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Team Joined NBFL in Season 24, Coach left the Franchise after Season 28 Overall: 5/5 Division Titles NFCS Seasons: 24 - #4 Seed 25 - #1 Seed 26 - #2 Seed 27 - #3 Seed and Wildcard winner 28 - #3 Seed and Wildcard winner and Divisional Winner Season 28: Playoffs, Wildcard Round 1: Dallas (Win 1-0), Round 2: Woodington (Win 3-2), Round 3: Destroit (Lose 0-2) NFC South Division Rivals: Atlatl Flechettes: Nelphine, Lizardmen (Div: 3-1-2; Conf: 6-1-3; Total: 8-3-3) Carolina Pythoness: Waagh, Dark Elf (Loss 1-4, Loss 1-2) Nawlins Lost Saints: BillBrasky, Renegades (Win 3-0, Draw 1-1) Swampa Bay Bogganeers: Xelron, Nurgle (Win 1-0, Win 1-0) Opposing Divisions AFC North Bleaksburg Stranglers: Kzarik, Dark Elf (Win 1-0) Charm City Treachery: Arcayn, Human (Win 2-1) Cleaved Land Bedlam: captainmalkor, Chaos (Draw 1-1) No-Skincinnati Bungles: Dutchlife, Khemri (Draw 1-1) NFC East Dallas Crowbar: OTS, Dwarf (Loss 0-2) New York Kroaks: ex-convict, Slann (Win 2-1) Philadelphia Wrecks: robocoyote, Chaos (Win 2-1) Woodington Barkskins: Garcangel, Wood Elf (Win 1-0) Cas against opponent caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball/foul: 2/x/2 Cas against Atlatl caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball/foul: 6/3/x Total cas for: 37/15/9, Total cas against: 39/11/3 Net cas: +8 (4 Flechettes retired or killed) Season 27: Playoffs, Wildcard Round 1: Chicago (Win 2-1 OT), Round 2: Los Angeles (Loss 0-2) NFC South Division Rivals: Atlatl Flechettes: Nelphine, Lizardmen (Div: 3-2-1; Conf: 5-3-2; Total: 7-4-3) Carolina Pythoness: Waagh, Dark Elf (Win 2-0, Loss 0-1) Nawlins Lost Saints: BillBrasky, Renegades (Win 2-1, Draw 1-1) Warpstone Bay Ratscallions: Arcayn, Skaven (Draw 1-1, Win 2-0) Opposing Divisions AFC South Icelandic Dolts: Asteflix, Norse (Win 2-0) Houston Treants: Bazakastine, Wood Elf (Loss 1-2) Jakesonville Jortles: mrt1212, High Elf (Win 3-2) Titannesse Kraken's: GotrekSlayer, Nurgle (Draw 1-1) NFC North Chicago PallBearers: MrNomad, Undead (Draw 1-1) Destroit Lynels: dashergeaux, Chaos Dwarf (Loss 1-2) Green Baynana Grabbers: happygrue, Simyin (Win 1-0) Mangledsota Many-Men: Lorebass, Old World Alliance (Win 3-1) Cas against opponent caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 5/5/4 Cas against Atlatl caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 7/0/0 Total cas for: 42/16/14, Total cas against: 42/12/4 Net cas: +14 (7 Flechettes retired or killed) Season 26: Offensive Player of the Year: Buta Chris Playoffs: Round 1 vs Wildcard Dallas Crowbar (loss, 1-2) NFC South Division Rivals: Atlatl Flechettes: Nelphine, Lizardmen (Div: 5-0-1; Conf: 6-3-1; Total: 8-5-1) Carolina Pythoness: Waagh, Dark Elf (Loss 1-2, Win 2-0) Nawlins Lost Saints: BillBrasky, Renegades (Win 3-0, Win 2-0) Warpstone Bay Ratscallions: Arcayn, Skaven (Win 2-1, Win 3-1) Opposing Divisions AFC East New Zigguratland Chariots: Wolvezz, Chaos Dwarves (Draw 1-1) Buffaelo Khills: Jeffro, Khorne (Win 3-1) New York Wrecks: Robocoyote, Chaos (Win 3-0) Miami Coronablights: Relezite, Skaven (Draw 2-2) NFC West Arizona Redbulls: Klazam, Chaos Dwarves (Draw 1-1) Los Angeles Glams: Stimme, High Elf (Draw 2-2) San Foulcisco 69'ers: Nicodemeus, Necromantic (Forfeit Win) C'attle C'haos: Menonaloco, Chaos (Draw 1-1) Cas against opponent caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 3/0/0 Cas against Atlatl caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 3/4/0 Total cas for: 28/12/3, Total cas against: 29/14/0 Net cas: 0 (4 Flechettes retired or killed) Season 25: Playoffs, Round 2 vs Wildcard Destroit Lionels (Loss, 0-2) NFC South Division Rivals: Atlatl Flechettes: Nelphine, Lizardmen (Div: 2-3-1; Conf: 6-3-1; Total: 10-3-1) Carolin' Reapers: Klazam, Necromantic (Draw 1-1, Win 2-1) Nawlins Lost Saints: BillBrasky, Renegades (Draw 2-2, Loss 0-1) Decay Bay Bloateneers: FRSHMN, Nurgle (Draw 1-1, Win 1-0) Opposing Divisions AFC West Denver Brontos: jmonforton, Lizardmen (Win 2-1) Kansas City Thiefs: Arktoris, Chaos Pact (Win 2-0) Las Vegas Sinners: Doofr, Dark