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Babylon 5
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Satai Delenn
Witch Elf
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Member of the religious caste and the family of Mir, Delenn was brought up by her father after her mother joined a religious order called the Sisters of Valeria. In fact, Delenn only saw her mother twice during her childhood. Her family descents from Valen and thus have some human DNA in their bloodline.

Delenn joined the temple at a young age and when she was a mere acolyte, she was chosen by Dukhat, the great Minbari leader, to be his assistant and protégée. Guided and taught by Dukhat, Delenn herself eventually became a member of the Grey Council. When she joined the Council the triluminary used in the ceremony began to glow - it had been programmed for Sinclair/Valen's DNA and recognised her as his descendant. Just hours after the ceremony the Council's ship made the first contact with humans. The humans misinterpreted the ship's open gunports - a sign of respect - and opened fire. In the following battle many Council members, including Dukhat, were killed. The remaining Council was divided whether to revenge or return to Minbar and Delenn's vote was the deciding one. Grief-stricken she ordered the warrior caste to destroy the entire human race. After calming down she regretted her decision, but by then it was already too late and the holy war had already began.

During the war Delenn found out that Dukhat had been working with the Vorlons and that humans would have a crucial role in the next Shadow War. In the light of her discoveries Delenn, with the help of Lennon, the Ranger One, began to pursue a peaceful solution to the war. She sent Lennon to meet with the human representatives, John Sheridan and Stephen Franklin, and to start peace-negotiations. Unfortunately the Centauri mistook the meeting as a weapons transaction between the humans and the Narn. This resulted an attack where Lennon was killed and his human counterparts were stranded on a deserted planet and later captured by the Minbari. Delenn, like the other Minbari blamed the humans for Lennon's death. It was only the password 'Isil'zha' (meaning 'future' and referring to the Vorlons) taught to Sheridan by Lennon that convinced her of their innocence. To the astonishment of the other Minbari, she let the prisoners go unharmed.

Delenn was also present when the war came to an end. After even the last hope of peace was gone, during the so-called Battle of the Line, she ordered one of the human soldiers, who happened to be Jeffrey Sinclair, to be captured and interrogated in order to find out about Earth's defenses. During the interrogations the Grey Council found out that the Minbari were reborn as humans. Because a Minbari cannot kill another Minbari, they immediately gave the order to surrender.

When the humans and the Minbari began their co-operation on the Babylon Project, Delenn became the Minbari ambassador for Babylon 5 even though she was a somewhat high-ranking official for such a lowly position. Her assignment was mainly just a smokescreen, though. Her real task was to keep an eye on Sinclair, now the commander of B5, and to make sure he didn't remember what had really happened during the Battle of the Line.

In 2258 Delenn was offered the leadership of the Grey Council, but she turned it down, believing that she was more needed on B5 than on Minbar. Together with Kosh Naranek, whom she had first met during the Earth-Minbari War, Delenn began to prepare for the Shadow War. One of their allies was Delenn's old teacher Draal, who took over the task of maintaining the Great Machine on Epsilon 3 and thus brought a powerful weapon at the disposal of the constantly growing Army of Light. Still, despite of all her her allies Delenn was alone (and acting against the orders of the Grey Council) in her ordeal in late 2258 when, in order to fulfill one of Valen's prophesies, she used the triluminary to enter a cocoon and metamorphose into a half human, half Minbari. Officially the reason for her transformation was to build a bridge between the humans and the Minbari, but the real reason was to restore the balance hat had been disturbed when Sinclair a thousand years earlier had become Valen.

Delenn's transformation wasn't accepted by all of the Minbari, and because she had disobeyed the Council's orders, she was removed from it. Humans also despised her new appearance and considered her to be a disgrace to the memory of the humans who had died in the Minbari War. One of the few people who immediately accepted her was Captain Sheridan and in time the friendship between the two of them became love. For a long time Delenn was able to keep the truth about the Shadows and the alliance against them a secret, but when Sheridan found out about Mr. Morden and the truth about the death of his wife Anna, she was forced to let him in on the alliance. Still, the Vorlons had their doubts about Delenn and called for the inquisitor Sebastian to question her. During the interrogation Sebastian tried to make her confess that she believed she was chosen by the gods, but she passed the test with her willingness to sacrifice her life for Sheridan.

In 2260, around the same time as B5 seceded from the Earth Alliance, Delenn (frustrated by the Council's indecisiveness, and again following Valen's prophesies) broke the Grey Council. She then took the White Star and led three Minbari battleships to B5 space just in time to save the station from Earth's attack troops. During the next few months Kosh was killed and Delenn herself only barely survived an attack by a vengeful Nightwatch member (she took a knife that was meant for Sheridan). Still, this could be called a relatively peaceful period of time compared to what was coming.

Already for some time Delenn had known the truth about the fate of Babylon 4 and when she received a letter from the past, she knew it was time to act. With the help of the Great Machine she - together with Marcus Cole, Sinclair, Commander Ivanova, Sheridan, Lennier and Zathras - travelled six years into the past, saved B4 from an attack by the shadow minions and then sent the station, Zathras and Sinclair a thousand years back in time. It was during this mission that Sheridan momentarily became 'unstuck in time' and visited a future where he and Delenn were married and had a son named David.

With Sinclair gone, the Rangers were left without a leader and Delenn reluctantly agreed to become the Ranger One. The Warrior Caste opposed her, claiming that they should have control over all military forces, including the Rangers. Neroon, who in 2259 had taken Delenn's place in the Grey Council travelled to B5 in order to prevent Delenn's inauguration with any means necessary. It was only Marcus' determination to protect Delenn even at the cost of his own life that changed Neroon's mind.

Because of her high position in the Army of Light, Delenn was forced to keep information from her friends and allies. She kept back many things including the truth about the Shadows' involvement in the destruction of Narn and the real number of the whitestars. All hell broke loose when Anna Sheridan returned from the dead in order to persuade her husband to join the Shadows. Delenn begged Sheridan to believe that she had not known that Anna was alive, only suspected. Nevertheless, she had to confess that had she known, she would have not told him anyway. Angry and heart-broken Sheridan followed Anna to Z'ha'dum and to his death.

Believing that she was to blame for Sheridan's fate, Delenn began a fast that was a part of the Minbari mourning rituals even though she knew that being no-longer a full Minbari, she would most likely not survive it. Fortunately Franklin was able to restore her will to live and she began to plan a direct attack against the Shadow homeworld.

Before she could bring her plan to life, though, Sheridan (with the help of Lorien) came back from the dead. Together they continued to gather the greatest fleet in history to fight not only the Shadows, but also the Vorlons, who had turned against their former allies. During the next few months the fleet became a reality and in the end Sheridan and Delenn (again with the help of Lorien) managed to drive the First Ones beyond the Rim and end the Great Wars for good.

Meanwhile on Earth President Clark's propaganda became more and more obviously directed at Delenn. The media portrayed her as a Minbari seductress who took advantage of Sheridan's 'mental instability' in order to conduct genetic experiments on humans. The Minbari didn't like Sheridan and Delenn's relationship either and she was called back home to justify her choice of mate to her clan. During a ceremony called the Dreaming Delenn remembered what Dukhat had told her just before his death - that she was a descendant of Valen, or more correctly Sinclair. In order to keep the 'impurity' of the Valen's descendants a secret, Delenn's clan allowed her to to marry Sheridan as a 'gesture of goodwill'.

In 2261 it became obvious that there would be a price on Delenn's earlier actions. With no Grey Council to balance the power between the castes, the disagreements between the Religious Caste and the Warrior Caste turned into a bloody civil war that broke the thousand years of peace. Even Delenn, who had always had faith in Valen's prophesies, began to doubt her actions and blame herself for the war. In order to restore the peace she then turned to Neroon for help. This alliance between two former enemies led to a misunderstanding that would have cost her life had it not been for Lennier who risked his own life to save her.

After arriving to Minbar Delenn contacted Shakiri, the leader of the warriors, and set up a meeting in an ancient temple. She announced that the Religious Caste would surrender, but refused the Warriors' proposition of a Warriors' Council, and demanded that the dominance of the castes should be decided 'by the old ways'. And with these words she challenged Shakiri to the ritual of the Starfire Wheel. The cowardly warrior didn't want to die for his caste, and only Delenn remained inside the wheel. She was prepared to sacrifice herself, like the ancient rules required, but at the last moment Neroon switched places with her, declaring that although he had been born in the warrior caste, the calling of his heart was religious. Neroon's sacrifice meant that the Religious Caste had won and Delenn had the authority to form a new Grey Council. Like Valen before her, she called the Council together, but instead of restoring the balance of power, she gave the majority of seats in it to the Worker Caste who had remained neutral during the war.

While Sheridan was trying to liberate Earth, Delenn was working hard to achieve intergalactic peace. Together with Londo Mollari, G'Kar and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, she created the Interstellar Alliance (which the newly-freed Earth later joined) and became a member of its Advisory Board. With Earth now free and the Alliance taking its first steps, Sheridan (who had been elected as the President of the ISA) and Delenn returned to B5 and were married. Still, their marriage had a negative side to it as well - Delenn's faithful attaché Lennier (who had been secretly in love with her for years) could not stand the thought of her marrying someone else and left B5 to join the Rangers.

The Interstellar Alliance had barely left its crib when it was already at the brink of destruction. An unknown military force (the Drakh, disguised as the Centauri) began randomly attack the shipping routes, turning the member worlds against each other. For a while Sheridan managed to keep the quarreling governments off each other's throats, but as the attacks continued and the accusing fingers began to point towards the Centauri, Delenn began her own investigations. In secret from her husband she assigned Lennier to a whitestar patrolling near the Centauri space. Once there Lennier found evidence of Centauri involvement. This didn't restore peace to the Alliance, far from it. The arguments between the members only increased and in no time the Alliance was at war with the Centauri.

