Max Exrestion is one of the most historic players in the Gnome Team.
In March 2009, he was an Orc Lineman, named Duh. Duh is still alive, at this moment, but he never ever got to play a game on the Enthusiastic Bashas Team because his manager closed the Stadium on that day, so in May 2009 he copied himself with what he called a Copy Machine. It can copy anything, but his Orc Lineman body is still there.
Meet Duh with this link:
He decided to become an Earth Elemental in the Tornadoes of Rage named Rockface. Rockface is the Most Valuable Players in the Mighty Finn League-Season lll. But once again, Max was bored of being Rockface.
He decided to be Rockface a bit longer. He never got injuries at all, after 6 games, where the jury voted him every single time. He decided to get Block and Mighty Blow with his skill he already had; Stand Firm.
Meet Rockface with this link:
But then Max had enough of Rockface and copied himself into a different player.
In March 2021, he decided to be Max Exrestion.
Also note: His buddies, Elshon Pokilok, Ulone and Brook Lion convinced him to become Max Exrestion. (In Gnomish, Exrestion means murderer so his name is Max Murderer)
He fouled in one of his games - he lost count of which one - lost one AV and managed to “Murder” one of the players.
He has so far played 9 games, with some of the others with 10!
He might get bored of being Max Exrestion and decide to play some other player!
He will note it in his Update Area! He, in June 2021, was thinking he might play in the Dwarf Team as a Dwarf.
Meet Ulone with this link:
Meet Brook Lion with this link:
Meet Elshon Pokilok with this link: