16 coaches online • Server time: 06:38
Skrolf's Scarmblers
Thick Skull
Mighty Blow (20k)
Pro (20k)
Although undoubtedly the finest player and all-round pro of the fledgeling Scarmblers, Zhrukk is already referred to by his team mates as Granddad, due to the rather premature onset of ageing.
Not to his face, of course.
Thick Skull
Strip Ball (20k)
Constantly overshadowed by Zhrukk despite hitting an equal amount of casualties, Zhuff has since been relegated to the backfield for his grumbling, and the continuously leaky defence of the Scarmblers sugegsts he is not best suited to the task
Son of Ernstsson, relegated to the coaching team after numerous nasty (self-inflicted) injuries.
Whether or not Ernstssonson follows in his father's footsteps remains to be seen, with both captain and coach hoping he shows rather more interest in the ball and rather less in taking on (and losing to) the biggest opposition he can find
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
Block (20k)
Pro (20k)
Living up to his name, Katchberg has taken on the mantle of chief scorer for the Scarmblers, picking up the pieces left by the clumsier bltizers on regular occasions.
He has been found lacking himself however, blowing one chance of a win after running into a brick wall, followed shortly by the crowd
Thick Skull
+MA (30k)
Following a surprising 29 seconds flat in the dwarven 100m, Gruffson has been drafted into the Scarmbler's intercepting park to replace the slowing Zhrukk
His protests that it was a one-off have been entirely ignored, of course.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Taking his time to join Arghus in the ranks of useful longbeards, Bognus nevertheless takes his place in the 'heavies' pack ahead of most of his fellow dwarfs. No-one saw it coming, except the mvp judges.
Thick Skull
Guard (20k)
Pass Block (20k)
Forming the core of the central bloc, Arghus was the first to learn the apparently mystic art of guard, and was immediately drafted in to hold the line, come chaos warriors, saurus, or a particularly determined mummy.
More for his entertainment than anything Arghus then followed up with pass block, finding it hilarious to leap and fall at ANY passing balls.
Thick Skull
Kick (20k)
The team's kicker. And that's it really; Feli's ability to kick the ball in a relatively straight line has earned him multiple mvps and the laughter of his fellow longbeards
Thick Skull
Pro (20k)
Brought in late to score the touchdowns that his fellow blitzer Ernstsson shows no interest in providing, Sverrisson had a mixed first game, putting the Scarmblers ahead against Slinkys Lizards but then blowing the chance to win it, fumbling the ball into the crowd in the 15th turn.
His captain Skolf has yet to forgive him, and he has some ground to make up to assume the position of first-choice blitzer, despite eclipsing his competitor already in the scoring stakes (not difficult)
Not one to get his hands dirty, since taking over active coaching duties from his brother Skrolf, Skolf has remained reluctant to lift his fat **** off the bench at all, preferring to shout at his increasingly fumbling players and worryingly slow star slayer.
When finally pressed into action (after his front line was clattered early on in a match), Skolf did equip himself well, and even managed to kill a chaos warrior, but he was more than happy to get back to the dug-out, and is now reportedly refusing to come out at all