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[Φ] Glory of Magritta
Fan Favourite
Side Step
Block (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Age: 35
Facts: He never played Blood Bowl in his life
Famous Words: "Can't be harder than dancing for food."
Block (20k)
Catch (20k)
Sprint (20k)
Sure Feet (20k)
Age: 24
Facts: He left his hometown when he was four years old
Famous Words: "Doin' this to pay the rent."
No Hands
Sure Feet
Wild Animal
+ST (50k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Age: 8
Facts: He was about to get slaughtered on a ship
Famous Words: "Snort!"
Age: 38
Facts: He has three wives and seven children
Famous Words: "Mouths to feed are a burden."
Dauntless (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Age: 27
Facts: He has three personalities. Every game he's a different person
Famous Words: "I did not sign for this. THEY did!"
Age: 30
Facts: He lost all his money betting on illegal hamster races
Famous Words: "Being broke is no fun."
Sure Hands
Hail Mary Pass (20k)
Leader (20k)
Nerves Of Steel (20k)
Pass (20k)
Age: 19
Facts: He can't read and write
Famous Words: "I'm sure this contract is legit. Where do I scratch the X?"
Sure Hands
Block (30k)
Nerves Of Steel (20k)
Pass (20k)
Age: 18
Facts: He was a butcher boy on a ship
Famous Words: "I was about to slaughter that bull and now we're team mates."
Age: 41
Facts: He was a priest
Famous Words: "I have sinned and this team is my hell."
Age: 35
Facts: He's not from Magritta
Famous Words: "In the game to get residency."
Age: 28
Facts: He stinks
Famous Words: "Disturbing Presence?!"
Age: 31
Facts: He scored a touch down in a street game at age six
Famous Words: "Behold my talent!"
Age: 50
Facts: He has been a sailor all his life
Famous Words: "Thought retirement was less dangerous."
Age: 19
Facts: He claims to be the Governor's son
Famous Words: "He will feel sorry to have shunned me!"