Competitive Invasion Cube 001
One Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Encounter V:
Seriously injures a Norse Lineman (-PA).
Two Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Three Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Encounter II:
Catches an inaccurate pass, badly hurts the goblin that tries to steal the ball, blitzes and dodges itself free and scores the team's first touchdown. Badly hurts two more goblins soon afterwards.
Upraded with Block.
Encounter III:
Severely injures (NI) two Halfling Linemen.
Encounter V:
Seriously damaged (-PA) by an Ulfwernerer.
Four of Sixteen II
First assignment: Encounter IV
Five Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Encounter IV:
Upgraded with Block.
Encounter V:
Gets hold of a very strange little creature. Assimilation fails due to its physiology, but there's a lot to learn. Also serioulsy injurs a Norse Lineman (-AV).
Six of Sixteen II
First assignment: Encounter II
Encounter II:
Employed as a temporary Drone (JM).
Injures a goblin, scores a touchdown and is therefore integrated as second Six of Sixteen.
Encounter IV:
Upgraded with Block.
Encounter V:
Missed due to extended regeneration time.
Seven of Sixteen II
First assignment: Encounter VI
Eight of Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Encounter II:
Seriously injured (NI) by a goblin.
Encounter III:
Missed due to extended regeneration time.
Encounter IV:
Fouls and gets himself and coach Rabe sent off (opponent KO'd).
Nine of Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Encounter III:
Badly hurts a Halfling Catcher, scores a touchdown and is awarded MVP.
Upgraded with Block.
Encounter IV:
Seriously injures an Imperial Retainer Lineman (-PA).
Encounter V:
Seriously damaged (-AV) by the crowd.
Ten of Sixteen II
First assignment: Encounter III
Encounter III:
Scores Twice.
Upgraded with Block.
Eleven of Sixteen III
First assignment: Encounter V
Encounter VII:
Missed due to extended regeneration time.
Twelve of Sixteen I
First assignment: Encounter I
Encounter II:
Missed due to extended regeneration time.
Encounter IV:
Missed due to extended regeneration time.