50 coaches online • Server time: 17:41
Creatures of Myth
Coming from a pub deep in the heartland, he was introduced to a life of adventure. During this time he was bitten and turned into a foul creature. The team fear and respects his abilities on the pitch and his enemies have realized the same.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
This hideous form of a man, is know as simply the slab of flesh. An appetite for destruction, it levels it's opponents on the pitch.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Assembled from the ground up by the vile necromancer Balice Mau'lz this abomination is a terror to behold. Brute force and a demonic spirit are a fearsome combination.
Undead Nuln elector count. Fetid is as cocky as he is disgusting.
Was once a one eyed blacksmith. Pulled from his origional slumber of death to play for the team.
Once a Tilliean crossbow man. His wife sold his soul to the team. Guess he was a bad provider.
Sloppy is named for the way he devours the flesh of men. Squishy is how he sounds when sifting through the innards of his victims on the pitch.
Known only as rotter. Clearly the most flatulent of the teams roster.
He is litterally "in your head". Eats the brains of fallen opponents.
Leathal and deadly. A killing machine.
Enjoys the flavour of roasted elf. Dips in BBQ sauce.