20 coaches online • Server time: 07:02
Prancing Pink Ponies
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Block (30k)
An Oldschool big guy, Oloff has a hard time keeping up with all these new things so he spends most of the time staring into space as a proper Bonehead!
Team captain and champion of the ruinous powers.
Was the main force (literally) behind the gathering of the team and singlehandedly "convinced" the rest of the players and the coaches to join in "that whole ball-thing where we get the chance to kill people for the glory of chaos, and our fans!"
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
A champion of Khorne the blood god, Souleater can often be found collecting skulls in the stands before each match rather than being ready for some game action!
Block (20k)
Tentacles (20k)
Block (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Originally "convinced" to join the squad when the team took on the creepy (now retired)coach Hratgard.
He has certainly lived up to his name and has his fair share of casualties since he joined the team.
He still spends more time inspecting the pitch on his face rather than being part of the action, his clicking claws may have something to do with that.
A rookie minor champion of the ruinous powers that was found by the road by the team while he was repeatedly savaging a dwarven runner with an axe and an iron poker.
His enthusiasm landed him a spot on the team after a quick "conversation" with the teams other champions.