Women of Mass Destruction
an original blitzer on the team. Maria is the wife of Darious and founder of the women of mass destruction. As team captain, Maria directs her gals to go forth and wreak havoc upon the old world.
Game 3: Drunk and dazed, Maria mistakes a dwarf head coach for a furry halfling and challenges his team....and the girls play like girls. Losing their first game and some fans, Maria gains the MVP for the "Bloodbowl Balls of Steel" award for challenging dwarves. With it, she learns how to run away faster.
An original blitzer on the team. Jenifer is Diana's younger sister, and all around ball breaker.
An original blitzer on the team. Diana's maiden game shows she's the powerhouse of the team, CASing a vampire and thrall.
Used to call her Cindy, but she changed her name to Sin. I guess that's the name of her game : )
an original blitzer on the team.
"I love to sing and make men dizzy."
"watch out, I know karote..."
an orginal linewoman on the team.
An original line-bitch on the team.
"I may be an incompetent forensic section chief, but I'm good at kissing the boss's ass when he needs it...thus I'm useful."
Her daddy works in porno, now that mommy's not around...