The war wasn't the only worry the Alliance had - the numerous wars and campaigns of the previous years had cost a large portion of the whitestar fleet. In order to maintain the military power of the Alliance, Delenn and Sheridan contacted their governments and persuaded them into an economic alliance to create a new, better class of whitestar ships. Because of this Delenn had to travel to Minbar in person, but before she got there she was attacked by the Centauri and it was only Londo's plea to the Drakh that saved her life. She was saved just in time to witness how this former friend and ally ascended to emperorhood and turned his people against the Alliance.

In the middle of all this sorrow there was also some joy as Delenn became pregnant. It was a joyous news even though Franklin suspected that her unique physique could cause complications.

In late 2262 the headquarters for the Interstellar Alliance on Minbar were finished and it was time for Sheridan and Delenn to leave B5. While en route to Minbar there was an accident on their whitestar, and Sheridan and a Ranger were locked into a room full of poisonous gas from the leaking coolant system. Lennier witnessed the men's plight, but in a bout of jealosy he left them to die. When Sheridan managed to save both himself and the Ranger, Lennier, suffering from pangs of guilt, ran away, but promised Delenn that one day he would come back.

When arriving to Minbar Sheridan and Delenn were surprised to find Londo waiting for them there. The emperor was acting amicably and even gave a gift, an ancient urn, to their unborn son. What the unsuspecting first couple of the Alliance didn't know was that the innocent-looking gift contained a 'keeper' that would take over the child on his sixteenth birthday.

Years went by for Delenn in more or less peaceful existence. She was now the vice-president of the Interstellar Alliance, but she made sure she gave enough time to her son David as well. In 2277 all her nightmares came true when the Drakh keeper in the urn took over David and the boy ran off to Centauri Prime. Both Delenn and Sheridan followed him there, even though they knew that they were walking straight into a trap. The insane Prime Minister Durla and the powerless Emperor Londo, both controlled by the Drakh, had the presidential couple imprisoned. Sheridan and Delenn would have been executed had it not been for Londo who sacrificed his life to ensure their, and David's, escape. When the Drakh were defeated some time later, David was freed from his keeper.

Delenn continued her work as Ranger One and the vice-president of the Alliance until 2279 when Sheridan retired and Delenn was elected as his follower. With the heavy burden of presidency now in her hands, Delenn in return delegated the job of the Ranger One to Sheridan.

Despite of all the tragedies in their lives Sheridan and Delenn were happily married for almost twenty years, right until he died in 2281. Delenn outlived her husband by over eighty years, being still alive in 2362, though over 140 years old.

Cmdr. Jeffrey Sinclair
Jeff Sinclair was born on Mars on May 3rd 2218. He had a catholic upbringing and even spent three years of his youth in jesuit school. There had been fighter pilots the Sinclair family since World War II and following the footsteps of his father who had served in the Dilgar War, Jeff too joined Earth Force in 2237. He became a fighter pilot in 2240 and was promoted a squadron leader less than a year later. It was around the same time that he met the true love of his life, Catherine Sakai. The two lived together for a year before breaking up, a pattern which they would repeat several times during the next twenty years.

When the Earth-Minbari War broke out, Sinclair too joined the fight. During the Battle of the Line he lost his entire squadron in just a matter of minutes. His own starfury was also severely damaged and he decided to ram into a minbari ship to take at least a few of the enemy with him. He didn't succeed, though, as Delenn had him captured before his starfury hit the ship. She had given the order for his capture to find out about Earth's defencies, but in the end his interrogation revealed that the Minbari were reborn as humans and that Sinclair himself had the soul of none other than Valen himself. Shocked by this revelation the Minbari surrendered immediately and returned Sinclair (though not before removing all the memories he had of his visit to the Minbari ship). Although Sinclair was rewarded with a Silver Star for valour during the Battle of the Line, he soon realised that he had fallen off the promotions carousel. There was a 24-hour long hole in his mind and even though there were perfectly reasonable explanations for his disappearance, some people suspected that there was some connection between the missing hours and the Minbari surrender. It was only years later that Sinclair learned the truth.

In 2256 Sinclair, now a Commander in rank, became the commander and military governor of Babylon 5. He had not been the first choice for the position; in fact, he had been nowhere near the top of the list of candidates. He had only been chosen because of pressure from the Minbari (who were funding the Babylon Project). Unaware of being the unpopular choice, Sinclair took the job and immediately used his new authority to hire his friends Laurel Takashima and Michael Garibaldi as his second-in-command and security chief, respectively. He had hardly settled in when he was already being framed for the assasination attempt on Ambassador Kosh. Sinclair was eventually cleared of charges, but Takashima, Dr. Benjamin Kyle (the station's chief medical officer) and the resident telepath Lyta Alexander were called back to Earth for having opened Kosh's encounter suit without authorization and against the will of the Vorlon himself.

During the next year Sinclair too bended a few rules by transferring money from the defence budget to give the dockers a raise. His actions were investigated, but he managed to keep his reputation clean. In 2258 he also resumed his relationship with Sakai and this time the two decided to stay together.

Everything changed just minutes into the new yer 2259 as Earth Alliance President Louis Santiago was killed and Vice-President Clark assumed power. One of Clark's first actions as president was to re-assign Sinclair as Earth's ambassador to Minbar and to turn over the command of B5 to Captain Sheridan. History seemed to repeat itself as Sinclair had hardly settled in his new post before he was again accused of a murder attempt. Still, he soon earned the trust of the Minbari and was asked to take command of the Rangers. There was some objection to his appointment, but eventually he proved his skills. Sakai too had followed him to Minbar and joined the Ranger training program to be near him. Unfortunately during a mission her ship strayed into a time distortion in space and she was presumed dead.

In 2260 Sinclair received a sealed letter which he himself had written over 900 years earlier and which had then been waiting in a temple for this very day. Following the instructions in the letter he returned to B5 from where he, Sheridan, Delenn and a few others continued to Sector 14. Once there they took the White Star through a time distortion not unlike the one that had been the fate of Sakai, and travelled six years back in time to 'steal' Babylon 4. Sinclair and Zathras then took the station another thousand years into the past to help the Minbari in the previous Shadow War. During their journey through time he used the triluminary Zathras had brought along and transformed himself into a Minbari. He then became not only a part of the Minbari belief of the One - he was The One Who Was - but also their most revered religious leader Valen. In his lifetime he created the Grey Council, founded the Rangers and wrote the predictions which would guide the Minbari society through thousand years of peace.

After the Shadow War Valen retired from the public. He married, and it is quite possible that his wife was no other than Catherine Sakai, who through the time distortion had ended up in the same era as he. After his death his children had to flee Minbar in fear of persecution, but eventually they returned to their homeworld and introduced human DNA into the Minbari population.

Capt. John J. Sheridan
Son of David Sheridan, a diplomatic envoy, John Sheridan was born in North America in 2215. He loved adventures already at a young age and on his 21st birthday he ran off to attend the installation of the new Dalai Lama. Sheridan's first marriage three years later in 2239 was an equally quick decision. Fresh out of Officer Training School he married Elizabeth Lochley, but the marriage wasn't a successful one - after only three months later the two filed for a divorce having realized that neither one of them was mature enough for a marriage.

In 2236 Sheridan joined Earthforce in the hope that a military career would offer an adventurous life. His first assignment was on the Moon-Mars patrol where he served under Jack Maynard. Some years later he joined the crew of the Lexington. In 2245 he was offered an assignment as the XO of the Prometheus, a ship on a mission to make the first contact with the Minbari. Sheridan refused partly because he didn't trust the ship's captain and partly because he suspected that his father had arranged this promotion for him. He made the right decision - the Prometheus mission failed and was the sole cause for the Earth-Minbari War.

During the Minbari War Sheridan was forced to take command of the Lexington when the ship's captain was killed in a Minbari ambush. He and the rest of the crew survived only by chance as the Minbari though them to be dead. In order to keep on surviving Sheridan then had to come up a plan to defeat the enemy vessel, the Minbari flagship Drala'Fi. He succeeded and scored the only true victory that Earth was to have during the war. The Minbari considered his strategy - luring the ship into a mined asteroid field with a distress signal - a dishonorable one and gave him the name 'Starkiller'. Humans on the other hand naturally regarded him as a hero and he was later awarded with the Silver Star for Valor. Still, the war was not over yet. Sometime later Sheridan, alongside with Stephen Franklin and G'Kar, was assigned to represent Earth in a secret peace meeting organised by Delenn and Lennon, the current Ranger One. This last best hope for peace failed as the Centauri accidentally killed Lennon and the Minbari, unaware of Delenn and Lennon's plans, blamed the humans for his death. It was only a 'code word' which Lennon had taught Sheridan that saved him and Franklin from being executed.

After the war Sheridan was assigned to Io where he met Susan Ivanova. A few years later he served on Mars and helped to end the food riots there. Finally in 2253 he was promoted to the rank of captain and received a command of his own, the Galatea.

In 2249 Sheridan married for the second time, this time to his sister's friend, a xenoarcheologist called Anna. Both Sheridan and Anna had demanding jobs and this forced them to spend much of their time away from each other. Still, they were happily married for seven years. Their marriage came to a sad end soon after Sheridan had received the command of the Agamemnon. In 2257 the two were supposed to spend their seventh anniversary together, but troubles on the Agamemnon and Anna's two-week assignment on the research vessel Icarus changed their plans. While Sheridan helped to save Babylon 5 from an attack by the Home Guard, the Icarus was destroyed and Anna was presumed dead.

Sheridan buried his grief in work and for the next two years commanded the Agamemnon on deep space patrol until in January 2259 he was unexpectedly appointed as the new commander of Babylon 5. President Clark had chosen him in the belief that a hero of the Earth-Minbari war would make a better ally than the station's previous commander Jeff Sinclair who had been favoured by the Minbari. What Clark didn't know was that Sheridan was already working for a faction within EarthForce determined to find evidence of Clark's involvement in President Santiago's death.

Sheridan had a hard work ahead of him in not only running the station and keeping his anti-Clark contacts hidden, but also in gaining his co-workers' trust after Sinclair's surprise re-assignment. His first actions after coming to the station included promoting Ivanova and helping Franklin save Michael Garibaldi by donating his life-energy to the security chief with the Alien Healing Machine. In no time he had made friends with most of the command staff and eventually let them in on the conspiracy against Clark.

