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Backyard Greenskins
Sure Hands
Pass Block
Safe Throw
Bobba is one hell of a talented orc thrower. He has the ability of an elf when it comes to make passes. But for Gork's sake, dont tell that to him!
He learned his skills from throwing rocks and bags of squigpoo at his old grandma.
He is the keyplayer in the most of the Greenskinz passplays. And he is doing well holding the lead for completion on the team.
*2005-05-28 Bobba makes it to the top ten active orc throwers in ranked divison.
A star is taking shape. Warguk has hade a straight curve of development. Going from a ordinary blitzer to a agil and fast supá orc! Now the managment just wait for him to deliver some TD's, taking the preassure off Rock Da Stomp. A bright future lais ahead. AG 5... boy is he talented!
Right Stuff
Sure Feet
"Slippy" has the strenght of an orc! The mighty litlle goblin has only one purpose on the team... fly through the air an score. We wait in anticipation for him to start to bloom out. If he survives will say.
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Piling On
Grukknakk is the new troll in the hut. Weak of mind and strong at arms he is bullied for his habbit of smelling the flowers on the ground. This is especially annoing when it happens during a match. And I can tell you if you did'nt know; there is LOTS of flowers on a Bloodbowlpitch!
He's been hanging around for a wile now. Only member with Bobba that was a part of the original skinz. He has become somewhat of a starlineman over the time. The fans hold him as a favorite, allways knowing he is doing his part without complait.
Warzugg has reached a level of clarit. He know understads that there are a ball on the field. Hopefully the team can use his talent to score some more.
Slow and steady Orgok moves up in the casultylist. Now up on 5 Cs after 27 games. It's not exeptional, it's not even good. It's plain lousy. But when the team plays like elfs, they seems to hit like elfs to. But now Mr. Eyeripper has lifted som weights and gain a real mighty blow. Perhaps this will increas his speed in climbing further in the list.