75 coaches online • Server time: 20:04
Chaos Wharf
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
Block (20k)
Break Tackle (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Bull Centaur Taur'ruk are some of the largest and most powerful of the Ba'hal serving Azgorh. Despite being hulking, violent creatures, an avalanche of muscle and rage that tramples all beneath their crushing hooves, they are intelligent and keen witted.
Taur'ruks Mourn's name recalls the hurt suffered by her people in the Land of Double Skulls.
Taur'ruks Mourn is a leader on the pitch, directing the blocks and fouls of the lesser players; driving them to zealous frenzies and shudderingly violent plays towards their opponents with her bellowing, gorereeking presence.
Astrogranite Inkhand: Sports Reporter, Double Skulls Herald & Advertiser
Sure Feet
Thick Skull
+AG (40k)
+AG (40k)
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Power, Skill, Agility: Hashut Zhorr has all these in abundance.
A brute on the pitch, almost unstoppable ball in hand.

Chaos Wharf had a difficult - nay! incompetent - start to their maiden professional season. Coach BeanBelly failing to draw together a coherent strategy. Before long management and players were no longer on speaking terms.
Game Three saw Hashut Zhorr taking matters into his own hands and.. er.. hooves. Driving the ball forcefully onwards to take the teams first win. Chaos Wharf had found its rallying point.
Some coaches say a bull should not carry the ball. This Reporter would not tell that to Hashut as he snorts and pounds his way into the heart of the opposition defence; barely acknowledging his Hobgob allies.
Astrogranite Inkhand - Double Skulls Herald & Advertiser
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Treasurer & Keeper of the Keys
Malaise is a somewhat inept clerk. Excusing herself from team training to ‘do the books’. She fiddles the teams tax returns, orders new kit, buys food for the slaves. This leaves ample opportunity to skim off a healthy amount of gold as ‘personal expenses’.
She holds the keys to the treasury, and storerooms.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Salan has shown himself to be a brutal and ruthless player, causing a significant number of Casualties to the opposition.
Mighty Blow will surely only further his damage dealing ability.
- Coaching report ends -
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
More poet than soldier..
..Inkblot is a tender soul in an unforgiving profession.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Foul, degenerate, evil.
Even his mother dislikes this hobgoblin.
Mercy is very fond of
Turkish Cloth, and wears extravagant and flowing robes in games.
The bizarre nature of her clothing makes her a firm fan favourite, but the heavy cloth and generous pleats do cause her some unfortunate trips.