Sheridan also made friends with his non-human colleagues. When he was abducted by the Streib, Kosh Naranek contacted him through a dream and soon Sheridan began to notice that the ambassador was keeping an eye on him. Sheridan's sympathy towards the Narns gained him the trust of G'Kar, but the most surprising was perhaps his friendship with Delenn. The two had met briefly during the Earth-Minbari War (Delenn had been the high-ranking Minbari who had ordered him, G'Kar and Franklin to be released), but did not recognise each other. Still, less than a few months after their first meeting on B5 they were already having dinners and organising humanitarian aid to the Narns.

Towards the end of 2259 Sheridan found out that not all members of the crew of the Icarus were dead - at least one, Dr. Morden, had survived. Enraged he had Morden arrested and risked his career in trying to find out what had really happened to Anna. Realising that the Captain was close to discovering the existence of Shadows, Kosh and Delenn decided to invite him to the Army of Light and let him in on the truth about the fate of the Icarus. The ship had not been destroyed in an accident - the Shadows had captured the crew and killed those who would not serve them. Sheridan, sure that Anna would not have served and had thus been killed, swore to revenge her fate despite Kosh's warnings that should he go to Z'ha'dum he would certainly die.

Clark had made a mistake in assuming that Sheridan would support his actions and politics. Not only was the Captain involved in the conspiracy against Clark and allying himself with (wrong) aliens, but in December 2259 he openly defied Earth's decision to side with the Centauri during the Narn-Centauri war. This almost had Sheridan killed when a group of Centauri placed a bomb on the core-shuttle, forcing him to jump off. The only reason why Sheridan didn't end up as a part of the landscape was Kosh's decision to risk exposure and save him in the guise of an angel. The ambassador did this because he believed that Sheridan would have an important role to play in the next Great War.

In 2260 the clandestine conspiracies of the previous year began to come into the light. By now Sheridan had gained valuable allies in Kosh (who was teaching him how to fight the legends), Delenn (who shared the command of B5's Rangers with him), G'Kar (who offered him the help of all the Narns on B5) and Draal (who placed the Great Machine of Epsilon 3 at his disposal) and in January he was given the White Star prototype by the Minbari Religious Caste. These resources came in need in March when Sheridan and Delenn led the first attack against the Shadows (and Clark) by taking the White Star to Earth space and destroying the Shadow vessel Clark's forces had discovered on Ganymede. Less than a week later all hell broke loose.

Sheridan's allies had already some time earlier found the evidence needed to prove Clark's involvement in Santiago's murder, but Clark was still unaware of Captain's role in the greater scheme of things. Of course the Nightwatch had had its suspicions, but it wasn't until Sheridan declared B5 independent that Clark realised the mistake he had made in putting Sheridan into a position of power.

After a battle to retake B5 (won by Sheridan thanks to support from Delenn), Clark left the station alone and Sheridan was able to turn his attention back to the Shadow War. For a long time Delenn and Kosh had known that Sheridan would have a crucial role in the coming war, and by the end 2260, no one could have doubted it. He managed to persuade the warring League Worlds into joining their forces, and even stood up against Kosh when the Vorlons refused to do their part. The latter half of the year was filled with both victories (realising that telepaths could be used as weapons against the Shadows, completion of the whitestar fleet) and losses (the death of Kosh, Franklin's resignation), but the most curious interlude came when Sheridan took part in a mission to steal Babylon 4.

In August 2260 Delenn, Ivanova, Sheridan and Sinclair together with Marcus Cole, Lennier and Zathras travelled back in time and sent Babylon 4 thousand years into the past. It was during this mission that Sheridan - whose relationship with Delenn had slowly progressed from friendship to love - became 'unstuck in time' and found himself seventeen years into the future. It was a future where he and Delenn were married and had a son, but also a one where the war against darkness had not been completely won and the Centauri had paid a dear price for their co-operation with the Shadows. After returning to his own time Sheridan was stunned to hear the truth about the Minbari legend of 'The One' - namely that he was a part of it. He was 'The One Who Will Be' while Sinclair and Delenn, respectively, were 'The One Who Was' and 'The One Who Is'.

With the League of Non-Aligned Worlds behind him, Sheridan began taking the offensive against the Shadows. Unfortunately the Shadows had an ace in the hole - Anna Sheridan. She arrived to B5 in December 2260 and found her husband and Delenn in his quarters. Sheridan was shocked not only because of Anna's apparent return from the dead, but also because of the fact that Delenn had suspected she was alive and had not told him. Sheridan followed Anna to Z'ha'dum knowing that she was leading him to a trap - he knew that even though all tests indicated that she was who she claimed to be, her personality had been altered. The Shadows welcomed him amicably and tried to persuade him to change side. Sheridan wasn't convinced, though - he had seen what the Shadows did to those who would not serve. Remembering the future he had seen on B4 Sheridan decided to sacrifice his future with Delenn hoping that in the alternate future the Shadow War would be won and the Centauri would not have to suffer. He escaped the Shadow allies (Anna, Morden and an older man called Justin) and signalled the White Star (armed with two 500 megaton nuclear warheads) to collide with the Shadow base. He was prepared to die, but at the last moment he heard Kosh's voice in his head, urging him to jump into a bottomless pit. He did and lived at least a few seconds longer than Anna.

Sheridan woke up in the caves beneath Z'ha'dum accompanied by Lorien, an ancient being who claimed to be not just one of the First Ones, but the First One. Lorien told him that he was dead, trapped in between moments, in between life and death. The only way out was to surrender to death and perhaps, if Sheridan had something to live for, Lorien could bring him back to life.

Two weeks after his disappearance Sheridan returned to B5 accompanied by Lorien. Most of the aliens and humans on the station regarded Sheridan as a semi-god and the Captain took advantage of this to re-unite the League worlds who after his disappearance had began to doubt the necessity of a war against the Shadows. Still, Sheridan was by no means immortal. In fact, he only had twenty years to live. Shortened life-span gave Sheridan's cause more urgency and he became more determined than ever to win the war. Only days after returning to B5 he demanded Ulkesh, the Vorlon ambassador who had replaced Kosh, to leave the station because of the attacks the Vorlons had made against anyone who had had anything to do with the Shadows. Ulkesh refused and Sheridan had him killed.

Together with Delenn Sheridan brought together all the races who had signed on with the Army of Light thus creating the biggest fleet in history. They needed it if they were going to fight not only the Shadows, but also their former allies, the Vorlons. Sheridan had realised that the conflict between the two warring First Ones was not about power, but about philosophy - a battle between chaos and order. He made sure that during the last fight all three factions - the Shadows, the Vorlons and the Army of Light - were at the same place, namely Corianna 6, at the same time and thus were forced to confront each other directly. By contacting Sheridan and Delenn telepathically the First Ones tried one more time to persuade the younger races to choose sides. Sheridan had anticipated this and Lorien made sure that everyone on the battlefield saw the same thing Sheridan and Delenn did and in the end the First Ones were forced to surrender and leave beyond the Rim.

Even with the Shadow War over, Sheridan was not allowed to rest. Clark was still in charge of the almost totalitarian Earth and Sheridan took on the difficult task of uniting the bickering resistance groups. The Shadows had been Clark's allies and with them gone, the President turned his attention back towards B5. The station was put under an embargo and both Psi Corps and ISN were harnessed to fight the resistance. Sheridan's forces were able to get around the embargo by using their alien contacts and the black market and the attack by Psi Corps with the help of Bester, but the propaganda war by ISN hit them right where it hurts. The coverage ISN made of B5 claimed that Sheridan was a victim of 'minbariwar-syndrome' and a mere puppet of the alien governments. In response to these allegations Sheridan and Ivanova started the "Voice of Resistance", a propaganda-free news channel. Still, it wasn't until Clark had 10 000 refugees killed that Sheridan was forced to take the offensive against the President.

Sheridan's fleet - what was left of the White Star fleet combined with those Earth ships that had defected to the resistance - took one victory after another until Clark's allies found their Achilles' Heal - Sheridan's family. Ever since his return from Z'ha'dum Sheridan had been at odds with Garibaldi, suspecting that something was wrong, but dangerously unaware that his former friend and subordinate had allied himself with the enemy. In October 2261 Garibaldi, brainwashed by Bester and working for William Edgars, helped to set up a trap for Sheridan using his father as a bait. The trusting Captain believed his ex-chief of security and, despite of Ivanova's warnings, walked straight into an ambush.

After his capture Sheridan was taken to a prison in Syria Planum where he was interrogated and submitted to both mental and physical torture. Still, Sheridan didn't break and after a week of this hell he was, with the help of the Mars Resistance, rescued by Franklin, Lyta Alexander and Garibaldi (who by now had been released from Bester's command). The Captain resumed his place as the leader of the resistance just in time to hear both good and bad news from the front. The good news was that the alien governments had given their support to his cause; the bad news that Ivanova had been fatally wounded. Respecting the wish of his dying friend, Sheridan led the final assault on Earth in November from his old ship Agamemnon. Near Mars orbit his forces were able to cripple most of Earth's fleet and then advanced towards Earth itself. Realising his defeat Clark killed himself, but not before making an attempt to 'poison the wells' by turning the planetary defense grid against Earth. With the help of alien governments and ships loyal to Clark Sheridan was able to save Earth from annihilation.

With the Civil War now over, Sheridan had to return to Earth and take responsibility of his actions. He was regarded a hero by some and a traitor to Earth or at least a political nuisance by others. As a compromise Acting President Susanna Luchenko offered amnesty to him and all the soldiers under him in return for his resignation from Earthforce. The other choice being a military tribunal, dishonorable discharge and most likely a place at the wrong end of a firing squad, Sheridan had no choice but to accept the offer, but not before promoting Ivanova (who had survived thanks to Marcus and the alien healing machine) to the rank of Captain. Still, he wasn't unemployed for long - the League of Non-Aligned Worlds together with the Minbari, the Narn and the Centauri had already elected him as the president of the newly formed Interstellar Alliance.

