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Phaeton Bladerunners
Ever need a helping hand? Well, if you are a Bladerunner you won't have to look far. Atnols Lmezoo has shown a proficiency for double-teaming. "Everyone loves him. He makes our jobs so much easier and doesn't want any of the glory for himself.", stated Cadann Shald. "I look for him when I am making a key block or when I get in over my head, and he is almost always there. The fans may not see it, but we all know how much of an impact he makes." In my opinion, sports fans, those well placed words of recognition are one of the greatest rewards for a selfless player like Atnols.
In a team consisting of all lineman, Siredd estabished himself as a premier player. In his first game, he completed two passes, scored a touchdown, and caused a casualty against the Altdorf Topknots. After the game his teammates unanimously elected him Team Captain, but his leadership style isn't based on votes; he leads by example.
Mr. Hilart Skefao...No wait...Don't call him Mister! He doesn't like that. Skefao has taken more than the typical share of hard knocks. After one particularly hard shot in the back from a Mordheim Riverrats player, he went berserk on his coach when he was told, "Mister, get off of the ground right now!" The loss of their coach for the second half sunk the usually solid Bladerunners as they suffered a 3-1 defeat. Skefao was awarded the MVP because the blow to his coach put him three rows up in the crowd. Heed this warning: something has come loose under his helmet and it isn't his chinstrap.
***Post Game Interview***
"You looked like you were having a lot of fun out there. What is it that you like most about a game of BloodBowl?" -- Sideline Reporter
"Well, I do enjoy scoring, catching, and running like anyone else, but what I really love is to set up opposing players. If I see that a nearby opponent is about to be blocked, I try to grab an arm or a helmet strap and turn him so that his attention is on me. I just love their expressions as they leave their feet and sail throught the air!" -- Delaos Inehe
"Hey, let go of my ar..." -- Sideline Reporter (violently interrupted)
Practical jokes abound in a typical locker room, but in the town of Phaeton one player has become the butt of a centuries old gang of jokesters. Ortash Mehuwabo has an unfortunate connection with the infamous Mehuwabo Entertainers. This roaming troupe plagued the town over 300 years ago playing practical jokes on nearly everyone. The story was mostly forgotten until the studious team apothecary unearthed an old tome that recorded the events. Much to the chagrin of Ortash, his teammates took the opportunity to repay his family's "crimes" on the town. After every practice, he finds that he is exhausted because of the abuse he has taken. "He's starting to absorb more than we can dish out," laughed Siredd, "and strangely enough, it's making him a better player."
The Gongwela's live on a mountain ridge not far from the stadium; there the terrain is steep and the weather and wildlife can be harsh. This may explain the family's enjoyment of a rigourous game of Bloodbowl. Hyudel's son shows his determination by practicing twice a day--once with the team and once on his own. Alatiic's extra practices involve blocking one of the ice flows on a nearby mountain. "When you hit a solid block of ice, you end up with small pieces of ice. That is very useful at the end of a bruising double practice!", he exclaimed.
Vamn's conditioning is effective, yet a little unusual. He doesn't lift weights or practice passing, catching, or blocking skills. He doesn't even participate in team drills. All he does is run. "Running is the purest form of conditioning." claims Vamn, "You can promote agility, stamina, quickness, and even strength just by varying your routes and distances." It must be working, because in his first outing he was chosen as the game MVP based on his determination to hustle at all times. In addition, he still had enough stamina and strength to cause a casualty and enough concentration to complete a pass. On a side note, he was fined 3 times last week for failing to appear for practices.
In an unprecedented streak, Elbain Vamn has captured the league's "Mr. Hustle" award for the fourth consecutive week. "Maybe there is something to his personal training program or maybe he's just lucky," proclaimed his coach. "All I know is that I've recouped one third of his salary so far this year on missed practice fines and he is still outperforming everyone else on the team. I guess I'll just watch him with my blind eye until he screws up."
"This rookie has some potential.", reported the Bladerunners linecoach. "I've only seen him play one game and it was a great one! He has a good sense for the ball and seems to be able to avoid opposing players' grasps. His second touchdown against the Reptile United squad really sealed it for me. I'm going to design a few special plays just for him and try to work them in over the next few games." The linecoach then rummaged deep in his bag and handed an unmarked spray can to Hectuan. "...your hands..." were the only words picked up by the muffled microphone.
The "Ifri Proposal" was rejected for the fifth time at League Headquarters today. It hasn't made it past the first step of the submittal process and probably never will. Five months ago Hru Ifri brought up the age old practice of kicking field goals and even gathered the necessary 50 signatures. However, the current stance of the board is, "No way, no how, never ever, ever!" Well, at least that's how my son says it... Hru commented, "I will continue to submit it each month until our demands are heard." My thoughts are that he will submit it each month until he is killed on the pitch.