39 coaches online • Server time: 09:42
Devastion INC
Arm Bar (10k)
Multiple Block (10k)
Wrestle (20k)
Steve has been in the work out room perfecting his head locks, arm bars and leg sweeps. No one can stand before his fury when he gets them in a arm bar and drags them to the pitch, upgrades with Wrestle.
One man gang has been hanging out with the wrong crowd for some time now. Back alley brawls and throw downs on the pitch have started to hone in his skills for taking you down and out. Upgrades with Block
Punisher has a new work out routine. He stands there like a statue as the team takes
a go at him with the patented rick flair back hand slap. After 500 slaps the training pays off...Stand firm.
Dirty Player (10k)
Frenzy (10k)
The million dollar man has been working out on some new moves of late. Knee crackers, neck jerks and arm dislocation. Observers have asked if that is allowed. It looks so down right dirty.
Black Bart is a natural at the vicious toe submission move. He is always looking for you to not pay attention as he comes in with a massive wrestle take down and starts going for the toes. Upgrades with Wrestle
Dirty Player (20k)
Sneaky Git (40k)
Abdullah likes to hang out on the edge of the scrumm and when a guy goes down he attacks him savagely with his spoon of death!. He is so deft with it, so skilled, it just flashes and only the most keen eyed ref can see it. Some would call it sneaky, he just looks at you like he wants to hurt you very badly.
Jack is one high strung paranoid dude. In fact he is so high strung even going to the water cooler with his team mates has him looking over his shoulders like he is going to get jumped. His paranoid and high strung nature has unlocked his inner rage...upgrades with Frenzy.
Multiple Block (10k)
Wrestle (20k)
Al has been working on his moves. He is a master of leverage and judo throws. He can take down any man with ease and not even break a sweat. Manipulator of body weight, mass and height. Upgrades with wrestle.
Safe Pair of Hands (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Nord just loves to get guys into bear hugs and arm bars. Throws guys around like they are rag dolls. Some say he learned these skills from a master from Nippon. Upgrades with Wrestle.
Austin comes walking into the bathroom one day and is startled by Nord sitting there with a bowl of goats milk with jasmine and rosemary, rubbing his hands in it. He tells Austin that he was in the back woods and some old lady told him to do this every day for 10 days and it will make his hands smooth as silk, today was day 10. Upgrades with Safe pair of hands.
Dusty has been in the ring working on some new moves. He is very fond of his new one. He grabs a guy, bangs his head into a turnbuckle a few times and watches his victim stagger around and then fall on the ground. His other favorite is grabbing him and flinging him off the ropes in a rope a dope and then one of his team mates clothes lines the poor dude. Upgrades with Grab.
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Unchannelled Fury