After accepting the position and using it to fulfill his promise of an independent Mars, Sheridan returned to B5 and married Delenn. Although ISA intended to buy the station from Earth, Sheridan chose his ex-wife Captain Lochley (who had been loyal to Clark during the war) to command the station. Still, he remained the highest authority in matters that concerned the ISA. Sheridan and Lochley's opinions clashed almost immediately when Sheridan allowed a group of telepaths form a colony on station despite of Lochley's objections. When the telepaths began to demand a homeworld of their own, black-mail ambassadors and cause violence, Sheridan was forced to take back the protection he had promised them. Still, the damage had already been done and the situation snowballed into a hostage crisis and the martyr death of the telepath leader Byron (which in return sparked off the Telepath Crisis a few years later). At same time another war was brewing - an unknown party was randomly terrorising the Alliance shipping routes leaving the member worlds blaming each other.

After a long investigation, the Alliance discovered water-proof evidence that the Centauri were behind the attacks. Having promised the member worlds his support no matter who the guilty party was, Sheridan was now forced to put an embargo on a world that had supported him during the Civil War. To prevent any more violence, he ordered the whitestar fleet to act as a buffer between the Centauri and the other races. Unfortunately Garibaldi, now ISA's Head of Covert Intelligence and responsible for keeping the whitestar fleet informed, was drunk at a crucial moment and the Centauri declared a war against the Alliance. Even with a full-grown war in his hands Sheridan refused to authorise the bombing of civilian targets, namely Centauri Prime itself. Tired of Sheridan's messianic approach to politics the Drazi and the Narn then organized an attack against the Centauri capital. After Sheridan found out about this bloody breach of protocol he travelled to Centauri Prime himself, but arrived there too late to prevent the bombings. The war did end at this attack, though. Londo Mollari, now the emperor of his people, contacted Sheridan blaming the late Regent for the original terrorism that had started the whole thing and reluctantly promising that the Centauri would pay reparations for the Alliance. Sheridan accepted Londo's peace offering unaware that the Drakh were the true puppetmasters and that he had taken yet another step towards the future he had seen on B4 two years earlier.

Conflicts within the Alliance were not Sheridan's only problem - the whitestar fleet had been reduced dangerously small during the last three wars. In order to maintain the necessary superior force in arms, Sheridan took on to himself to form an industrial alliance between ISA, Earth and Minbar, that would result a new and more powerful whitestar fleet.

In late 2262 the new headquarters for the Alliance were finally finished and Sheridan had to bid farewell to B5 which had been his home for the last four years. Moving to Minbar wasn't the only major change in his life, though - Delenn was pregnant and he would became a father. The moving itself wasn't uneventful either. There was a coolant leak on the whitestar taking them to Minbar and Sheridan and a Ranger were left trapped in a room that was filling with a poisonous gas. Lennier witnessed the accident, but instead of letting the men out, he chose to leave them to die. By using the denn-bok of the unconscious Ranger Sheridan managed to break the glass doors and save them both. Despite what Lennier had done, Sheridan decided not blame him and kept the whole incident a secret.

On Minbar Sheridan and Delenn were surprised to find Londo waiting for them. The last time they had met with the Emperor he had been rallying his people against the Alliance and now he was even presenting a gift, an ancient urn, to their unborn child. The innocent-looking gift cast a dark shadow, though. It contained a keeper which would take control of the child on his 16th birthday.

The co-operation between Earth, Minbar and the Alliance eventually resulted the birth of a new class of ships and two prototypes, Victory and Excalibur, were constructed in secret and finished in 2267, just before the fifth anniversary of the Alliance. When Sheridan visited the ships for the first time, the Techno-mage Galen contacted him through a dream. The mage warned him of a Drakh plan to destroy Earth and told him to find the three other people who could help him to prevent this. Sheridan followed Galen's instructions and eventually hijacked the two prototypes in order to stop the Drakh. He and his allies managed to destroy the Drakh's main weapon, the death cloud, but the retreating Drakh were able to infect Earth with a biogenetic plague.

Despite their initial suspicions and occasional back-occasional, the Alliance worlds eventually began to appreciate the work Sheridan had done for them. The Interstellar Alliance had brought peace, prosperity and stability to the galaxy and so Sheridan, the personification of the Alliance, was re-elected again and again. He himself tried to persuade the member worlds to at least consider an open election with more than one candidate, but even this didn't lessen his popularity. He wasn't without enemies, though. The Drakh were still holding the reins on Centauri Prime, planning a war against the Alliance. Sheridan was aware of the warmongering, but dangerously unaware of who was doing it. In 2277 he found out.

Fifteen years after Londo's visit to Minbar, the Drakh keeper that had been waiting dormant inside the Centauri urn, took over Sheridan and Delenn's teenage son David. Under the influence of the keeper the boy then attacked his father, stole a shuttle and travelled to Centauri Prime. In order to save their son Sheridan and Delenn followed David there and were imprisoned by the insane Prime Minister Durla. Fortunately for them and David, Londo decided to intervene at the expense of his own life. The Drakh had ordered him to have the presidential couple executed, but instead he organised their escape. Thanks to the Centauri resistance organisation Legions of Fire, led by Vir Cotto, the Drakh were soon defeated and David was freed from under the influence of the keeper.

The whole business with the Drakh made Sheridan realise the fact that his life was nearing its end. In 2279 he resigned as the President of the Interstellar Alliance and Delenn was elected as his follower. In her new position Delenn couldn't spare the time to continue as Ranger One and she, in return, transferred this job to Sheridan. Two years later, in 2281, Sheridan's lease on life finally came to an end. After saying goodbye to his friends and family he took one of the whitestars and left Minbar to find his destiny in the stars. He visited B5 - now redundant and just days away from being demolished - for the last time before setting course to Corrianna 6 where the Shadow War had been won twenty years earlier. At the moment of his death he was visited by Lorien who took him beyond the Rim. A few days later the rangers discovered Sheridan's whitestar. All of the ship's airlocks were sealed, but Sheridan's body was nowhere to be found and some Minbari believe that one day Sheridan will return.

Michael Garibaldi
Michael Alfredo Garibaldi
Garibaldi was born on Earth in 2221. His father was Alfredo Garibaldi, a hero of Dilgar War.

Garibaldi spent most of his adult life working in law-enforcement and by 2241 he was working in the security forces of a mining colony on Europa. Most of his co-workers were taking bribes, and eventually the pressure of being one of the few 'good' officers forced Garibaldi to search solace in alcohol. In th end the only thing that kept him sane was his close friend Frank Kemmer. When Kemmer was killed in a bombing, Garibaldi hit bottom. The fact that he was framed for the bombing and that the bomb had originally been meant for him, didn't make things any better.

During the Minbari War Garibaldi served as a GROPO on a distant outpost and didn't thus take part to the Battle of the Line. This didn't mean that he wasn't traumatized by the war - for years afterwards he had nightmares and had to see counselors because of it. The war didn't cure his alcoholism either. After the war he went from one job to another before ending up on Mars where he worked as a shuttle pilot. It was on Mars that he also met both Lise Hampton and Jeff Sinclair. By 2256 Lise and Garibaldi were already contemplating a marriage when Sinclair, now the commander of Babylon 5, suddenly contacted Garibaldi and offered him a job as the chief of security on the station. Lise didn't want to leave her friends and job on Mars, so the the two broke up and Garibaldi headed towards B5.

Two years later, on New Years Eve 2258, Garibaldi was shot in the back by his second-in-command who was trying to hide a conspiracy to kill President Santiago. Garibaldi was seriously wounded and almost died of his injuries. It was only after Doctor Franklin and Captain Sheridan donated their life-energy to him with the mysterious Alien Healing Machine that he came out of the coma. The incident gave Garibaldi a brief identity crisis and for a while he even contemplated suicide. Still, after he saved Commander Ivanova from a group of murderous Drazi, he came to the conclusion that he was the only man on the station who could to handle his job. Even though Sheridan had helped to save Garibaldi's life, the chief didn't quite trust his new commander (Sheridan had replaced Sinclair as the station's commander while Garibaldi was in coma) and even checked his confidential service record. Still, eventually the two became friends.

Later that year Garibaldi found out the truth about Sinclair's re-assignment and became a liaison for the Rangers. He also joined Sheridan and General Hague in their conspiracy to reveal the truth about Santiago's murder. In the middle of all these secrets and conspiracies Garibaldi's love life didn't go well. Talia Winters didn't warm up on his advances and a one night stand with the GROPO Elizabeth 'Dodger' Durman ended before it had even began (Dodger was killed in action soon after, but returned among the living for one night during the Brakiri day of the dead in 2262).

Even though Sheridan and Garibaldi considered each other as friends, their working together wasn't always frictionless. For example, when Sheridan arrested Morden and held him in custody without charging him on anything, Garibaldi resigned, but came back after the Captain came to his senses. Still, despite their occasional differences in opinions, Garibaldi stood by Sheridan's side when Babylon 5 seceded from Earth Alliance in April 2260.

In late 2260, while Sheridan was on Z'ha'dum, the Shadows attacked B5 while and Garibaldi was among the starfury pilots who went out to protect the station. When the Shadows retreated (having learned about Sheridan's strike against their base) he was abducted, turned over to the Psi Corps and brainwashed. The joint efforts of G'Kar, Marcus and Zack led the station personnel to a mysterious ship that self-destruct immediately after surrendering Garibaldi. What they didn't know was that this too was part of the Psi Corps plan.

Garibaldi was now - thanks to Bester's brainwash - even more suspicious and paranoid than before. He remained loyal to Sheridan for a few weeks until just days after the end of the Shadow War when he resigned and set out to pursue a career in finding people and things lost during the war.

The little amity Sheridan and Garibaldi had left vanished for good when Garibaldi gave ISN an interview where he criticised the Captain's nearly god-like behaviour. Sure that Sheridan had finally lost his grip on reality Garibaldi began working for a group that planned to remove Sheridan from power. His first job for this group was to protect their contact who was visiting B5. This contact turned out to be no other than Lise Hampton, who was now married to the Martian billionaire William Edgars. Despite his past with Lise Garibaldi handled his assigment well and Edgars invited him to work on Mars.

