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Marbäck Fangtastic Four
P [L] Vampire

Marbäck Fangtastic Four

Pars omni nocte.

From the dark corners of the world they come, the Lords and Ladies of the Night. Immortal, swift and strong - these creatures have long since cast their humanity aside. They are the undead, but not the mindless rotting corpses risen from the grave by necromancers, but cunning and beautiful, blessed with various superhuman abilities. All this comes at a prize, however, for their unholy lives are sustained by drinking the blood of the living. This is a horrible curse, and most vampires go mad with the thirst, becoming little more than mindless beasts, hunting and killing their pray.

But there are those who are able to resist the thirst. Focused and disciplined, these expectational individuals swear of the red liquid altogether and focus their skills on something far more dangerous, sinister and savage:

This is the story of four such creatures, and their... ehm... snack bags (you wouldn't force someone to quit cold turkey, would you?). They stand tall as some of the most powerful Blood Bowl players ever, at least in their own minds. They are the Marbäck Fangtastic Four, and they are freakin fabulous!

The Gang:

Other Stuff:

Farok Ibn Haima
Full title: Prince Farok Yusuf Ali Omar Yasin Ibn Haima - The Desert Wind, The Hunter, The Shadow Nomad, The Replacer of Stars, The Sultan of Swing, The Crosser of Crosswords, The Undefined Quality.

It is without a doubt that the Marbäck Fantastic Four found themselves demoralized and heartbroken following the retirement of the beloved Oscar von Clot, as he saw himself brutalized by the orcish policemen of C.O.P.S. After a time of mourning, the team realized that Oscar needed to be replaced (because quite frankly, "The Fangtastic Three" sounds rather ridiculous). This replacement came in the form of Farok Ibn Haima, an exiled prince turned vampire hunter who sought to free Marbäck from it's vampiric overlords. The remnants of the Fangtastic Four found the hunter noble enough in lineage to join the illustrious team, and fooled him into a trapped where they embraced him as a newborn child of the night.

Farok is the brooding kind of vampire, mourning his fate and despising what he has become. He is a man of few words, and his eyes speaks of sorrows and untold adventures in faraway lands - something that his small but growing hoard of of fans finds absolutely irresistible.

Once Farok's powers began to manifest, it quickly became clear that Farok was no ordinary vampire. Indeed, his affinity for speed is near unrivalled amongst the lords and ladies of the night, and the former Prince is able to move at even quicker speeds than Oscar von Clot himself.

Interesting Trivia: Farok's high movement rate marks him as a near perfect scorer, but only Nuffle knows if he will get the chance to become the teams new catcher. So far the main part of his story is yet to be told.

Sanguine Sally
Full title: Lady Sallionora Anastasia Octavia Marietta Belinda of House Sanguine, Marquesa of Protosylvania, Cupbearer of the Blooded Court, Bleacher of Fangs, Lifter of truly Heavy Stuff, Deliverer of the Triple Skull, Thrice Awarded "Batsy" winner.

Sanguine Sally is the strong kind of vampire. Really, really strong. Despite her human sized figure, she is able rival even an ogre in terms of physical prowess - as the players of Snotre Damn recently found out (and we don't mean the green little buggers). She is able to throw punches like nobody's businesses and should certainly not be messed with, in theory that is - Nuffle is a fickle god and will most likely see her dealt with in an untimely fashion.

Of all the vampires in the Fangtastic Four, Sally is the one who has her Blood Lust most under control. Her secret? She spends the hour before a game begins by rolling all the 1s out of her dice.

With the retirement of the legendary Oscar von Clot, Sally inevitably saw herself promoted into the role of the team's new captain - with the entire Fangtastic Four looking to her for leadership.

Interesting Trivia: What began as a rise in strength quickly escalated into the rise of possibly one of the most powerful vampires to ever walk the night. Sally is not only stronger, but more agile and faster than any normal vampire. This however meant that she had to spend her first 25 games without the vital skill - block.

Count Casper Cruor
Full title: Count Casper Oliver Alexander Cruor, The Shadow Nomad, Wielder of the Damned Rapier, Settler of Scores, Inheritor of Wealth, The Blood Soaked Duellist, "He who is extra easy to injure".