Elf (Win 1-0) San Diego Chompers: Kryten, Human (Win 3-1) NFC East Dallas Crowbars: OTS, Dwarves (Win 2-1) New York Kroaks: Ex-Convict, Slann (Win 3-2) Phull-o-s'elfia Egos: Arcayn, High Elf (Win 2-0) Witchington Paleskins: Garcangel, Dark Elf (Win 1-0) Cas against opponent caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 2/1/1 Cas against Atlatl caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 0/1/0 Total cas for: 23/10/5, Total cas against: 31/8/5 Net cas: -6 (8 Flechettes retired or killed) Season 24: Playoffs, Round 1 vs Wildcard Los Angeles Glams (Loss, 1-2) NFC South Division Rivals: Atlatl Flechettes: Nelphine, Lizardmen (Div: 5-0-1; Conf 5-2-3; Total 7-3-4) Carolin' Reapers: Klazam, Necromantic (2 Wins 1-0, 2-1) Nawlins Lost Saints: BillBrasky, Renegades (2 Wins 2-1, 3-0) Decay Bay Bloateneers: FRSHMN, Nurgle (Loss 0-2 + Win 2-0) Opposing Divisions AFC North Smaltimore Bedaines: Thoralf, Dwarves (Win 2-1) Kaepsburgh Kneelers: Nicodemus, Necro (Win 1-0) Cincinnati Hydras: Rodney_dangerfield, Dark Elf (Draw 1-1) Cleaved Land Bedlam: CaptainMalkor, Chaos (Loss 0-2) NFC North Green Baynana Grabbers: happygrue, Simyin (Draw 1-1) Manglesota Vilekings: Kzarik, Orcs (Draw 2-2) Detroit Lynels: Dashergeaux, Chaos Dwarves (Loss 0-1) Chicago Coronablights: Relezite, Skaven (Loss 1-2) Cas against opponent caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 0/1/0 Cas against Atlatl caused by failed dodge/gfi/surf/rock/fireball: 2/6/0 Total cas for: 22/7/6, Total cas against: 32/18/4 Net cas: -19 (13 Flechettes retired or killed) NFC South 17/7/6, Losses: Nurgle (FRSHMN), Chaos Pact (BillBrasky), Dark Elf x4 (Waagh) NFC East 9/0/2, Losses: Dwarf x2 (OTS) NFC West 1/3/2, Losses: High Elf x2 (Stimme) NFC North 3/2/5, Losses: Chaos Dwarf x4 (Dashergeaux - RIVAL), Skaven (Relezite) NFC Total 30/12/15 AFC South 2/1/1, Losses: Wood Elf (Bazakastine) AFC East 2/2/0 AFC West 4/0/0 AFC North 4/3/1, Losses: Chaos (CaptainMalkor - RIVAL) AFC Total 12/6/2 1 Killed re-roll into killed anyway. 1 Killed re-roll into perm, killed anyway. 2 Killed re-roll into MNG. 1 Perm re-roll into perm, retired anyway. 3 Perm re-roll into MNG. 2 Perm re-roll into death, perm anyway. 1 MNG re-roll into perm, MNG anyway. 2 MNG re-roll into MNG anyway. 6 saved a death. (6/10) 7 saved a perm. (7/13) 4 saved an MNG. (4/6) 17 SI/Death saved (17/30), 8 turned into MNG (8/30), 5 retired/killed (5/30) 10 saved a badly hurt. 7 saved a knock out. 32/79 Unused Still Active - Saurus D# 27702, Torfi Ulfsson, Pick #24, Season 27 Washington Huskarls [WAS] SPP: 75 Skills: Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle - Saurus D# 27716, Coch Lear, Pick #56, Season 27 Duke Blue-Green Devils [DUKE] SPP: 101 Skills: Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Break Tackle, Guard - Skink D# 28404, Natal "Starr Killer" Adams, Pick #20, Season 28 Miami BallHawks [MIA] SPP: 51 Skills: Wrestle,Tackle,Mighty Blow,Dauntless RETIRED OR DEAD - Saurus D# 22601, Bronco Tex, Pick #36 Season 24 Buffalo (BUFF) SPP: 53; Skills: B, BT, Strip, [Skill] Retired after 21 matches; total SPP of 59, no new skills; Niggled - Saurus XD# 3.401, Maxwell "Silver" Hammer, Pick #6 Pool 3 Season 24 Baltimore Stompers (BAL) Saurus SPP: 24; Skills: B, G Dead after 15 matches; total SPP of 54, learned Mighty Blow, Stand Firm - Chameleon Skink D# 26303, Angus "Hmm" MacGyver, Pick #25 Season 26 Um, G'olden Go For Its! (UM) SPP: 84 Skills: Side Step,Block,Diving Catch,Sure Feet,+AG Retired after 3 matches (9 turns); total SPP of 84 (NO SPP GAINED), no new skills; -MA - Saurus D# 25601, Yannick Ngakoue, Pick #15 Season 25 Maryland Killer Turtles [MD] SPP: 53; Skills: Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle Retired after 28 matches; total SPP of 82, learned Fend; -MA - Saurus XD# 2.803, Cornelius Bennett, Pick #8 Pool 2 Season 24 Buffalo Billy Goat Gruffs (BUF) SPP: 51; Skills: B, MB, T, PO Retired after 41 matches; total of 105 spp (learned Break Tackle); retired to draft Coch Lear - Skink D# 26318, Garrett "GG" Gilbert, Pick #64 Season 26 SMU Mousestangs [SMU] SPP: 43 Skills: Block,Tackle,Kick retired after 23 games, w/ 51 spp; learned Diving Tackle - Skink XD# 1.101, Buta Chris, Pick #2 Pool 1 Season 24 Detroit Destitutes [DET] SPP: 54; Skills: +AG, +AG, +MA, B Dead after 59 games, w/ 181 spp; learned Side Step and Sure Feet LEGEND - Kroxigor D# 24901: Malcolm Pridgeon, Pick #4 Season 24 Originally from Bro-hio State Buckeyes [BSU] SPP: 53; Skills: +ST, Guard, Grab, Block Dead after 67 games, w/ 105 spp; learned Stand Firm Our players killed 24 opponents Another 4 kills we caused, the opposition regenerated Eliand 'The Skull' [MzSU], 44spp Tomb Guardian killed themselves 1 one time with failed GFI. Anqi Panqi block killed: LittleScared Mask [POLI], Dark Elf Runner w/ 59spp on Cincinatti Hydras Morg 'n Thorg block killed: Mike Alstott, Rotter w/ 0spp from Decay Bay Bloateneers Fireball killed: Dewz MkKallisterp, Pestigor w/ 178spp from Titannesse Kraken's Anqi Panqi suffered retirement worthy -MA against Nawlins Lost Saints (Season 24) Anqi Panqi died against Manglesota Vile Kings (Season 24) Anqi Panqi suffered retirement worthy -MA against Los Angeles Glams (Season 24 Playoffs) LEGENDS Buta Chris, Skink, Pick #2 Pool 1 Season 24 of Detroit Destitutes [DET] Dead after 59 games, w/ 181 spp WIZARD 39/77 games had a wizard 69.2% games with a wizard were a win (counting a draw as half a win) 63.2% games without a wizard were a win - win about 10% more often with a wizard 18.0% games with a wizard were a loss (ignoring draws) 26.3% games without a wizard were a loss - lose almost 33% less often with a wizard |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
6 | 5 | 1 | 9 | Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull |
  | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 140k
(140+0)k |
2 |
Saurus Blocker
6 | 4 | 1 | 9 | Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Break Tackle, Guard |
  | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 5 | 172/176 | 180k
(80+100)k |
3 |
Saurus Blocker
6 | 5 | 1 | 9 | Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm, +ST |
-ag | 54 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 21 | 12 | 105/176 | 210k
(80+130)k |
4 |
Saurus Blocker
6 | 4 | 1 | 9 | Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Juggernaut |
-ag | 56 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 11 | 80/176 | 180k
(80+100)k |
5 |
Saurus Blocker
6 | 4 | 1 | 9 | Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Frenzy |
n | 73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 29 | 9 | 109/176 | 180k
(80+100)k |
6 |
Saurus Blocker
6 | 4 | 1 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm |
  | 33 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 22 | 6 | 151/176 | 180k
(80+100)k |
7 |
Saurus Blocker
6 | 4 | 1 | 9 | Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Stand Firm |
  | 69 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 8 | 96/176 | 180k
(80+100)k |
8 |
Skink Runner
8 | 2 | 4 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty +AG, Side Step, Sprint, Block |
  | 18 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 51/76 | 170k
(60+110)k |
10 |
Skink Runner
8 | 2 | 3 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty Diving Tackle |
  | 22 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8/16 | 80k
(60+20)k |
11 |
Skink Runner
8 | 2 | 3 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty |
  | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 60k
(60+0)k |
15 |
Skink Runner
8 | 2 | 4 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty +AG, Side Step, Sprint, Sure Feet, Catch |
  | 47 | 3 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 102/176 | 180k
(60+120)k |
16 |
Skink Runner
8 | 2 | 3 | 7 | Dodge, Stunty Wrestle, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Dauntless |
  | 17 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 58/76 | 180k
(60+120)k |
12 players | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 77 (42/18/17) | | | TD Diff: | 37 (115 - 78) | | | Cas Diff: | 10 (139/52/31 - 150/47/15) |
Last Opponent: Destroit Lynels [2016] |