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<img src= title=Logo /> <h2 style=text-align:left;margin-bottom:5px;>Biography:</h2><p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>First game:</font></b> As nobody wanted to play a noob Chaos Team, just some <a href=>halflings</a> asked for a match. But those honorful Halflings, some say they are just a "stunty" team, made the coach of the Fishbot Foulers angry as a swordfish. Good for the Foulers that the Flings could not manage to make a touchdown, because they were mostly concentrated on hurting and fouling. But that they did well. After half one they were 3 players in advantage. In the end, 2 beastmen got so heavily injured, that they cannot play next match and take much damage after that.<br/> The only thing what made coach Fishmaster happy was two touchdowns by the chaos mvp <a href=>Lomna</a>. The coach decided to put him as the quarterback/runner. In reference to the injuries he also hired an apothecary to prevent some damage next match. Looking backwards, the first game was a nice one, very much harder than the chaos players expected, but finally successful: <br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>2:0</b></a></font> </p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Second game:</font></b> After the reputation the Foulers got at the halfling match, another team was ready to face them at the bloody cage called "pitch". The wood elf team <a href=>Thornfist Thunder</a> thinking of an easy game against some unskilled chaos, as elves usually do, asked for a match, but definetly regret it. This time, not only Lomna made a good job, nearly everyone did fine, even the hired Journeymen. With more luck than brain they stormed through the wood elf line at first half, even a brave leaping wardancer could manage to block Lomna down but was unlucky with the fumble. To all bad luck the Wood elves had, the brave Wardancer was hurt by a failed leap - maybe it was the wet grass?. At second half one super-turn could manage the victory of chaos, hurting an important lineman and killing the other, ball-carrying wardancer. Then, with a furious turn, the elves could steal the ball by an individual super-action and a long pass over the defense. But they could not hold the ball. Finally the chaos could safe the ball again and the mvp, <a>Varta</a> who had his second bloody hit in the second game, could made the victory. Coach Fishmaster went down to congratulate his players for a very nice game, honouring Varta for his power, promising him to get one of the best blockers in fumbbl. In Foresight he retired the both last game injured Beastmen and hired the new Team member <a href=>Bartha</a>. <a href=>Lomna</a> was also happy that he learned of the leaping wardancer, that a cage cannot always protect him from beeing hit. To be honest, this game was a lucky victory playing against a good coach who did not have the luck he needed. Nice played and thank you for the interesting match! <br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>2:0</b></a></font> </p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Third game:</font></b> The luck streak of the Fishbot Foulers seems to have no end. Even the brave and well coached ogre team <a href=>Luut murskaks</a> could not stop them. If anyone had doubt the stupidness of an ogre he could see the opposite in this game. About 22 (we both stopped counting at 2/4) Bone-Head Rolls failed, what was about a third of all rolls, and finally the most important one before the touchdown failed. <a href=>Lomna</a> had not his best game and got badly hit by an ogre so he had to go to hospital, staying there for the next match. <a>Varta</a> continued his casuality streak, finally his power training was awarded. As a reward to the first to games, FishMaster hired two very hot bloodweiser babes for all those hit and k.o.´ed players, maybe it helped a bit. The additional extreme luck of the Foulers came in the last turn when the stupid ogre <a href=>Vasen suora</a> forgot what to do with the ball. Maybe he was confused about the chaos warrior and the beastman who faced him, maybe he just thought about the funny monkey next to the camera... The Fishbot Foulers could manage the victory, again, just with a big portion of luck combined with the other side´s bad luck. But the crowd is not interested in that fact, their reputation, particular in Khorneland, raised a lot. Thank you very much for the game mate. You really got some hard rolls out there, you definetly had earned a tie, maybe even a victory. But nuffle was on Khorne´s side today. Good luck to you and your team!<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>1:0</b></a></font></p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Fourth game:</font></b> This game went straight towards the Foulers. From the beginning, they could hit the <a href=>northland pliagers</a> like they have trained in the swamps of badland. In just four turns they could take the ball from the northmen, profited also by a dodge hurt of a norse lineman. After that, stalling the half out to the end was not a difficult task. In the second half the Foulers had to play against just 7 opponents. One player got ko´ed when a big rock was thrown out of the crowd and hit <a href=>wolfie</a> directly at his head. In addition to that, one more left the field after his stomach was hit by a beastman´s horn. In their joy of a clear victory, nobody could really save and handle the ball. After some missed attemts, <a href=>Manrok</a> managed it and made the last touchdown. MVP got <a href=>Berzo</a>, scorer of the first touchdown. He did not much more, but the jury was mayve impressed by his direct success. The best job, hitting some norse, did, like in the past games, Beastman <a href=FUMBBL.php?page=player&player_id=8417507>Varta</a>, with 3 caused injuries. His casuality streak has become really impressive now. In the last four matches he caused 7 of all 13 casualities of the team. Trainer Fishmaster hopes to hold him after some middle-ranged teams made him some lucrative offers. In summary the game was well done by the whole team. The norse had not a real chance, particularly with these bad dices. Coach <a href=>pmavoider</a> tried his best, but the northmen were not tough enough today. Big thank to him, hoping to face him again soon, then with some other dices :). All best to him!