On Mars Garibaldi found out the true motives of his new employer. Edgars was planning to enslave the telepaths whom Clark had put into power. In order to remove the Psi Corps from power, Edgars had created an airborne virus that was lethal only to telepaths and would require constant medication (which, of course, would be controlled by Edgars' company). Garibaldi's part in this plan was to calm down Clark by turning Sheridan over to the president. Without any pangs of guilt Garibaldi tracked down Sheridan's father and used the old man as a bait to lure the Captain into a trap. Having proved his loyalty by betraying a friend, Garibaldi was then let in on Edgars' inner circle. He immediately betrayed Edgars by telling everything he knew to the Psi Corps. Having found out all he needed to know about Edgars' plan Bester had no more use for Garibaldi and allowed him to take control of himself again. Realising what he had done, Garibaldi first tried to find Lise and then contact B5 only to realise that he had burned all the bridges - Lise had disappeared and Ivanova had given B5 personnel the order shoot Garibaldi on sight.

Returning to B5 was out of the question, but Garibaldi still wanted to prove his innocence. He contacted the Mars Resistance who trusted him even less than Ivanova and thus had him captured. Resistance leader Teresa Halloran would have killed him immediately (because if Sheridan died, his promise to grant Mars independence would be worthless) had Franklin not been there. Franklin was just as furious as the rest of the resistance, but he gave an old friend the benefit of a doubt. Luckily Lyta Alexander was also on Mars and with a deep scan she was able to prove Garibaldi's innocence. The contacts Garibaldi had had with Edgars and other Clark-sympatisers helped the resistance to free Sheridan and by the time the resistance movements made their last strike against President Clark, Sheridan and Garibaldi were again fighting on the same side.

After the war Garibaldi remained on Mars for a while and with the help of the Rangers rescued Lise from the Martian mafia who had kidnapped her. With Edgars dead, Lise was now a widower and she and Garibaldi got together again. Still, even this couldn't keep Garibaldi off B5 for long. He returned to the station and almost immediately clashed with the new commander. Captain Lochley, who had replaced Sheridan (now the president of the newly-formed Interstellar Alliance), refused to accept Garibaldi, not officially part of B5's command staff, to the station's inner circle. The distrust was mutual as he in return was suspicious of her instant amity with Sheridan despite the fact that she had fought on Clark's side during the Civil War. In the end Lochley had to give in when Sheridan appointed Garibaldi as the head of the covert intelligence department of the Interstellar Alliance.

When Bester arrived to B5 in early 2261 alerted by the problems B5 was having with Byron's telepath colony, Garibaldi took matters into his own hands and tried to kill the Psi Cop. Unfortunately or not, Bester had expected this and had left a mental block in Garibaldi's mind that prevented the man from harming him. Depressed by his inability to revenge Garibaldi began drinking again and his relapse soon started to affect his work. When he was sent to the Drazi homeworld on a mission to recover a possible witness to the attacks on Alliance shipping lines, his drunkenness caused not only the death of the witness, but also the death of an old friend from his times on the Europa colony.

Despite the deterioration in his performance Garibaldi managed to keep his problem a secret even after his trip to the Drazi homeworld. The first one to find out about his drinking was Lise, who during a visit to B5 found a bottle in his kitchen. He persuaded her to keep quiet swearing that he had everything under control. Next one to find out was Zack, but he too gave Garibaldi one last chance and didn't tell Sheridan. The real problems then began when Sheridan, unaware of Garibaldi's problems, put him in charge of communication to the whitestar fleet. Garibaldi was supposed to contact the fleet at the first sign of aggression between the Centauri and the rest of the Alliance so that the whitestars could act as a buffer zone between the two factions. Unfortunately Garibaldi was drunk when the worst happened and was thus unable to alert the fleet. As a result a war broke out between the Alliance and the Centauri. Some time after this incident Sheridan found out about Garibaldi's problems and suspended him from his job.

Losing his job, albeit temporarily, helped Garibaldi to make up his mind about moving permanently to Mars with Lise. The only thing left between him and happiness was then Bester's neural block. In order to get rid of it Garibaldi made a deal with Lyta. In return for removing the block he would create an army of terrorists that she could use against the Psi Corps.

In secret Garibaldi was aiding terrorists, but in public he was the president of Edgars Industries (later Edgars-Garibaldi Industries) which Lise had inherited from her dead husband. Neither one was an easy job. Even before he could leave for Mars, Garibaldi found out that both he and Lise were on the hitlist of an assassin. The assassin was caught, but in the resulting chaos a Narn attempting to kill G'kar accidentally shot Lise. With the help of Lyta and Theresa Halloran (Garibaldi's replacement as the head of covert intelligence) Garibaldi tracked the assassination plot back to Edgars Industries and its board of directors who under Edgars' rule had been involved in many illegal operations. Garibaldi blackmailed the directors to resign by threatening to expose their secrets or even have them killed should something happen to either him or Lise. He then returned to Lise and the two were married with her still in hospital bed.

Leaving B5 didn't mean that Garibaldi had left life in politics behind him for good. He visited B5 on several occasions (and not only to annoy Lochley) and continued to work for Sheridan. He supervised the construction of the new Whitestar prototypes Victory and Excalibur and with Lou Welch and G'kar visited Centauri Prime on a mission to find out whether or not the Centauri were planning to attack the Alliance. His past with Bester and the deal he made with Lyta also continued to haunt him. He helped to arm Lyta's terrorists and in doing so was partially responsible of bringing about the so-called Telepath Crisis. As a reward Lyta removed his neural block and Garibaldi was finally free to revenge on Bester.

After the Telepath Crisis Bester, now a wanted war criminal, went into hiding. Garibaldi spent years following his trail until he finally managed to track the ex-Psi Cop down. He travelled to Paris, where Bester was staying, in person and took part to the manhunt risking his life, but eventually managing to bring his old tormenter down.

Despite all the ups and downs in his life, Garibaldi did finally achieve happiness. Edgars-Garibaldi Industries was succesful as was his marriage to Lise with whom he had a daughter named Mary.

Vir Cotto
Vir Cotto arrived on Babylon 5 in 2258. He was the joke of his family and only became Ambassador Londo Mollari's assistant because no-one else wanted the job - Mollari too was nothing but a joke and the station was concidered too dangerous a place because of the fate of its four predecessors. Vir's family saw the job as a perfect opportunity get rid of him, but Londo wasn't too thrilled to have the young and clumsy Centauri as his assistant either. Still, as time went by the two became good friends - so good, in fact, that when Londo acquired more power and the court decided that he needed a better assistant than Vir, the Ambassador overrode the decision and allowed Vir to stay.

Vir had been suspicious of Mr. Morden from day one and had often warned Londo of his associations with this shadowy man. When Londo too began to see the error in his close relations to the Shadows, he decided to send Vir away to ensure the safety of the naiive attache he had become very fond of. In 2260, with the help of Delenn, he then arraged Vir the post of Centauri Ambassador on Minbar. Vir had always felt sorry for the Narn and immediately took advantage of his new position to help them in their plight under the Centauri rule. He himself had no means to help the them, but he used his connections to create an imaginary Centauri official named 'Abrahamo Lincolni who he then used to have over 2000 Narns transferred from the Narn Homeworld to various workcamps near Centauri Prime. Once the Narn arrived on the camps, they were declared dead and then smuggled to neutral planets. Unfortunately Commander Ivanova and Captain Sheridan, unaware of Vir's true intentions, brought his underground Narn railroad to Londo's knowledge who then immediately had Vir removed of his position.

Vir's pro-Narn attitudes ruined not only his diplomatic career on Minbar, but also his arranged marriage with a woman named Lyndisty. She was the daughter of a Centauri official who had been responsible of "culling the herds" on the Narn Homeworld and thus her opinions on the intelligence and worth of Narns differed greatly from Vir's. Still, the final reason for why they were never even married was that after Vir lost his job at the embassy, he was no longer important enough for Lyndisty to marry.

Despite Vir's misuse of authority, he and Londo restored their friendship by early 2261 when Londo turned to Vir for help in the assasination of Emperor Cartagia. When the hour came to actually kill the Emperor, Londo failed and Vir was forced to inject the Emperor with a deadly poison.

Vir had often acted as Londo's replacement as the Centauri Ambassador and when Mollari finally became the Emperor in 2262, one of his first actions was to appoint Vir as the official Ambassador. His reason for this was not only that he trusted Vir more than any other Centauri, but also that he now knew about the Drakh forces on Centauri Prime and wanted to protect Vir, to keep him as far away from the homeworld as he could. Still, not even Babylon 5 was safe place for Vir. Some of Londo's political adversaries sent Lady Mariel, the Emperor's ex-wife, to Babylon 5 with to seduce Vir in order to gain information from him. For a while Vir was ecstatic that a woman like Mariel was interested him, but the truth soon hit him. By now Vir was already involved with a group of techno-mages plotting against the Drakh and with their help he found out about Mariel's true intentions and took revenge - Galen cast a spell on Mariel making her really fall in love with Vir.

With the help of the techno-mages, Londo's wife Timov, and Mariel, Vir began to slowly understand what was really going on on Centauri Prime - that the Drakh were in control. He went undeground and formed a resistance movement called "Legions of Fire" to fight the Drakh. He didn't want the Interstellar Alliance to get involved - he had already once saved Sheridan's life unbeknownst to the President - and kept his work secret sabotaging the Drakh warmachines and slowing their preparations down without actually revealing himself.

All hell broke lose in 2278 when the Drakh kidnapped Sheridan and Delenn's son David. Vir was forced to act openly, but fortunately he had prepared for this. With one swift precise hit his forces brought down the Drakh, though not without casualties - the Drakh had planted fusion bombs around the palace and managed to detonate one of them before their defeat. Sheridan, Delenn, and their son were freed as was Centauri Prime. Unfortunately Londo and G'kar were killed in Londo's last desperate attempt to escape his keeper.

In 2260 Londo had sought advise from Emperor Turhan's prophetic widow, Lady Morella. In addition to telling Londo's future Morella had revealed a part of Vir's future as well - namely that he would become the Emperor after Londo's death. In 2278, when almost twenty years had passed, the prophesy came true.

