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Current Players
Past Players

1.) One adopted player per coach.
2.) The godfather chooses the name of the player.
3.) The godfather provides a Player Picture and is responsible for the player's Biography. This is required - I want all players to have a bio from the very start. It does not have to be extensive, but it has to be there.
4.) When a godfathered player skills up, I'll ask his godfather what to do, so please don't adopt a player if you are not regularly on FUMBBL.
ALTERNATIVELY, a complete 'skill planning schedule' can be submitted, which might be good for those godfathers who are online irregularly.
On occasion, I might ask for other kinds of input.
5.) If the player dies or retires, his godfather is free to be the godfather for a new player (or wait on the waiting list, if necessary).
6.) Should a godfather be absent from FUMBBL whenever there is a decision to be made for his player, I will do my best to make a decision myself that is in line with the character as I see it.
Skill Prerequisites
Skills by GroupSkill Prerequisites
General Skills
BlockStand Firm; Movement 5+
DauntlessMust have played 10+ games
Dirty PlayerNone
FrenzyCannot have Block or Pro
Kick-off ReturnNone
Pass BlockShadowing
ProMust have played 10+ games
ShadowingMovement 7+
Strip BallGrab
Sure HandsAgility 3+
Skills by GroupSkill Prerequisites
Agility Skills
CatchAgility 3+
Diving CatchCatch
Diving TackleShadowing
DodgeFend; Agility 4+
Jump upWrestle
LeapAgility 5+
Side StepFend
Sneaky GitNone
SprintStrength 3
Sure FeetNone
Skills by GroupSkill Prerequisites
Strength Skills
Break TackleJuggernaut
GuardStand Firm; Fend
JuggernautStrength 4+
Mighty BlowStrength 4+
Multiple BlockStrength 5+
Piling OnStength 5+
Stand FirmNone
Strong ArmPass
Thick SkullArmour 9+

Skills by GroupSkill Prerequisites
Passing Skills
Hail MaryStrong Arm
LeaderMust have played 10+ games
Nerves of SteelMust have played 10+ games
Safe ThrowPass

Skills by GroupSkill Prerequisites
MutationEffects and Consequences
Big HandNone
ClawsCannot take Sure Hands
Disturbing PresenceMust have another Mutation
Extra ArmsNone
Foul AppearanceNone
HornsAllows Juggernaut without
meeting prerequisites
Prehensile TailCannot take Sure Feet
TentaclesCounts as Grab for prerequisites
Two HeadsMaximum AV 7
Very Long LegsAllows Leap without
meeting prerequisites
StuntyAllows Side Step without
meeting prerequisites



Tilea and The Merchant Princes

Tilea is a nation lacking a central government. Sharing a common language and culture it is politically divided in several city-states. The city states famously have varying forms of government, some are republics while several others are principalities. Rivalries between the city states is common and tensions between citizens frequently run high.
Along with no central rule, Tilea has no regular military and all city states employ companies of mercenaries instead. The companies range from groups of hardened, professional soldiers who will honourably fulfill the terms of their contract to the letter, to unscrupulous rabble all too prone to rebellion, plundering, and treachery. Men form the majority, but Dwarfs, High Elves and Ogres are also common. This creates a very cosmopolitan culture within the nation which leads often leads to racial unrest.

Each province is individually ruled over by one of the Merchant Princes. More greedy tyrant than benevolent ruler, they have climbed to power off the backs of others. Wielding great wealth and influence the only thing that a Prince desires more than increasing his own fortune is the chance to get one over on a rival. If there's money to be made from stabbing a fellow Prince in the back then all the better.

Blood Bowl in Tilea

Blood Bowl didn't take off among the public of Tilea as soon as the rest of the Old World, it's citizens far too concerned with their own struggles to take notice of some fancy, over-paid snobs from the Empire. Some of the richer princes in Remas and Luccini tried to bring the game to Tilea, setting up extortionately overpriced exhibition games featuring the biggest names of the Empire but were shocked when they lost money on the deals. Princes don't like to lose money and so a meeting was called.

You see, to the Princes minds, the money in Blood bowl was going to all the wrong places. They were the ones setting the matches up, they were the ones doing all the real work. Why were the players the ones making all the coin? Yes, they risked their lives. Yes, they were athletic - but they had no real intelligence to them, just lumps of meat on a field getting paid handsomely out of the Princes pockets. So the Princes did something unusual, something that didn't come naturally to them at all. They decided to collaborate. Not for long - just once in fact, but they formed the Tilean Blood Bowl Committee. Each Prince nominated a charge to represent their state on the committee, and the committee is re-formed every year from new nominees.