<br/> <font size=3><a href=FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=3239756>Result - <b>2:0</b></a></font> </p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Fifth game:</font></b> And another interesting match with the Fishbot Foulers. The famous goblin team <a href=>Bowling Gobbo</a> with two secret weapens around their star player <a href=>LR Gibbs</a> asked them for a match. It started not that bad for the goblins, when at least 4 chaos players got k.o. by the goblin using evil illegal weapons. In addition to this, coach Fishmaster made some tactical mistakes letting the ball carrier, the returnee <a href=>Loman</a>, alone in the half of the small green gits. Then, the goblins could take the ball with a good chainsaw hit from the Foulers, protect it unless to the first touchdown against the chaos defense. But Nuffle, er.. Khorne, decided again to give the chaos their well known luck dices. With sending the illegal weapons out, average ko rolls for the Foulers and bad ko rolls for the gobbos, he helped to get chaos back to the game. The Chaos fans helped also again, throwing a rock on the star troll <a href=>HJ Tayfieldy</a> who was at least more surprised than really hit, but had to go to the reserve-box. With just 5 players remaining, the goblins did their best to save the leading but with not much success. After <a href=>Gromram</a> made the touchdown to the tie, it seemed, that no goblin wanted to play, 5 of 6 stayed out for a beer or a whiskey, no one knows. Coach <a href=>lemf</a> then had just 3 players left for the last 4 turns to hold the tie, but again with not much luck. Even the fifth game was a very funny game, again having more luck than brain, and again against a brave coach, who really had deserved a victory. But Nuffle was definetly not on his site. Thank you very much for the interesting game. Hope to see you soon again!<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>2:1</b></a></font> </p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Sixth game:</font></b> The winning streak of the Fishbot Foulers seems not to have an end. If anyone knew, the dices were sorcered, no one would even ask for a game. Not knowing this fact, coach <a href=>Raughri</a> asked for a match, letting coach FishMaster the choice playing against some nice rats or a mirrormatch against another chaos team. Both options had been good, but with the fact, that the Foulers do not have any tackler, they chose the chaos team <>Legio X Equestris</a>. With the second time more fans in their neck, the Foulers startet the game in the defense. Surprised by the first blocks of the offense, the apothecary had to help a warrior to get not seriously injured. But this hit just made the Foulers angry. In turn two they could steal the ball of the opponent star player <a href=>Marcus Licinius Crassus</a>, protecting the ball since the touchdown 4 turns later. The Legios did their best to score in between the last turns but some good hits with two k.o. made this plan extremely difficult. Finally, the first half ended with a 1-0 lead of the Foulers. The second half was the most impressive half in FishMasters Fumbbl career, included two lovely elfball touchdowns. First of all, the Foulers could make their second touchdown with some boring blocks and a bit rushing. After that the game was decided, Fishmaster and the Fans thought, but what the Legios did then, could nobody predict before. In turn 5, still at a 2-0 Foulers lead, Star player <a href=>Marcus Licinius Crassus</a> dodged directly out of Rintmas Tacklezone and ran towards the touchdown line. Meanwhile, <a href=>Piblus Cornelius Scipio Africanus</a>, shadowed by noone else than Bitty, could break away, sprinted and threw a long pass towards Marcus who could catch the ball without any big problems. This super-action was well done and definetly the best the Legion could do. Now, the game was open again, still having 3 turns for the Legios to score. But they did the bill without the luck of the Foulers. In the last turn, Varta blitzed Marcus Brutus so heavily, that even Marcus Tilius, standing next to him, was pushed into the crowd. Frozen by that action, Quintus Marcius could not resist the following block what made Lomna a free way towards the touchdown line. But it was to far away. Then Lomna saw Bartha breaking away from the shadow of Gaius Octavius, running to the endzone, passed and succeeded. A very lucky but also watchable touchdown to the 3-1 victory. This was an awesome game with a nice, brave and good coached opponent, again some nice dices of the Foulers. Thank you very much for it. I hope to see you soon again!