Somewhat rare amongst vampires, "Count" Casper Cruor is not actually a noble at all, but rather the son of a wealthy merchant and as such the inheritor of a large amount of money. His title is therefore the result of a purchase rather than a linage of blue blood. Casper is what the other refers to (behind his back, of course) as "Nouveau Riche" or "New Money", something of an insult since the commonly held view among vampires is that the amount of wealth one has is secondary to the time one has been in possession of it.

Count Casper Cruor is the friendly neighbourhood kind of vampire, being generally a pretty neat guy to be around. He conducts himself in a proper and honourable manner, preferring to challenge his opponents to duels instead of jumping them from the shadows. Indeed, Casper is a capable duellist and by far the Fangtastic Four's most competent fighter. His tendency to fight fair is however something of a weakness, which has led to a nasty and lingering injury that might well lead to his eventual doom.

After witnessing the horrific injuries of his close friend, Oscar von Clot, against the corrupt policemen of C.O.P.S the count flew into a horrific rage and found inside him strength that he didn't even knew he had and raising his power to far beyond that of a regular vampire. The count is now a force to be reckoned with.

Interesting Trivia: Count Casper Cruor is perhaps the most well rounded vampire in the team, having a decent mix between completions, casualties and touchdowns.

Clair Claret
Full title: Grand Duchess Clairabelle Anna Maria Sophia Victoria Miranda Claret II, She That Thirsts, The Red Fledgeling, Night's Knight, The Midnight Fang, Snacker of Snacks.

Clair Claret is the youngest of the Fangtastic Four, being sired after the team had formed (the logic being that The Fangtastic Three did not sound nearly as good), as a consequence Clair has not yet managed to control her desire for blood, and is prone to bursts of wild rage when the thirst becomes too overwhelming. This is looked upon by the rest of the Fangtastic Four with some manner of nostalgia, as they've "all been young once".

Clair is the feral kind of vampire, quick to anger and completely relentless once she begins an attack. She is not much for subtlety and prefers to push her opponents out of the field. The Grand Duchess is also a proficient passer, though this may be due to the fact that the older vampires of the team prefer to leave mundane duties such as picking up the ball to their thralls.

After the retirement of Oscar von Clot and the subsequent recruitment of Farok Ibn Haima, Clair saw a rise in her own status - no longer being the team's fledgeling. This has led to the Grand Duchess becoming more and more haughty and ambitious - a true vampire in her own right.

Interesting Trivia: Despite her designated role as the team's berserker, Clair has so far proved most useful as a thrower, being the vampire with the most successful completions.

Portrait#PlayerPositionSPPsInflicted Casulties *Fast Facts

Put in a joke about nobody important being dead yet, and then link to the past players page for those that weren't important enough to list.

Put in a witty team flavor reason why the star player list is empty.
Put in amusing anecdote about the team not having accomplished much. Afterwards replace with season stats. Ranked and Box teams "seasons" are the four quarters of the year derived by the Majors.
The Vampires are, by right, the uncontested heroes of Marbäck Fangtastic Four. And while the common thrall is hapless to say the least, once in a blue moon the odd useful player appears in their ranks. Every thrall in the team can count on the kindness of their benevolent lords, but those who manage to win the vampires respect will receive rewards beyond their wildest dreams, being showered with honours, riches, and state of the art training and equipment. These fortunate few are recorded here.

Sir Vant
Slanderous tongues would say that Sir Vant's rise to a unique position as the only thrall who could merit the attention of the teams apothecary is due to his status as a noble. This is of course nothing but cheap lies, the team structure of Marbäck Fangtastic Four is utterly meritocratic and Sir Vant has proven himself an enormous asset time and again. During the bad early days of the team he once led a small squad of other thralls when every vampire had left the pitch to... attend to urgent businesses elsewhere... He actually managed to score a touchdown beyond all odds, something which was rewarded by an amused Nuffle with super human agility, rivalling that of the vampires themselves. Since that day Sir Vant has been the teams official thrower a rare honour which has allowed him to avoid line duty, something which has proved fatal to his fellow thralls.

In a match against the ogres of Snotre Dame, Sir Vant was grievously wounded and his armour completely destroyed, leaving him even less defended than a regular thrall. It is however expected that the vampires will replace his broken armour "any day now".

