38 coaches online • Server time: 11:29
FN Givers
Ryan Drunktank was hired by the FN Givers to replace Rocko Motion as the newest catcher on the team. His first day of practise, he puked all over the locker room and got in a fight with one of the assistant coaches, then hit on his 13 year old daughter. At the following press confress, the coach said this "He's gonna fit in perfect!"
Dodge (20k)
Sure Feet (20k)
This guy loves hotdogs and video games. After he retires from bb he plans to open an arcade/comic store some where in Alberta Canada. He has 4 kids with 3 different women and a large collection of mix tapes.
+AG (40k)
Safe Throw (20k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Jeff was the pride of his home town when it came to bb. Athough he looks like he would rather be smoking a fatty on his couch than be on a bb pitch with ogres and orcs trying to take his head of, that is not the case. He likes a challenge. He likes huge massive beasts chasing him all over the place....and I ain't talking about his opponents...I'm talking about his female fan base. This dude is loved by all large women...even YOUR mom.
Daryl loves to kill things. Anything. He'll kill the mood in a room just for fun. But he is a man of faith too. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell so he makes sure he forgives you for your sins before he takes your life, so that you go to heaven. God bless Daryl Slayer.
+ST (50k)
Accurate (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Paul Buckhead don't know what the hells goin' on. He's out on the pitch thinkin' he's still workin at the local gas station back at home. It's a surprise he can even throw a pass.
Kick (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Mike "down the street" got his nickname cause he use to sell "stuff " to anyone who needed it and you could find his "employees " all over town. After he booted his best friends groin so hard over...um...some debts, he decided he'd give bb a shot. Now he's kicking a balls all the time!
Strip Ball (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Sully is like the little brother you never had......and didn't want. He get's picked on in the dressing room more than anyone else. His mom was a hooker and his dad was a art teacher. Go figure.
Dauntless (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Johnny Heaven don't take s**t from no one. He'll hunt down your dad and turn him into your mom if you know what I'm sayin'. As a young boy Johnny used to light kittens on fire and toss them at moving cars from behind near by bushes. He got kicked out of school for beating up his teachers...all of them.
Jump Up
Guard (20k)
Ronnie Cooked is baked 24 - 7. He can't even remember the plays half the time. He has a restraining order from his ex wife and never knew his dad.
+AG (40k)
Pro (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Steven Rocket once stole a car sterio from a police officer's car......then sold it for weed half a block away. He now plays bloodbowl cause he says "It calms his nerves".
Larry has been in and out of re-hab so many times the people in the clinic don't even pay attention to him anymore. He was forced to play bloodbowl by a judge for some wacky reason. Kinda like in "Police Acedemy" where officer Carey Mahoney is forced to join the police, then ends up liking it in the end. It's kinda like that but....with some one who looks cooler than Steve Guttenberg.
Jump Up
Guard (20k)
Terry likes cars, women and beer. He only plays bb cause he gets to meet lots of ladies and brag about his pipes. His 32 years old but he says " he feels like he's 20".
Disturbing Presence
Wild Animal
Big Luke got his name cause of his boys downstairs not cause of his size. He is one tough dude. He joined the FN Givers cause he watched their DIEHARD FINAL preformance and was sick to his stomache. He also drank a cup full of beer and cigarette butts for $20 the night before but that's besides the point. He's here cause he says " If anyone will FN giver...It's, like, totally me dude".
+ST (50k)
Tackle (20k)
This guy hasn't taken a shower since the 5th grade...and that's the last time he went to school! Tony studies the FN Givers play book before he goes to bed, which unfortunately is about every 3 days or so.