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Block |
  | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
4 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Wrestle |
  | 5 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
5 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/6 | 50k
(50+0)k |
6 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2/6 | 50k
(50+0)k |
7 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Dirty Player |
  | 9 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
8 |
Koka Kalim Blitzer
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Dodge Side Step, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Dauntless, Fend |
  | 106 | 1 | 13 | 0 | 64 | 8 | Legend 208 |
(90+130)k |
9 |
Koka Kalim Blitzer
6 | 3 | 4 | 7 | Block, Dodge Guard, +AG, Mighty Blow, Pro, Fend |
  | 66 | 16 | 8 | 1 | 18 | 8 | 118/176 | 210k
(90+120)k |
10 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Block |
  | 8 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 13/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
11 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 50k
(50+0)k |
12 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Guard |
  | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6/16 | 80k
(50+30)k |
15 |
Tribal Linewoman
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge Wrestle |
  | 12 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
13 players | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 109 (46/31/32) | | | TD Diff: | 34 (149 - 115) | | | Cas Diff: | -47 (157/88/45 - 168/117/52) |
Last Opponent: Nordiques de QC |