21 coaches online • Server time: 01:47
Does Not Compute
The curse of all windows systems... THE BSOD
File error, disk error, read error...
want to try again?
Good old times... fdisk /mbr
you can be glad that there is always a backup
Shake it, shake it!!!
What's a hard drive?
lemme see... this jumper goes here and this goes there... 40 GHz here I come!!!
The famous tale of Windows reporting no error... Every tale has a true part
well, do not try to paste without copying first ;)
"typecast he said", Bill muttered under his breath," typecast is easier said than done!"
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Duh, where am I?
Archive go-o-od bye...
it was nice...
to compress you...
but oh, you had a bro-o-oken byte...
time to sa-a-ay goodbye
Sheeesh, get in... open the backdoor, then get to all his friends, muahaha