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[Φ] Drakenhoff
Blood Lust
Hypnotic Gaze
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Jump Up (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Drak is the son of Elise von Carstein the last Grandmaster of the Drakenhof Templars. Drak is one of the most talented young vamps of Carstein Bloodline. Lke all his family members, he is handsome, arrogant, charismatic, prideful and ambitious. Ino ther words he knows that nobility is in the blood.
Having successfully destroyed St Martin he has transferred to Drakenhoff for his second year. Interestingly his mother has paid for an new alchemical laboratory at the University, which might go some way to explaining why he got into such a prestigious institution with such a mediocre academic record.
Since the death of Haupt-Anderson he has become official team captain rather than just the de facto one.
Since meeting the hypnotic gaze of Ursula von Drakenhoff he has fallen deeply in love but he is aware that his parents would never allow him to marry someone with so humble a bloodline (her adopted father is a professor at the college).
Game 1: Badly hurt one dreg and one opponent, and scored a touchdown.
Game 2: failed to maim anyone on either team, and his failed blitz stopped Ursula from scoring.
Game 3: Koed an opponent and Nicolette.
Game 4: KOed a halfling but otherwise disappointing
Game 5: KOed a snotling but again disappointing
Game 6: Back on form: got an interception and and a touchdown
Pro (20k)
Tackle (20k)
A freshman at Drakenhoff who was not expecting to play. The recent death of Haupt-Anderson means he is being thrust into the limelight early. He has a deep hatred of Vampires and cannot understand why they are allowed to play. He respects the noble college of Drakenhoff and so will hold his nose while the Vampires are allowed.
Dauntless (20k)
Shadowing (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Another former pupil of St Martin who has transferred to Drakenhoff. His long hair has been the cause of some "discussions" wit the university authorities as not fitting in with the high standards of dress expected of students but as long as he delivers on the blood bowl pitch he will be allowed to keep it.
Game 1: niggles an opponent quarterback
When Drusilla Van Kucklin was killed in a recent games, fans thought that was the end of her. On a team with Vampires, this is far from the case! Van Kucklin has been reincarnated as some kind of shibboleth, a shadow of her former self in terms of skills, but possibly she will improve...
Sure Hands
Kick (20k)
Pass (20k)
Norbert had seemed destined for immediate success. A straight A student and expert Quarterback in High School he turned down scholarships to a number of other institutions for the privilege of attending the college of his many forbears, Drakenhoff.
On arrival he was disgusted to find that the influx of St Martin players would mean that team captaincy was no longer a possiblility. He is deeply in love with Drusilla Van Kucklin but see only seems to have eyes for Van Carstein.
Block (30k)
Catch (20k)
She is the the great granddaughter of Stirland's Elector Count Marius Holseher, who wrote the Libre Malefic. Like her grandfather, she is very intelligent and clever and she loves to travel: perhaps she is more interested in that than taking her bloodbowl seriously. Her transfer from St Martin was due entirely to Von Carstein, who's family is funding the enormous fees. Many see that he has designs on her, probably purely as a tasty snack.
Game 2: Karla pickes up a loose ball and runs into the endzone for her first Drakenhoff TD.
Diving Tackle (20k)
Side Step (20k)
The last player to transfer to Drakenhoff from St Martin, Beau is one of Von Carsten's many servants. Drakenhoof are unusual in allowing servants to play for the college despite them not being students and Beau is frequently being cited as one of the reasons why this practise should not be allowed to continue: his diving tackles have stopped many a touchdown.
Nicolette's entire family are indentured servants of von Carstein and have been for generations. They act only to serve their master, even venturing onto the pitch in order to serve him.
Game 3: fouled a Sumo to MNG, then got koed by von Carstein
Schulze is the first female in her family to attend Drakenhoff after their recent decision to become co-educational. Her older brothers all became stars of the Varsity Blood Bowl team during their time here and she is very much hoping to follow in their footsteps.
One of a set of triplets who were stars of their school Blood Bowl team, valiantly holding the line of scrimmage and doing everything possible to protect the quarterback. Will he be able to step up to the bigger league?
Game 1: fouled an opponent to death! A strong start...
Who is he?
Where did he come from?
Why is he?
One of a set of triplets who were stars of their school Blood Bowl team, valiantly holding the line of scrimmage and doing everything possible to protect the quarterback. Will she be able to step up to the bigger league?
No Hands
Wild Animal
No one on the Vampire teams want to play with a filthy animal but the league says we have to have one so here we are...
Bo is here on a college exchange programme from New Albion. Some would call him loud, rude, culturally insensitive and obnoxious, but not everyone can be that polite. Apparently his ancestors came from this area and he is keen to find out more about them. Having played a sissy version of bloodbowl in his home town he has been drafted onto the team, ready to be placed on the LOS. Everyone is hoping permanently taken out either by a vampire or the opponents.
Blood Lust
Hypnotic Gaze
Laila is tall, blonde and incredibly thin. She has been a student for nearly two hundred years, waiting for a chance to take to the Bloodbowl pitch. Is this her year?