Lady's back,,,,
SIoMT Spring 2520, Sister:
Lose SemiFinals
SIoMT Grande
Won the First Season Secret Isle of Misfit 
Lyudmila Pavlichenko 31 Cas, 1 Td, 1 Cp; Seven Kills, Two -St, Two -Ma
Boudica 21 Cas, 2 Td; Two Kill, Two -Av, One NI, Two -Ma
Artemisa I de Caria 20 Cas, 1 Td; Two Kills, One -St
Joan of Arcs 9 Cas; One Kill, One -St
Tomoe Gozen 4 Cas, 8 Td; One Kill
Erzsebet Bathony 4 Cas, 3 Td, 4 Cp; One Kill
Charlotte Death Angel Corday 7 Cas, 13 Td; One Kill
Agustina de Aragon 8 Cas, 1 Cp; One -Ma
Tekahionwake 2 Cas, 1 Cp
Birka 2 Cas, 1 Cp
Rani Lakshmibai 1 Cas, 3 Td, 2 Cp
Anne Bonny 1 Cas
Dead or Retired
Ahhotep I 2 Cas; Two Kills
Petra Herrera 4 Cas, 1 Td (-St)
Mavia 7 Cas, 1 Td, 1 Cp; One Kill (Dead)
Zenobia 2 Cas, 24 Td, 9 Cp. (dead)
Next Hire
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Book of Grudges & Vendettas
In the Secret Isle of Mist all were enemies
Kariba Sundown coached by puccio (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 7-0
Foul 0-2
Kariba got:
-St Skeleton Rookie Zayden Keltz, Spring 2522
Star Metal Sentinels coached by burnsy87 (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 0-3
Foul 0-0
Mors got:
Dead Augur Super Star Zenobia, Spring 2522
****************************************************************************** Ellyrion Wild Hunt coached by PraiseTheOmnissiah (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 5-1
Foul 0-1
Ellyrion got:
Dead Wild Hunt Rookie Xavier Vilespike, Spring 2522
-St Wild Hunt Rookie Menge, Spring 2522
Mors got:
Dead Sister Superior Emerging Agustina de Aragon, Spring 2522
Doomed Ship Lollipop coached by razmus (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 0-2
Foul 0-1
Mors got:
-Ag Sister Yohi Il'Knal, Spring 2522
Skyward coached by badger4 (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 5-1
Foul 0-0
Skyward got:
-Av Kurgan Marauder Emerging Meat Abstract, Spring 2522
Mors got:
Dead Sister Emerging Mavia, Spring 2522
Cursed Marshes Bog Fiends coached by Bram (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 2-0
Foul 1-1
Cursed Marshes got:
-Ma Fimmir Experienced Arostoti, Spring 2522
Slam the Tombstone coached by The_Demon (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 2-1
Foul 0-1
Tombstone got:
Dead Von Carstein Vampire Super Star Ahab Pope, Spring 2522
Mors got:
St Sister Experienced Tekahionwake, Spring 2522
Vulcano Surfers coached by iena (0/0/1)
TD 0-1
Cas 0-0
Foul 3-2
Colle Dark Castle coached by puccio (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 4-0
Foul 2-4
Dark Castle got:
Dead Skelteton Pirate Experienced Hunter Hanny, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
-Av Syreen Emerging Gemma Dimura, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Mors got:
Dead Lineman Rookie Eleanor Roosevelt, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Akai Shimobe coached by razmus (1/0/1)
TD 3-3
Cas 7-6
Foul 2-5
Akai got:
Dead Ashiguru Rookie Morikawa Tamako, Spring 2521 Woods Battle Semifinals
Dead Ashiguru Rookie Iwshita Momoshi, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
NI Ashiguru Rookie Soga Hirayasu, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Mors got:
-Av Lineman Rookie Julie Stinmetz, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
-Ag Lineman Emerging Mavia, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
-Ag Lineman Experienced Birka, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Queasting Noble Cats coached by Phontome (2/0/0)
TD 4-1
Cas 5-4
Foul 0-0