<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>3:1</b></a></font> </p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Seventh game:</font></b> The Fishbot Foulers, the reporters and all fans sorrow for <a>Varta</a>, who gave his life for the seventh victory in the seventh game of the Foulers. Even the apothecary could not help him, when the overpowered Kroxigor <a href=>Zvax</a> hit his head out of his body. It was a direct fast death for him, but a honorful one. But back to the game. It started with a kickoff for the Foulers against the slann frogs <a href=>Dasf team</a> with the star coach <a href=>Nesteroide</a>. A crazy misunderstanding of Utiy and Fads who could not combine their power to a 2d blitz against the ball carrying Lomna, helped the Foulers running through the defense. After that misconception, the Foulers could directly make the touchdown and face the Dasfs in the defense. It looked like the Slann could tie within the left 4 turns, but an epic 3d loner fail helped the chaos team to get the ball back into their hands. But this failed block caused a rage blitz by the Kroxigor with the unlovely knwon end for Varta... Not afraid of that blitz, but still sorrowful, the Foulers could hold the ball until end of the first half. The second half started with some standard turns of both teams, a 2d failed blitz on a dodge ag4 slann and the resulting touchdown to the 1-1 tie. After that, the dice power began for the Foulers, having at least 5 turns to score for the victory. And it started, as expected, with helping ko-rolls, that the Foulers were 1 man in lead. Two turns after the kickof, Lorzan could make a good hit at the slann by hurting their only ag4 leaping player. The following 1d blitz of the slann failed and the Foulers could protect the ball until the final turn 8 touchdown. If we forget the death of the Fouler´s blocking star, also the seventh game of FishMaster was a lucky good victory. In hindsight to all other matches i am positivley surprised of the Fumbbl-Community. Every coach I played was very nice. Also Nesteroid, who managed to live with those evil dices. Thank you very much for the game and happy new year to all!<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>2:1</b></a></font> </p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Eigth game:</font></b> This time, the Foulers faced some lizardmen, the <a href=>Meane Machine</a>, nuffle calls them just "Unlucky fishmen". With again extreme luck-dicing the Foulers did 2 touchdowns in the first half, both time started in defense. Then they could score the 3-0 after half 2. The unlucky part for the Foulers started, when the game was already decided. Maybe they became a bit lazy after the lead, so the didnt want to ran toward those small agile fishmen. Finally, the lizards could score for their first touchdown. This game was very one-sided, definetly caused by the dices. Finally an unlucky opponent at a match where a fair comparasion of coach skills could not be given. If you have always that bad luck, nuffle must really hate you. :( Maybe you should just join our chaos church with the best god, khorne! I wish you all the best and a happy new year! <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>3:1</b></a></font></p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Ninth game:</font></b> The Fishbot Foulers get very famous, also outside of Khorneland. And they still won every game they have played. Khorne seems to be still on their side. The last game ended 2-0 against well skilled high elves with a little confused coach <a href=>Xordon</a>. He was the first coach I met who really was not nice, what I can understand with Foulers dices. The whole game was very boring, without any casualities. Let us see, what game number 10 will bring. Thanks for this one!<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>2:0</b></a></font></p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Tenth game:</font></b> The Fishbot Foulers got the magic ten at winning games. But coach Fishmaster does not have any idea, why Khorne is still on their side. The tenth game was a pure diceluck game against <a href=>poundfist´s</a> <a href=>Goff Rockettes</a>. After the game, coach Fishmaster commented this game as the luckiest victory, he has ever seen and the Rockettes played much better at all. To the game: At the beginning of all, both coaches were surprised of the Fumbbl´s birthday present. Both teams got 3 additional players, the Foulers the worse, 3 ST1 tentacle guys, the Rockettes 2 ST3 and a ST2 Guard zombies. The first half was a very difficult one for the Foulers, receiving the ball, but seeing no hole in the defense. With a bad block, the Rockettes could steal the ball of ball carrier <a href=>Lorzan</a>, taking it and running with it towards the chaos touchdown zone. But with a good Re-Blitz the Foulers could save the ball again and with it the tie to half two. The second half began much better for the chaos guys, the orcs had some rounds wihtout pow(er) and a failed dodge of their ag4 <a href=>Simone Simons</a> ball carrier helped a lot, that <a href=>Lomna</a> could pickup the ball, having two players protection for an easy touchdown. But Lomna nearly gave the present away, when he failed a pass to <a href=>Linters</a>, directly after that. Good for the foulers, that Linters could pick it up and made the touchdown for the victory. With beginning of the next kickoff, the orcs were demoralized by this tocuhdown and failed their first block. That made the tie impossible for them. In summary can be said, that once again, the Foulers just won by diceluck to their first game record of 10-0-0. Thx for being honourable, poundfist. You coached your team better than I did, but the luck was not on your side. Better luck to you and your team in the future, and I hope we can play a rematch soon!