Londo Mollari
In his youth Londo Mollari was an adventurer and a soldier whose family was one of the most reputable families of Centauri. He worked in the emperor's court, was a member of Couro Prido, (a fighting society where his skills earned him the name 'Paso Liati', crazed liati) and led a raid on Frallis 12. During the Earth-Minbari War Londo was the Centauri ambassador to Earth. At one point of the war he found out about the peace negotiations Delenn was organizing, mistook them for weapons dealing between the Narns and the humans and gave the order to kill all participants. By doing this he not only ruined Earth's last hope for peace, but also took the first step on his road towards damnation and the future he had seen in a nightmare. Like most of the Centauri, Londo too had seen his death in a prophetic dream. In this recurring nightmare he was killed in a hand to hand combat with a Narn. When he first met G'Kar, he immediately recognized him as the Narn of his dream.

As years went by, Londo's fame and glory began to fade. The last straw was his appointment to Babylon 5. The post of the ambassador was nothing but a joke and nobody wanted it anyway, because people believed would en up like its four predecessors. The only reason Londo accepted the job was that it took him 75 light-years away from his three wives Timov, Daggair and Mariel, whom he lovingly referred to as 'Famine', 'Pestilence' and 'Death'. In 2259 Londo managed to divorce two of his wives leaving only Timov to plague him. This wasn't his first divorce, though - years earlier an ex tempore marriage to a dancer he met in a bar had ended less than a day later due to pressure from his family.

On B5 Londo treated his job as an ambassador with the same amount of respect as the rest of the Centauri and thus spent most of his time in bars and at the casino. It was in one of those bars that he met a young dancer named Adira who reminded him of his first wife and with whom he fell madly in love. Unfortunately Adira was a slave, spying Londo for her master. When Londo found out of this, he didn't hate her, but bought her freedom and asked her to return to him one day.

Another one of Londo's pastimes on B5 was irritating G'kar, now the Narn Ambassador on B5, with any and all means he could think of, and because of this the two ambassadors were constantly at each other's throats.

In 2258 Londo met Mr. Morden, who offered him a chance to restore his fame. In return for little favours Morden's associates, the Shadows, helped Londo return a priceless artifact to the Centauri and destroy a politically inconvenient Narn base. After finding out that the Centauri Emperor Turhan was dying, Londo also allied himself with Lord Refa in order to make Turhan's nephew Cartagia their puppet emperor. Their scheming eventually led to a war between the Narn and the Centauri. Once again Londo turned to Mr. Morden and with the help of the Shadows, the Centauri were victorious. It wasn't until his friends Urza Jaddo and Malachi were killed that Londo began to suspect if the price had been too high. He feared that these powerful allies could do terrible harm to Centauri if they were to turn against them. In early 2260 finally Londo made up his mind and pulled out of his deal with Morden. Not everyone respected his decision, though. Behind Londo's back Lord Refa went to Morden and restored the alliance between the two races. Londo's attempt to scare off Refa ended badly when Morden had Adira killed and framed Refa for it. Londo revenged by having Refa killed and restored his alliance with the Shadows.

By now Londo could see the darkness ahead of him and turned to Lady Morella, Emperor Turhan's prophetic widow, for advice. She told him that there were three ways in which he could avoid the darkness: by saving the eye that does not see, not killing the one who is already dead, or if everything else fails, by surrendering to his greatest fear knowing that it will destroy him.

Ever since his deal with the Shadows Londo had been gaining power and money on his homeplanet and eventually the court began to worry. They called him back home offering him job as the advisor on planetary security and Londo accepted the post even though he knew that it was only an attempt to keep him in a leash. In early 2261 he left B5 to join Cartagia's court. On Centauri Prime he found out that it had been the Shadows who had requested him as their liaison. In return for his elevation to godhood Cartagia had sold the island of Celini to the Shadows to be used as a military base and a part of Londo's recurring nightmare came true as the Shadow vessels darkened the sky above the imperial palace. Knowing how deceitful the Shadows could be, Londo tried to make Cartagia change his mind, but the mad Emperor only cared about his imaginary ascension to godhood.

Realizing that the Emperor was quite insane, Londo turned to Vir Cotto for help and together they began to plan Cartagia's assassination. When G'Kar was captured by the Centauri, Londo bought his allegiance as well - in return for his and his people's freedom G'kar would cause distraction during which Londo could kill the emperor. Cartagia's assassination (set during G'Kar's trial on Narn) almost didn't succeed, but in the end Vir managed to poison him. With the Emperor now dead Londo became the Prime Minister and temporary leader of Centauri Prime. Londo kept his word and used his power to free both G'kar and the Narn homeworld. He then hurried back to Centauri Prime in order to free the planet from all Shadow influence before the arrival of the Vorlon planetkiller. He had Morden killed and destroyed the island of Celini, but even that wasn't enough as the Vorlon's wanted him dead too. In the end it was only the Army of Light's victory over the First Ones that saved Centauri Prime.

Even though he was the Prime Minister, Londo didn't feel safe on his homeworld and, after appointing Minister Verini as a regent to the throne, he returned to B5 with Vir. He felt that in his blind patriotism he had betrayed not only his people, but also his few friends and he very much wanted to make amends. When Captain Sheridan needed support in his war against President Clark, Londo persuaded G'Kar and the other ambassadors to join the battle. Together they also created the Interstellar Alliance, the Advisory Board of which Londo too became a member of. It was around the same time that Londo found out that the Regent was dying and that he would be the next emperor. The ensuing stress combined with the guilt he felt of his previous actions, caused Londo to have a serious heart-attack that almost killed him.

Even after his serious illness Londo continued on the road he was fated. He was supposed to return to Centauri Prime to spend some time with the Regent, but his ship was sabotaged and it was only luck that saved him this time. The assassination attempt worried Delenn so much that she ordered a bodyguard to follow him to Centauri Prime. The bodyguard was of course none other than G'Kar. Back on the homeworld there was another attempt on Londo's life, this time prevented by a mysterious alien. An alien, who Londo later found out was somehow connected to the odd behaviour of the Regent. The Regent forbade Londo to make any more inquiries of the mysterious aliens or why Centauri had started preparations for a war even though they were at peace with all the other races.

The 'why' became rather obvious when Londo was shut off the inner circle of the Alliance during the investigations of a series of mysterious terrorist acts. Even after Lennier found solid evidence of Centauri involvement, Londo continued to believe in the fact that his people had been framed. As an act of protest Centauri resigned from the Alliance and Londo returned to his homeworld in spite of Sheridan's threats that he would never be allowed back. Being a loyal bodyguard, G'kar left with him. No sooner had they arrived at the planet than the shooting war began and G'Kar was imprisoned. Londo stood by his side at first, but eventually returned to the court to find out what was really going on. He was horrified to find out that the Regent had turned off the planetary defense grid even though the vengeful Narns and Drazi were about to attack Centauri Prime.

After an attack that brought the capital of Centauri Prime to its knees, Londo was let in on the truth - the Drakh, former servants of the Shadows, were now in control, using the Regent as their puppet. They threatened to kill millions of Centauri with hidden fusion bombs if Londo did not become their new slave after the Regents death. He had no choice but to obey (though not before setting G'kar free). The Drakh killed the Regent and planted a keeper (a parasitic creature that monitors its host's every move) on Londo. He then ordered the Centauri fleet to stand down and, like the Drakh had instructed him, blamed everything on the Regent. Before his inauguration he also had time to appoint Vir as his successor on B5 and to make a speech that turned his people against the Alliance.

Although Londo was now the leader of the Centauri, he had no power at all. He was under the constant supervision of Shiv'kala, a Drakh who acted as a liaison between him and the Drakh Entire. At first Londo tried to fight back, to disobey the Drakh (he did manage to save Sheridan by warning Vir about an attempt on the President's life), but in the end he had no choice but to submit to their power. The Drakh had too strong a hold of him with the fusion bombs that were still planted around Centauri Prime and with the fact that they knew how much Londo cared for Senna, the young daughter of Lord Refa whom Londo had taken under his wings.

The Drakh no-longer wanted to kill Sheridan anyway - they had discovered another way to revenge the president's actions during the great war. Reluctantly Londo traveled to Minbar where he gave Sheridan and Delenn an ancient urn that contained a keeper very much like the one he himself had. A keeper which would take over the yet unborn David Sheridan on his 16th birthday.

The next few years saw Londo's powers diminish even more. His acts of rebellion became fewer and fewer and eventually the only thing he could do to protect his loved-ones, namely Vir and Timov, was to drive them away and to stay alone with his terrible secret. Although Londo was the only one who knew about the Drakh, he wasn't the only one controlled by them. The Drakh saw great potential the power-hungry official Durla and used him just as much as they used Londo (and with Durla they didn't even need a keeper). They helped Durla into power and that power was even more away from Londo who eventually became nothing more than a facade.

The years didn't treat Londo well. He grew old and infirm, watching his beloved homeworld succumb deeper in the darkness under the rule of Durla and the Drakh. He was already quite badly demented when the prophesies came true and the time for the final confrontations was at hand. In 2277 the Drakh took control of David Sheridan and then used the boy to lure his parents to Centauri Prime. At the same time a Centauri resistance movement called Legions of Fire and led by Vir started their final assault against the Drakh. The Drakh were defeated, but not wholly and they managed to revenge by using the fusion bombs they had hidden twenty tears earlier. Amidst the confusion Londo decided to do his part and turned to G'Kar who had spent the last few years on Centauri Prime. He drunk himself half-senseless and then asked his old friend to kill him so that the Drakh wouldn't find out that he had just set Sheridan, Delenn and David free.

It was now time for Londo to surrender to his greatest fear as he died with G'Kar's fingers around his throat. At the last moment, however, the keeper took control of him for the last time and he strangled G'Kar. Lady Morella's prophesies were fulfilled and Vir became the Emperor. The diaries Londo had written during the last twenty years to keep himself sane were eventually edited and published by Vir and the new Emperor also made sure that a statues for Londo and G'kar were erected at the gates of the Centauri capital.