Simon Olovsson
Vampires are definitely "in" right now. As such, even when the Fangtastic Four are low on funds the fans are willing to back their team for all they're worth. This is primarily done through the crowdfunding project "FangStarter" which allows fans to make a financial contribution in exchange for a few perks. Simon Olovsson, the manager of one of LÖBBL's most prestigious teams - Lekfulla Gutar, went a bit overboard with his support for the blood suckers and pawned some of his teams victory rings in order to afford one of the highest available perks - the rare honour to be able to enter the pitch as a thrall to the Fangtastic Four! Whether or not this proves to be a sound decision remains to be seen...

Jennifer Serf
The life of a thrall can be somewhat hazardous, and every thrall in the team is prepared to lay down their life for their benevolent masters - this unfortunately means that the life of a thrall can be short and brutal (which is a cause for much sadness amongst their vampiric overlords). Indeed, many a new thrall has been buried in an unmarked grave before they've gotten the chance to prove themselves. There are however the odd exception - when a thrall grows in experience they learn to get tough or die, and none are tougher than Jennifer Serf who has grown enough in strength to rival even the mighty vampires themselves. This in turn has earned her the respect of the glorious undead, and if her social status weren't, unfortunately, so low she might have been a candidate for true vampirism herself.

Robin Kaas
Only a true madman could wish to fight and slay himself on the field of battle, and is is not known why Kobin Raas, the head coach of Tranemo Terros, would seek to brutally murder his clone from a parallel universe. What is known is that he payed a handsome sum for the opportunity in one of Marbäck Fangtastic Four's popular FangStarter campaigns and thus got his alternate version recruited as a thrall close to the final between the vampires and the nurglites (should they manage to win their way through the semi finals). Scholars are currently debating what would happen should Kobin manage to succeed in his perverse goal, but most agree that a complete collapse of the Space Time Continuum is the most likely and, frankly, most merciful outcome.

The life of a thrall is often cut short by vicious opponents, this is of great sorrow to their vampiric overlords, for the vampires of the Fangtastic Four treat their servants with respect, dignity and friendship. To lose a thrall to the dishonourable ways of the other teams in LÖBBL is a great tragedy, which will certainly be avenged. The heartbroken vampires bury their slain friends here in the hallowed grounds of the graveyard, where their remains can be treated in death with the same respect that they were in life.

Menial Mary
Killed by - Pappa Doktorn, Final Order
Menial Mary was the first to fall, and was killed during Marbäck Fangtastic Four's very first game. To add insult to injury, Mary was then risen as a zombie by the necromancers of the Final Order. Mary was not known for anything in particular, and never had the time to become great.

Jeeves Hireling
Killed by - Simon Strömavbrott, Tranemo Terrors
After only two games Jeeves Hireling's life was cruelly snuffed out by the psychopathic murderers of Tranemo Terrors. Jeeves was the very picture of politeness and wanted nothing more than to please his vampiric masters. In an act of unspeakable horror, he was brought back by the foul powers of Nurgle as a blighted Rotter, the ultimate insult to his existence. Jeeves had not preformed anything of note.

Percival Serf
Killed by - Josef Stelkramp, Final Order
Marbäck Fangtastic Four did not preform well during their first season. They had been beaten several times and as such, had to face the Final Order in the so called "pig bowl", the match to decide which was the worst team of the season. During this match Percival Serf, with eagerness, sacrificed himself to hold the line against the (other) undead horrors, securing vampiric victory at the cost of his own life. His sacrifice was unfortunately not rewarded, for the Final Order once again raised their beaten foe as a mindless zombie.

Adam Assistant
Killed by - Thor II, Baddans Vikings
After narrowly escaping the Poison Division with their lives (or unlives) during their second season, the Fangtastic Four squared of against the brutal Norsemen of Baddans Vikings. Much thanks to the whims of Nuffle, the vampires won the day, despite harsh sunlight threatening to turn them into ash. During this game, however, the faithful thrall Adam Assistant was mortally wounded by a crazed berserker. Adam was a helpful fellow who once managed to badly hurt a snottling - what a feat! The teams apothecary, Dr. Hyde, was of the opinion that mr. Assistant could well have been saved, but unfortunately he was on his lunchbreak during the time, something the good doctor did not wish to interrupt.

Charles Sycophant
Killed by - Donald Weresås, Målsryd Weavers
Sometimes, life is harsh. Sometimes, everyone seems to be against you, no matter what. Sometimes, the encouragement you so require is nowhere to be found. During such times it helps to have a friend, or rather minion, like Charles Sycophant. Someone who gives you an eager "yes" no matter how deluded or misinformed your opinion may be. Charles was one of the greatest bootlickers who ever lived, but unfortunately this did little to save him against the Målsryd Weavers who saw it as their duty to wipe his too eager smile from the face of the earth. Charles had preformed nothing of note, but his counsel - or rather his lack of counsel, will be sorely missed.