<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>1:0</b></a></font></p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Eleventh game:</font></b> This is just awesome. The Foulers could win! AGAIN! When nuffle distributed the dices, the Foulers definetly got the magic two. It was an awesome match with the highest victory in the fresh career of the chaos team. Still on Fumbbl´s birthday, both teams got 3 additional players, but in the first part of the game, they weren´t used. It started with a kickoff for the dwarves while the Foulers brought more fans to the mountains than the <a href=>Runesmith Slammers</a>. It started like a usual dwarf game, protecting the ball in something what looked like a cage. In turn 3 the Foulers could smell a small hole in this cage, and Rintmo made a successful 2dices blitz against <a href=>Yirhis Prayerbolt</a>. The Blitz hit the runner so inconvenient, that the horns speared him up, not protected by his armour. He was directly dead, even the apothecary had no chance to save his life (*RIP*). After the Blitz the Foulers reacted faster and picked the ball up. Trying to get it back, <a href=>Lof Ironsmasher</a> failed his frenzied blitz on the ball-carrying <a href=>Bitty</a> and the Foulers could run towards the 1-0 lead in turn 5. Now the dwarves had still 3 turns to make the tie before the half-time. Trying to outrun the chaos for the first dwarf touchdown, <a href=>Dkarr Lightfire</a> failed by sprinting towards the chaos endzone. Then, the awesome dices of the Foulers worked again. While <a href=>Lomna</a> picked up the ball, the new team member <a href=>Horunka</a> tried to get away of the dwarves range, with success. He ran so fast, the dwarven players were not able to get him down, and while <a href=>Lorzan</a> pushed the shadowing dwarf away, Loman could make a pass for the 2-0 lead. The second half started with the Foulers receiving the ball. With the lead in their neck, they just tried to protect the ball as good as they could. With two crowdpushes and a ko the Foulers reduced the dwarves as like they were reduced by some good k.o. hits. Then, at turn 5, Lomna saw a possibility for making the third touchdown, and he ran across the whole pitch, as fast as he could. And lucky for him, it was enough, he scored the following turn. The last two turns, the dwarves tried their best, but the dices didn´t let them doing anything they planned. This match was a bit like the last matches. More diceluck than anything else. For FishMaster, it was a very nice game, maybe because nearly everything what the Foulers did, worked. In addition to that, nearly everyting of the dwarves failed. It was very honourable of coach <a href=>Nightbreed</a> not to complain, in fact he had the right to do so. Thank you very much for the game, I hope to see you in a non-just-dice-deciding rematch soon.<br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>3:0</b></a></font></p> <p style=text-align:left;margin-top:0px;><b><font size=2>Twelvth game:</font></b> Finally it happened. The Foulers first not won match. At least they can be happe that it ended with a tie. And again, one chaos player died on the pitch after he was blocked by a dangerous wardancer. The whole game, the Foulers could just hit one opponent, while they were hit very well. The game began with the whole audience for the foulers and receiving the ball. But the injury rolls went not that good. The ball was protected very well until turn 6 of half one. Then a leaping wonder wardancer jumped in the lines of chaos and pushed the ball carrying Lomna into the touchdown zone, so the woodies still had 2 turns left for making a tie before second half. With a doubskull block for the Woodies the chance for the early tie was gone. For the Foulers, the eights turn ended with a qaudskull. Second half will be added soon. <br/> <font size=3><a href=>Result - <b>1:1</b></a></font></p> |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 | Block |
  | 12 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 11/16 | 120k
(100+20)k |
2 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 | Block |
  | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 10/16 | 120k
(100+20)k |
3 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 |   | 12 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5/6 | 100k
(100+0)k |
4 |
Chosen Blocker
5 | 4 | 3 | 9 | Block |
  | 12 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7/16 | 120k
(100+20)k |
5 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 60k
(60+0)k |
6 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Sure Hands, Dodge, Block |
  | 11 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 41/51 | 130k
(60+70)k |
7 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Guard |
  | 8 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 11/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
8 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Block |
  | 5 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
9 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Leader, Block |
  | 10 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 16/31 | 110k
(60+50)k |
10 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Block, Tackle |
  | 12 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 18/31 | 100k
(60+40)k |
11 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns Block |
  | 12 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
12 |
Beastman Runner
6 | 3 | 3 | 8 | Horns |
  | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3/6 | 60k
(60+0)k |
12 players | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 12 (11/1/0) | | | TD Diff: | 19 (24 - 5) | | | Cas Diff: | 9 (19/4/2 - 7/6/3) |
Last Opponent: In Da Wood |