Born into the religious caste, more precisely the Third Fane of Chu'Domo, Lennier was brought up in a temple. There he studied the 97 dialects of the Minbari languages, history, alien cultures and mathematics. Martial arts were also an important part of his training.

Lennier arrived to Babylon 5 in early 2258. It was a great leap for a simple acolyte to become an attaché for a Satai. Because Delenn was a member of the Grey Council, Lennier was initially afraid to even look her in the eyes. She insisted, though, for her status to be kept in secret and for Lennier to treat her more casually. He had sworn to stand by her side and he did, supporting her even when other Minbari shunned her after she defied the Council and went through a transformation to become half-human, half-Minbari. His loyalty for her went beyond respect, though - he was, in fact, in love with her, although he knew he could never tell her of his feelings.

In short, Lennier was not only Delenn's aide, but also her trusted friend - he followed her to the Markab isolation area to help the people dying of drafa, saved her from a terrorist attack and often acted as her second in command on the White Star. Only Delenn's relationship with Captain Sheridan (who had during the war destroyed the Minbari ship Black Star and many of Lennier's family with it) made him feel a twinge of jealousy, but even then he swallowed his hatred and acted as Sheridan's second-in-command in several battles.

After the civil war broke on Minbar, Lennier followed Delenn to their homeworld to help her restore the peace between the castes. Due to a misunderstanding some of the crew on their ship attempted to assassinate Delenn, but Lennier was able to save her. He was willing to even die for her, and almost did, but in the end he only lost a part of his lung.

In early 2262 the death of Marcus Cole and Delenn's marriage to Sheridan made Lennier re-evaluate his life. He came to the conclusion that he could no longer act as Delenn's aide and left B5 to join the Rangers. Lennier's teachers soon began to suspect that something was wrong - he was trying too hard and his motives to join the Rangers were wrong. Lennier was in fact having problems accepting that Delenn was in love with another man and truly believed that the marriage between her and Sheridan was a mistake. His unrequited love had turned into an obsession. He believed that if he became a warrior like Sheridan, Delenn would fall in love with him.

During a break in training Lennier returned briefly to B5 to meet Delenn and to participate in Brakiri religious festival, the day of the dead. On the day of the dead the dead were believed to return from beyond death, and Lennier very much wanted to meet them and to ask them for wisdom. He got his wish as the ghost of Morden appeared to him and told him that he would betray the Anla-Shok and then die soon after.

Lennier's first mission as a ranger was to find evidence linking the Centauri to terrorist attacks on Interstellar Alliance shipping routes. Unbeknownst to Sheridan, Delenn assigned him to a whitestar patrolling on the borders of Centauri space. The crew of the whitestar managed to intercept coded transmissions, but before they could find out anything more about them, Sheridan heard about Lennier's mission and ordered the whitestar to return. Lennier didn't want to give up this easily and ran away determined to find the evidence. He succeeded, but instead of bringing peace into the ISA, his testimony started a war between the Interstellar Alliance and the Centauri.

Near the end of the war Lennier was escorting Delenn to Minbar when a group of Centauri ships intercepted them and badly damaged their ship. Assuming that they were going to die, Lennier finally managed to gather enough courage to tell Delenn about his feelings for her, but took it back when they were rescued.

Lennier's next meeting with Delenn made true part of Morden's grim prediction. Despite the fact that his training was in critical stage, Lennier took some time off in order to escort Sheridan and Delenn to their new home on Minbar. During the voyage there was an accident and some poisonous gas was released from the cooling system. While trying to rescue an unconscious ranger Sheridan was trapped to a room filling with the gas. Lennier witnessed the event and was just about to rescue both men when his feelings got the better of him and he ran off leaving the President and the ranger to die. He regretted his actions almost immediately, but by the time when he got back to Sheridan, it was already too late. The President had already been rescued. Realising what he had done, Lennier couldn't face Delenn, but took one of the fighters and ran away. Still, he contacted Delenn one more time promising that they would meet again after he'd made peace with himself.

Lennier died sometime during the next twenty years.
Marcus Cole
Born in 2226, Marcus took over his family business, a mining company, after his parents' death. He had a younger brother, William, but the two didn't get along well especially after William left their homeplanet, Arisia, to explore the galaxy. During his travels, William joined the Rangers (who in Marcus' opinion were nothing but a highly suspicious cult). After his training William returned to Arisia and was reunited with his brother. Unfortunately the Shadows chose just that time to attack the planet and killed not only William but also a woman Marcus was very fond of. Marcus, the only survivor, was left with nothing and to honour his brother's memory he decided to join the Rangers.

After his training Marcus ended up on Babylon 5. He first came there in early 2260 to ask Captain Sheridan and Delenn to rescue a group of Rangers from the Shadows, but he soon made friends on the station and remained there, fighting in both the Shadow War and Earth's Civil War. He helped Commander Ivanova find First Ones, acted as a second-in-command for both her and Sheridan on whitestar during various battles and even worked as Doctor Franklin's bodyguard when the two of them were sent to Mars to meet with the resistance leaders.

For a very long time Marcus was in love with Ivanova, but he couldn't gather up enough courage to tell her about his feelings until it was too late. When Ivanova was fatally wounded during the Civil War in 2261, he stayed by her side wanting to do everything in his power to help her. After finding out about the alien healing device, a machine that transferred life-energy from one person to another, he stole a whitestar and left the battlefield. On B5 he broke into MedLab and gave all his life-energy to Ivanova. She recovered completely, but he died. After her recovery Ivanova had Marcus cryogenically frozen in the hope that he could one day be resurrected.

When G'Kar was born in early 23rd century, Narn was still under Centauri occupation and so he spent most of his childhood in various bomb shelters. For the first ten years his name wasn't G'Kar, though - he only acquired that name when he was old enough to choose which religion he wanted to follow (he chose G'Quon). In those days G'kar's family lived in G'kamazad, one of the largest cities on Narn. With his mother too ill to escape the city, his father was forced to serve a Centauri family. One day G'Kar's father spilled some hot drink on the mistress of the house and with the tensions running high between the Narn and the Centauri, the Centauri had him killed. The night after his father died, G'Kar ran away and killed his first Centauri.

During the Earth-Minbari war G’Kar dealt weapons to Earth and when Delenn organised a secret peace negotiation between the two warring sides, he accompanied Earth's representatives, acting as a translator (he could speak both English and Minbar). The negotiations failed when Londo Mollari found out about G'Kar's involvement, misinterpreted it as yet another arms deal between the humans and the Narn and ordered a military strike against it. The Minbari representative was killed and G’Kar and the humans, John Sheridan and Stephen Franklin, were taken prisoners by the Minbari. G’Kar was never really in any danger because the Minbari didn't want to involve the Narn into their war, and he was released (as eventually were Sheridan and Franklin, though reluctantly).

In 2253 G'Kar joined Kha'Ri, the council that leads Narn, and a few years later he became the Narn ambassador on Babylon 5. Not long after his arrival to Babylon 5 he was already scheming against the other ambassadors as he took part to a conspiracy that made an attempt on Ambassador Kosh Naranek's life and framed Commander Sinclair for it.

Hostility between the Narn and the Centauri culminated in Londo and G’Kar’s relationship and the two were constantly in each other's throats both literally and metaphorically. The two races were on the brink of another war for a long time, but in 2258 G'Kar began to suspect that the Centauri were getting outside help in their attempts to destroy the Narn. Still, it took a very long time for anyone to believe his claims.

When the Centauri Emperor Turhan visited B5 in 2259, G'Kar tried to assassinate him. Fortunately or not, the Emperor fell ill before he had a chance to act. Unaware of G'Kar's plans Turhan sent him a message apologising for what his people had done to G'Kar's people. There might had been peace between the two races had Londo not at the same time been organising an attack on a Narn outpost. Less than a day later Narn declared a war against the Centauri. The war didn't go well for the Narns and G'Kar soon had to beg help for his people from both the humans and the Minbari - both races denied any military assistance (though in secret Sheridan and Delenn did arrange some humanitarian aid). It was then no surprise that the war ended as it did. The Narns were forced to surrender after the annihilation of their homeplanet. By requesting a sanctuary from Sheridan G'Kar avoided capture and was thus the being the only member of Kha'Ri to survive the Centauri persecution. Even though his ambassadorial status was taken away from him he maintained his status as the leader of B5's Narns and started working actively in the resistance.

G'Kar's hate against the Centauri diminished a bit after he assaulted Londo under the influence of 'dust'. This telepathic drug enabled him to find out all of Londo's secret's, but apparently due to an overdose, he also accidentally 'got lost' in his own mind. Unaware that he was manipulated by Ambassador Kosh, G'Kar saw a vision of his father, a being of light and an old Narn who told him that "some must be sacrificed if all are to be saved". Enlightened by this experience G’Kar didn't resist being arrested and happily served his punishment, using this time of incarceration to write down his thoughts about the war.

When B5 broke away from Earth G’Kar offered Sheridan his support and the help of all the Narn on the station. In return he was accepted into the War Council and finally found out the truth about the Shadow involvement in the Narn-Centauri war. For over a year G’Kar had not left B5, but when Michael Garibaldi disappeared in late 2260, he decided to risk his capture in order to find his friend. Unfortunately he was captured soon after. The Centauri Emperor Cartagia gave G'Kar to Londo as a gift, but still maintained his right to torture the Narn for his own amusement (this included removing G’Kar’s eye). Londo, who was conspiring against Cartagia offered G'Kar a deal - if the Narn helped him to assassinate the emperor, not only G’Kar, but the entire Narn would be free. Both Londo and G'Kar kept their promises.

Even this co-operation didn't remove all the hostilities between Londo and G’Kar. Only after they joined their forces to help Sheridan fight President Clark, did they consider each other if not friends then at least allies. They continued their co-operation when they helped Delenn create the Interstellar Alliance (with the three of them acting as the advisory board for the Alliance).

