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DC HeroClix
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Faster than a speeding bullet? Check! He’s got Charge, which will at
least let him move and attack! More powerful than a locomotive? Check!
Superman can do at least 2 clicks of damage and has Super Strength to
back it up. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Check! He’s got
flight, and the Superman Allies Team Ability (including the Rookie and
Experienced versions of Superman) can ignore the effects of hindering
terrain. He’s also Impervious, and the Veteran version has Leadership
all the way down the dial!
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Batman is a great, well-rounded unit. He has good movement in
Leap/Climb, allowing him to get around the board easily. His
Incapacitate lets you slow down an attacking force, and his damage
value of 3 is excellent. His strongest ability, however, is his Willpower.
Give almost any other figure in the game two actions, and they take
aclick of damage. Not the Dark Knight! When Batman starts getting
tossed around, his Outwit ability—his never-ending talent for getting out
of trouble—comes into play.
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Pass (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Plastic Man is a great unit for tying up the enemy—and we mean that he can wrap himself around his opponent and hang on to them until bigger muscle shows up. Remember, board control is just as important as action conservation in HeroClix. Plasticity is a great ability for making an opposing figure stay where you want him, and it doesn’t cost you an action once Plastic Man is next to the target. Shapechange allows Plastic Man to maneuver, dodging attacks until you’re ready for him to beef up a bit. It’s important to remember that Perplex lets you add or subtract 1 from any combat value within 10 squares of Plastic Man, and Plastic Man is always within 10 squares of himself! Often one extra point can make the difference between a successful hit and a miss
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
+AG (40k)
+ST (50k)
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Firestorm has always been a favorite of mine, so I was happy to finally
be able to commit him to plastic for all of eternity. Since he has a
number of different abilities, I had to think about how best to represent
them. His energy blasts are definitely more powerful than his physical
strength, so I gave him a helping of Ranged Combat Expert to boost his
damage. Phasing was a no-brainer because he has the ability to pass
through solid matter, and I gave him Toughness to reflect his ability to
take damage and remain standing. Incapacitate is a power that can be
used to represent a number of powers and abilities; in this case it
simulates his matter-transforming powers. It’s versatile and allows him
to slow down opponents and damage them, if he times it right. His
range is consistently excellent and his Experienced version features the
Justice League team ability, so he’s easy to move around
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=stats&op=top10&status=active&division=1&race=5&position=2644">09/06-06 8th Active Ranked Top Star Dwarven Runner!</a href
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=stats&op=top10&status=active&division=1&race=5&position=2644">09/06-06 8th Active Ranked Most Valuable Dwarven Runner!</a href
The Flash is all about avoiding attacks while getting his own Hypersonic
Speed attack in. The Experienced and Veteran versions both have Outwit
on their first click. Turn off an opponent’s Toughness or Impervious, and
attack with Hypersonic Speed! If the Flash’s target has a defense of 15,
he could do 9 points of damage before reaching a point where he would
have to roll Critical Hits every time! Lots of dice luck is involved, but the
potential is there. If you’re not so good with the dice, use Hypersonic
Speed to run circles around your opponent while taking a quick close
combat attack. The Flash’s defenses make him a tough customer to trip
up. Super Senses provides a chance for him to dodge an attack, while
Energy Shield protects him from ranged attacks.
Thick Skull
Dauntless (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Pro (20k)
Green Lantern tosses stuff (including people) around all the time, and
what better power to show this then his Telekinesis. Stat wise, his 12
move will get him into the thick of things fast, and his other abilities will
allow him to hold his own. The Experienced and Veteran versions also
have two ranged attacks, as well as Ranged Combat Expert, so if the
Lantern does not want to just toss people around, he can fire away,
causing up to 5 damage if needed!
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Kick (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Pro (20k)
Let loose with Wonder Woman. Her Charge and Flight lets her cover the
board easily, and Super Strength let’s her pick up objects and beat
people with them! She’s strong defensively, and should be able to go
toe to toe with most common opponents.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Booster Gold is your basic flying character with a long-range attack. He’s
great for giving other characters a lift into battle and then providing cover
fire from range. His speed and range guarantee that he can cover most
of the board with little effort, so none of his enemies is safe. This is
especially true in his Experienced version, because he gains the JLA
Team Ability to move without costing you an action. His Experienced and
Veteran versions also have some Toughness, so he’ll be around for a
while. It’s not obvious as you look at the dial, but he has a lot of clicks:
seven in his first two versions and eight in his Veteran. This also
ensures that he’s on your team for the long haul.
Thick Skull
Dirty Player (20k)
Guard (20k)
The legend of the scientific super-hero, the Atom, is brought back to life
as it was originally presented in the 1960s. Reprinting the earliest
adventures of Ray Palmer and his belt of White Dwarf Star material,
which allowed him to shrink his body in size, these classic tales show
the beginnings of one of the most well-known heroes of all time. In this
collection of stories, the Atom must take on a tiny planet-hopping thief,
solve the mystery of a lingering curse from the ancient Salem Witch
Trials, and capture a communist spy attempting to steal American
defense plans.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Steel is another heavy hitter that you can rely on for good damage and a
good chance to hit—and he can fly, so he has great maneuverability. All
of his versions run very deep (eight or nine clicks!). Combine that with
his multiple clicks of Toughness, and you know he’ll be around for a
while. Offensively, he has some great options, from Super Strength to
Ranged Combat Expert to Close Combat Expert. Any way you use him,
he can deal some serious damage, and he does it for a good long time.
Thick Skull
Dirty Player (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Hawkman introduces a whole new way to play with a healthy dose of
Charge combined with flying. His Rookie version only has 1 click of
Charge, but his other two versions have 4 clicks, so you don’t have to
choose between moving and attacking—now you can do both at once!
His move of 10 (or 8 if he’s been damaged) is good, but be sure to use
diagonal movement when you can. Remember that flight lets you move
freely around and over terrain, so use the ability to your advantage. Once
Hawkman charges, he really starts to kick butt with his Close Combat
Expert. There’s nothing like a big mace in the face for 4 clicks of damage
to make an opponent stop and reconsider his tactics.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
In his damage slot, Ambush Bug alternates between Outwit and
Probability Control, and given his well lower than average attack and
damage values his role in a force will most often be that of thwarting and
harassing your opponents at a distance. While the name of the Perplex
power might lead people to believe it natural for an Ambush Bug dial, the
power is used primarily to increase combat values in HeroClix. This is
contrary to the appearances of the character, where he rarely served to
assist anyone, instead sowing chaos wherever he went, hardly helping
anyone and hindering even Superman.