The Tilean Blood Bowl Committee

Blood Bowl in Tilea is a lot more regulated than it's more common counterpart, and this comes down to the BBC. Their primary objective was a simple one - make as much money as possible for their local provinces. To achieve this they changed the rules of the game to something unrecognisable to the rest of the Old World. They reasoned that most profit from games should go directly to the local government. This resulted in players getting paid lot less than in other regions, and thus the talent level is lower. But who will notice? The people of Tilea don't watch any other forms of the game. To that mind, why pay for expensive 16 man teams when they could restrict teams to just 11 players? Orcs come cheap, they'll often play just for the fight. Yes some of ours will get hurt but that's just less people to pay, right? Ogres too. In fact there's loads of mercenaries in our cities already being paid. Lets just add a Blood Bowl clause to some contracts and we have free players! It's easy to see, when you understand their goals, where most of the league's rules find their source.

Presidential Elections

Tilean Blood Bowl Committee were shocked recently when elections came back with a unanimous result and Jofré Borgia was sworn in as their new President, despite not featuring on the original ballot paper. The newly appointed chief was said to be very surprised by what he described as a 'fortunate' series of events.

With their inaugural season drawing to a close, the TBBC board members gathered to discuss the future of their league and whether profits had been high enough to continue for a second term. It was decided that, although lucrative, the monetary return would be greater with a single league overseer, who would distribute the league wealth to the families. It was agreed unanimously, as these things are with nobility, that a new landed title would be created and the Lord of the Game would have complete control of league rules and decisions, on the condition that profits increased yearly for all board members. The TBBC members then each got one vote on which of their number would hold this new title.

How Mr Borgia's name has been marked on all 8 papers is a mystery to the organisers and the committee, who each insist they didn't vote for him. An appeal was quashed this morning by Lord Justice Commoli who said that unless anyone could irrefutably prove that tampering had taken place then the decision was to stand. None of the original papers remain to prove Jofré's absence, and so he was sworn in, in the presence of eight hateful and angry Committee members.

Lord of the Game

Lord of the Game, the newly titled Lord Borgia is a unknown character, believed to be from Remas. He is a vastly intelligent man, though harsh and clinical. Said to have great foresight, upon appointment to office he immediately began making changes to the structure and rules of the league.

Recent Developments

In his first order of business, Lord Borgia ordered that all teams comprising the league would be to travel out on a tour across the Old World, spreading the news of the league's formation to the surrounding realms and attracting cheap foreign talent not good enough to perform in the big leagues. He didn't say that last part. The teams are to forego their promised summer break and will instead be divided into groups and told their destinations, much to the ire of several team managers and all of the players.

Theobald Eck has been named Chief of Trifles. A largely honorary title, he serves as Lord Borgia's personal assistant. Because he liked delegation. And trifle.

The New TGC

In his second order of business, Lord Borgia rules that the name Blood Bowl was too closely associated with the game played in the Empire, and that their vast rules deviations qualified as a new sport. Gridball was floated to the committee, but it didn't appeal. A name was needed that people could relate to, that demonstrated the harsh realities of life in the Tilean states. Grind Ball was decided upon, and the Grind league. The name fits, and minimal modification was required to the too-hastily-printed new advertising materials. The Committee was then renamed The Tilean Grind Committee, or TGC and it's members the G8. These 8 nominally important figures will henceforth meet at their new headquarters at the summit of the Irrana Mountains, north of Miragliano. Nobody knows why such an inconvenient location was chosen for the 'Summit Meetings', but Lord Borgia now takes residence there in what can only be described as a palace. There are rumours the location was chosen for its distant views, and that maybe Lord Borgia has designs on things beyond sport.
Coaching Staff

Head Coach
Cuthbert Allgood
Lord of Cheese (TGC Member)

Coaching Staff

Offensive Coach
Slippery Jim Slaughter

Coaching Staff

Defensive Coach
Ulrika Hellborn

Coaching Staff

Team Doctor
Dr Chop-chop

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 5 2 9
Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate
  5 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 140k
4 5 1 9
Always Hungry, Loner, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate
  9 0 0 0 7 0 14/ 130k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 9
+AV, Stand Firm
  7 0 3 0 1 1 16/ 100k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
Dirty Player
m 9 1 0 0 1 2 13/ 70k
Renegade Human Lineman
5 3 3 8
-ma 8 0 1 0 2 1 12/ 70k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   8 0 0 0 1 0 2/ 50k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 2 3 8
Stand Firm
-st, m 9 0 0 0 2 1 9/ 70k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 2 8 -ag 8 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 50k
Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8   9 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 50k
Renegade Goblin
6 2 3 7
Animosity, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty
Two Heads
  8 0 2 0 0 1 11/ 60k
Renegade Skaven Lineman
7 3 3 7
  9 0 2 0 4 0 14/ 70k
Renegade Dark Elf Lineman
6 3 4 8
Fend, Grab
  9 1 3 0 3 1 21/ 120k
Journeyman Renegade Human Lineman
6 3 3 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 50k
10 players (+2 players missing next game)  
Coach: easilyamused Re-Rolls (140k): 3  
Race: Chaos Renegade Fan Factor: 4  
Current Team Value: 1190k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 260k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1330k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:9 (3/3/3) |TD Diff:0 (11 - 11) |Cas Diff:-1 (12/6/3 - 17/4/1)
Last Opponent: Gorka Morka United