Andrew E. Hand
Killed by - Ralf Låren, Målsryd Weavers
The semifinal against the Weavers during their second season turned to a massacre of epic proportions. Nearly every thrall playing for the Fangtastic Four, along with some of the vampires had to be carried of the pitch by medical staff. It was indeed an orgy of cracked ribs, fractured bones, smashed hips and groins. Most players did eventually recover from their wounds, but some did not. One who did not survive was Andrew E. Hand. While his career was not particularly long, nor very eventful, he was mourned greatly.

Igor Attendant
Killed by - Vargen, Baddans Vikings
During his early career, Igor Attendant was severely injured and unable to run at fast speeds. This would have been reason enough for retirement, but since this was during a period of economic difficulties for the Fangtastic Four, Igor selflessly volunteered for permanent line duty, reasoning that he did not have to move fast to soak up punches for the glory of his vampiric masters. As the coffers where once again filled with gold, the kind vampires offered Igor a generous retirement plan, but the faithful thrall wanted to play one last game. This turned out to be a horrific mistake, since the game was against their old foes, Baddans Vikings, who fiercely attempted revenge against the heroic Fangtastic Four. During this final game the frenzied Vargen tore him to pieces! Igor's selflessness shall be forgotten, and he will be avenged.

Harry Helper
Killed by - Himself
Season seven of LÖBBL proved to be a very exciting one for the vampires. After several long and hard fought games, the Fangtastic Four finally stood face to face with Tranemo Terrors in a battle for the championship trophy. During the first half of the game the gallant heroes of Marbäck managed to stand their ground against the plague fiends who were getting more and more desperate to finish their drive. During the very last minute their runner - Leif Lokaltrafik, was forced to run away unprotected with the ball, Harry Helper who was the only one in range saw his chance and valiantly charged - only to trip right next to his foe, where he cracked his skull on an extra hard patch of grass. Leif who could hardly keep from laughing scored the game's first and only goal. Harry had served since the very beginning as the teams kicker, and his skill in placing the ball on the opponents court, as well as his company, will be sorely missed. After the death of Harry Helper, Sir Vant remains the only thrall of the original 8 still in service.

Eva Enabler
Killed by - Bakunawa
The vampires and their followers are beautiful, graceful, swift, mysterious, cunning, popular and charming - the exact opposite of the hated Nurgle cults. While the ultimate antagonists of Fangtastic Four is usually the rotted corpses of Tranemo Terros - the plague fiends of Svenskar som Steppar also proves to be fearful opponents. While the Lords and Ladies of the night defeated the step dancing menace in the semi finals of season seven, the decease ridden players got their vengeance during the opening games of season 8. The match quickly escalated into complete carnage, and while most of the players in Marbäck Fangtastic Four eventually recovered - Eva Enabler did not. Eva was once the personal thrall of Oscar von Clot himself and was one of the most esteemed (though not quite esteemed enough for the teams apothecary to intervene) players on the team and she will be sorely missed. Her death was however not enough, for the vile magics of the chaos god Nurgle reanimated her into a twisted rotter - an insult that will not soon be forgotten.

To the victor goes the spoils, and the Marbäck Fangtastic Four has amassed tons (or rather grams) of trophies during their illustrious career. They are all displayed here, in the Halls of Honour.

The Best of the Rest
During the 4th season of LÖBBL, the newcomers Marbäck Fangstic Four suffered defeat after defeat, and only managed to avoid total humiliation in a close battle against the Final Order. For this, they were awarded the BoTR Trophy. It's not very valuable.

A Bust of Oscar von Clot
During the bad early days of the Fangtastic Four's career where almost nothing went right and the game was treated more like an all you can eat buffet than a sport, one vampire rose above the others and managed to score goal after goal. Oscar von Clot not only allowed the gang to win a few games, he also managed to pull the team out of the gutter and almost single-handedly shaped them into a force to be reckoned with. Even though he was later surpassed in skill by Sanguine Sally, Oscar continued to be a stalwart and reliable part of the team, and scored no fewer than 14 times during his career. In his 25th game Oscar was brutally maimed by the orc policemen of C.O.P.S. and had to retire due to his injuries. For his enormous service to the team a bust of Von Clot has been placed in the Hall of Honours.