Cats got:
Dead Peasant Rookie Richard, SIoMT Spring 2521 Charity Invitational
Mors got:
Dead Lineman Experienced Jeanne Mance, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Warpstone Fanatics coached by Arthas85 (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 4-1
Foul 1-2
Fanatics got:
Dead Clan Rat Experienced Vuzkrek, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Office Plants coached by Uber (1/0/0)
TD 2-1
Cas 5-0
Foul 1-2
Plants got:
Dead Earth Elemental Rookie ZZ Plant III, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Dead Fire Elemental Veteran Croton, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Once were Pirats coached by iena (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 1-1
Foul 1-3
Vampires Isle coached by golum89 (1/0/0)
TD 3-0
Cas 3-0
Foul 0-4
Vampires Got:
Dead Human Lineman Rookie Emiliano Agnvala, S5
Nurgle's Rotters coached by Awambawamba (0/1/3)
TD 1-4
Cas 8-9
Foul 3-6
Nurgle's got:
-Ma Rotter Experienced Snut, Spring 2521 Woods Battle
-Av Pestigor Super Star Poxus, Spring 2521 Woods Battle
Mors Got:
Dead Sister Experienced Aquilea, Winter 2520 Grand Melee
Dead Star Player Mighty Zug, S3
Tzeench Scrawlers coached by Nelphine (1/1/1)
TD 4-8
Cas 10-5
Foul 4-4
Scrawlers got:
Dead Blue Horrors Veteran Zlenda, S2
Dead Blue Horrors Rookie Krank, S2
-Ma Blue Horrors Rookie Hyurk, S2
-Av Blue Horrors Rookie GGzagketl, S2
Mors Got:
-St Sister Veteran Petra Herrera, S3
Dead Star Player Mighty Zug, S2
Delfilers of Sanitary coached by burnsy87 (1/1/0)
TD 2-1
Cas 10-3
Foul 0-7
Delfilers got:
NI Nurgling Rookie Fever Diva 2ns, S3
Dead Plaguebearer Star Xel'Flu'tite, S2
Dead Nurgling Rookie Blog Snotball, S2
Mors got:
Dead Sister Experienced Ahhotep I, S2
Karak'n Heads coached by King_Mad (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 1-3
Foul 0-1
Mors got:
Dead Sister Experienced Mochizuki Chiyome, S2
La Jolie Mort coached by The_Carthaginian (2/0/0)
TD 4-2
Cas 4-1
Foul 1-1
Jolie got:
Dead Human Lineman Veteran Gilbert Jolie Mort, S2
Athel-Loren Avengers coached by Nightbreed (1/2/2)
TD 4-7
Cas 15-9
Foul 15-16
Avengers got:
Died Dryad Experienced Silentmaple, Spring 2521 Woods Battle
Mors got:
-Ag Sister Rookie Hydna the Greek, S3
-Ag Sister Veteran Mavia, S3
Everqueen's Gardeners coached by ArthurWynne (1/0/1)
TD 3-2
Cas 6-0
Foul 1-0
Gardeners got:
Dead Elf Woman Catcher Warden Amalarikel, S1
-Ma Elf Linewoman Veteran Linthalia, S1
-St Elf Linewoman Veteran Ag6 Lirthana, S1
Cut the Night coached by EnglishJake (1/0/0)
TD 3-0
Cas 2-0
Foul 0-3
Night got:
Dead Assassin Experienced Shadow, S1
-St Slave Rookie Znitzkh, S1
Swarm of Thirteen coached by doomspider (1/0/0)
TD 3-1
Cas 7-4
Foul 0-0
Swarm got:
Dead Slave Rookie Skraat, S1
-St Slave Rookie Znitzkh, S1
Sons of Gaya coached by jadawin91 (1/0/0)
TD 2-1
Cas 1-0
Foul 0-0
Numnums coached by krazeeEyesKilla (1/1/0)
TD 3-1
Cas 5-1
Foul 3-6
For Bounty and Booty coached by FaMedKing (0/1/0)
TD 1-1
Cas 4-2
Foul 0-0
Bounty got:
Kill Pirate Rookie Vicent Vilespike, Free Match
-Av Pirate Rookie Emanuel Wynnby Rock, Free Match
Mors got:
-Ma Sister Rookie Doña Josefa Ortiz de D
Eternal Council coached Sigmar1 (0/0/1)
TD 0-2
Cas 1-2
Foul 0-2
Wormwood Hardware Store coached Weresquid (0/0/1)
TD 1-2
Cas 1-1
Foul 0-1
Anunakis Resort coached Gonzas1000 (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 3-0
Foul 0-0
Ghastly Ghost coached by MinnesotaChris (1/0/0)
TD 2-0
Cas 1-0
Foul 0-0
Ghost got;
-Ma Spirit Host Rookie Boo, Free Match |