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May the Dark Gods Decide
2 Cas in a single game gave him his first 4 Spp, however, the gods decided to wait before granting him a skill...
Another Cas sent him to 6 Spp, and the Dark Gods decided to bless him with Block
Multiple Block (10k)
Wrestle (10k)
3 Spp gained in the first match.
Rolled a 4 and selected a random skill. Randomly decided it was a Str skill and gained Multiple Block.
Was awarded the MVP in the 2nd match
Again rolled a 4 and selected a random skill, this time from general skills. He gained Wrestle!
His 3rd game saw him score the teams only TD, which also earned him the MVP!
The gods decided to let him wait a bit before gaining another skill.
4th Game was another MVP! But still the Gods withhold another skill, perhaps they have greater plans for this one?
After a completion in an ealierer game, he finally scored a TD. However it was not enough for the Dark Gods, and he was not allowed to advance!
Mighty Blow (10k)
Prehensile Tail (10k)
Following a game vs. Humans where he both completed a pass, and scored a TD of his own, the gods granted him the skill of Mighty Blow!
MVP of the first match
rolled a 2 and didnt select a skill