Alongside his political career G’Kar was pursuing a career as a writer. Not only was he still working on his the book he began while serving time for the assault on Londo, but he also wrote the declaration of principles for the Interstellar Alliance. Still, he felt useless and Delenn assigned him as Londo's bodyguard. At first G’Kar had no desire to act as 'a symbol of co-operation', but in the end he accepted the job and not least because it annoyed the Centauri.

G'Kar's new assignment caused misunderstandings among the Narn - they were afraid that he was going to be killed and so they decided to honour him by 'liberating' the book he had been writing for two years. By the time G'Kar returned from Centauri Prime, thousands of copies were already made and he had become a religious symbol. At first G’Kar was reluctant to accept his new role, but his friend Ta'Lon managed to persuade him into talking to his disciples.

When the Interstellar Alliance discovered evidence that the Centauri were responsible for terrorising Alliance shipping lines, G’Kar stayed on Londo's side believing that he was unaware of his government’s actions. While they were on Centauri Prime the disagreements between the Alliance and the Centauri turned into a war and G’Kar, still a member of the advisory board, was incarcerated. Now it was Londo's turn to stay by G’Kar’s side. The war (which, in fact, had been orchestrated by the Drakh) came to an end when the some of the Alliance worlds, against Sheridan's orders, attacked the Centauri capital. G’Kar too would have been among the casualties had Londo not saved him. Unaware that Londo, who would now be the emperor, had almost literally sold his soul to the Drakh in order to save his world, G’Kar returned to B5 but forgave Londo before leaving.

When returning G’Kar wrongly assumed that his followers would have got tired of him, but in fact the Centauri war had only stirred up their ecstasy. Now they wanted him to return to Narn and lead them. But G'Kar didn't crave power - he had already refused leadership once, right after the liberation of Narn a year earlier. Still, he could stay either; the station was literary filled with Narns on pilgrimage and the Narn government had threatened to boycott the Interstellar Alliance if he didn't come home. To solve his problems once and for all G’Kar decided to buy a ship and just travel around the galaxy visiting new places until he would find a way to get rid of his status as a religious icon without betraying his principles. He also got company of Lyta Alexander who was being deported from the station. Still, there was one more unfortunate incident before he was able to leave the station behind. One of his followers was enraged by his plans to abandon his people and planned to kill him. In a chaos that followed the arrest of another assassin, the Narn tried to shoot G’Kar, but the bullet took down Lise Hampton instead. Shocked by this turn of events G’Kar left B5 immediately, but not before appointing his loyal friend Ta’Lon as the New Ambassador.

During the next few years G'kar continued to work for the Interstellar Alliance. He was especially interested in the situation on Centauri Prime and he often visited there with the help of a changeling net. In 2276 he was caught, however, and remained on the planet keeping company to Londo. A year later, when the Centauri society was on the brink of destruction without even knowing it, the Drakh had G'Kar imprisoned and tortured in order to keep Londo in their leash. G'kar was eventually set free and when he visited Londo for the last time, the powerless and controlled Emperor asked for one favour. He asked G'Kar to kill him, so that Sheridan and Delenn, who were also imprisoned, could escape the planet without the Drakh knowing it. Reluctantly G'Kar agreed, but as he was strangling his friend, the Drakh keeper on Londo's shoulder awoke and took over the Emperor. After a brief struggle both the Narn and the Centauri were killed.

Kosh Naranek
Kosh was one of the most important figures in the Army of Light - he was most likely involved with it as early as in Valen's time, given that Lorien seemed to know him. Some time before the Earth-Minbari war Kosh and Ulkesh acted as liaisons between the Vorlons and the Minbari (or more precisely their leader Dukhat).

Nearly two decades later, when the inevitable war against the Shadows was only a few years away, Kosh was assigned to Babylon 5. He arrived in 2257 and immediately there was an attempt on his life. Commander Sinclair was framed for it, but in reality the attempt had been arranged by G'Kar and a group of Minbari. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt two people, Doctor Benjamin Kyle and Lyta Alexander saw Kosh outside his encountersuit. Both of them were almost immediately called back to Earth. Lyta, who had scanned Kosh, had made a special connection with him. She became so spell-bound by Kosh that she was even ready to risk her life trying to get to the Vorlon homeworld. Eventually Kosh took Lyta as his aide and had her 'enhanced' so that she would be able to carry pieces of his consciousness in her mind.

It wasn't until late 2259 that Kosh appeared in public without his encountersuit when saving Captain Sheridan who had fallen from the core-shuttle. All those who had witnessed this saw a being of light - be it Valeria, G'Lan, Droshalla or an angel - each according to his or her beliefs.

Sheridan, like Lyta developed a special relationship with Kosh. The mysterious ambassador hardly ever attended to council meetings before Sheridan arrived to Babylon 5 and already in early 2259 he contacted the captain through a dream. Some time later (but before his angelic manifestation) Kosh revealed to Sheridan the truth about Anna Sheridan's death and began teaching him how to 'fight the legends'.

When the Shadows began openly attack the younger races in 2260, Sheridan turned to Kosh for military assistance. At first Kosh refused, but Sheridan's persistence changed his mind. However, the Vorlon involvement was almost immediately revenged by Mr. Morden, whose associates killed Kosh. Still, not all of Kosh died - a piece of his consciousness moved to Sheridan's mind. Later that year, when Sheridan was trapped in Z'ha'dum, Kosh told him to jump into a deep abyss knowing that this would bring the Captain to Lorien.

After Lorien had brought Sheridan back from the dead, Kosh helped the Army of Light one more time by killing Ulkesh who had succeeded him as the Vorlon ambassador. Even this wasn't the last of Kosh - a year later, during the Brakiri day of the dead, he sent Sheridan a message ("When the long night comes, return to the end of the beginning") through Captain Lochley's dead friend Zoë.
Susan Ivanova
Witch Elf
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Susan Ivanova, the second child and only daughter of Sophie and Andrei Ivanov, was born in St. Petersburg on August 30th, 2230. Both women of the family were latent telepaths and thus constantly on the run from the Psi Corps. Ivanova, though hardly even a P1, spent her entire childhood moving from one school to another, trying to stay one step ahead of the Corps. She managed to avoid being detected, but her mother was eventually caught. Sophie chose to take sleepers rather than join the Corps, but unfortunately these drugs soon began altering her personality and in the end she killed herself. At this time the Minbari War had already began and a only year after Sophie's suicide Ivanova's older brother Ganya was killed in battle. Against her father's wishes Ivanova too joined EarthForce, but by the time she graduated from the academy in 2249, the war had already ended. The death of Sophie and Ganya, and Ivanova's choice of career estranged her from her father and the two didn't speak until 2258 when Andrei was in his death bed.

In 2250 Ivanova was transferred to Io where she served under John Sheridan. During the next few years she worked through the ranks without any connections or favours and had an excellent record. By 2258 she was already a Lieutanent-Commander and working on Babylon 5 as Commander Sinclair's second-in-command. Like most of the other officers on B5, Ivanova got along well with Sinclair and again like many of her colleagues, she too was at times willing to bend the rules.

When Sheridan replaced Sinclair as the station's commander, one of the first things he did was to promote Ivanova to the rank of Commander. This was partly because Sheridan wanted her to take over some of the secondary diplomatic tasks of his hands. Ivanova's first few diplomatic assignments included ending the fights between the purple and green Drazi and making a deal with the Lumati. She succeeded in both assignments even though she did break her leg while negotiating with the Drazi and only barely avoided having sex with the Lumati Ambassador.

Because of the grudge Ivanova had against the Psi Corps, she and Talia Winters - who was loyal to the Corps - were almost at each other's throats for the most part of 2258. The women had disagreements about the fate of the orphan teenage telepath Alisa Beldon, as well as many other rogues, but the more Talia lost faith in the Corps, the closer she and Ivanova became. Their relationship slowly progressed from friendship to love, but just as Ivanova began to understand her feelings towards Talia, Lyta Alexander revealed that the telepath was a brainwashed spy for the Psi Corps. The telepathic password Lyta used to prove this destroyed Talia's personality, replacing it with anotherone, known only as 'Control'. Talia was expelled from the station, but she had enough time to tell Ivanova that their relationship had been nothing more than an attempt to gain inside information. Still, Ivanova was not left without admirers - she was the object of the affections of both Marcus Cole and Lieutenant Corwin.

During her service on B5 Ivanova and Sheridan, who had known each other for ten years, formed a close friendship and she supported his decision to declare the station independent. When both Michael Garibaldi and the Captain disappeared in late 2260, Ivanova took over the command of the station until the men returned. Together with Lyta and Delenn she even tried to rescue Sheridan from Z'ha'dum.

During the Shadow War one of Ivanova's most important tasks was to find the rest of the First Ones and to persuade them into joining the Army of Light. The Shadow war was almost immediately followed by Earth Civil War, so Ivanova had hardly any time to rest. When Sheridan was captured by President Clark's forces in late 2261, Ivanova took over the resistance fleet. Together with Marcus she led the whitestars to a difficult battle against Clark's Shadow-enhanced ships. They won the battle, but the navigation system of Ivanova's whitestar was damaged and the ship collided with some debris. Marcus managed to get Ivanova out before the ship exploded, but she was fatally wounded and the doctors could only promise her a few days to live.

The last battles of the Civil War were still going on and Ivanova was sent back to B5 where she could be taken care of during her last days. Marcus, incurably in love with Ivanova, refused to accept her imminent death and desperately tried to find a cure. After hearing about the Alien Healing Machine he left the battle field, travelled to B5, broke into MedLab and donated all his life-energy to Ivanova. She was saved, but at the cost of his life.

Marcus' death was too much for Ivanova who had known about his feelings for a long time, but had rejected him because she had been afraid of being hurt again. With the Civil War now over Sheridan promoted her to the rank of captain and she re-joined Earthforce, taking command of a Warlock-class ship.

During the next twenty years Ivanova served Earthforce and eventually reached the rank of general. Still, she was not happy. In 2281, when Sheridan's friends had gathered to Minbar to bid farewell to the dying man, Delenn turned to Ivanova and asked her if she would take over the command of the Rangers after his death. Ivanova accepted the job, left Earthforce and moved to Minbar to become the third human Ranger One in the history of Anla'Shok.