Runner up - LÖBBL VII
Since their embarrassing first season (where the vampires had to debase themselves by defending their vampiric honour in the pig bowl), Marbäck Fangtastic Four has traditionally done well in the play offs. The team has several times reached the semifinals, but it wasn't until LÖBBL VII that our vampiric quadrate reached the actual finale for the first time! In the fierce game they fought tooth and nail against the vicious rotters of Tranemo Terror, and uphill battle which eventually was lost. But their valiant efforts was still enough to grant them the Runner Up title, and a swanky faux silver trophy to place in the Hall of Honours.

Badge: Rich
To a newly embraced vampire with heightened senses, the sounds of the night are utterly mesmerizing - and the fledgeling must take care not to fall too madly in love with it. As hauntingly beautiful as the symphonic sounds of the night are, it is secondary to the sound of golden coins clinging together. Indeed, the vampiric love of gold can only be described as near draconic. A vampire is an expensive player, for the decadent lifestyle they lead costs a fortune on a monthly basis. But after a long time of economic struggles the Fangtastic Four has amassed a large financial reserve and for this they were awarded with the rich badge which now rests in the Halls of honour.

Quite different from the rest of the castle, the Manager's Office is pleasant, well furnished and decorated in a contemporary style. Individual matches might be won and lost on the pitch, but it is here that the grander game is being played - a game of finances, talent scouting and budget cutting.

Stephan de Bylin - The Manager
Stephan de Bylin is the Manager and owner of Marbäck Fangtastic Four (as well as The Pleasing Peacocks, and the Waffer-thin Mints) and a complete sociopath. He is a man so devoid of sympathetic qualities that he has been divorced nine times during his life (quite a feat since he's been married only seven times). There are few vices de Bylin has not, at some point, indulged in. This includes but are not limited to: Drinking, gambling, smoking, wastefulness, violent behaviour and drug abuse - indeed, during a party in the late nineties he sniffed so much pixie dust that most of the emotion receptors in his brain burned out, leaving him only capable of feeling anger, lust, slight annoyance, avarice, narcissism and a thirst for coffee.

De Bylin is not a good manager, he has little love for the players in his teams and only value them for the money they are capable of earning him. He shows an alarming lack of interest in preserving the life and dignity of his employees, going so far as to raise the question on whether or not other people actually deserve to exist. This is perhaps most obvious when he refuses to discharge players when they've become obsolete, preferring to send them to their deaths on the line of skirmish instead of retiring them with a paid pension.

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
8 4 4 8
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration
Dodge, +MA, +MA, Block, Side Step, Tackle
  38 7 25 0 5 0 Legend
7 5 5 8
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration
Dodge, +ST, +AG, +MA, Block, Leap
  36 10 20 0 6 2 Legend
6 5 4 8
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration
Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, +ST, Side Step
  39 4 4 0 22 1 151/176 240k
6 5 4 6
Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration
Block, Dodge, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Side Step, +ST
-av, -av, n, n, m 37 2 12 0 23 1 Legend
6 3 3 7
Wrestle, Fend
  38 0 0 0 1 3 17/31 80k
6 3 3 7
Wrestle, Guard
  12 0 0 0 2 3 19/31 90k
7 3 4 7
+AG, Sure Hands, Pass, +MA, Kick-Off Return, Fan Favourite
  38 53 1 0 0 1 Legend
6 3 3 7
  13 0 0 0 1 1 7/16 70k
6 3 3 7   10 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 40k
6 3 3 7
  19 0 0 0 0 3 15/16 60k
6 3 3 7
  20 1 1 0 0 1 9/16 60k
6 3 2 7
Wrestle, Block
-ag 7 0 0 0 1 3 17/31 80k
5 3 3 7
Wrestle, Guard
-ma 33 1 0 0 6 3 28/31 90k
7 4 3 7
Wrestle, +ST, +MA, Tackle
n 37 0 0 0 5 3 53/76 160k
6 3 3 7   6 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
6 3 3 7   10 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 40k
15 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: GrimLavamancer Re-Rolls (140k): 5  
Race: Vampire Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 2280k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 300k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 2540k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:40 (16/6/18) |TD Diff:6 (66 - 60) |Cas Diff:-33 (57/28/10 - 69/47/12)
Last Opponent: Bonis Kebab Slayers BC